Special Ben Has to be The One of The Dumbest Smart Guys in America

No you're not using common sense. Common sense would have you questioning so many ridiculous statements and questioning why there are so many of them. Ben Carson has said some frankly stupid things and so many in fact that he needs to be called on them

Common sense would have you questioning so many ridiculous statements and questioning why there are so many of them.

We are, and most of those are being made by you.

I haven't seen a single rightie critical of what Ben Carson said, not one.

haven't seen a single rightie critical of what Ben Carson said, not one

Could it be they believe him to be correct?

Could it be they arent' as racist as you?

Could it be that you are making a mountain out of a molehill?

It could be that they believe him to be correct and if so, I wish someone could explain why to me.

I haven't made a racist statement and if I have I would like you to point it out.

No, Carson actually said the things he said.

and if so, I wish someone could explain why to me.

They've been trying, you ignore them because it doesn't fit you agenda.I have never ignored anyone. Perhaps you could point that out?

haven't made a racist statement and if I have I would like you to point it out.

The right has made numerous statements about Obamas policies over the last 7 years, and been called racists because of that.

I'm returning the favor. Funny that the relationship the right has with Obama is fully documented and shows where some Republicans resorted to racism. Not all, some. But you think that somehow gives you license to reduce that to the next lower level. Not too smart are you?

You say anything against Carson, by the lefts own stance, it's racist.
Ben the Surgeon. Joe the Plumber.

Carson seems to be a medical professional who doesn't know science. He disputes evolution, calls global warming a hoax, homosexuality a choice

He is obviously a very good doctor but one who places his religious convictions over scientific evidence. He is also markedly naive about current events, social issues and global politics

Yeah the majority don't believe in evolution. They believe in adaptation (hybrids)
We are seeing proof of that believe in hybrids of grizzles and polar bears breading right now.
"Special Ben Has to be The One of The Dumbest Smart Guys in America"

Just because someone is knowledgeable in his chosen field does not mean he's comprehensively knowledgeable concerning matters of public policy and governance; Carson knows little about sound public policy and governance, and is wrong on most - if not all - the issues.

Let's forget for a second that the title of this thread in itself personally attacks the man ...well, because that's what Liberals do.

This reminds me on when Bush won the Presidency and began surrounding himself with the smartest men out there regarding each issue (which is also what Trump says he will do). Moronic Liberals immediately began attacking and mocking Bush for doing so, claiming 'he must be stupid if he has to surround himself with such brilliant people'.

The very incredible IDIOCY of such thinking is enough to astound anyone! No one can be an expert on everything, which is why you surround yourself with experts. Who the hell WOULDN'T want to do that as President? Oh yeah, that would be Obama, who immediately filled their cabinets with Socialist 'Czars', cronies, and Tax Cheats! Yeah, that's a MUCH BETTER idea than finding the smartest people in the country on the issues! This demonstration of how Liberals think explains a great deal.... For instance, if Obama would have gotten a couple of experts instead of TAX CHEATS, maybe he would not have added more debt than every other President in US history COMBINED...in only 4 years!

DUH, thanks for proving my point.

"In particular, Standard & Poor's added, it grew more pessimistic about U.S. debt because of the bitter political fight over raising the debt ceiling. "The political brinksmanship of recent months," the company said, "highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed."

:wtf: Proving your point? Dude, learn English.

The bitter political in-fighting was over the NECESSARY budget cuts, which the GOP had proposed and which Obama REJECTED. The article points out that Obama and the Democrats forced a budget that barely met half of the cuts that S&P WARNED were required to be made to avoid a US Credit Rating Down-Grade!

Again, 'increased instability' came from Obama's RECORD-SETTING 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending, adding more than $6 Trillion in ONLY 4 years, which is more than EVERY US President Combined.

