Special Ben Has to be The One of The Dumbest Smart Guys in America

It's called cutting and splicing.
Carson actually said that he does not know where the Balkans are? You got a link?

Oh Gawd, don't tell me there's a geography test required to be elected President! :eek:

Look, a Democrat once claimed he was seriously worried that if the US put more troops on Guam the ISLAND might tip over. Whatever.....

There you go, a bad Democrat means we can have a bad Republican. Damn brilliant there old boy.
So he did not know that the Baltic states were already part of NATO that is different than saying he did not know where they are.
MSNBC Carefully, Shamelessly Edits Out All Woman-Praising Context Out of Huckabee's 'Uncle Sugar' Remarks

During Obama's campaign run in 2008 he declared that he had visited all 57 (FIFTY SEVEN) STATES.


So by Liberals standards, Obama is a completely ignorant dumbass who was and always has been un-qualified to be President!

Thanks for clarifying that, Libs!
Smart, accomplished black people who go off of the Democrat Plantation terrify nuhuh.

Just sayin'.

What terrifies me is someone so smart to say "an infallible God created my brain and eyes" says the idiot in glasses.
Yeah, I forgot...you are not only a racist, intolerant Liberal but you are also an atheist who goes ape-shi-ite crazy because someone believes in something you don't think exists! :laugh:
Ben Carson earned the title of this thread. May I remind you that in 90 responses no one has defended Carson beyond the media twists things. Bush surrounded himself with the stupidest people possible, people who nearly wrecked this country. I challenge you to defend any of them for my money they all belong in front of the Hague special prosecutor.

Yes we are defending Carson by saying that the media twists his words.
We agree with a lot of what he says.
It is Obama and the progressives in both parties who is wrecking this country.

How the hell do you twist a video? You may agree with a lot he says but how do you excuse the stupid stuff he says?
You live in an alternate reality, you complain about Obama and progressives but run to a man with zero experience in government a man who doesn't even know where the Balkans are.

It's called cutting and splicing.
Carson actually said that he does not know where the Balkans are? You got a link?

Of course.

"During a discussion about Russian aggression in Ukraine, Hewitt asked Carson whether we should "have that sort of commitment, that if [Russian President] Putin makes a move on the Baltic states we'd go to war?"

"Well, if we have them involved in NATO," Carson replied. "We need to convince them to get involved in NATO and strengthen NATO."

The problem? The Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania - are already in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a security alliance that commits all its members to respond to an attack on one member.

Hewitt quickly pointed out Carson's error. "Well, the Baltics, they are in NATO," he said. Carson was spared the need to respond by a commercial break."
Ben Carson stumbles over questions about NATO, al Qaeda

Now do you have proof of cutting and splicing?

So he did not know that the Baltic states were already part of NATO that is different than saying he did not know where they are.
MSNBC Carefully, Shamelessly Edits Out All Woman-Praising Context Out of Huckabee's 'Uncle Sugar' Remarks

It is essentially the same thing. Also we're talking Ben Carson so relevant material concerning him would be appreciated.
Obamacare passed
You think one in three is a majority?

What the hail do Liberals know about 'Majority'?

The MINORITY (liberals) who supported the ACA rammed it into law despite the fact the majority of Americans opposed it. Despite the fact that a bi-partisan 66% of Congress and 78% of the American people opposed Obama's horrendous Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty Obama still imposed his 'edict'. Math / percentages are something Liberals just don't give a crap about - it's all about their agenda.
Obamacare passed witha 60% majority

Overwhelming support
Obamacare passed without a single gop vote & Obama had to BRIBE his own party members with cash kickbacks to pass it.

There is nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. It refers to representatives of the STATES

Over 60% of the representatives of the STATES voted for Obamacare...overwhelming support

Not one Republican voted for Obama Care and at the time it was voted on the Majority of Americans did not want it for different reasons.
It is one of the many reasons the Dems lost the house in 2010.
Study: Yep, Obamacare probably cost Democrats the House
The study ran 10,000 simulations of a scenario in which all vulnerable Democrats voted against the health care bill and found that the rejections would have saved Democrats an average of 25 seats, which would have made the House parties close to a tie. (Republicans won 63 seats overall, but the study suggests around 25 of them would have been salvaged.)

House Democratic whip Steny Hoyer also recently acknowledged that Obamacare was “clearly a liability” in the last election.

In 62 percent of the simulations, Democrats were able to keep the House.

The study uses district-level data to show that the vote created “ideological distance” between the Democratic members of Congress and the median voters in their districts, compared with similar districts where the Democratic incumbent voted against the bill.

