Special Ben Has to be The One of The Dumbest Smart Guys in America

Each state elects their representative and 60% of State representatives voted for Obamacare

The fact that you keep dodging is that the Liberals were a few seats shy of a Super-Majority. The issue they were championing was one only a MINORITY in the United States wanted / supported. So Liberals, pushing a Liberal agenda supported by a MINORITY of the American people (which means these Liberal politicians were ignoring the MAJORITY of their constituents) , rammed this majority-opposed legislation into law while declaring to the American people, "F* YOU, you do not have the RIGHT to know what is in the legislation until we pass it....then Un-Constitutionally exempt OUSELVES from it!"

That's kind of a very important point that you are leaving out.....
So he did not know that the Baltic states were already part of NATO that is different than saying he did not know where they are.
MSNBC Carefully, Shamelessly Edits Out All Woman-Praising Context Out of Huckabee's 'Uncle Sugar' Remarks

It is essentially the same thing. Also we're talking Ben Carson so relevant material concerning him would be appreciated.

No it is not the same thing.
You were the one who asked for proof of cutting and splicing so I gave you an example. They do it to all the Republican candidates who are not liberal enough for them.

Not knowing the location of NATO countries is pretty critical and I asked for proof of cutting and splicing of Ben Carson videos since he is the subject of the discussion.

Where was it said that he did not know where they were located?
Seems just as much a gaff in not knowing they were already in NATO than our current President who thought there were 57 States.
President Obama was just as inexperienced in Foreign Policies.
The difference is that Carson will listen to his advisers unlike our current President who ignores them.

He had to be reminded by Hugh Hewitt that they were already part of NATO. So he didn't know they were part of NATO or where they were located in relation to the question. Had he known either he would have been able to answer the question without embarrassment.
So his answer puts him in the same league as Obama and you really want to go with that?
You have no idea what Carson will do and if he doesn't know, why in the devil would you trust an adviser to do his job as president?

All of our Presidents have had advisers.
Our better Presidents have used them not ignored them.
I know that Carson would use the advise of the top military and not ignore then like Obama does.
Ben should lose that bowtie before the GOP convention to avoid all those awkward drink refill moments.
Ding, ding, ding...we have a 'winner'! Congratulations, YOU, sir, are out 'Most Racist Post in the Thread' award winner! :banana:
So blatant!.
Ha ha, notice I said the Republican convention where the last black guy who showed up got peanuts thrown at him.
Where do you racists even come up with this stuff? Nasty!
Actual incident, actually happened. Report: Black CNN Camerawoman Had Nuts Thrown at Her at GOP Convention, Assailant Shouted "This Is How We Feed Animals"
I'm talking about your nasty fantasy about Carson, of course.

Plenty of racists on both ends of the spectrum from which you could draw anecdotal evidence.

I wonder why you want to fan the flames like that.

Just kidding, I know why.
Obamacare passed
What the hail do Liberals know about 'Majority'?

The MINORITY (liberals) who supported the ACA rammed it into law despite the fact the majority of Americans opposed it. Despite the fact that a bi-partisan 66% of Congress and 78% of the American people opposed Obama's horrendous Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty Obama still imposed his 'edict'. Math / percentages are something Liberals just don't give a crap about - it's all about their agenda.
Obamacare passed witha 60% majority

Overwhelming support
Obamacare passed without a single gop vote & Obama had to BRIBE his own party members with cash kickbacks to pass it.

There is nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. It refers to representatives of the STATES

Over 60% of the representatives of the STATES voted for Obamacare...overwhelming support

Not one Republican voted for Obama Care and at the time it was voted on the Majority of Americans did not want it for different reasons.
It is one of the many reasons the Dems lost the house in 2010.
Study: Yep, Obamacare probably cost Democrats the House
The study ran 10,000 simulations of a scenario in which all vulnerable Democrats voted against the health care bill and found that the rejections would have saved Democrats an average of 25 seats, which would have made the House parties close to a tie. (Republicans won 63 seats overall, but the study suggests around 25 of them would have been salvaged.)