Obama and the Liberals were spending more money (we didn't have) than the proverbial 'drunken sailor', demonstrated by such fiscally criminal spending bills as the failed Stimulus bill that cost nearly a TRILLION dollars, included more than 7,000 DNC-Only personal/party-benefitting pieces of pork, and ended up costing American tax payers (and out children) OVER $742,000 PER job Obama CLAIMED to have 'saved'/'created'. (Since it was later revealed many of those jobs were fake it meant it cost even MORE money per job!)

Community Organizer budgeting at it's finest! As I said, if we can survive 8 years of this disastrous fiscally inept Community Organizer's budget, I am sure we can manage with a BRAIN SURGEON at the helm!

The bitter political in-fighting added $24 billion to the deficit and there was fair warning the credit would be down graded, All of it was ignored and Ted Cruz was responsible for most of it. It was a shameful moment and the fact that it happened on Republicans watch is evidence of their wholesale lack of leadership. You are welcome to more of it if you want but answering for it every day will get old.
And won't we all laugh when neither proves electable and shows how racist and misogynistic the GOP really is. :thup:

The party that calls itself the 'Party of Blacks' ... who is responsible for creating the KKK, imposing LBJ's program of 'Economic Slavery' as policy, supports and sides with the militant New Black Panthers, who supports 'Black Lives Matter' that calls for the murder of all whites and cops, and who calls strong, successful independent blacks who do not support the DNC 'Uncle Toms' and 'Coons'....claiming the GOP is 'racist'.

The party whose current President and top 2016 Presidential candidate does not pay their female employees the same as men, whose top presidential candidate accepts money from nations that horribly oppress women and engage in female genitalia mutilation, who stand by and watch as the media and groups slander and attack women who aren't Liberals claiming the GOP is the misogynistic party?!
:lmao: Now THAT'S some FUNNY Shi'ite right there!
What is really funny is that the GOP has the worst track record of all.
We are, and most of those are being made by you.

I haven't seen a single rightie critical of what Ben Carson said, not one.

haven't seen a single rightie critical of what Ben Carson said, not one

Could it be they believe him to be correct?

Could it be they arent' as racist as you?

Could it be that you are making a mountain out of a molehill?

It could be that they believe him to be correct and if so, I wish someone could explain why to me.

I haven't made a racist statement and if I have I would like you to point it out.

No, Carson actually said the things he said.

and if so, I wish someone could explain why to me.

They've been trying, you ignore them because it doesn't fit you agenda.I have never ignored anyone. Perhaps you could point that out?

haven't made a racist statement and if I have I would like you to point it out.

The right has made numerous statements about Obamas policies over the last 7 years, and been called racists because of that.

I'm returning the favor. Funny that the relationship the right has with Obama is fully documented and shows where some Republicans resorted to racism. Not all, some. But you think that somehow gives you license to reduce that to the next lower level. Not too smart are you?

You say anything against Carson, by the lefts own stance, it's racist.

"I have never ignored anyone. Perhaps you could point that out?"

Look back through the thread, it should be obvious even to you.
"Not too smart are you?"

apparently, smarter than you, if you're that blind.
DUH, thanks for proving my point.

"In particular, Standard & Poor's added, it grew more pessimistic about U.S. debt because of the bitter political fight over raising the debt ceiling. "The political brinksmanship of recent months," the company said, "highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed."

:wtf: Proving your point? Dude, learn English.

The bitter political in-fighting was over the NECESSARY budget cuts, which the GOP had proposed and which Obama REJECTED. The article points out that Obama and the Democrats forced a budget that barely met half of the cuts that S&P WARNED were required to be made to avoid a US Credit Rating Down-Grade!

Again, 'increased instability' came from Obama's RECORD-SETTING 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending, adding more than $6 Trillion in ONLY 4 years, which is more than EVERY US President Combined.

Obama and the Liberals were spending more money (we didn't have) than the proverbial 'drunken sailor', demonstrated by such fiscally criminal spending bills as the failed Stimulus bill that cost nearly a TRILLION dollars, included more than 7,000 DNC-Only personal/party-benefitting pieces of pork, and ended up costing American tax payers (and out children) OVER $742,000 PER job Obama CLAIMED to have 'saved'/'created'. (Since it was later revealed many of those jobs were fake it meant it cost even MORE money per job!)

