SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

Thank you for the information.

It was also reported on 6/6 here:

Obama to provide legal aid to border-crossing children

Doesn't list the age, but young + children usually means Elementary School age and younger.

On Friday, Justice took the additional step of establishing the grant program to get more lawyers to represent those children in immigration court. The program will be run through AmeriCorps — the federal government's domestic community service program — and will try to enroll 100 new lawyers and paralegals in 29 cities across the country. They would commit to one year of service and receive living stipends as they conduct the work.

2 Million USD is less than a drop within a drop within a drop in a very large bucket.

But until I've read more, I don't feel qualified to say anymore.

Overall, illegal immigration is drastically down, but in some parts of the SE, among youngsters, it is apparently up.

Do you consider this spending to be unconstitutional or a breach of law?

Both. They are required to enforce the law. The law is part of the constitution. So they violate both.

Via the other post they actually spent 4 million here. That is from the DOJ's own website and required report due to the Freedom of Information act.

ilink | USCIS

ACT 103

USA.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal

Immigration: Deportation
Deportation (removal) is the act and process of formally removing foreign nationals from one country and returning them to their country of origin. The United States considers foreign nationals deportable if they violated U.S. immigration law.

After the deportation process begins:

An Immigration Court within the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) hears the related case
If the judge rules that the deportation proceed, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) carries out the removal order
The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) identifies the reasons for deporting a foreign national. For more information, contact the DOJ, ICE, or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) directly:

Thanks for the additional information.
Common sense.......yes you seem to have a lot of that. Very common, extremely common, the kind of sense that's so common it can be found almost anywhere.
Touche...MY comment stands. If it bothers you so?

*I* Don't give a shit. DEAL with it. YOU possess it NOT therefore you have to disparage...and that's OK with me. Makes YOU not any smarter now does it? feel better about yourself and your shortcomings? If YOU had any sense? IT WOULD.


I'm pretty sure you're the one who wants to personalize everything. I guess that's because your alleged arguments don't stand on their own merits.
I address ONE idiot at a time...YOUR turn in the barrel champ.:eusa_hand:
So, T, have you contacted your congressman and told him you want him to file articles of impeachment yet?
Touche...MY comment stands. If it bothers you so?

*I* Don't give a shit. DEAL with it. YOU possess it NOT therefore you have to disparage...and that's OK with me. Makes YOU not any smarter now does it? feel better about yourself and your shortcomings? If YOU had any sense? IT WOULD.


I'm pretty sure you're the one who wants to personalize everything. I guess that's because your alleged arguments don't stand on their own merits.
I address ONE idiot at a time...YOUR turn in the barrel champ.:eusa_hand:

People often say things like that when they've run out of things to say.

Vaughan Catch and Release

In 2013, ICE targeted only 195,000, or 25 percent, out of 722,000 potentially deportable aliens they en-countered. Most of these aliens came to ICE’s attention aer incarceration for a local arrest.
ICE released 68,000 criminal aliens in 2013, or 35 percent of the criminal aliens encountered by officers. Te vast majority of these releases occurred because of the Obama administration’s prosecutorial discre-tion policies, not because the aliens were not deportable.
ICE targeted 28 percent fewer aliens for deportation from the interior in 2013 than in 2012, despite sus-tained high numbers of encounters in the Criminal Alien and Secure Communities programs.
Every ICE field office but one reported a decline in interior enforcement activity, with the largest decline in the Atlanta field office, which covers Georgia and the Carolinas.
ICE reports that there are more than 870,000 aliens on its docket who have been ordered removed, but who remain in defiance of the law

Catch and Release again...................

Study Finds Nearly 70,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens Released Back Into the U.S. | TheBlaze.com

Sen. Jeff Sessions, (R-Ala.), told TheBlaze in a statement Sunday night that the evidence in Vaughan’s study “demonstrates that immigration enforcement in America has collapsed. Even those with criminal convictions are being released.”

