Special Ben Has to be The One of The Dumbest Smart Guys in America

And it was those seats that passed it

Now if you can get 60% of the seats like Democrats did....you can repeal it

In the meantime, America did the next best thing....last November the American people completely rejected what the Liberals have been doing, rejected Obama's agenda, and booted MANY of those Liberals who voted for the ACA against their will out of office in a record-setting, historic loss for Liberals!

They did?

And then what happened? How did Republicans reward them for all that trust they have been given? What legislation have Republicans passed into law? They have had all year
And it was those seats that passed it

Now if you can get 60% of the seats like Democrats did....you can repeal it

In the meantime, America did the next best thing....last November the American people completely rejected what the Liberals have been doing, rejected Obama's agenda, and booted MANY of those Liberals who voted for the ACA against their will out of office in a record-setting, historic loss for Liberals!
I am curious what this Republican Congress has achieved.

Did they roll back any of Obama's socialist programs?


Have they enacted any significant conservative legislation?


Have they been able to stop the Iran deal?


Have they passed a budget?


Have they changed a fucking thing?

This topic has done a bang-up job of providing a mountain of anecdotal evidence Ben Carson is supported by rubes.
And it was those seats that passed it

Now if you can get 60% of the seats like Democrats did....you can repeal it

In the meantime, America did the next best thing....last November the American people completely rejected what the Liberals have been doing, rejected Obama's agenda, and booted MANY of those Liberals who voted for the ACA against their will out of office in a record-setting, historic loss for Liberals!
I am curious what this Republican Congress has achieved.

Did they roll back any of Obama's socialist programs?


Have they enacted any significant conservative legislation?


Have they been able to stop the Iran deal?


Have they passed a budget?


Have they changed a fucking thing?


Has Obama gotten his agenda through? Yup
Carson is an idiot with one extraordinary learned skill. That's not exactly uncommon.

I think he got the sum total of his political beliefs and knowledge from rightwing talk radio, or thereabouts.

Idiots don't use common sense and logic which is what Carson does use.
It's the left who are idiots. I don't think they have a clue about what common sense and logic are.

Ben Carson said the ACA was the worst thing since slavery.

Those are the words of someone almost as stupid as you are.
Carson is an idiot with one extraordinary learned skill. That's not exactly uncommon.

I think he got the sum total of his political beliefs and knowledge from rightwing talk radio, or thereabouts.

Idiots don't use common sense and logic which is what Carson does use.
It's the left who are idiots. I don't think they have a clue about what common sense and logic are.

Ben Carson said the ACA was the worst thing since slavery.

Those are the words of someone almost as stupid as you are.

One of a long list of blunders from Carson
His climb in the polls is really getting under your skin. Too funny.

I think the fact that Republicans are rallying to people with no discernible background or experience in politics is telling. I wish someone would explain how zero experience in government is going to fix government. All three of your polling favorites fall on their swords daily and I can't help wonder how someone thinks this is a plus for leading the country.
like the"experienced" people "leading" us now are just so much better......

??? And putting someone in with even less experience is wise? How
apparently with the jerks in politics today experience dont seem to mean much.....how much experience did Obama have?... sitting on your ass in congress for a few years dont mean shit...same thing with being a gov,bush proved that.....maybe this country needs someone who aint a fucking politician and plays the same old shit as soon as he is elected....people are getting what they deserve because for decades they have elected the same fucking assholes who are responsible for this countries problems over and over again....
Wow, the racism here is just rampant.

(3, 2, 1.....)

Spell it out. What are you seeing exactly that is racist about questioning a man's credentials to lead?

If we use the same criteria the far left uses....

It's because he's black.....period.

Even if that were true one would reasonably expect you to be better than that not the same.

The criteria still stands....and it is very true.
Carson is an idiot with one extraordinary learned skill. That's not exactly uncommon.

I think he got the sum total of his political beliefs and knowledge from rightwing talk radio, or thereabouts.

Idiots don't use common sense and logic which is what Carson does use.
It's the left who are idiots. I don't think they have a clue about what common sense and logic are.

Ben Carson said the ACA was the worst thing since slavery.

Those are the words of someone almost as stupid as you are.

One of a long list of blunders from Carson


Must remind you of Obama.

I may not like Ben.

But I know I really don't like Barack.
Ben Carson has an interview yesterday and the lack of knowledge over something as basic as the debt limit is unsettling. His excerpted interview with Ken Ryssdal of American public Radio's "Marketplace" is below:

"Ryssdal: All right, so let's talk about debt then and the budget. As you know, Treasury Secretary Lew has come out in the last couple of days and said, "We're gonna run out of money, we're gonna run out of borrowing authority, on the fifth of November." Should the Congress then and the president not raise the debt limit? Should we default on our debt?

Carson: Let me put it this way: if I were the president, I would not sign an increased budget. Absolutely would not do it. They would have to find a place to cut.