Community Organizer budgeting at it's finest! As I said, if we can survive 8 years of this disastrous fiscally inept Community Organizer's budget, I am sure we can manage with a BRAIN SURGEON at the helm!
Nuhuh is a little delusional in his hate filled tunnel vision against Christian Republicans.

The delusional one is you. America is running just fine we do not need religion of any kind running our government. We have already seen how well that works in Afghanistan, Iraq Iran, Saudi Arabia, India, Indonesia blah, blah, blah.
I haven't seen a single rightie critical of what Ben Carson said, not one.

haven't seen a single rightie critical of what Ben Carson said, not one

Could it be they believe him to be correct?

Could it be they arent' as racist as you?

Could it be that you are making a mountain out of a molehill?

It could be that they believe him to be correct and if so, I wish someone could explain why to me.

I haven't made a racist statement and if I have I would like you to point it out.

No, Carson actually said the things he said.

and if so, I wish someone could explain why to me.

They've been trying, you ignore them because it doesn't fit you agenda.I have never ignored anyone. Perhaps you could point that out?

haven't made a racist statement and if I have I would like you to point it out.

The right has made numerous statements about Obamas policies over the last 7 years, and been called racists because of that.

I'm returning the favor. Funny that the relationship the right has with Obama is fully documented and shows where some Republicans resorted to racism. Not all, some. But you think that somehow gives you license to reduce that to the next lower level. Not too smart are you?

You say anything against Carson, by the lefts own stance, it's racist.

"I have never ignored anyone. Perhaps you could point that out?"

Look back through the thread, it should be obvious even to you.
"Not too smart are you?"

apparently, smarter than you, if you're that blind.

To the best of my knowledge I haven't ignored anyone with a question from a direct quote attributed to me. If you see one let me know.
"Special Ben Has to be The One of The Dumbest Smart Guys in America"


Just because someone is knowledgeable in his chosen field does not mean he's comprehensively knowledgeable concerning matters of public policy and governance; Carson knows little about sound public policy and governance, and is wrong on most - if not all - the issues.

Do you want to keep things the way that it is, with continued increasing debt and kick the can down the road to younger generations to deal with it?
How well are things working right now?
We need a change.
No, the downgrade came because the nation couldn't meet the payment. Something that was way cheaper than the $24 billion the shutdown cost. Simple accounting 101.

Nice OPINION, but false / made up as usual. Obama was warned, as historically documented, that if he completely rejected the proposed Budget cuts it would send a signal, considering his massive debt increase, that he did not take the debt seriously. He blew it off, rejected the cuts, and the down-grade happened.

S&P Downgrades US Credit Rating to AA+
S&P on US Government: 'Less Stable, Less Effective and Less Predictable'

Standard & Poor's gave strong emphasis to that agreement in announcing its decision.

"The downgrade," S&P said, "reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government's medium-term debt dynamics."

In particular, Standard & Poor's added, it grew more pessimistic about U.S. debt because of the bitter political fight over raising the debt ceiling.
"The political brinksmanship of recent months," the company said, "highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed."

S&P WARNED Obama that the fighting over the budget and pending debt ceiling WAS CAUSING THE PERCEPTION OF INSTABILITY. They had urged Obama to accept the proposed cuts, which he rejected, as a sign that he was taking the growing debt seriously. It became less stable because Obama was setting records at adding new debt while rejecting proposed cuts in an attempt to 'flex his muscles' to show the GOP he could do whatever the hell he wanted to do. Yeah, HE did it alright!

"The agency pointed to political (Obama administration) reluctance to make cuts..."

Last month, Standard & Poor's warned that the U.S. risked a downgrade to AA status if Congress did not lift the debt ceiling and reduce the total debt by $4 trillion over the next decade. The eventual deal (agreed upon by Obama, that rejected the necessary cuts called for) called for barely half as much deficit reduction.

