Speaking of "socialism," isn't tax cuts for the rich and tax sheltering a form of socialism?

Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?
cutting really easy,, you just do it,,
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?

It can be done and it will hurt us in the short term but it needs to be done to strengthen the nation.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?

It can be done and it will hurt us in the short term but it needs to be done to strengthen the nation.
Federal supremacists like Rye dont believe in actually fixing a problem. They believe in useless bandaids, so when they fail, the fed gov grabs even more power.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?
cutting really easy,, you just do it,,

No wonder you supported dumb donald, neither you nor he considers the consequences by "just" doing it.

Let's consider a large cut of the Federal Government. Do you understand that much of the spending goes to salaries, and would require massive job cuts? And can you understand the consequences of this singular event? Hint: See what is happening now of those those who worked on Main Street, long lines for these unemployed to get food from Food Banks, and unable to pay their rent or mortgage.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?
cutting really easy,, you just do it,,

No wonder you supported dumb donald, neither you nor he considers the consequences by "just" doing it.

Let's consider a large cut of the Federal Government. Do you understand that much of the spending goes to salaries, and would require massive job cuts? And can you understand the consequences of this singular event? Hint: See what is happening now of those those who worked on Main Street, long lines for these unemployed to get food from Food Banks, and unable to pay their rent or mortgage.
That stuff should have NEVER existed in the first place, Rye.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?
cutting really easy,, you just do it,,

No wonder you supported dumb donald, neither you nor he considers the consequences by "just" doing it.

Let's consider a large cut of the Federal Government. Do you understand that much of the spending goes to salaries, and would require massive job cuts? And can you understand the consequences of this singular event? Hint: See what is happening now of those those who worked on Main Street, long lines for these unemployed to get food from Food Banks, and unable to pay their rent or mortgage.
I didnt support trump,, one reason was because he refuse to cut spending,,,
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?
I understand what you are implying (or think I do) but neither are actually socialism. The right tend to call things like Medicare "socialism" even though not only are they not really socialistic but the people decrying them are often getting benefits from what they complain of.

Tax cuts and shelters are just legal means to allow people benefitting from social spending to continue to benefit while paying less, while their fellow citizens pay the same, or even more. That's why "conservatives" like Reagan or Goldwater want the tax base to be as broad as possible, so everyone "has skin in the game" as Obama put it. The rub comes from the fact that the left wants the richer to pay a greater % while the right sometimes concedes that progressive taxes are good, but then like Moscow Mitch use the dark of night to cover up tax cuts that provide greater benefit per citizen to those with more money.

Medicare is not socialism. IF you live in Fla or Ariz retirement communities, likely your doctor will treat you with the same stuff you'd get in NYC, but for a lot less. Medicaid might sort of be more like real socialism because pretty much every doc gets what the state says he gets per procedure …. but not everybody is on Medicaid. Obama's Medicaid expansion was one reason I didn't like Obamacare. But to be fair, gop pols are pretty open to expanding Medicaid so long as they can levy taxes on consumers of booze and smokes and stuff like that.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?

It can be done and it will hurt us in the short term but it needs to be done to strengthen the nation.
Federal supremacists like Rye dont believe in actually fixing a problem. They believe in useless bandaids, so when they fail, the fed gov grabs even more power.

Oh bullshit. Cutting the Federal Budget by 25% or 50% will exacerbate our problems, problems created by the series of tax cuts over the past 40 years. Try if you can, which I find doubtful, to consider the consequences of mass cuts. There will be massive cost-deficits to such an idiotic plan.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?

It can be done and it will hurt us in the short term but it needs to be done to strengthen the nation.
Federal supremacists like Rye dont believe in actually fixing a problem. They believe in useless bandaids, so when they fail, the fed gov grabs even more power.

Oh bullshit. Cutting the Federal Budget by 25% or 50% will exacerbate our problems, problems created by the series of tax cuts over the past 40 years. Try if you can, which I find doubtful, to consider the consequences of mass cuts. There will be massive cost-deficits to such an idiotic plan.
Most of our problems have been CAUSED by our massive federal government. The mother fucker shouldnt be 30% of what it is today.
I dont care about short term problems when you ACTUALLY FIX a problem. You have to look past the shrubs to see the forest.
Thats what you duopoly worshipping statists dont understand. The dipshits you vote for dont FIX anything.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?

It can be done and it will hurt us in the short term but it needs to be done to strengthen the nation.
Federal supremacists like Rye dont believe in actually fixing a problem. They believe in useless bandaids, so when they fail, the fed gov grabs even more power.