House Democratic whip Steny Hoyer also recently acknowledged that Obamacare was “clearly a liability” in the last election.

In 62 percent of the simulations, Democrats were able to keep the House.

The study uses district-level data to show that the vote created “ideological distance” between the Democratic members of Congress and the median voters in their districts, compared with similar districts where the Democratic incumbent voted against the bill.

“Democratic incumbents who supported health care reform were seen as more liberal on average by their constituents than those who did not,” the study says.

What do Republicans or Democrats have to do with it?
Senators vote as the "Senator from New Mexico" not as "The Republican from New Mexico"

Each state elects their representative and 60% of State representatives voted for Obamacare

President Obama was reelected in 2012 and received more votes than the Republican Congressment elected in either 2010 or 2014.

The people have spoken

The majority of the people spoke out against Obama care and they were ignored.
Thus most of the 60% of the State representatives lost their seats.
The people have spoken.
Each state elects their representative and 60% of State representatives voted for Obamacare

The fact that you keep dodging is that the Liberals were a few seats shy of a Super-Majority. The issue they were championing was one only a MINORITY in the United States wanted / supported. So Liberals, pushing a Liberal agenda supported by a MINORITY of the American people (which means these Liberal politicians were ignoring the MAJORITY of their constituents) , rammed this majority-opposed legislation into law while declaring to the American people, "F* YOU, you do not have the RIGHT to know what is in the legislation until we pass it....then Un-Constitutionally exempt OUSELVES from it!"

That's kind of a very important point that you are leaving out.....

Evidently not since 60% of the states representatives supported Obamacare

Nowhere in our Constitution does it mention opinion polls. The only opinion polls are the elections selecting each states Representatives. Obamacare was supported by 60% of those representatives. An overwhelming majority
Obamacare passed
Obamacare passed witha 60% majority

Overwhelming support
Obamacare passed without a single gop vote & Obama had to BRIBE his own party members with cash kickbacks to pass it.

There is nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. It refers to representatives of the STATES

Over 60% of the representatives of the STATES voted for Obamacare...overwhelming support

Not one Republican voted for Obama Care and at the time it was voted on the Majority of Americans did not want it for different reasons.
It is one of the many reasons the Dems lost the house in 2010.
Study: Yep, Obamacare probably cost Democrats the House
The study ran 10,000 simulations of a scenario in which all vulnerable Democrats voted against the health care bill and found that the rejections would have saved Democrats an average of 25 seats, which would have made the House parties close to a tie. (Republicans won 63 seats overall, but the study suggests around 25 of them would have been salvaged.)

House Democratic whip Steny Hoyer also recently acknowledged that Obamacare was “clearly a liability” in the last election.

In 62 percent of the simulations, Democrats were able to keep the House.

The study uses district-level data to show that the vote created “ideological distance” between the Democratic members of Congress and the median voters in their districts, compared with similar districts where the Democratic incumbent voted against the bill.

“Democratic incumbents who supported health care reform were seen as more liberal on average by their constituents than those who did not,” the study says.

What do Republicans or Democrats have to do with it?
Senators vote as the "Senator from New Mexico" not as "The Republican from New Mexico"

Each state elects their representative and 60% of State representatives voted for Obamacare

President Obama was reelected in 2012 and received more votes than the Republican Congressment elected in either 2010 or 2014.

The people have spoken

The majority of the people spoke out against Obama care and they were ignored.
Thus most of the 60% of the State representatives lost their seats.
The people have spoken.

The same electorate overwhelmingly supported the reelection of Obama. More voters voted for Obama than all those Republican congressmen combined
Obamacare passed
Obamacare passed witha 60% majority

Overwhelming support
Obamacare passed without a single gop vote & Obama had to BRIBE his own party members with cash kickbacks to pass it.

