SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

you're informed??? really ??? you go to these conservative sites .. you then quote them here as if they were the bible itself ... then you come here and try to say you're informed ???? then why haven't you commented on the firm who does the IT for the IRS ??? why haven't you gone there to see why these drives were replaced ??? nooooooooo!!!!!! you go to the local rightwingnut site and say see what they said cause they are "truth to vote"... see it has the word truth in it .. so it must be the truth, HUH!!!! see how terrible the lefties are cause EAGLE is the most truthful informed poster here ... cause he only looks at rightwingnut sites to prove his post to be the truth ... as if it was Jesus telling him it ... when you have something factual, then I'll take you serious... quoting from rightwingnut sites, you get what you deserve ...

Save me your self righteousness. This is just your usual rant. The inspector Generals office confirmed that the IRS targeted. The IRS has admitted it. Even the President has stated.....



Go sell your used cars to someone else.
when you're right you're right ... are you telling us that "Truth to vote" isn't a conservative site ??? that they are a non-biased site here full of conservatives??? and you trying to prove to us here that what i said wasn't the truth ??? that these sites you use all the time aren't rightwingnut sites ??? the only bottom they would get to is the person next to them ... as for non-biased reporting ... they don't know the meaning of it... so like always when you're outed for your biased post once again you get all testy ...you start with the he's so righteousness attempt ... well it won't work here cause you are wrong ... 100% wrong here... it has nothing to do with getting to the truth ... it has everything to do with getting to your truth alone ...

Truth the Vote is a thorn in your side. They are forcing updates to Voter registration all over the country. Voter records that still include dead people, and voters that have moved to another state or county.

They have done this in GOP states as they have done so in Dem States. Latest cases I've read about are in Texas and Mississippi. These states are Red. It seems that your side should be happy about that, as you imply voter fraud in these states all the time.

These court battles have gone against GOP DOJ's in these states. They are doing a service to this country as they are against Voter Fraud and I APPLAUD THEM for doing so.
THAT'S funny!...unfortunately.
I saw the pictures of the abandoned U.S. humvees loaded on trucks for ISIS...

Imagine all the other weapons they have now that they've overrun those cities?

surface to air, maybe?

Maybe that's why we aren't using airstrikes to chill them out?

you do realize surface to air uses radar to fine the planes they want to shoot at don't you??? by your post not so much ...

I can see you're struggling to make some kind of point?
Try again?

we can see whenever you have no answer, you deflect by insulting the intelligence of people far more knowledgeable than you are.
when you have a house thats has the majority of "rightwingnuts" in it, do you really think they will be fair ??? really !!!! do you ??? you rightwingnuts don't know the meaning or the word truth or fairness ....:cuckoo:

Impeachment has nothing to do with "fair".

It's part of the process to address illegal acts.

just fucking priceless never mind what he did was illegal or not, its only fair if you deem it as being illegal ... you are a piece of work ...

No..you're clumsily trying to distort.

I said articles of impeachment have nothing to do with being "fair". It is a legal process not a "fairness" process.

Articles of impeachment would describe any illegal acts so the committee could vote on whether to proceed on it/them.

Save all that hyperpartisan sillyness and diversions.
you do realize surface to air uses radar to fine the planes they want to shoot at don't you??? by your post not so much ...

I can see you're struggling to make some kind of point?
Try again?

we can see whenever you have no answer, you deflect by insulting the intelligence of people far more knowledgeable than you are.

I asked for clarification. That isn't a "deflection".

It appears your vocabulary exceeds your education.
you do realize surface to air uses radar to fine the planes they want to shoot at don't you??? by your post not so much ...

I can see you're struggling to make some kind of point?
Try again?

we can see whenever you have no answer, you deflect by insulting the intelligence of people far more knowledgeable than you are.


Address the issues for a change member of the liberal brigade...........

Did the DOJ violate the law by giving lawyers to the law breakers............


Let me clear up my stance for you. I wouldn't take a leak on you if you were on fire.

That help you out. Let all on this board read it.

I don't think people like you should breed. Would it help if I bolded it and all in caps as well.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
right back at ya ... except for one thing ... I would pour as much gas as humanly possible on ya:lol::lol::lol::lol::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Both sides know this billy bob.

At the end of the day this thread is meaningless. We will oppose each other as always.

I openly don't have any respect for the Far Left. You openly don't have any respect for my views as well. That will not change today, tomorrow or any time soon.

That's just how it is. I post when and where I choose. And when I get bored of it, I move on to another subject or thread.

When I leave your side goes look we Won. It's all a staged play with the same ending every time.

In the end, we will disagree as always..............

To the op. The Facts are there. Justice via politicians from both sides will not occur. Because if justice was the cause, we would no longer allow politicians and Federal Employees to be ABOVE THE LAW.

my post has nothing to do with whether I respect you or not ... whether I'm far left or you're far right . it has everything to do with is this the truth ... you come here all the time, as do I, then you quote from a obvious right wing site ... then you become all incensed when you are challenged by your choice of site ... again, it has nothing to do with party, it has every thing to do with what do you believe as being the truth ... if you're going to use political conservative sites ,who has total biased opinions, then its our jobs to call you on it ... if you think it has to do with respect here then you are barking up the wrong tree ... you get nasty to people, we will get nasty right back at you ...
Attempting to impeach the asshole wouldn't be smart. Just insinuate or mention the prospect of it now and then like the dims often did during W's term.