Oh bullshit. Cutting the Federal Budget by 25% or 50% will exacerbate our problems, problems created by the series of tax cuts over the past 40 years. Try if you can, which I find doubtful, to consider the consequences of mass cuts. There will be massive cost-deficits to such an idiotic plan.
wrong again,, there are lots of jobs available that would benefit the country more that shuffling papers for the government,,,

we can start with public sanitation and growing food,,
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?

It can be done and it will hurt us in the short term but it needs to be done to strengthen the nation.
Federal supremacists like Rye dont believe in actually fixing a problem. They believe in useless bandaids, so when they fail, the fed gov grabs even more power.

Oh bullshit. Cutting the Federal Budget by 25% or 50% will exacerbate our problems, problems created by the series of tax cuts over the past 40 years. Try if you can, which I find doubtful, to consider the consequences of mass cuts. There will be massive cost-deficits to such an idiotic plan.

Short term it hurts, long term it helps strengthen the nation.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?
cutting really easy,, you just do it,,

No wonder you supported dumb donald, neither you nor he considers the consequences by "just" doing it.

Let's consider a large cut of the Federal Government. Do you understand that much of the spending goes to salaries, and would require massive job cuts? And can you understand the consequences of this singular event? Hint: See what is happening now of those those who worked on Main Street, long lines for these unemployed to get food from Food Banks, and unable to pay their rent or mortgage.
I didnt support trump,, one reason was because he refuse to cut spending,,,

Name a politicritter that actually does.
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?
cutting really easy,, you just do it,,

No wonder you supported dumb donald, neither you nor he considers the consequences by "just" doing it.

Let's consider a large cut of the Federal Government. Do you understand that much of the spending goes to salaries, and would require massive job cuts? And can you understand the consequences of this singular event? Hint: See what is happening now of those those who worked on Main Street, long lines for these unemployed to get food from Food Banks, and unable to pay their rent or mortgage.
I didnt support trump,, one reason was because he refuse to cut spending,,,

Name a politicritter that actually does.
rand paul,,
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?
cutting really easy,, you just do it,,

No wonder you supported dumb donald, neither you nor he considers the consequences by "just" doing it.

Let's consider a large cut of the Federal Government. Do you understand that much of the spending goes to salaries, and would require massive job cuts? And can you understand the consequences of this singular event? Hint: See what is happening now of those those who worked on Main Street, long lines for these unemployed to get food from Food Banks, and unable to pay their rent or mortgage.
I didnt support trump,, one reason was because he refuse to cut spending,,,

Name a politicritter that actually does.
rand paul,,

Has he actually been successful, or does he just talk about it?
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?
cutting really easy,, you just do it,,

No wonder you supported dumb donald, neither you nor he considers the consequences by "just" doing it.

Let's consider a large cut of the Federal Government. Do you understand that much of the spending goes to salaries, and would require massive job cuts? And can you understand the consequences of this singular event? Hint: See what is happening now of those those who worked on Main Street, long lines for these unemployed to get food from Food Banks, and unable to pay their rent or mortgage.
I didnt support trump,, one reason was because he refuse to cut spending,,,

Name a politicritter that actually does.
rand paul,,

Has he actually been successful, or does he just talk about it?
you didnt ask for successful,,,

he votes that way,,
Or am I just exaggerating like most Republicans do when they scream socialism and China at everything?

Tax cuts for the rich is not a good idea until we get our spending under control. Getting rid of corporate welfare, cut spending by 25% across the board, and then raise taxes on all Americans, we got there together, we need to dig ourselves out together.
we didnt get there together,, we were forced by dems and repubes,, they should pay the difference,,

While I don't disagree, it is going to take everyone to get us out of this mess. We really need to start by cutting government spending but Congress won't do the unpopular, party over country is their motto.
unless fed government is cut by minimum of 50% everything else is a waste of time,,

I tend to agree, I have been calling for a 25% cut however people hate the thought of their money drying up.

Calling for 25% or 50% cutting is easy to say, but very hard to do. In fact nearly impossible. But that is not something that will happen, but what needs to be considered is what cuts will be a cost-benefit or a cost-deficit?
cutting really easy,, you just do it,,

No wonder you supported dumb donald, neither you nor he considers the consequences by "just" doing it.

Let's consider a large cut of the Federal Government. Do you understand that much of the spending goes to salaries, and would require massive job cuts? And can you understand the consequences of this singular event? Hint: See what is happening now of those those who worked on Main Street, long lines for these unemployed to get food from Food Banks, and unable to pay their rent or mortgage.
I didnt support trump,, one reason was because he refuse to cut spending,,,

Name a politicritter that actually does.
rand paul,,

Has he actually been successful, or does he just talk about it?
you didnt ask for successful,,,

he votes that way,,

See, that's the difference. Politicos talk a good game about cutting spending. Mostly they're all full of shit.

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