“DHS is a department in crisis,” said Sessions, referring to the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees ICE. “Secretary [Jeh] Johnson must reject the president’s demands to weaken enforcement further and tell him that his duty, and his officers’ duty, is to enforce the law – not break it. As Homeland Secretary secretary, Mr. Johnson is tasked with ensuring the public safety and the rule of law. But Secretary Johnson is not meeting these duties.”
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTrLbpL1wiM]Vice President Joe Biden Calls Illegal Immigrants, "Already Citizens" - YouTube[/ame]
When the Mexican government hires a group of American lobbyists to write an immigration bill, then Americans should begin to worry.
Amnesty is a Civil Right. Eric Holder.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NXj0hl5T3o]Holder calls amnesty a "civil right" - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlJjnoNKkPM]Catch & Release - 68,000 Convicted Immigrants Released In 2013 - Jessica Vaughan - YouTube[/ame]
ICE Document Details 36,000 Criminal Alien Releases in 2013

Published on Monday, 12 May 2014 08:37 Written by Jessica M. Vaughan

In 2013, ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, according to a document obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies. This group included aliens convicted of hundreds of violent and serious crimes, including homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. The list of crimes also includes more than 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions. The vast majority of these releases from ICE custody were discretionary, not required by law (in fact, in some instances, apparently contrary to law), nor the result of local sanctuary policies.The document reveals that the 36,007 convicted criminal aliens freed from ICE custody in many instances had multiple convictions.

Among them, the 36,007 had nearly 88,000 convictions, including:
193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun)
426 sexual assault convictions
303 kidnapping convictions
1,075 aggravated assault convictions
1,160 stolen vehicle convictions
9,187 dangerous drug convictions
16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions
303 flight escape convictions

BackgroundThis enumeration of FY 2013 criminal aliens freed and the criminal convictions tied to these individuals was prepared by ICE in response to congressional inquiries following a report published by the Center for Immigration Studies. That report, “Catch and Release”, showed that ICE officers declined to bring immigration charges in 68,000 cases of criminal aliens they encountered in 2013.
Document Details 36,000 Criminal Alien Releases in 2013[/url]

Published on Monday, 12 May 2014 08:37 Written by Jessica M. Vaughan

In 2013, ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, according to a document obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies. This group included aliens convicted of hundreds of violent and serious crimes, including homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. The list of crimes also includes more than 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions. The vast majority of these releases from ICE custody were discretionary, not required by law (in fact, in some instances, apparently contrary to law), nor the result of local sanctuary policies.The document reveals that the 36,007 convicted criminal aliens freed from ICE custody in many instances had multiple convictions.

Among them, the 36,007 had nearly 88,000 convictions, including:
193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun)
426 sexual assault convictions
303 kidnapping convictions
1,075 aggravated assault convictions
1,160 stolen vehicle convictions
9,187 dangerous drug convictions
16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions
303 flight escape convictions

BackgroundThis enumeration of FY 2013 criminal aliens freed and the criminal convictions tied to these individuals was prepared by ICE in response to congressional inquiries following a report published by the Center for Immigration Studies. That report, “Catch and Release”, showed that ICE officers declined to bring immigration charges in 68,000 cases of criminal aliens they encountered in 2013.

Nativist Report Mischaracterizes and Over Dramatizes ICE Releases

"The heart of the CIS report is the assertion that, “in 2013, ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings.” Moreover, these 36,007 had nearly 88,000 convictions among them. These sound like scary numbers until you break them down. For instance, 32,863 convictions for traffic offenses (including DUIs) are lumped in with more serious offenses. The list of convictions for these “criminal aliens” ranges from tax fraud and disturbing the peace to aggravated assault and kidnapping. The point is that looking at this group of people as an undifferentiated whole doesn’t tell you much about who poses a risk to public safety and who does not.

