Speaking of "socialism," isn't tax cuts for the rich and tax sheltering a form of socialism?

Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?
tax cuts are a sign of freedom,, because it allows you to keep more of your money and not give it to the government,,
So you're admitting trickle down is a lie and excuse to push tax cuts?
Money is useless if you don't spend it.

Strange how economics work and how you understand none of it.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

No, it's not a form of socialism, it is rejection of noblesse oblige based on their Greed and Gluttony; an example is the Tax Bill [tax fraud] written by the lame duck H. or Rep. and signed by trump: 2/3rds of the tax cut went to corporations and the wealthiest Americans which do not sunset, and 1/3 to the 90% of American's which will sunset in 2026.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.
just tell them its not their money,,
Tax cuts for businesses are investments...we wouldn't be shit without the kind of people that take risks in life....and the government knows this...so they provide incentives to business and corporations....it all comes back into the treasury via new taxes on their new profits.....or new hires which provides a job and income tax....
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

No, it's not a form of socialism, it is rejection of noblesse oblige based on their Greed and Gluttony; an example is the Tax Bill [tax fraud] written by the lame duck H. or Rep. and signed by trump: 2/3rds of the tax cut went to corporations and the wealthiest Americans which do not sunset, and 1/3 to the 90% of American's which will sunset in 2026.
Not to worry, our government will raise spending on those they need to buy votes from.
When has taxing the rich ever made your life better?.....people that provide your job does make your life better...you should support tax cuts for all....it helps the economy to grow....
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

No, it's not a form of socialism, it is rejection of noblesse oblige based on their Greed and Gluttony; an example is the Tax Bill [tax fraud] written by the lame duck H. or Rep. and signed by trump: 2/3rds of the tax cut went to corporations and the wealthiest Americans which do not sunset, and 1/3 to the 90% of American's which will sunset in 2026.

and 1/3 to the 90% of American's which will sunset in 2026.

Pelosi was free to write a bill to make the tax cuts permanent. She didn't.

If the Dems take both GA senate seats, how long before they make the cuts permanent?

They're looking out for the little guy, so I'm sure they'll do this quickly.

What do you think? By the end of January?
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?
Socialism is promising morons on the bottom that they will get free stuff from the rich in order to gain power and money for themselves (the promisers). In reality, it ends up that the promisers take from the middle and honest who don't bribe the forked tongue politicians making them poor eliminating the working class while making the poor poorer. The super rich that have the tax shelters pay the politicians with bribes and kickbacks so special laws are put in to protect and grow their wealth so both they and the socialist politicians both get richer.

So ergo, the tax cuts for the rich and tax shelters that you are talking are actually socialist tools invoked by socialist politicians hence why Bezos, Buffet, GATES, SOROS and others fully "support socialism" and make billions off socialism as does their political puppets all while socialist peons like yourself try to claim it is the other side doing the biding of the globalist elites. It's crazy stupid.

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