SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


since I doubt you will open you eyes, you seeing will never happen.

My thought are that his grandfather has a drone waiting in his future if he keeps up his suit.

And no, Bush did not target Americans. Obama is the first since the civil war. But just like Nixion, he is POTUS whatever he does is not illegal, right?

Grandfather Of 16-Year-Old U.S. Citizen Killed By Drone Says Faith In Due Process 'Shattered'

Grandfather Of 16-Year-Old U.S. Citizen Killed By Drone Says Faith In Due Process 'Shattered'


With each passing day and each new illegal E.O., with the country sinking further and further into despair, and each growing scandal that any sane, logical person knows leads back to Hussein, the reality that he will be impeached before his term is over grows...





From the standpoint that these are all true, this just shows the level of ineptitude of the GOP. Plain n' simple. For god's sake, a first year law student could run with this but the entire Republican party can't? Bahahahahahaaa.....

Where's Mitch ("We want to make this a one term presidency....") McConnell when you need him? Another limp dick on the right. Those people in Kentucky better get jiggy and vote for Alison Grimes.
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Is this what you want to impeach the President for? Immigration? Good God go. You dumb.

That is not my ultimate goal. Even though it would make me very happy.

What I really want is for people like you to get spayed or neutered so you can no longer breed and infect humanity with your BS.

Do you see it...........I've changed.............I used to be against abortion until meeting people like you...................There's your hope and change.

in other words, you want to undo the results of a lawful election where you lost by 5 million votes because you're a bunch of whining sore losers

welcome to the gulag. :thup:


Obama: 65,918,507 (51.01%)
Romney: 60,934,407 (47.15%)
Johnson: 1,275,923 (0.99%)
others: 1,106,721 (0.85%)

Margin: Obama +4,794,100 (+3.86%)

Obama 332 EV (61.70%)
Romney 206 EV (38.30%)

Margin: Obama +126 EV (+23.40%)
Save me your self righteousness. This is just your usual rant. The inspector Generals office confirmed that the IRS targeted. The IRS has admitted it. Even the President has stated.....



Go sell your used cars to someone else.
when you're right you're right ... are you telling us that "Truth to vote" isn't a conservative site ??? that they are a non-biased site here full of conservatives??? and you trying to prove to us here that what i said wasn't the truth ??? that these sites you use all the time aren't rightwingnut sites ??? the only bottom they would get to is the person next to them ... as for non-biased reporting ... they don't know the meaning of it... so like always when you're outed for your biased post once again you get all testy ...you start with the he's so righteousness attempt ... well it won't work here cause you are wrong ... 100% wrong here... it has nothing to do with getting to the truth ... it has everything to do with getting to your truth alone ...

Truth the Vote is a thorn in your side. They are forcing updates to Voter registration all over the country. Voter records that still include dead people, and voters that have moved to another state or county.

They have done this in GOP states as they have done so in Dem States. Latest cases I've read about are in Texas and Mississippi. These states are Red. It seems that your side should be happy about that, as you imply voter fraud in these states all the time.

These court battles have gone against GOP DOJ's in these states. They are doing a service to this country as they are against Voter Fraud and I APPLAUD THEM for doing so.

Show the data.

Voter fraud in Ohio was 0.0024% in 2012.
Amazing how many amateur constitutional scholars there are out there these days. Good thing we have people like you around to interpret the Constitution for us.....maybe you could start your own Supreme Court.

He's the only one who considers himself a constitutional scholar.

You're posts consist of useless babble.. do yourself a favor and stop embarrassing yourself. What's that saying about the angry black woman? You so fit the stereotype.. wear it honey, you earned it.

Angry black woman? Who are you, Reagan from1980? What is that saying about low information voters? You earned that title. Wear it with pride.
Do you libs still believe in Santa Claus and the Eater Bunny too...........


Or did they just magically disappear.........................

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfA49i3SnyI]Olivia Newton John-Magic - YouTube[/ame]
And the DOJ is gonna give them all lawyers too.

Naw...........They aren't violating the law here. Couldn't be.

And the DOJ is gonna give them all lawyers too.

Naw...........They aren't violating the law here. Couldn't be.


Did you just attend the Vigilante school of internetting, or what?


Now, back to the OP:

SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

You could always go through those 70 points....

How about you step up to the plate and explain how they spend 2 million dollars to hire lawyers for illegal aliens?

Until then, anything you say is BS.
And the DOJ is gonna give them all lawyers too.

Naw...........They aren't violating the law here. Couldn't be.


Did you just attend the Vigilante school of internetting, or what?