Ryssdal: To be clear, it's increasing the debt limit, not the budget, but I want to make sure I understand you. You'd let the United States default rather than raise the debt limit.

Carson: No, I would provide the kind of leadership that says, "Get on the stick guys, and stop messing around, and cut where you need to cut, because we're not raising any spending limits, period."

Ryssdal: I'm gonna try one more time, sir. This is debt that's already obligated. Would you not favor increasing the debt limit to pay the debts already incurred?

Carson: What I'm saying is what we have to do is restructure the way that we create debt. I mean if we continue along this, where does it stop? It never stops. You're always gonna ask the same question every year. And we're just gonna keep going down that pathway. That's one of the things I think that the people are tired of."

This is the #2 polling favorite in America and every day he shocks us with new dumbed down ideas about commonplace things in America. Just when does it become too much?
Ben Carson stumbles on debt limit question

Yeah, Rain Man Carson may be an idiot savant - but he has a hot wife. Meet Candy Carson:

Ben Carson has an interview yesterday and the lack of knowledge over something as basic as the debt limit is unsettling. His excerpted interview with Ken Ryssdal of American public Radio's "Marketplace" is below:

"Ryssdal: All right, so let's talk about debt then and the budget. As you know, Treasury Secretary Lew has come out in the last couple of days and said, "We're gonna run out of money, we're gonna run out of borrowing authority, on the fifth of November." Should the Congress then and the president not raise the debt limit? Should we default on our debt?

Carson: Let me put it this way: if I were the president, I would not sign an increased budget. Absolutely would not do it. They would have to find a place to cut.

Ryssdal: To be clear, it's increasing the debt limit, not the budget, but I want to make sure I understand you. You'd let the United States default rather than raise the debt limit.

Carson: No, I would provide the kind of leadership that says, "Get on the stick guys, and stop messing around, and cut where you need to cut, because we're not raising any spending limits, period."

Ryssdal: I'm gonna try one more time, sir. This is debt that's already obligated. Would you not favor increasing the debt limit to pay the debts already incurred?

Carson: What I'm saying is what we have to do is restructure the way that we create debt. I mean if we continue along this, where does it stop? It never stops. You're always gonna ask the same question every year. And we're just gonna keep going down that pathway. That's one of the things I think that the people are tired of."

This is the #2 polling favorite in America and every day he shocks us with new dumbed down ideas about commonplace things in America. Just when does it become too much?
Ben Carson stumbles on debt limit question

Yeah, Rain Man Carson may be an idiot savant - but he has a hot wife. Meet Candy Carson:

and just think when someone made fun of a democrats wifes looks you were right there telling him what an asshole the person was....
Ben Carson has an interview yesterday and the lack of knowledge over something as basic as the debt limit is unsettling. His excerpted interview with Ken Ryssdal of American public Radio's "Marketplace" is below:

"Ryssdal: All right, so let's talk about debt then and the budget. As you know, Treasury Secretary Lew has come out in the last couple of days and said, "We're gonna run out of money, we're gonna run out of borrowing authority, on the fifth of November." Should the Congress then and the president not raise the debt limit? Should we default on our debt?

Carson: Let me put it this way: if I were the president, I would not sign an increased budget. Absolutely would not do it. They would have to find a place to cut.

Ryssdal: To be clear, it's increasing the debt limit, not the budget, but I want to make sure I understand you. You'd let the United States default rather than raise the debt limit.

Carson: No, I would provide the kind of leadership that says, "Get on the stick guys, and stop messing around, and cut where you need to cut, because we're not raising any spending limits, period."

Ryssdal: I'm gonna try one more time, sir. This is debt that's already obligated. Would you not favor increasing the debt limit to pay the debts already incurred?

Carson: What I'm saying is what we have to do is restructure the way that we create debt. I mean if we continue along this, where does it stop? It never stops. You're always gonna ask the same question every year. And we're just gonna keep going down that pathway. That's one of the things I think that the people are tired of."

This is the #2 polling favorite in America and every day he shocks us with new dumbed down ideas about commonplace things in America. Just when does it become too much?
Ben Carson stumbles on debt limit question

Yeah, Rain Man Carson may be an idiot savant - but he has a hot wife. Meet Candy Carson:


Why that makes Mooch look like Kim Kardashian. LOL
Ben Carson has an interview yesterday and the lack of knowledge over something as basic as the debt limit is unsettling. His excerpted interview with Ken Ryssdal of American public Radio's "Marketplace" is below:

"Ryssdal: All right, so let's talk about debt then and the budget. As you know, Treasury Secretary Lew has come out in the last couple of days and said, "We're gonna run out of money, we're gonna run out of borrowing authority, on the fifth of November." Should the Congress then and the president not raise the debt limit? Should we default on our debt?

Carson: Let me put it this way: if I were the president, I would not sign an increased budget. Absolutely would not do it. They would have to find a place to cut.

