SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama


18th of June 2014
HOUSTON, TX - JUNE 17, 2014- True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht issued a

statement responding to IRS claims that emails sent by Lois Lerner and other IRS officials from

2009 through 2011 were "lost" due to a "computer crash".

“For over a year the IRS has chosen to delay, mislead, and outright lie to Congress, to the press,

and to the American people. This latest 'the dog ate my emails' excuse is absurd,” said

Engelbrecht. “It defies credulity that these 'lost' emails fall precisely in the period of time during

which the IRS was known to be targeting True the Vote and other pro-liberty groups.”

On Monday, True the Vote's attorney Cleta Mitchell released a letter sent to the IRS on

September 17, 2013 in which the IRS was given notice, in the form of a Litigation Hold Letter,

legally requiring it to retain all relevant evidence in the True the Vote case. This letter was in

addition to requirements that the IRS maintain those same records for ongoing Congressional

investigations. In response to True the Vote’s letter, IRS Counsel replied they would comply.

During his Congressional testimony, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen promised to

deliver Lerner's emails. At no time during these events did the IRS mention that the key email

evidence was missing.

“This Administration weaponized the IRS to attack Americans for their political beliefs. Then

they lied about it. Now, they're asking the American people to believe they "lost" critical

evidence. Enough is enough
. The IRS routinely destroys lives of American taxpayers who do not

provide sufficient information or comply with IRS regulations. The IRS must be held to the same

standard and come clean with the 'lost' emails or prepare to be scrutinized for however long it

takes to get to the truth.” said Engelbrecht.
in other words the IRS said go fuck youtselves to truth to voting ... another koch run organization ...

Part of your response is correct.

They said go fuck yourselves to the TRUTH......................


no they said go fuck yourself republicans because we all know, truth and republican aren't one and the same ... truth, Really!!!! republicans telling the truth???? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA they don't know the meaning of the truth just like you don't know the meaning of the word truth ....
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:
in other words the IRS said go fuck youtselves to truth to voting ... another koch run organization ...

Part of your response is correct.

They said go fuck yourselves to the TRUTH......................


no they said go fuck yourself republicans because we all know, truth and republican aren't one and the same ... truth, Really!!!! republicans telling the truth???? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA they don't know the meaning of the truth just like you don't know the meaning of the word truth ....

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In other news of importance.


The DOJ spends 2 Million Dollars for lawyers for illegal Aliens. In clear violation of the law.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5uzMcjSSg4]DOJ Grants $2 Million For Immigrant Youth - YouTube[/ame]
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

A "mature discussion" with a bunch of right wing whack jobs about their fantasy of impeaching a President. Think I'll pass.

Your alls bull shit gets funnier all the time. LMAO.

Hey, just go back and revisit the last time you repubs wanted to impeach a President. Maybe the outcome will be different in your fantasies.
U.S. Moves to Stop Surge in Illegal Immigration

McALLEN, Tex. — White House officials, saying that misinformation about administration policies helped drive a surge of illegal migrants from Central America across the South Texas border, on Friday announced plans to detain more of them and to accelerate their court cases so as to deport them more quickly.


Is this what you want to impeach the President for? Immigration? