Speaker Pelosi: Again!


Sep 23, 2010
Nutty Nancy is pigging out on her Clever-pills again:


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said she would rather pass amnesty legislation than get her gavel back.​

Nancy Pelosi: I'd Rather Pass Amnesty than Be Speaker
by Tony Lee

Breitbart News Network

Pelosi would kill to be speaker again. She knows that if Democrats and their media pals can intimidate Boehner & Company into giving amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens the Republicans will lose the House —— and Harry Reid and his gang will hang onto the Senate regardless of HillaryCare II. Nothing will defeat Republicans faster than amnesty for illegals. Even if nothing comes of amnesty the Democrats making wild statements about “immigration reform” takes the ACA out of the news for a time.

Now tie amnesty to this one:

The National Popular Vote effort, which could see the 14 states with the largest populations decide the presidency, is more than halfway to its goal of legally bypassing the Electoral College established in the Constitution.


The plan is more than halfway to its goal of electing future presidents via the popular vote, after Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee, an independent, signed on last July.


The NVP effort is fully partnered with a George Soros-funded election group, as WND was first to report.


The NPV is run by individuals with a history of support for the Democratic Party, WND found.

Put the popular vote in perspective:

The Founding Fathers firmly rejected a purely popular vote to elect the president, because they wanted to balance the power of the larger and smaller states.

The Electoral College was fashioned as a compromise between an election of the president by direct popular vote and election by Congress.

Democrats cannot get a constitutional amendment ratified to abolish the Electoral Collage any more than they can ratify amendments for everything else they want; so they are working on another end run. That’s what liberals do when they want to tear down the Constitution brick by brick. An end run is their only option because they know that most Americans will not change a system that has served this country so well for over two centuries just to please angry liberals.

Scheme to neutralize 36 states' votes advances
Lawmakers line up behind plan that dumps Electoral College without constitutional amendment
Published: 15 hours ago
by Aaron Klein

Scheme to neutralize 36 states? votes advances

Abolishing the Electoral College is not a new scheme with Democrats. A few years ago Al Gore was making the rounds pushing the idea. Should twenty million illegal aliens get amnesty welfare state Democrats would surely win the presidency by popular vote far into the future. Indeed, limited government would be replaced by totalitarian government forever. One need only look at the people who are working toward that end to be against it.

Older Americans generally say return America to what it used to be. Younger Americans don’t know what that means because they never had it. So older Americans must first convince younger Americans that individual liberties, property rights, and common decency give their lives the most meaning; then they must convince younger Americans that the government our Founders gave us is worth fighting for. Admittedly, those Americans who know what America used to be have a tough row to hoe.

“When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, Your child belongs to us already. . . . What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.” Adolf Hitler

I’m not exaggerating when I say that Hitler also provided a blueprint for today’s Socialists and their community. He could have been speaking for the Department of Education:

“The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human beings are still unperverted and therefore unspoiled. This Reich stands, and it is building itself up for the future, upon its youth. And this new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing.” Adolf Hitler

Finally, Democrats are still pissing and moaning about Al Gore’s defeat in 2000. Listen to Justice Scalia blow that crap out of the water:

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Just think how much fun you'll have lying about this in the future.

You've lied about what she said about reading ACA and you'll lie about this.

Carry on.
Just think how much fun you'll have lying about this in the future.

You've lied about what she said about reading ACA and you'll lie about this.

Carry on.

You are correct...

What Princess Nancy really meant about ObamaCare was....

We need to pass this steaming pile of horseshit because we have no idea what's in it.

Pelosi will get the job done, unlike Boehner.

What amendment was that Piglosi?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYk9gSH92mM]Nancy Pelosi gets her amendments confused - says First Amendment protects the right to bear arms - YouTube[/ame]
Pelosi will get the job done, unlike Boehner.

What amendment was that Piglosi?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYk9gSH92mM]Nancy Pelosi gets her amendments confused - says First Amendment protects the right to bear arms - YouTube[/ame]

To Vigilante: I love the link. It not only shows Pelosi’s stupidity it shows how Democrats are trying to make the Second Amendment about criminals when it is about this:

Nevada Militia To Feds: ‘Control Our Borders, Not Our Ranchers’
April 11, 2014 12:04 PM

Nevada Militia To Feds: ?Control Our Borders, Not Our Ranchers? « CBS Las Vegas

Every time Democrats go on another gun control rampage they should be shown this picture to remind them of why the Founders put the Second Amendment in the Constitution:


The rural Nevada showdown between federal government officials and militia members protecting rancher Cliven Bundy has evolved into a battle of government “tyranny,” with many newly arriving militiamen rolling in to draw a line in the dirt about 70 miles northeast of Las Vegas. (Photo by George Frey/Getty Images)​
I hate listening to Pelosi speak - she's a stuffed skirt.

Most of them are. Ten minutes to speak and a two minutes to carp about lack of time to talk.

Add in quotes from the bible and repetitious drivel about nothing and what do you get? Thirty seconds of "Republicans don't care."
It's not nice to make fun of retards......like Pelosi.
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This is exactly what are 2nd amendment is all about. To defend all of the others.
Seeing it in action like this does wonders, for the people of America who still want to keep them.
Without it the Feds can do anything it damn well please.
Vote Whores, all of them.

None of them have the best interests of the Nation nor its People at heart.
Just think how much fun you'll have lying about this in the future.

You've lied about what she said about reading ACA and you'll lie about this.

Carry on.

If you are talking about her saying "We have to pass the bill to find out whats in it" she indeed said it.
Just think how much fun you'll have lying about this in the future.

You've lied about what she said about reading ACA and you'll lie about this.

Carry on.

If you are talking about her saying "We have to pass the bill to find out whats in it" she indeed said it.

Of course she said it. It's on the A-list of the top 3 stupidist things ever uttered by a sentient being.(maybe , in Pelosi's case, we'd have to stretch that point) but never imagine she didn't say it. sorry, Dems, I know you like to re-write what you cannot defend but this one actually has it's own continuous joke loop.:badgrin:

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