More importantly, all of these individuals paid their fine or served their time in the criminal justice system. They served the sentences that had been imposed upon them for their crimes. But, because they are immigrants, they were subject to further detention in the immigration system."

..."Keep in mind that many, if not most, of these people are legal permanent residents of the United States who may have resided here for many years before they violated any laws"
I have a much better proposition.

After he leaves the protection of the Office, file criminal charges against him.
Document Details 36,000 Criminal Alien Releases in 2013[/url]

Published on Monday, 12 May 2014 08:37 Written by Jessica M. Vaughan

In 2013, ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, according to a document obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies. This group included aliens convicted of hundreds of violent and serious crimes, including homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. The list of crimes also includes more than 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions. The vast majority of these releases from ICE custody were discretionary, not required by law (in fact, in some instances, apparently contrary to law), nor the result of local sanctuary policies.The document reveals that the 36,007 convicted criminal aliens freed from ICE custody in many instances had multiple convictions.

Among them, the 36,007 had nearly 88,000 convictions, including:
193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun)
426 sexual assault convictions
303 kidnapping convictions
1,075 aggravated assault convictions
1,160 stolen vehicle convictions
9,187 dangerous drug convictions
16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions
303 flight escape convictions

BackgroundThis enumeration of FY 2013 criminal aliens freed and the criminal convictions tied to these individuals was prepared by ICE in response to congressional inquiries following a report published by the Center for Immigration Studies. That report, “Catch and Release”, showed that ICE officers declined to bring immigration charges in 68,000 cases of criminal aliens they encountered in 2013.

Nativist Report Mischaracterizes and Over Dramatizes ICE Releases

"The heart of the CIS report is the assertion that, “in 2013, ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings.” Moreover, these 36,007 had nearly 88,000 convictions among them. These sound like scary numbers until you break them down. For instance, 32,863 convictions for traffic offenses (including DUIs) are lumped in with more serious offenses. The list of convictions for these “criminal aliens” ranges from tax fraud and disturbing the peace to aggravated assault and kidnapping. The point is that looking at this group of people as an undifferentiated whole doesn’t tell you much about who poses a risk to public safety and who does not.

More importantly, all of these individuals paid their fine or served their time in the criminal justice system. They served the sentences that had been imposed upon them for their crimes. But, because they are immigrants, they were subject to further detention in the immigration system."

..."Keep in mind that many, if not most, of these people are legal permanent residents of the United States who may have resided here for many years before they violated any laws"


The WAPO article is from a post-partisan blog and makes no sense at all.

Even if the GOP takes the Senate, which is statistically very, very likely (I have been saying this now since January 14th, 2014), that would still have no bearing on whether the House would vote to impeach our President, because you only need a simple majority in the House (218 votes, usually) to pass articles of impeachment, but you need 66.7% (67 votes) in the Senate to convict.

There is no way that the GOP is going to get to 66.7% (67 votes) for any impeachment conviction in the Senate.

It also doesn't matter which party has control of the Senate if articles of impeachment are passed in the House: the Senate is OBLIGATED to deliberate and vote on impeachment articles passed in the House. This is not a matter that any Senate Majority Leader can table or keep from coming to a vote: the Constitution requires the Senate to vote on impeachment.

So, using simple logic, if the GOP really thinks it has a case against our president, it can go ahead and impeach him right now in the House (which already has a GOP majority) and that impeachment will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Or, the GOP can wait until after the mid-terms and the House can vote on the articles of impeachment, which will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Either way, the result is going to be exactly the same.

You are not going to find even one Democratic Senator who will vote to convict. Not even Joe Manchin (D-WV).

So, all this bluster about "impeach" is all fine and good if that is how the Right really wants to present itself, but also pretty damned cowardly. There is nothing in the world stopping the GOP from introducing articles of Impeachment right now, this very week, in the House. If these charges really are for real and Obama supposedly has broken the law in 70 ways, then please, by all means, encourage your local congressman to bring forth articles of Impeachment right away.

