Special Ben Has to be The One of The Dumbest Smart Guys in America

Anyone who denies a liberal
And won't we all laugh when neither proves electable and shows how racist and misogynistic the GOP really is. :thup:

Wont we all share a giggle when they blame liberals once again. They sound like Forest Gumps friend talking about shrimp.

Theres uh Liberal Media, Liberal bias....Deep fried liberal. Liberal Education, Liberal voters, Liberal Tar Tar....

Anyone who denies a liberal bias in our media or academic institutions is not smart enough to discuss Carson's qualifications
Another deflection. Try concentrating on why Carson is becoming a late night jokeathon.
Interesting considering SNL just did a skit mocking HILLARY on Saturday.

Making fools of the idiot left on this site is too easy

The fool is the one who uses SNL as his go to to prove libs wrong when SNL is a lib view with lib players.
ALL of the late night comedy shit is done by liberal players you stupidfuck. SNL is no different
Anyone who denies a liberal
And won't we all laugh when neither proves electable and shows how racist and misogynistic the GOP really is. :thup:

Wont we all share a giggle when they blame liberals once again. They sound like Forest Gumps friend talking about shrimp.

Theres uh Liberal Media, Liberal bias....Deep fried liberal. Liberal Education, Liberal voters, Liberal Tar Tar....

Anyone who denies a liberal bias in our media or academic institutions is not smart enough to discuss Carson's qualifications
Another deflection. Try concentrating on why Carson is becoming a late night jokeathon.
Interesting considering SNL just did a skit mocking HILLARY on Saturday.

Making fools of the idiot left on this site is too easy

Only after they did a skit about Trump and you cried about it...Now you're using them as an example when they go after Hilary.

Typical republaccuser...cries foul about the same thing they later point to as evidence of something
I've never cried about late night comedy. I don't even watch the brain dead bullshit. I simply proved him WRONG.
It's called cutting and splicing.
Carson actually said that he does not know where the Balkans are? You got a link?

Oh Gawd, don't tell me there's a geography test required to be elected President! :eek:

Look, a Democrat once claimed he was seriously worried that if the US put more troops on Guam the ISLAND might tip over. Whatever.....
Op is racist. Every disagreement with Carson HAS to be based on his skin color and not his ideology
(I don't think he's getting this....)
I don't think you are. Carson is one of those people that BIll Maher calls "stupid smart". Any PhD who actually thinks the earth is 6000 years old automatically falls into that category.
Yes, you aren't getting it either. I figured it would be obvious that I was sarcastically making fun of the PC Police.

But a closed mind is a closed mind, I guess!
Op is racist. Every disagreement with Carson HAS to be based on his skin color and not his ideology
(I don't think he's getting this....)
I don't think you are. Carson is one of those people that BIll Maher calls "stupid smart". Any PhD who actually thinks the earth is 6000 years old automatically falls into that category.
Yes, you aren't getting it either. I figured it would be obvious that I was sarcastically making fun of the PC Police.

But a closed mind is a closed mind, I guess!

A bad writer is someone who has to explain what he just wrote.
DUH, thanks for proving my point.

"In particular, Standard & Poor's added, it grew more pessimistic about U.S. debt because of the bitter political fight over raising the debt ceiling. "The political brinksmanship of recent months," the company said, "highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed."

:wtf: Proving your point? Dude, learn English.

The bitter political in-fighting was over the NECESSARY budget cuts, which the GOP had proposed and which Obama REJECTED. The article points out that Obama and the Democrats forced a budget that barely met half of the cuts that S&P WARNED were required to be made to avoid a US Credit Rating Down-Grade!

Again, 'increased instability' came from Obama's RECORD-SETTING 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending, adding more than $6 Trillion in ONLY 4 years, which is more than EVERY US President Combined.

Obama and the Liberals were spending more money (we didn't have) than the proverbial 'drunken sailor', demonstrated by such fiscally criminal spending bills as the failed Stimulus bill that cost nearly a TRILLION dollars, included more than 7,000 DNC-Only personal/party-benefitting pieces of pork, and ended up costing American tax payers (and out children) OVER $742,000 PER job Obama CLAIMED to have 'saved'/'created'. (Since it was later revealed many of those jobs were fake it meant it cost even MORE money per job!)

Community Organizer budgeting at it's finest! As I said, if we can survive 8 years of this disastrous fiscally inept Community Organizer's budget, I am sure we can manage with a BRAIN SURGEON at the helm!

The bitter political in-fighting added $24 billion to the deficit and there was fair warning the credit would be down graded, All of it was ignored and Ted Cruz was responsible for most of it. It was a shameful moment and the fact that it happened on Republicans watch is evidence of their wholesale lack of leadership. You are welcome to more of it if you want but answering for it every day will get old.

