SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

82. Has the biggest group of reject, retarded, pathetic, jack offs on the planet worshiping him.

My God... what a pitiful display of dumbfuckery by the demtards in this thread. Not hardly even ONE rational response. Just pure dog shit.

It's no secret why I don't spend much time here anymore... who needs to read sophomoric bull shit like the feces heap up in this thread by the DEMOCRATS?

Answer: No one.
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82. Has the biggest group of reject, retarded, pathetic, jack offs on the planet worshiping him.

My God... what a pitiful display of dumbfuckery by the demtards in this thread. Not hardly even ONE rational response. Just pure dog shit.

It's no secret why I don't spend much time here anymore... who needs to read sophomoric bull shit like the feces heap up in this thread by the DEMOCRATS?

Answer: No one.

Not true. Au contraire, mes Amis:


The WAPO article is from a post-partisan blog and makes no sense at all.

Even if the GOP takes the Senate, which is statistically very, very likely (I have been saying this now since January 14th, 2014), that would still have no bearing on whether the House would vote to impeach our President, because you only need a simple majority in the House (218 votes, usually) to pass articles of impeachment, but you need 66.7% (67 votes) in the Senate to convict.

There is no way that the GOP is going to get to 66.7% (67 votes) for any impeachment conviction in the Senate.

It also doesn't matter which party has control of the Senate if articles of impeachment are passed in the House: the Senate is OBLIGATED to deliberate and vote on impeachment articles passed in the House. This is not a matter that any Senate Majority Leader can table or keep from coming to a vote: the Constitution requires the Senate to vote on impeachment.

So, using simple logic, if the GOP really thinks it has a case against our president, it can go ahead and impeach him right now in the House (which already has a GOP majority) and that impeachment will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Or, the GOP can wait until after the mid-terms and the House can vote on the articles of impeachment, which will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Either way, the result is going to be exactly the same.

You are not going to find even one Democratic Senator who will vote to convict. Not even Joe Manchin (D-WV).

So, all this bluster about "impeach" is all fine and good if that is how the Right really wants to present itself, but also pretty damned cowardly. There is nothing in the world stopping the GOP from introducing articles of Impeachment right now, this very week, in the House. If these charges really are for real and Obama supposedly has broken the law in 70 ways, then please, by all means, encourage your local congressman to bring forth articles of Impeachment right away.

I am going to call the Right's bluff on this one. Stop talking about "we are gonna do it" and just do it, fer Chrissakes.

In short, the outcome of the 2014 mid-terms will not have even the slightest effect on how an impeachment would work out: it would pass the House (easily) and there would be no conviction, just as was the case with President Clinton. Smart Republicans already know this, which is why they are hemming and hawing about it.

And btw, I worship G-d and G-d only. Not a President, not anyone else. Just to be crystal clear. I don't do idolatry.
This topic will get as much "real vote play" as the Benghazi one. I'm beginning to think the GOP strategy team is made up of a bunch of retarded chimpanzees. Meanwhile a goldmine of votes are out there to be harvested by a much much easier route.

Much easier. Child's play in fact. One or two major press releases and it's game-over for the dems and the GOP sweeps Congress and the Whitehouse.

Anyone who knows me by now knows exactly what I'm talking about..
This topic will get as much "real vote play" as the Benghazi one. I'm beginning to think the GOP strategy team is made up of a bunch of retarded chimpanzees. Meanwhile a goldmine of votes are out there to be harvested by a much much easier route.

Much easier. Child's play in fact. One or two major press releases and it's game-over for the dems and the GOP sweeps Congress and the Whitehouse.

Anyone who knows me by now knows exactly what I'm talking about..

Well, that was suspenseful.

And what exactly would this stunning, game-changing press release be?
I didn't read the OP, but I bet they forgot the number one reasons most teapers want to impeach Obama...

He is black.

Idiot teapers. Please go away with your.

If you didn't read the OP, you will notice that not once was Obama's color mentioned, and each crime listed is well known by the American people.

He's lost the American people. 75% of them don't trust him to uphold his agreement to provide for the common defense. Many of these people are Democrats who voted twice for President Obama.

Your false charge against Tea Party members is ludicrous. I know many of them. They're not idiots, they're people who think the National Debt that is closing in on $18,000,000,000,000.00 is excessive; that big government is nothing but trouble; that offenses on the border are ransoming captive taxpayers into slavery, and abuse of power by President Obama has become heinous.

A billion dollars spent that employs 100 workers is just one example of disrespect for the taxpayer. Americans have figured it out: they don't like the changes being made. We choose to NOT be the United Socialist States of America. Instead, we choose the freedoms of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

A billion tax payers dollars to finance 100 workers is a little extreme. If the tax payers could've kept that money I bet they'd employee more than 100 workers.

We have big government on steroids. We need to pay our bills and bid farewell to unfriendly government peeping toms.
Might as well listen to some movie theme song music while I'm waiting.

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Anything beyond one is superfluous.

It just has to be the right one or any vote will be along party lines.

Get over it.
As the Liberals refuse to engage on the data already posted............


Oh, you call that "data"???


I quoted data including the laws on immigration............Your forgetting that is quite smug isn't it.............................

You didn't do jack squat to counter it.

Now go back to your liberal Cheer leading session as it's what your side is good at.

Want some pom poms..................................

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