There is nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. It refers to representatives of the STATES

Over 60% of the representatives of the STATES voted for Obamacare...overwhelming support

Not one Republican voted for Obama Care and at the time it was voted on the Majority of Americans did not want it for different reasons.
It is one of the many reasons the Dems lost the house in 2010.
Study: Yep, Obamacare probably cost Democrats the House
The study ran 10,000 simulations of a scenario in which all vulnerable Democrats voted against the health care bill and found that the rejections would have saved Democrats an average of 25 seats, which would have made the House parties close to a tie. (Republicans won 63 seats overall, but the study suggests around 25 of them would have been salvaged.)

House Democratic whip Steny Hoyer also recently acknowledged that Obamacare was “clearly a liability” in the last election.

In 62 percent of the simulations, Democrats were able to keep the House.

The study uses district-level data to show that the vote created “ideological distance” between the Democratic members of Congress and the median voters in their districts, compared with similar districts where the Democratic incumbent voted against the bill.

“Democratic incumbents who supported health care reform were seen as more liberal on average by their constituents than those who did not,” the study says.

What do Republicans or Democrats have to do with it?
Senators vote as the "Senator from New Mexico" not as "The Republican from New Mexico"

Each state elects their representative and 60% of State representatives voted for Obamacare

President Obama was reelected in 2012 and received more votes than the Republican Congressment elected in either 2010 or 2014.

The people have spoken

The majority of the people spoke out against Obama care and they were ignored.
Thus most of the 60% of the State representatives lost their seats.
The people have spoken.

The same electorate overwhelmingly supported the reelection of Obama. More voters voted for Obama than all those Republican congressmen combined
Evidently not since 60% of the states representatives supported Obamacare

Nowhere in our Constitution does it mention opinion polls. The only opinion polls are the elections selecting each states Representatives. Obamacare was supported by 60% of those representatives. An overwhelming majority

So you say that the MAJORITY of the American people NOT wanting the ACA and the elected officials who are supposed to REPRESENT that majority instead decides to DICTATE legislation and impose edicts that they claim the American people do not even have the right to know about is the actions you are actually DEFENDING, claiming this is acceptable government to you?! WOW!
The same electorate overwhelmingly supported the reelection of Obama. More voters voted for Obama than all those Republican congressmen combined

The majority of the American people wanted Obama re-elected, and their electorate represented them by doing so. The majority of Americans did NOT want the ACA; yet, their elected officials, pushing their minority-supported agenda, instead betrayed them and pushed the majority-opposed agenda into law.
Wow, the racism here is just rampant.

(3, 2, 1.....)

Spell it out. What are you seeing exactly that is racist about questioning a man's credentials to lead?

Pot, meet kettle... that's what we asked when we questioned Obumbler's lack of credentials and most of you lefties immediately drew the race card.

You people continue to make no sense at all.
Wow, the racism here is just rampant.

(3, 2, 1.....)

Spell it out. What are you seeing exactly that is racist about questioning a man's credentials to lead?

Pot, meet kettle... that's what we asked when we questioned Obumbler's lack of credentials and most of you lefties immediately drew the race card.
Were those the questions you asked while carrying placards with him as witch doctor or the ones with the noose around his neck?
Each state elects their representative and 60% of State representatives voted for Obamacare

The fact that you keep dodging is that the Liberals were a few seats shy of a Super-Majority. The issue they were championing was one only a MINORITY in the United States wanted / supported. So Liberals, pushing a Liberal agenda supported by a MINORITY of the American people (which means these Liberal politicians were ignoring the MAJORITY of their constituents) , rammed this majority-opposed legislation into law while declaring to the American people, "F* YOU, you do not have the RIGHT to know what is in the legislation until we pass it....then Un-Constitutionally exempt OUSELVES from it!"

That's kind of a very important point that you are leaving out.....

Evidently not since 60% of the states representatives supported Obamacare

Nowhere in our Constitution does it mention opinion polls. The only opinion polls are the elections selecting each states Representatives. Obamacare was supported by 60% of those representatives. An overwhelming majority

Yes and they lost seats because of it.
Wow, the racism here is just rampant. (3, 2, 1.....)

Spell it out. What are you seeing exactly that is racist about questioning a man's credentials to lead?