You are confusing the 2 issues of 2011 and the shut down in 2013.
The credit downgrade was in 2011.
The 23 billion and Cruz was in 2013.
"Special Ben Has to be The One of The Dumbest Smart Guys in America"

Just because someone is knowledgeable in his chosen field does not mean he's comprehensively knowledgeable concerning matters of public policy and governance; Carson knows little about sound public policy and governance, and is wrong on most - if not all - the issues.

Let's forget for a second that the title of this thread in itself personally attacks the man ...well, because that's what Liberals do.

This reminds me on when Bush won the Presidency and began surrounding himself with the smartest men out there regarding each issue (which is also what Trump says he will do). Moronic Liberals immediately began attacking and mocking Bush for doing so, claiming 'he must be stupid if he has to surround himself with such brilliant people'.

The very incredible IDIOCY of such thinking is enough to astound anyone! No one can be an expert on everything, which is why you surround yourself with experts. Who the hell WOULDN'T want to do that as President? Oh yeah, that would be Obama, who immediately filled their cabinets with Socialist 'Czars', cronies, and Tax Cheats! Yeah, that's a MUCH BETTER idea than finding the smartest people in the country on the issues! This demonstration of how Liberals think explains a great deal.... For instance, if Obama would have gotten a couple of experts instead of TAX CHEATS, maybe he would not have added more debt than every other President in US history COMBINED...in only 4 years!


Ben Carson earned the title of this thread. May I remind you that in 90 responses no one has defended Carson beyond the media twists things. Bush surrounded himself with the stupidest people possible, people who nearly wrecked this country. I challenge you to defend any of them for my money they all belong in front of the Hague special prosecutor.

Yes we are defending Carson by saying that the media twists his words.
We agree with a lot of what he says.
It is Obama and the progressives in both parties who is wrecking this country.

How the hell do you twist a video? You may agree with a lot he says but how do you excuse the stupid stuff he says?
You live in an alternate reality, you complain about Obama and progressives but run to a man with zero experience in government a man who doesn't even know where the Balkans are.

It's called cutting and splicing.
Carson actually said that he does not know where the Balkans are? You got a link?

Of course.

"During a discussion about Russian aggression in Ukraine, Hewitt asked Carson whether we should "have that sort of commitment, that if [Russian President] Putin makes a move on the Baltic states we'd go to war?"

"Well, if we have them involved in NATO," Carson replied. "We need to convince them to get involved in NATO and strengthen NATO."

The problem? The Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania - are already in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a security alliance that commits all its members to respond to an attack on one member.

Hewitt quickly pointed out Carson's error. "Well, the Baltics, they are in NATO," he said. Carson was spared the need to respond by a commercial break."
Ben Carson stumbles over questions about NATO, al Qaeda

Now do you have proof of cutting and splicing?
Op is racist. Every disagreement with Carson HAS to be based on his skin color and not his ideology
(I don't think he's getting this....)

I don't think you are.

Carson is one of those people that BIll Maher calls "stupid smart". Any PhD who actually thinks the earth is 6000 years old automatically falls into that category.

Carson never said that he thinks the earth is 6,000 years old.
Op is racist. Every disagreement with Carson HAS to be based on his skin color and not his ideology
(I don't think he's getting this....)
I don't think you are. Carson is one of those people that BIll Maher calls "stupid smart". Any PhD who actually thinks the earth is 6000 years old automatically falls into that category.
Yes, you aren't getting it either. I figured it would be obvious that I was sarcastically making fun of the PC Police.

But a closed mind is a closed mind, I guess!

A bad writer is someone who has to explain what he just wrote.
A partisan ideologue loves to be obtuse and pretend they don't get the obvious.
DUH, thanks for proving my point.

"In particular, Standard & Poor's added, it grew more pessimistic about U.S. debt because of the bitter political fight over raising the debt ceiling. "The political brinksmanship of recent months," the company said, "highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed."

:wtf: Proving your point? Dude, learn English.

The bitter political in-fighting was over the NECESSARY budget cuts, which the GOP had proposed and which Obama REJECTED. The article points out that Obama and the Democrats forced a budget that barely met half of the cuts that S&P WARNED were required to be made to avoid a US Credit Rating Down-Grade!

Again, 'increased instability' came from Obama's RECORD-SETTING 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending, adding more than $6 Trillion in ONLY 4 years, which is more than EVERY US President Combined.

Obama and the Liberals were spending more money (we didn't have) than the proverbial 'drunken sailor', demonstrated by such fiscally criminal spending bills as the failed Stimulus bill that cost nearly a TRILLION dollars, included more than 7,000 DNC-Only personal/party-benefitting pieces of pork, and ended up costing American tax payers (and out children) OVER $742,000 PER job Obama CLAIMED to have 'saved'/'created'. (Since it was later revealed many of those jobs were fake it meant it cost even MORE money per job!)