It's better IMO to keep the jerk right where he is and tie all dimocrats to him and his policies they supported in lock step. Bang the drum about the evils of the Obama dimocrat party, all the lies, all the spending, all the fecklessness on the world stage, coopting the IRS, etc., etc. He's the stinking albatros hanging from all their necks and it should be exploited.
right back at ya ... except for one thing ... I would pour as much gas as humanly possible on ya:lol::lol::lol::lol::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Both sides know this billy bob.

At the end of the day this thread is meaningless. We will oppose each other as always.

I openly don't have any respect for the Far Left. You openly don't have any respect for my views as well. That will not change today, tomorrow or any time soon.

That's just how it is. I post when and where I choose. And when I get bored of it, I move on to another subject or thread.

When I leave your side goes look we Won. It's all a staged play with the same ending every time.

In the end, we will disagree as always..............

To the op. The Facts are there. Justice via politicians from both sides will not occur. Because if justice was the cause, we would no longer allow politicians and Federal Employees to be ABOVE THE LAW.

my post has nothing to do with whether I respect you or not ... whether I'm far left or you're far right . it has everything to do with is this the truth ... you come here all the time, as do I, then you quote from a obvious right wing site ... then you become all incensed when you are challenged by your choice of site ... again, it has nothing to do with party, it has every thing to do with what do you believe as being the truth ... if you're going to use political conservative sites ,who has total biased opinions, then its our jobs to call you on it ... if you think it has to do with respect here then you are barking up the wrong tree ... you get nasty to people, we will get nasty right back at you ...

Pot painting the Kettle Black.

And that is all.
eagle you see a article .... it says "my dog ate the hard drive defense" then the article goes into their detail, on what their opinion is ... you become all incensed over a dem/liberal getting away with it ... the fact that you don't really know what they are getting away with for sure, you go off the deep end here because your conservative site the fed your anger toward the DEMS/LIBERALS ... you then think we don't respect your opinion ... its a god damn opinion ... if you cant see the biased in my dog ate the hard drive defense they I guess you a lot dumber them we all thought
Both sides know this billy bob.

At the end of the day this thread is meaningless. We will oppose each other as always.

I openly don't have any respect for the Far Left. You openly don't have any respect for my views as well. That will not change today, tomorrow or any time soon.

That's just how it is. I post when and where I choose. And when I get bored of it, I move on to another subject or thread.

When I leave your side goes look we Won. It's all a staged play with the same ending every time.

In the end, we will disagree as always..............

To the op. The Facts are there. Justice via politicians from both sides will not occur. Because if justice was the cause, we would no longer allow politicians and Federal Employees to be ABOVE THE LAW.

my post has nothing to do with whether I respect you or not ... whether I'm far left or you're far right . it has everything to do with is this the truth ... you come here all the time, as do I, then you quote from a obvious right wing site ... then you become all incensed when you are challenged by your choice of site ... again, it has nothing to do with party, it has every thing to do with what do you believe as being the truth ... if you're going to use political conservative sites ,who has total biased opinions, then its our jobs to call you on it ... if you think it has to do with respect here then you are barking up the wrong tree ... you get nasty to people, we will get nasty right back at you ...

Pot painting the Kettle Black.

And that is all.

like always you misted the point
Attempting to impeach the asshole wouldn't be smart. Just insinuate or mention the prospect of it now and then like the dims often did during W's term.

It's better IMO to keep the jerk right where he is and tie all dimocrats to him and his policies they supported in lock step. Bang the drum about the evils of the Obama dimocrat party, all the lies, all the spending, all the fecklessness on the world stage, coopting the IRS, etc., etc. He's the stinking albatros hanging from all their necks and it should be exploited.

I can agree with this. He can be tried for his war crimes after he leaves office. What scares me about removing him is what is waiting in the wings.

The WAPO article is from a post-partisan blog and makes no sense at all.

Even if the GOP takes the Senate, which is statistically very, very likely (I have been saying this now since January 14th, 2014), that would still have no bearing on whether the House would vote to impeach our President, because you only need a simple majority in the House (218 votes, usually) to pass articles of impeachment, but you need 66.7% (67 votes) in the Senate to convict.

There is no way that the GOP is going to get to 66.7% (67 votes) for any impeachment conviction in the Senate.

It also doesn't matter which party has control of the Senate if articles of impeachment are passed in the House: the Senate is OBLIGATED to deliberate and vote on impeachment articles passed in the House. This is not a matter that any Senate Majority Leader can table or keep from coming to a vote: the Constitution requires the Senate to vote on impeachment.