..but whatever helps Liberals sleep at night.

Our credit rating was downgraded out of fear of a Congress that was incapable of functioning and was always threatening to default on our debts
Ben the Surgeon. Joe the Plumber.

Carson seems to be a medical professional who doesn't know science. He disputes evolution, calls global warming a hoax, homosexuality a choice

He is obviously a very good doctor but one who places his religious convictions over scientific evidence. He is also markedly naive about current events, social issues and global politics

Yeah the majority don't believe in evolution. They believe in adaptation (hybrids)
We are seeing proof of that believe in hybrids of grizzles and polar bears breading right now.

Not only do the majority of Americans believe in evolution, so do the overwhelming majority of scientists

Creationists need to admit that Evolution is a fact and that God is a theory
"Special Ben Has to be The One of The Dumbest Smart Guys in America"

Just because someone is knowledgeable in his chosen field does not mean he's comprehensively knowledgeable concerning matters of public policy and governance; Carson knows little about sound public policy and governance, and is wrong on most - if not all - the issues.

Let's forget for a second that the title of this thread in itself personally attacks the man ...well, because that's what Liberals do.

This reminds me on when Bush won the Presidency and began surrounding himself with the smartest men out there regarding each issue (which is also what Trump says he will do). Moronic Liberals immediately began attacking and mocking Bush for doing so, claiming 'he must be stupid if he has to surround himself with such brilliant people'.

The very incredible IDIOCY of such thinking is enough to astound anyone! No one can be an expert on everything, which is why you surround yourself with experts. Who the hell WOULDN'T want to do that as President? Oh yeah, that would be Obama, who immediately filled their cabinets with Socialist 'Czars', cronies, and Tax Cheats! Yeah, that's a MUCH BETTER idea than finding the smartest people in the country on the issues! This demonstration of how Liberals think explains a great deal.... For instance, if Obama would have gotten a couple of experts instead of TAX CHEATS, maybe he would not have added more debt than every other President in US history COMBINED...in only 4 years!


Double Facepalm

Bush surrounded himself with "Brilliant people"?

He surrounded himself with religious zealots and neocons intent on starting wars
DUH, thanks for proving my point.

"In particular, Standard & Poor's added, it grew more pessimistic about U.S. debt because of the bitter political fight over raising the debt ceiling. "The political brinksmanship of recent months," the company said, "highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed."

:wtf: Proving your point? Dude, learn English.

The bitter political in-fighting was over the NECESSARY budget cuts, which the GOP had proposed and which Obama REJECTED. The article points out that Obama and the Democrats forced a budget that barely met half of the cuts that S&P WARNED were required to be made to avoid a US Credit Rating Down-Grade!

Again, 'increased instability' came from Obama's RECORD-SETTING 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending, adding more than $6 Trillion in ONLY 4 years, which is more than EVERY US President Combined.

Obama and the Liberals were spending more money (we didn't have) than the proverbial 'drunken sailor', demonstrated by such fiscally criminal spending bills as the failed Stimulus bill that cost nearly a TRILLION dollars, included more than 7,000 DNC-Only personal/party-benefitting pieces of pork, and ended up costing American tax payers (and out children) OVER $742,000 PER job Obama CLAIMED to have 'saved'/'created'. (Since it was later revealed many of those jobs were fake it meant it cost even MORE money per job!)

Community Organizer budgeting at it's finest! As I said, if we can survive 8 years of this disastrous fiscally inept Community Organizer's budget, I am sure we can manage with a BRAIN SURGEON at the helm!
Nuhuh is a little delusional in his hate filled tunnel vision against Christian Republicans.

The delusional one is you. America is running just fine we do not need religion of any kind running our government. We have already seen how well that works in Afghanistan, Iraq Iran, Saudi Arabia, India, Indonesia blah, blah, blah.

You call over 18 trillion in debt fine?
The countries you mention are run by religious theologies, we have never been a religious theology ever nor will we ever be.
Being a moral nation is not a religious theology.
What is really funny is that the GOP has the worst track record of all.