I am going to call the Right's bluff on this one. Stop talking about "we are gonna do it" and just do it, fer Chrissakes.

In short, the outcome of the 2014 mid-terms will not have even the slightest effect on how an impeachment would work out: it would pass the House (easily) and there would be no conviction, just as was the case with President Clinton. Smart Republicans already know this, which is why they are hemming and hawing about it.

I am *bumping* this for [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION], who claims that I never provide factual information (lol), that I am nothing more than a partisan hack (lol), and yet, I am the only person on this thread who actually brought hard and factual information to the table about impeachment proceedings themselves. I am the only one who mentioned the specifics of how this works in the Senate. Jroc, that is called "information". It's what intelligent people do.

Again: IT DOESN'T MATTER EVEN ONE LITTLE FUCK WHO CONTROLS THE SENATE; regardless of control, if the House passes articles of impeachment, the Senate is REQUIRED to deliberate and vote on them, per US Constitution. In the case of articles of impeachment against the President, it is even written in the Constitution that the Chief Justice of the SOTUS (and not the Majority Leader) preside over the proceedings.

All those crazy-assed Righties who are screaming "impeachment", if they are elected officials, already know that it will go no where, not because Harry Reid is currently the Senate Majority Leader, but because in order to convict, you need 67 out of 100 Senate votes as YEA to convict and just as was the case with Bill Clinton, those 67 votes are not there. They are also not going to be there after the 2014 elections.

The worst thing that can happen is that whackadoodles in the HOR indeed pass articles of impeachment, which will then go to the Senate and die in the Senate vote, which means that Obama would be impeached but not convicted and would finish out his second-term, just like Bill Clinton did.

It would also make the GOP look like a party of absolute fools. Which, in my opinion, is not hard to do.

So, feel free to have a right-wing circle jerk over "impeachment, impeachment" and watch the rest of us laugh over it.


umm.....did i ever say or support Impeachment? It'll never happen, and a waste of time. While I do agree Obama is corrupt we wont be able to prove it, and the libs will just use it against us
The WAPO article is from a post-partisan blog and makes no sense at all.

Even if the GOP takes the Senate, which is statistically very, very likely (I have been saying this now since January 14th, 2014), that would still have no bearing on whether the House would vote to impeach our President, because you only need a simple majority in the House (218 votes, usually) to pass articles of impeachment, but you need 66.7% (67 votes) in the Senate to convict.

There is no way that the GOP is going to get to 66.7% (67 votes) for any impeachment conviction in the Senate.

It also doesn't matter which party has control of the Senate if articles of impeachment are passed in the House: the Senate is OBLIGATED to deliberate and vote on impeachment articles passed in the House. This is not a matter that any Senate Majority Leader can table or keep from coming to a vote: the Constitution requires the Senate to vote on impeachment.

So, using simple logic, if the GOP really thinks it has a case against our president, it can go ahead and impeach him right now in the House (which already has a GOP majority) and that impeachment will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Or, the GOP can wait until after the mid-terms and the House can vote on the articles of impeachment, which will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Either way, the result is going to be exactly the same.

You are not going to find even one Democratic Senator who will vote to convict. Not even Joe Manchin (D-WV).

So, all this bluster about "impeach" is all fine and good if that is how the Right really wants to present itself, but also pretty damned cowardly. There is nothing in the world stopping the GOP from introducing articles of Impeachment right now, this very week, in the House. If these charges really are for real and Obama supposedly has broken the law in 70 ways, then please, by all means, encourage your local congressman to bring forth articles of Impeachment right away.

I am going to call the Right's bluff on this one. Stop talking about "we are gonna do it" and just do it, fer Chrissakes.

In short, the outcome of the 2014 mid-terms will not have even the slightest effect on how an impeachment would work out: it would pass the House (easily) and there would be no conviction, just as was the case with President Clinton. Smart Republicans already know this, which is why they are hemming and hawing about it.