Pot, meet kettle... that's what we asked when we questioned Obumbler's lack of credentials and most of you lefties immediately drew the race card.

You people continue to make no sense at all.
Wow, the racism here is just rampant.
(3, 2, 1.....)

Spell it out. What are you seeing exactly that is racist about questioning a man's credentials to lead?

Pot, meet kettle... that's what we asked when we questioned Obumbler's lack of credentials and most of you lefties immediately drew the race card.
Were those the questions you asked while carrying placards with him as witch doctor or the ones with the noose around his neck?

Not much fun having an absurd, transparent race card played on you, is it?

That's the point of all this. Surely you know that.

If you didn't, now you do.
The same electorate overwhelmingly supported the reelection of Obama. More voters voted for Obama than all those Republican congressmen combined

The majority of the American people wanted Obama re-elected, and their electorate represented them by doing so. The majority of Americans did NOT want the ACA; yet, their elected officials, pushing their minority-supported agenda, instead betrayed them and pushed the majority-opposed agenda into law.

There is nothing constitutional about polls
So the ridiculous Liberal declaration that started this thread is that Ben Carson, a Brain Surgeon, is somehow MORE STUPID than Obama, a Community Organizer who thought the United States consisted of 57 states?!

Got it...

Each state elects their representative and 60% of State representatives voted for Obamacare

The fact that you keep dodging is that the Liberals were a few seats shy of a Super-Majority. The issue they were championing was one only a MINORITY in the United States wanted / supported. So Liberals, pushing a Liberal agenda supported by a MINORITY of the American people (which means these Liberal politicians were ignoring the MAJORITY of their constituents) , rammed this majority-opposed legislation into law while declaring to the American people, "F* YOU, you do not have the RIGHT to know what is in the legislation until we pass it....then Un-Constitutionally exempt OUSELVES from it!"

That's kind of a very important point that you are leaving out.....

Evidently not since 60% of the states representatives supported Obamacare

Nowhere in our Constitution does it mention opinion polls. The only opinion polls are the elections selecting each states Representatives. Obamacare was supported by 60% of those representatives. An overwhelming majority

Yes and they lost seats because of it.

And it was those seats that passed it

Now if you can get 60% of the seats like Democrats did....you can repeal it
Wow, the racism here is just rampant.

(3, 2, 1.....)

Spell it out. What are you seeing exactly that is racist about questioning a man's credentials to lead?

Pot, meet kettle... that's what we asked when we questioned Obumbler's lack of credentials and most of you lefties immediately drew the race card.

You people continue to make no sense at all.
Wow, the racism here is just rampant.

(3, 2, 1.....)

Spell it out. What are you seeing exactly that is racist about questioning a man's credentials to lead?

Pot, meet kettle... that's what we asked when we questioned Obumbler's lack of credentials and most of you lefties immediately drew the race card.
Were those the questions you asked while carrying placards with him as witch doctor or the ones with the noose around his neck?

And of course you have proof of this, right? Of course you don't you typical lying leftist sack of monkey spunk. You lefties are some of the vilest, most dishonest fucks I have ever met. I'm convinced 90% of you are mentally ill.
There is nothing constitutional about polls

There is nothing really Constitutional about:
- Elected Politicians betraying their constituents and, instead of representing them, imposing their own edicts upon them
- Declaring themselves to be somehow exempt from the laws that are passed
And it was those seats that passed it

Now if you can get 60% of the seats like Democrats did....you can repeal it

In the meantime, America did the next best thing....last November the American people completely rejected what the Liberals have been doing, rejected Obama's agenda, and booted MANY of those Liberals who voted for the ACA against their will out of office in a record-setting, historic loss for Liberals!
There is nothing constitutional about polls

There is nothing really Constitutional about:
- Elected Politicians betraying their constituents and, instead of representing them, imposing their own edicts upon them
- Declaring themselves to be somehow exempt from the laws that are passed

Do you understand how a Republic works?

Show me where Congress is exempt from the law

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