So, using simple logic, if the GOP really thinks it has a case against our president, it can go ahead and impeach him right now in the House (which already has a GOP majority) and that impeachment will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Or, the GOP can wait until after the mid-terms and the House can vote on the articles of impeachment, which will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Either way, the result is going to be exactly the same.

You are not going to find even one Democratic Senator who will vote to convict. Not even Joe Manchin (D-WV).

So, all this bluster about "impeach" is all fine and good if that is how the Right really wants to present itself, but also pretty damned cowardly. There is nothing in the world stopping the GOP from introducing articles of Impeachment right now, this very week, in the House. If these charges really are for real and Obama supposedly has broken the law in 70 ways, then please, by all means, encourage your local congressman to bring forth articles of Impeachment right away.

I am going to call the Right's bluff on this one. Stop talking about "we are gonna do it" and just do it, fer Chrissakes.

In short, the outcome of the 2014 mid-terms will not have even the slightest effect on how an impeachment would work out: it would pass the House (easily) and there would be no conviction, just as was the case with President Clinton. Smart Republicans already know this, which is why they are hemming and hawing about it.

You're counting on your do nothing Reid continuing to do nothing and refusing to bring it to a vote in front of the Senate.

This is why many Righties look so fucking stupid.

Read up on impeachment:

Impeachment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If articles of impeachment are passed through the House of Representatives against any person, that person MUST be tried in the Senate. Not only that, during the proceedings against a President, it is not the Senate Majority Leader who presides, it is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

The entire Right-Wing argument that for some reason, they cannot impeach unless the GOP captures the Senate is pure bullshit, aimed at the typical, stupid-assed low-information aimed at a low-information Right-Wing voter.

STFU We understand our political leaders much better than you. They would never convict him no matter how damning the evidence presented against him. The House wouldn't even proceed with a special prosecutor over the current scandals coming from the White House. They allow the current admin's own DOJ to push the cases like the IRS. There is damning evidence with this case. They know they targeted conservative groups and will eventually sweep it under the rug instead of prosecuting those who targeted.

That isn't justice. The only justice that will come of it will be the private law suits against the IRS by the people with the back bone to challenge them in courts.

Welcome to True The Vote | True The Vote is currently on the way to seek justice. That isn't going away.

Tsk, tsk, I must have hit a nerve....

Well, you have the 1st amendment right to try to tell me to "STFU" and I have the same 1st amendment right to laugh right in your face over it.


I notice that pertinent to the actual information I shared, you had nothing to say.
Attempting to impeach the asshole wouldn't be smart. Just insinuate or mention the prospect of it now and then like the dims often did during W's term.

It's better IMO to keep the jerk right where he is and tie all dimocrats to him and his policies they supported in lock step. Bang the drum about the evils of the Obama dimocrat party, all the lies, all the spending, all the fecklessness on the world stage, coopting the IRS, etc., etc. He's the stinking albatros hanging from all their necks and it should be exploited.

I can agree with this. He can be tried for his war crimes after he leaves office. What scares me about removing him is what is waiting in the wings.

You really think he could get ANYTHING done?
His discredited party wouldn't have any authority anyway. No one would go along with him.
LMAO. Did you see all the right wing whack jobs giving you thanks. LMAO.

Why don't you all quit running your mouths and fantasy lives and GET THE FUCK ON WITH IMPEACHING the President.

Surely with such a fine list of impeachable offenses, one of you whack jobs should be able to get your Tparty rep to bring about the charges.

Surely to goodness you whack jobs can do that. Right? No you say!!!! Why the fuck not I ask? Could it be because all you have is some right wing fantasy to cling to? Yep. That's the ticket. Right wing fantasy lives on a message board.

Who'd a thunk it.

I'll take my advice from a left wing hack when Hell Freezes over. Had we had a Congress with a spine and independent council would have been appointed over the IRS issue. Since we have Spineless Jelly Fish in the GOP this didn't happen, or is it that we have 2 parties same result and they are abeting the crime...........................

They are targeting Conservative groups as well. In campaign finance, as their jobs are on the line as groups like the TEA Party are going after them.

This very well summarizes the position that the right wing whack jobs find themselves in.

They have a fantasy (impeach the President) then they have a dose of reality hit them, then they find and cling to an excuse as to why the fuck they can't have their fantasy.

This is just some real funny shit you all are spreading. LMAO.

As Nike says; just DO IT!!!

Somehow, I think this thread is not quite going the way some Righties thought it would go. I bet they thought we Lefties would cower.

Instead, Lefties are coming out from all over the place to ENCOURAGE our friends from the Right to go right ahead and try that impeachment thingy.
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


You would deny any wrong doing if they came us and bit you in your Democratic ASS. Fitting symbol for the Democratic Party.

CAME US AND BIT YOU????? BWA HAHAHAH right ... boy did you tell them

It's all the fault of that famous Crayola Tea-Party spelling course:



With each passing day and each new illegal E.O., with the country sinking further and further into despair, and each growing scandal that any sane, logical person knows leads back to Hussein, the reality that he will be impeached before his term is over grows...





this is why the fringe on the right is so universally laughed at. They are funnier, and less believable, than the Sunday comics.

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