Community Organizer budgeting at it's finest! As I said, if we can survive 8 years of this disastrous fiscally inept Community Organizer's budget, I am sure we can manage with a BRAIN SURGEON at the helm!

The bitter political in-fighting added $24 billion to the deficit and there was fair warning the credit would be down graded, All of it was ignored and Ted Cruz was responsible for most of it. It was a shameful moment and the fact that it happened on Republicans watch is evidence of their wholesale lack of leadership. You are welcome to more of it if you want but answering for it every day will get old.

You are confusing the 2 issues of 2011 and the shut down in 2013.
The credit downgrade was in 2011.
The 23 billion and Cruz was in 2013.

Thank you, I stand corrected. It's too bad we couldn't learn the error of our way the first time around.
Obamacare passed
You think one in three is a majority?

What the hail do Liberals know about 'Majority'?

The MINORITY (liberals) who supported the ACA rammed it into law despite the fact the majority of Americans opposed it. Despite the fact that a bi-partisan 66% of Congress and 78% of the American people opposed Obama's horrendous Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty Obama still imposed his 'edict'. Math / percentages are something Liberals just don't give a crap about - it's all about their agenda.
Obamacare passed witha 60% majority

Overwhelming support
Obamacare passed without a single gop vote & Obama had to BRIBE his own party members with cash kickbacks to pass it.

There is nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. It refers to representatives of the STATES

Over 60% of the representatives of the STATES voted for Obamacare...overwhelming support
Anyone who denies a liberal
:lol: and fiorina to prove the GOP isn't full of misogynists...
And won't we all laugh when neither proves electable and shows how racist and misogynistic the GOP really is. :thup:

Wont we all share a giggle when they blame liberals once again. They sound like Forest Gumps friend talking about shrimp.

Theres uh Liberal Media, Liberal bias....Deep fried liberal. Liberal Education, Liberal voters, Liberal Tar Tar....

Anyone who denies a liberal bias in our media or academic institutions is not smart enough to discuss Carson's qualifications
Another deflection. Try concentrating on why Carson is becoming a late night jokeathon.
Interesting considering SNL just did a skit mocking HILLARY on Saturday.

Making fools of the idiot left on this site is too easy

Was that the one with HILLARY in it?
Obamacare passed
You think one in three is a majority?

What the hail do Liberals know about 'Majority'?

The MINORITY (liberals) who supported the ACA rammed it into law despite the fact the majority of Americans opposed it. Despite the fact that a bi-partisan 66% of Congress and 78% of the American people opposed Obama's horrendous Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty Obama still imposed his 'edict'. Math / percentages are something Liberals just don't give a crap about - it's all about their agenda.
Obamacare passed witha 60% majority

Overwhelming support
Obamacare passed without a single gop vote & Obama had to BRIBE his own party members with cash kickbacks to pass it.

There is nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. It refers to representatives of the STATES

Over 60% of the representatives of the STATES voted for Obamacare...overwhelming support
What's the weather like in The Twilight Zone?
Obamacare passed
You think one in three is a majority?

What the hail do Liberals know about 'Majority'?

The MINORITY (liberals) who supported the ACA rammed it into law despite the fact the majority of Americans opposed it. Despite the fact that a bi-partisan 66% of Congress and 78% of the American people opposed Obama's horrendous Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty Obama still imposed his 'edict'. Math / percentages are something Liberals just don't give a crap about - it's all about their agenda.
Obamacare passed witha 60% majority

Overwhelming support
Obamacare passed without a single gop vote & Obama had to BRIBE his own party members with cash kickbacks to pass it.

There is nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. It refers to representatives of the STATES

Over 60% of the representatives of the STATES voted for Obamacare...overwhelming support
What's the weather like in The Twilight Zone?

You are welcome to show me anywhere in the Constitution where it talks about majorities of parties needed for anything

We elect Representatives of STATES
It is the majority of these representatives that pass laws

Obamacare received 60%
Anyone who denies a liberal
Wont we all share a giggle when they blame liberals once again. They sound like Forest Gumps friend talking about shrimp.

Theres uh Liberal Media, Liberal bias....Deep fried liberal. Liberal Education, Liberal voters, Liberal Tar Tar....

Anyone who denies a liberal bias in our media or academic institutions is not smart enough to discuss Carson's qualifications
Another deflection. Try concentrating on why Carson is becoming a late night jokeathon.
Interesting considering SNL just did a skit mocking HILLARY on Saturday.

Making fools of the idiot left on this site is too easy

The fool is the one who uses SNL as his go to to prove libs wrong when SNL is a lib view with lib players.
ALL of the late night comedy shit is done by liberal players you stupidfuck. SNL is no different

LOL you were the one who brought it all up.
Obamacare passed
You think one in three is a majority?

