Speaking of Voter Fraud


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Speaking of voter fraud......let's require everyone to get a photo ID....in the meantime, let's make the voting machines register a GOP vote regardless of what the voter chooses. Sounds fair to me.....:ack-1:

A voter in Guilfrord County, attempting to take advantage of early voting in North Carolina, told the News-Record that the voting machine he used repeatedly switched his vote for a Democrat to a vote for her Republican opponent.

Percy Bostick, 69, of Greensboro said he tried casting a vote for Democrat Kay Hagan — who is locked in a tight battle with her GOP opponent — however the machine, located in the Old Guilford County Courthouse — assigned his vote to Republican Thom Tillis.

“I called one of the poll workers over,” Bostick explained. “She said do it again. And again, I touched the screen at the proper place for Kay Hagan, and it again reported it for Thom Tillis.”

According to Bostick, the machine finally recorded his vote for Hagan on the fourth attempt.

A poll worker then stepped in and cancelled Bostick’s ballot altogether and directed him to another machine which registered his vote correctly. The problematic machine was taken out of service.

On Wednesday a voter using a machine at the Craft Recreation Center in Greensboro experienced the same problem with their vote going to Tillis.

North Carolina voters report voting machines switching their votes to GOP candidate
the machine finally recorded his vote for Hagan on the fourth attempt.

Hopefully, people are paying attention but I doubt it.
Sounds to me like someone tampered with them.....what a coincidence. If the machine was registering a Dem vote when someone was voting Rep.....we would have the entire Tea Party and Sara Palin on Faux News screaming "Fraud, Fraud" and everyone else chirping in here....but instead.....silence.........:)
Yepp, machines sometimes screw up. But unlike Righties, we Lefties do not see it as an evil "Obama plan", but rather, a machine failure.

Why? Because we are sensible people.

Learn, Righties, learn.
Why? Because it's always in your favor.
Sounds to me like someone tampered with them.....what a coincidence. If the machine was registering a Dem vote when someone was voting Rep.....we would have the entire Tea Party and Sara Palin on Faux News screaming "Fraud, Fraud" and everyone else chirping in here....but instead.....silence.........:)

Time for Baby Jimmy to do one of undercover "investigations".


Lot of whistling past the graveyard in anticipation of voting day. :uhoh3:

Why don't you want voting to be legal and accurate?
Lot of whistling past the graveyard in anticipation of voting day. :uhoh3:
Yepp, machines sometimes screw up. But unlike Righties, we Lefties do not see it as an evil "Obama plan", but rather, a machine failure.

Why? Because we are sensible people.

Learn, Righties, learn.
Why? Because it's always in your favor.

Really? Registering a GOP vote when the person is voting Dem is in our favor? Are you confused?:confused-84:

In case you can't read, this is about Voter Fraud. If you want to talk about something else, start your own thread.....:)
I am replying to the OP. I don't believe the author of the article is credible. So I'll respond in that manner...............

Do you have other sources that aren't from a left wing hack.

In case you can't read, this is about Voter Fraud. If you want to talk about something else, start your own thread.....:)
I am replying to the OP. I don't believe the author of the article is credible. So I'll respond in that manner...............

Do you have other sources that aren't from a left wing hack.

If you are expecting Faux News to report it, you aren't going to get your wish.
But surely John Mason is not going to suit you either?

North Carolina voters report voting machines switching their votes to GOP candidate John Oliver Mason
Sounds to me like someone tampered with them.....what a coincidence. If the machine was registering a Dem vote when someone was voting Rep.....we would have the entire Tea Party and Sara Palin on Faux News screaming "Fraud, Fraud" and everyone else chirping in here....but instead.....silence.........:)

sarahpalin? again?

the desperation mounts...

In case you can't read, this is about Voter Fraud. If you want to talk about something else, start your own thread.....:)
I am replying to the OP. I don't believe the author of the article is credible. So I'll respond in that manner...............

Do you have other sources that aren't from a left wing hack.

If you are expecting Faux News to report it, you aren't going to get your wish.
But surely John Mason is not going to suit you either?

North Carolina voters report voting machines switching their votes to GOP candidate John Oliver Mason

I checked other local outlets and they are reporting the same............so I'll retract my original statement................

Who calibrates the machines there and who verifies they are functioning properly.

In case you can't read, this is about Voter Fraud. If you want to talk about something else, start your own thread.....:)
I am replying to the OP. I don't believe the author of the article is credible. So I'll respond in that manner...............

Do you have other sources that aren't from a left wing hack.

If you are expecting Faux News to report it, you aren't going to get your wish.
But surely John Mason is not going to suit you either?

North Carolina voters report voting machines switching their votes to GOP candidate John Oliver Mason

LMAO.."faux news" :rolleyes: how original!..did you just make that up?

and "sarahpalin"? ....you guys march in lockstep. :salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute:
Yepp, machines sometimes screw up. But unlike Righties, we Lefties do not see it as an evil "Obama plan", but rather, a machine failure.

Why? Because we are sensible people.

Learn, Righties, learn.
Sounds like your lefty friend there indeed does think it's more than a machine failure. :biggrin:
LMAO.."faux news" :rolleyes: how original!..did you just make that up?

and "sarahpalin"? ....you guys march in lockstep. :salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute:

Sounds to me like someone tampered with them.....what a coincidence. If the machine was registering a Dem vote when someone was voting Rep.....we would have the entire Tea Party and Sara Palin on Faux News screaming "Fraud, Fraud" and everyone else chirping in here....but instead.....silence.........:)

sarahpalin? again?

the desperation mounts...

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