SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

No, really. If Republicans have 70 reasons to impeach Obama then why haven't they done it yet?
SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

A president can be ‘impeached’ because the sky is blue.

Whether or not there’s evidence to convict in the Senate is a completely different matter.

Unless you and other deranged rightists can come up with actual, objective, documented evidence in support, ‘impeachment’ is nothing more than partisan masturbation.

The Senate would never impeach Obama no matter what the hell he did..................Because it is temporarily control by the liberal Brigade.
With each passing day and each new illegal E.O., with the country sinking further and further into despair, and each growing scandal that any sane, logical person knows leads back to Hussein, the reality that he will be impeached before his term is over grows...





Jeepers! Makes you wonder why he hasn't been impeached already. What could be stopping all those Tea Party patriots from taking action? Why doesn't the Congress do something?
I'm kind of surprised that the Republican are still not trying to impeach Clinton. I would think that they should finish one task before starting on another...
There is no possible reason to start impeachment proceedings against this so-called "president" for any reason at the moment.

Perhaps after this coming November the story might be different.

To even try now would be counter-productive.
With each passing day and each new illegal E.O., with the country sinking further and further into despair, and each growing scandal that any sane, logical person knows leads back to Hussein, the reality that he will be impeached before his term is over grows...





Jeepers! Makes you wonder why he hasn't been impeached already. What could be stopping all those Tea Party patriots from taking action? Why doesn't the Congress do something?
NO it has to do with the Senate and Dingy Harry Reid that suffers from KOCH envy...and diverting attention to the name of a friggin' NFL TEAM...

But that's OK...YOU are easily swayed/diverted from cogent thought from more pressing issues...Like holding OBAMA responsible for his acts of lawlessness...but being the good little TOOL that you are? I can see why you don't get it from your knee jerk postings that portend to support criminals and criminality.




Thank me.
Well, at least the Right finally gave up trying impeach Earl Warren. I kind of miss seeing those billboards all over the South, though.
Number 34 is really all that is needed and it receives so little attention. Murdering Americans overseas has to be just as bad as trying to cover up for a two bit breakin.
Well, at least the Right finally gave up trying impeach Earl Warren. I kind of miss seeing those billboards all over the South, though.

Yeah billboards against tyranny of the Statist LEFT and what Warren brought to the court. Ike made a horrible mistake, and set forth the ACTIVIST Court that still survives, supports Tyranny..like YOU, didn't he?

Truman got a lot of flack about impeachment but ended up as America's ninth best president. I usually see presidential impeachment talk, as the last gasp of the opposing party. The House Republicans, were they so inclined, could impeach Obama in a few days.
Impeachment is not a court trial but a political trial and no law need be broken to impeach. One of the impeachment charges against Johnson was that he yelled at the Congress in a loud voice.
Because impeachment can backfire, Limbaugh said Democrats were trying to goad the Republicans into impeaching Obama, but so far Republicans are steering clear of impeachment except for what they do best, talk.

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