What the hail do Liberals know about 'Majority'?

The MINORITY (liberals) who supported the ACA rammed it into law despite the fact the majority of Americans opposed it. Despite the fact that a bi-partisan 66% of Congress and 78% of the American people opposed Obama's horrendous Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty Obama still imposed his 'edict'. Math / percentages are something Liberals just don't give a crap about - it's all about their agenda.
Obamacare passed witha 60% majority

Overwhelming support
Obamacare passed without a single gop vote & Obama had to BRIBE his own party members with cash kickbacks to pass it.

There is nothing in the Constitution about Democrats or Republicans. It refers to representatives of the STATES

Over 60% of the representatives of the STATES voted for Obamacare...overwhelming support
Quit being a dumb ass..it was a carrot stick...
Let's forget for a second that the title of this thread in itself personally attacks the man ...well, because that's what Liberals do.

This reminds me on when Bush won the Presidency and began surrounding himself with the smartest men out there regarding each issue (which is also what Trump says he will do). Moronic Liberals immediately began attacking and mocking Bush for doing so, claiming 'he must be stupid if he has to surround himself with such brilliant people'.

The very incredible IDIOCY of such thinking is enough to astound anyone! No one can be an expert on everything, which is why you surround yourself with experts. Who the hell WOULDN'T want to do that as President? Oh yeah, that would be Obama, who immediately filled their cabinets with Socialist 'Czars', cronies, and Tax Cheats! Yeah, that's a MUCH BETTER idea than finding the smartest people in the country on the issues! This demonstration of how Liberals think explains a great deal.... For instance, if Obama would have gotten a couple of experts instead of TAX CHEATS, maybe he would not have added more debt than every other President in US history COMBINED...in only 4 years!


Ben Carson earned the title of this thread. May I remind you that in 90 responses no one has defended Carson beyond the media twists things. Bush surrounded himself with the stupidest people possible, people who nearly wrecked this country. I challenge you to defend any of them for my money they all belong in front of the Hague special prosecutor.

Yes we are defending Carson by saying that the media twists his words.
We agree with a lot of what he says.
It is Obama and the progressives in both parties who is wrecking this country.

How the hell do you twist a video? You may agree with a lot he says but how do you excuse the stupid stuff he says?
You live in an alternate reality, you complain about Obama and progressives but run to a man with zero experience in government a man who doesn't even know where the Balkans are.

It's called cutting and splicing.
Carson actually said that he does not know where the Balkans are? You got a link?

Of course.

"During a discussion about Russian aggression in Ukraine, Hewitt asked Carson whether we should "have that sort of commitment, that if [Russian President] Putin makes a move on the Baltic states we'd go to war?"

"Well, if we have them involved in NATO," Carson replied. "We need to convince them to get involved in NATO and strengthen NATO."

The problem? The Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania - are already in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a security alliance that commits all its members to respond to an attack on one member.

Hewitt quickly pointed out Carson's error. "Well, the Baltics, they are in NATO," he said. Carson was spared the need to respond by a commercial break."
Ben Carson stumbles over questions about NATO, al Qaeda

Now do you have proof of cutting and splicing?

So he did not know that the Baltic states were already part of NATO that is different than saying he did not know where they are.
MSNBC Carefully, Shamelessly Edits Out All Woman-Praising Context Out of Huckabee's 'Uncle Sugar' Remarks
GRANPA SAID: "Obamacare passed witha 60% majority / Overwhelming support"

Yes, it passed with a MAJORITY OF IN A DNC-CONTROLLED CONGRESS...which means absolutely SHI'ITE when you take into account that this issue/plan was ONLY supported by a MINORITY of people in this country - all Liberals!

The MAJORITY of Americans opposed this legislation. The week before the Liberals snuck it into law in the wee hours of the morning Americans had 'melted' the Washington phone lines demanding it not pass. This prompted Obama to LKIE HIS ASS OFF by declaring no vote would be taken on the bill until Americans had 36 - 48 hours to read it and find out what was in it! What a F*ING JOKE! Pelosi declared to the American People, like some dictator, that they did not have the RIGHT to know what was in the legislation until it had passed. Hell, most of the people who voted for it never read it...many STILL haven't!

And you Liberals are defending the practice of LYING, ramming a minority-supported piece of legislation into law when even the politicians voting for it haven't even read it, and politicians declaring the American people have no RIGHT to know what is in the EDICTS they will impose upon citizens until AFTER it has been passed?! This full demonstrates that Liberals believe 'Socialism' is actually 'freedom'.
Smart, accomplished black people who go off of the Democrat Plantation terrify nuhuh.

Just sayin'.

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