Ryssdal: To be clear, it's increasing the debt limit, not the budget, but I want to make sure I understand you. You'd let the United States default rather than raise the debt limit.

Carson: No, I would provide the kind of leadership that says, "Get on the stick guys, and stop messing around, and cut where you need to cut, because we're not raising any spending limits, period."

Ryssdal: I'm gonna try one more time, sir. This is debt that's already obligated. Would you not favor increasing the debt limit to pay the debts already incurred?

Carson: What I'm saying is what we have to do is restructure the way that we create debt. I mean if we continue along this, where does it stop? It never stops. You're always gonna ask the same question every year. And we're just gonna keep going down that pathway. That's one of the things I think that the people are tired of."

This is the #2 polling favorite in America and every day he shocks us with new dumbed down ideas about commonplace things in America. Just when does it become too much?
Ben Carson stumbles on debt limit question

Yeah, Rain Man Carson may be an idiot savant - but he has a hot wife. Meet Candy Carson:

and just think when someone made fun of a democrats wifes looks you were right there telling him what an asshole the person was....

Didn't stop you though, did it?
The same electorate overwhelmingly supported the reelection of Obama. More voters voted for Obama than all those Republican congressmen combined

The majority of the American people wanted Obama re-elected, and their electorate represented them by doing so. The majority of Americans did NOT want the ACA; yet, their elected officials, pushing their minority-supported agenda, instead betrayed them and pushed the majority-opposed agenda into law.

You always forget that a large part of that 60% were people who didn't think it went far enough, but were willing to take something over nothing.
So the ridiculous Liberal declaration that started this thread is that Ben Carson, a Brain Surgeon, is somehow MORE STUPID than Obama, a Community Organizer who thought the United States consisted of 57 states?!

Got it...


If being a brain surgeon was one of the talents needed for a president, Carson would be the best choice, but I'm pretty sure the president won't be called on to do that. The only reason Carson was even considered for the presidency is because he made a rude speech.
So the ridiculous Liberal declaration that started this thread is that Ben Carson, a Brain Surgeon, is somehow MORE STUPID than Obama, a Community Organizer who thought the United States consisted of 57 states?!

Got it...

Why do you think they are pissed? Carson is black,Christian , republican,a successful brain surgeon AND respected by the black community.

They are peeing their pants in fear.
And it was those seats that passed it

Now if you can get 60% of the seats like Democrats did....you can repeal it

In the meantime, America did the next best thing....last November the American people completely rejected what the Liberals have been doing, rejected Obama's agenda, and booted MANY of those Liberals who voted for the ACA against their will out of office in a record-setting, historic loss for Liberals!

Getting elected is the last thing they have done,other than making a bunch of stupid statements. What has the Republican congress accomplished so far?
Ben Carson has an interview yesterday and the lack of knowledge over something as basic as the debt limit is unsettling. His excerpted interview with Ken Ryssdal of American public Radio's "Marketplace" is below:

"Ryssdal: All right, so let's talk about debt then and the budget. As you know, Treasury Secretary Lew has come out in the last couple of days and said, "We're gonna run out of money, we're gonna run out of borrowing authority, on the fifth of November." Should the Congress then and the president not raise the debt limit? Should we default on our debt?

Carson: Let me put it this way: if I were the president, I would not sign an increased budget. Absolutely would not do it. They would have to find a place to cut.

Ryssdal: To be clear, it's increasing the debt limit, not the budget, but I want to make sure I understand you. You'd let the United States default rather than raise the debt limit.

Carson: No, I would provide the kind of leadership that says, "Get on the stick guys, and stop messing around, and cut where you need to cut, because we're not raising any spending limits, period."

Ryssdal: I'm gonna try one more time, sir. This is debt that's already obligated. Would you not favor increasing the debt limit to pay the debts already incurred?

Carson: What I'm saying is what we have to do is restructure the way that we create debt. I mean if we continue along this, where does it stop? It never stops. You're always gonna ask the same question every year. And we're just gonna keep going down that pathway. That's one of the things I think that the people are tired of."

This is the #2 polling favorite in America and every day he shocks us with new dumbed down ideas about commonplace things in America. Just when does it become too much?
Ben Carson stumbles on debt limit question

Yeah, Rain Man Carson may be an idiot savant - but he has a hot wife. Meet Candy Carson:

and just think when someone made fun of a democrats wifes looks you were right there telling him what an asshole the person was....

Didn't stop you though, did it?

Says the far left drone!!
So the ridiculous Liberal declaration that started this thread is that Ben Carson, a Brain Surgeon, is somehow MORE STUPID than Obama, a Community Organizer who thought the United States consisted of 57 states?!

Got it...


If being a brain surgeon was one of the talents needed for a president, Carson would be the best choice, but I'm pretty sure the president won't be called on to do that. The only reason Carson was even considered for the presidency is because he made a rude speech.

Says the far left drone that voted for Obama twice to prove they were not a racist..

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