“Democratic incumbents who supported health care reform were seen as more liberal on average by their constituents than those who did not,” the study says.
Smart, accomplished black people who go off of the Democrat Plantation terrify nuhuh.

Just sayin'.

What terrifies me is someone so smart to say "an infallible God created my brain and eyes" says the idiot in glasses.
Yeah, I forgot...you are not only a racist, intolerant Liberal but you are also an atheist who goes ape-shi-ite crazy because someone believes in something you don't think exists! :laugh:

Well you haven't proven anyone is a racist and now you accuse me of being an atheist which isn't true either. Kind of sad to see you run out of gas but then you didn't have much to start with.
Obamacare passed
What the hail do Liberals know about 'Majority'?

The MINORITY (liberals) who supported the ACA rammed it into law despite the fact the majority of Americans opposed it. Despite the fact that a bi-partisan 66% of Congress and 78% of the American people opposed Obama's horrendous Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty Obama still imposed his 'edict'. Math / percentages are something Liberals just don't give a crap about - it's all about their agenda.
Obamacare passed witha 60% majority

Overwhelming support
Obamacare passed without a single gop vote & Obama had to BRIBE his own party members with cash kickbacks to pass it.

There is nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. It refers to representatives of the STATES

Over 60% of the representatives of the STATES voted for Obamacare...overwhelming support
What's the weather like in The Twilight Zone?

You are welcome to show me anywhere in the Constitution where it talks about majorities of parties needed for anything

We elect Representatives of STATES
It is the majority of these representatives that pass laws

Obamacare received 60%
After monetary bribes. Is that in the constitution too?
Yes we are defending Carson by saying that the media twists his words.
We agree with a lot of what he says.
It is Obama and the progressives in both parties who is wrecking this country.

How the hell do you twist a video? You may agree with a lot he says but how do you excuse the stupid stuff he says?
You live in an alternate reality, you complain about Obama and progressives but run to a man with zero experience in government a man who doesn't even know where the Balkans are.

It's called cutting and splicing.
Carson actually said that he does not know where the Balkans are? You got a link?

Of course.

"During a discussion about Russian aggression in Ukraine, Hewitt asked Carson whether we should "have that sort of commitment, that if [Russian President] Putin makes a move on the Baltic states we'd go to war?"

"Well, if we have them involved in NATO," Carson replied. "We need to convince them to get involved in NATO and strengthen NATO."

The problem? The Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania - are already in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a security alliance that commits all its members to respond to an attack on one member.

Hewitt quickly pointed out Carson's error. "Well, the Baltics, they are in NATO," he said. Carson was spared the need to respond by a commercial break."
Ben Carson stumbles over questions about NATO, al Qaeda

Now do you have proof of cutting and splicing?

So he did not know that the Baltic states were already part of NATO that is different than saying he did not know where they are.
MSNBC Carefully, Shamelessly Edits Out All Woman-Praising Context Out of Huckabee's 'Uncle Sugar' Remarks

It is essentially the same thing. Also we're talking Ben Carson so relevant material concerning him would be appreciated.

No it is not the same thing.
You were the one who asked for proof of cutting and splicing so I gave you an example. They do it to all the Republican candidates who are not liberal enough for them.
Well you haven't proven anyone is a racist ...

Maybe that's the problem - Liberals are too stupid to know when they are being 'racist', possibly because they have no idea what 'racism' means...which could explain why whenever anyone condemns a specific Obama policy Liberals call them 'racists'.

Yeah, 'Special Ben' is a term of endearment! You are so full of 'Liberal', which is synonymous with 'shi-ite'! :laugh:
Obamacare passed
You think one in three is a majority?

What the hail do Liberals know about 'Majority'?

The MINORITY (liberals) who supported the ACA rammed it into law despite the fact the majority of Americans opposed it. Despite the fact that a bi-partisan 66% of Congress and 78% of the American people opposed Obama's horrendous Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty Obama still imposed his 'edict'. Math / percentages are something Liberals just don't give a crap about - it's all about their agenda.
Obamacare passed witha 60% majority

Overwhelming support
Obamacare passed without a single gop vote & Obama had to BRIBE his own party members with cash kickbacks to pass it.

There is nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. It refers to representatives of the STATES

Over 60% of the representatives of the STATES voted for Obamacare...overwhelming support

Not one Republican voted for Obama Care and at the time it was voted on the Majority of Americans did not want it for different reasons.
It is one of the many reasons the Dems lost the house in 2010.
Study: Yep, Obamacare probably cost Democrats the House
The study ran 10,000 simulations of a scenario in which all vulnerable Democrats voted against the health care bill and found that the rejections would have saved Democrats an average of 25 seats, which would have made the House parties close to a tie. (Republicans won 63 seats overall, but the study suggests around 25 of them would have been salvaged.)