Now, back to the OP:

SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

You could always go through those 70 points....

How about you step up to the plate and explain how they spend 2 million dollars to hire lawyers for illegal aliens?

Until then, anything you say is BS.

I am just trembling in my boots.

Care to provide a link, or screaming really loudly to mommy more your thing?
Did you just attend the Vigilante school of internetting, or what?


Now, back to the OP:

SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

You could always go through those 70 points....

How about you step up to the plate and explain how they spend 2 million dollars to hire lawyers for illegal aliens?

Until then, anything you say is BS.

I am just trembling in my boots.

Care to provide a link, or screaming really loudly to mommy more your thing?

I posted in many many posts ago............

Of course you will ignore that.

And don't see anything wrong with emails disappearing from 6 different hard drives with a back up service.

You really do believe in Fairy tales. And BTW, it's not your tax dollars as you are from Germany anyway.
How about you step up to the plate and explain how they spend 2 million dollars to hire lawyers for illegal aliens?

Until then, anything you say is BS.

I am just trembling in my boots.

Care to provide a link, or screaming really loudly to mommy more your thing?

I posted in many many posts ago............

Of course you will ignore that.

And don't see anything wrong with emails disappearing from 6 different hard drives with a back up service.

You really do believe in Fairy tales. And BTW, it's not your tax dollars as you are from Germany anyway.

Oh, just tell me the posting number, I will go look for it.

Next time, leave your grumpy hat at home, otherwise, no milk and cookies for you!
Just a reminder. This was already posted.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5uzMcjSSg4]DOJ Grants $2 Million For Immigrant Youth - YouTube[/ame]
How about you step up to the plate and explain how they spend 2 million dollars to hire lawyers for illegal aliens?

Until then, anything you say is BS.

I am just trembling in my boots.

Care to provide a link, or screaming really loudly to mommy more your thing?

I posted in many many posts ago............

Of course you will ignore that.

And don't see anything wrong with emails disappearing from 6 different hard drives with a back up service.

You really do believe in Fairy tales. And BTW, it's not your tax dollars as you are from Germany anyway.

You're arguing with a child hungry for attention. He'll say anything.

Thank you for the information.

It was also reported on 6/6 here:

Obama to provide legal aid to border-crossing children

The Obama administration is set to take another step to help young children caught crossing the southwest border without their parents, creating a program to provide them with lawyers as they make their way through immigration court.

Doesn't list the age, but young + children usually means Elementary School age and younger.

On Friday, Justice took the additional step of establishing the grant program to get more lawyers to represent those children in immigration court. The program will be run through AmeriCorps — the federal government's domestic community service program — and will try to enroll 100 new lawyers and paralegals in 29 cities across the country. They would commit to one year of service and receive living stipends as they conduct the work.

2 Million USD is less than a drop within a drop within a drop in a very large bucket.

But until I've read more, I don't feel qualified to say anymore.

Overall, illegal immigration is drastically down, but in some parts of the SE, among youngsters, it is apparently up.

Do you consider this spending to be unconstitutional or a breach of law?

Thank you for the information.

It was also reported on 6/6 here:

Obama to provide legal aid to border-crossing children

The Obama administration is set to take another step to help young children caught crossing the southwest border without their parents, creating a program to provide them with lawyers as they make their way through immigration court.

Doesn't list the age, but young + children usually means Elementary School age and younger.

On Friday, Justice took the additional step of establishing the grant program to get more lawyers to represent those children in immigration court. The program will be run through AmeriCorps — the federal government's domestic community service program — and will try to enroll 100 new lawyers and paralegals in 29 cities across the country. They would commit to one year of service and receive living stipends as they conduct the work.

2 Million USD is less than a drop within a drop within a drop in a very large bucket.

But until I've read more, I don't feel qualified to say anymore.

Overall, illegal immigration is drastically down, but in some parts of the SE, among youngsters, it is apparently up.

Do you consider this spending to be unconstitutional or a breach of law?

Both. They are required to enforce the law. The law is part of the constitution. So they violate both.

Via the other post they actually spent 4 million here. That is from the DOJ's own website and required report due to the Freedom of Information act.

ilink | USCIS

ACT 103

USA.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal

Immigration: Deportation
Deportation (removal) is the act and process of formally removing foreign nationals from one country and returning them to their country of origin. The United States considers foreign nationals deportable if they violated U.S. immigration law.

After the deportation process begins:

An Immigration Court within the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) hears the related case
If the judge rules that the deportation proceed, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) carries out the removal order
The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) identifies the reasons for deporting a foreign national. For more information, contact the DOJ, ICE, or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) directly:

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