How is that? The Democrats created the KKK, through which they tortured, murdered, water-hosed, and intimidated blacks .. until that didn't work any more. Then LBJ created this entire grand scheme of 'Economic Slavery' designed to keep blacks poor and dependent on Liberals hand outs in exchange for votes. And when that fails - rarely - they go after successful independent blacks, trying to destroy them while calling them 'ni@@er', 'Uncle Tom', and 'Coon'.

Then there's the awesome record of Democrats regarding women, like Hillary, who has and continues to take millions from countries that oppress women, treating them like dogs, and who engage in female genitalia mutilation.

Please enlighten us with more than your opinion, say a link (?), proving your opinion?!
Carson represents the wrongheaded conservative notion that any outsider can be a good president, which isn't the case when that outsider is a clueless neophyte such as Carson.

In fact, Carson represents the contempt most on the right have for sound, responsible governance.
Double Facepalm
Were you even born when Bush was elected or is this just another case of Liberal 'selective memory'? Yes, Liberals attacked bush for selecting men who were intelligent regarding the issues while Obama appointed Socialists, cronies, and tax cheats.
"Special Ben Has to be The One of The Dumbest Smart Guys in America"

Just because someone is knowledgeable in his chosen field does not mean he's comprehensively knowledgeable concerning matters of public policy and governance; Carson knows little about sound public policy and governance, and is wrong on most - if not all - the issues.

Let's forget for a second that the title of this thread in itself personally attacks the man ...well, because that's what Liberals do.

This reminds me on when Bush won the Presidency and began surrounding himself with the smartest men out there regarding each issue (which is also what Trump says he will do). Moronic Liberals immediately began attacking and mocking Bush for doing so, claiming 'he must be stupid if he has to surround himself with such brilliant people'.

The very incredible IDIOCY of such thinking is enough to astound anyone! No one can be an expert on everything, which is why you surround yourself with experts. Who the hell WOULDN'T want to do that as President? Oh yeah, that would be Obama, who immediately filled their cabinets with Socialist 'Czars', cronies, and Tax Cheats! Yeah, that's a MUCH BETTER idea than finding the smartest people in the country on the issues! This demonstration of how Liberals think explains a great deal.... For instance, if Obama would have gotten a couple of experts instead of TAX CHEATS, maybe he would not have added more debt than every other President in US history COMBINED...in only 4 years!


Ben Carson earned the title of this thread. May I remind you that in 90 responses no one has defended Carson beyond the media twists things. Bush surrounded himself with the stupidest people possible, people who nearly wrecked this country. I challenge you to defend any of them for my money they all belong in front of the Hague special prosecutor.
Ben the Surgeon. Joe the Plumber.

Carson seems to be a medical professional who doesn't know science. He disputes evolution, calls global warming a hoax, homosexuality a choice

He is obviously a very good doctor but one who places his religious convictions over scientific evidence. He is also markedly naive about current events, social issues and global politics

Yeah the majority don't believe in evolution. They believe in adaptation (hybrids)
We are seeing proof of that believe in hybrids of grizzles and polar bears breading right now.

Not only do the majority of Americans believe in evolution, so do the overwhelming majority of scientists

Creationists need to admit that Evolution is a fact and that God is a theory

The polls say no.
Surprising Number Of Americans Still Don't Believe In Evolution
Carson represents the wrongheaded conservative notion that any outsider can be a good president, which isn't the case when that outsider is a clueless neophyte such as Carson.
You might have a point. While Carson is a NOTION, Obama was the PROOF that a Communist-mentored, Socialist-studying, racist hate-spewing anti-American pastor-mentored, domestic terrorist-befriending Community Organizing outsider could only miserably FAIL as President, surpassing Carter as the worst President in US history!

Homosexuality is like bestiality, pedophilia and incest
Homosexuality is a choice
Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery
Evolution and Climate change are myths
He would not support a Muslim as President

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