House Democratic whip Steny Hoyer also recently acknowledged that Obamacare was “clearly a liability” in the last election.

In 62 percent of the simulations, Democrats were able to keep the House.

The study uses district-level data to show that the vote created “ideological distance” between the Democratic members of Congress and the median voters in their districts, compared with similar districts where the Democratic incumbent voted against the bill.

“Democratic incumbents who supported health care reform were seen as more liberal on average by their constituents than those who did not,” the study says.

So what's your point? Democrats were abundantly aware of those scenarios but only had one opportunity to effect change. If they waited they would not have a large enough majority to make anything happen. It was a conscious decision.
How the hell do you twist a video? You may agree with a lot he says but how do you excuse the stupid stuff he says?
You live in an alternate reality, you complain about Obama and progressives but run to a man with zero experience in government a man who doesn't even know where the Balkans are.

It's called cutting and splicing.
Carson actually said that he does not know where the Balkans are? You got a link?

Of course.

"During a discussion about Russian aggression in Ukraine, Hewitt asked Carson whether we should "have that sort of commitment, that if [Russian President] Putin makes a move on the Baltic states we'd go to war?"

"Well, if we have them involved in NATO," Carson replied. "We need to convince them to get involved in NATO and strengthen NATO."

The problem? The Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania - are already in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a security alliance that commits all its members to respond to an attack on one member.

Hewitt quickly pointed out Carson's error. "Well, the Baltics, they are in NATO," he said. Carson was spared the need to respond by a commercial break."
Ben Carson stumbles over questions about NATO, al Qaeda

Now do you have proof of cutting and splicing?

So he did not know that the Baltic states were already part of NATO that is different than saying he did not know where they are.
MSNBC Carefully, Shamelessly Edits Out All Woman-Praising Context Out of Huckabee's 'Uncle Sugar' Remarks

It is essentially the same thing. Also we're talking Ben Carson so relevant material concerning him would be appreciated.

No it is not the same thing.
You were the one who asked for proof of cutting and splicing so I gave you an example. They do it to all the Republican candidates who are not liberal enough for them.

Not knowing the location of NATO countries is pretty critical and I asked for proof of cutting and splicing of Ben Carson videos since he is the subject of the discussion.
Well you haven't proven anyone is a racist ...

Maybe that's the problem - Liberals are too stupid to know when they are being 'racist', possibly because they have no idea what 'racism' means...which could explain why whenever anyone condemns a specific Obama policy Liberals call them 'racists'.

Yeah, 'Special Ben' is a term of endearment! You are so full of 'Liberal', which is synonymous with 'shi-ite'! :laugh:

Well you have failed to show a single thing that might be racist. "special Ben" is an insult to his intelligence which is sorely lacking in way too many instances.
It's called cutting and splicing.
Carson actually said that he does not know where the Balkans are? You got a link?

Of course.

"During a discussion about Russian aggression in Ukraine, Hewitt asked Carson whether we should "have that sort of commitment, that if [Russian President] Putin makes a move on the Baltic states we'd go to war?"

"Well, if we have them involved in NATO," Carson replied. "We need to convince them to get involved in NATO and strengthen NATO."

The problem? The Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania - are already in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a security alliance that commits all its members to respond to an attack on one member.

Hewitt quickly pointed out Carson's error. "Well, the Baltics, they are in NATO," he said. Carson was spared the need to respond by a commercial break."
Ben Carson stumbles over questions about NATO, al Qaeda

Now do you have proof of cutting and splicing?

So he did not know that the Baltic states were already part of NATO that is different than saying he did not know where they are.
MSNBC Carefully, Shamelessly Edits Out All Woman-Praising Context Out of Huckabee's 'Uncle Sugar' Remarks

It is essentially the same thing. Also we're talking Ben Carson so relevant material concerning him would be appreciated.

No it is not the same thing.
You were the one who asked for proof of cutting and splicing so I gave you an example. They do it to all the Republican candidates who are not liberal enough for them.

Not knowing the location of NATO countries is pretty critical and I asked for proof of cutting and splicing of Ben Carson videos since he is the subject of the discussion.

Where was it said that he did not know where they were located?
Seems just as much a gaff in not knowing they were already in NATO than our current President who thought there were 57 States.
President Obama was just as inexperienced in Foreign Policies.
The difference is that Carson will listen to his advisers unlike our current President who ignores them.

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