I am *bumping* this for [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION], who claims that I never provide factual information (lol), that I am nothing more than a partisan hack (lol), and yet, I am the only person on this thread who actually brought hard and factual information to the table about impeachment proceedings themselves. I am the only one who mentioned the specifics of how this works in the Senate. Jroc, that is called "information". It's what intelligent people do.

Again: IT DOESN'T MATTER EVEN ONE LITTLE FUCK WHO CONTROLS THE SENATE; regardless of control, if the House passes articles of impeachment, the Senate is REQUIRED to deliberate and vote on them, per US Constitution. In the case of articles of impeachment against the President, it is even written in the Constitution that the Chief Justice of the SOTUS (and not the Majority Leader) preside over the proceedings.

All those crazy-assed Righties who are screaming "impeachment", if they are elected officials, already know that it will go no where, not because Harry Reid is currently the Senate Majority Leader, but because in order to convict, you need 67 out of 100 Senate votes as YEA to convict and just as was the case with Bill Clinton, those 67 votes are not there. They are also not going to be there after the 2014 elections.

The worst thing that can happen is that whackadoodles in the HOR indeed pass articles of impeachment, which will then go to the Senate and die in the Senate vote, which means that Obama would be impeached but not convicted and would finish out his second-term, just like Bill Clinton did.

It would also make the GOP look like a party of absolute fools. Which, in my opinion, is not hard to do.

So, feel free to have a right-wing circle jerk over "impeachment, impeachment" and watch the rest of us laugh over it.


umm.....did i ever say or support Impeachment? It'll never happen, and a waste of time. While I do agree Obama is corrupt we wont be able to prove it, and the libs will just use it against us
Not a good attitude concerning someone or even many who are supposed to be corrupt, and worse they are at the highest levels.. I think people should adopt a win, win, attitude against corruption in this nation. The people await the return to common decency again, but it's as if it has escaped us all now.
I didn't read the OP, but I bet they forgot the number one reasons most teapers want to impeach Obama...

He is black.

Idiot teapers. Please go away with your.

If you didn't read the OP, you will notice that not once was Obama's color mentioned, and each crime listed is well known by the American people.

He's lost the American people. 75% of them don't trust him to uphold his agreement to provide for the common defense. Many of these people are Democrats who voted twice for President Obama.

Your false charge against Tea Party members is ludicrous. I know many of them. They're not idiots, they're people who think the National Debt that is closing in on $18,000,000,000,000.00 is excessive; that big government is nothing but trouble; that offenses on the border are ransoming captive taxpayers into slavery, and abuse of power by President Obama has become heinous.

A billion dollars spent that employs 100 workers is just one example of disrespect for the taxpayer. Americans have figured it out: they don't like the changes being made. We choose to NOT be the United Socialist States of America. Instead, we choose the freedoms of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.
I didn't read the OP, but I bet they forgot the number one reasons most teapers want to impeach Obama...

He is black.

Idiot teapers. Please go away with your.

If you didn't read the OP, you will notice that not once was Obama's color mentioned, and each crime listed is well known by the American people.

He's lost the American people. 75% of them don't trust him to uphold his agreement to provide for the common defense. Many of these people are Democrats who voted twice for President Obama.

Your false charge against Tea Party members is ludicrous. I know many of them. They're not idiots, they're people who think the National Debt that is closing in on $18,000,000,000,000.00 is excessive; that big government is nothing but trouble; that offenses on the border are ransoming captive taxpayers into slavery, and abuse of power by President Obama has become heinous.

A billion dollars spent that employs 100 workers is just one example of disrespect for the taxpayer. Americans have figured it out: they don't like the changes being made. We choose to NOT be the United Socialist States of America. Instead, we choose the freedoms of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

A billion tax payers dollars to finance 100 workers is a little extreme. If the tax payers could've kept that money I bet they'd employee more than 100 workers.

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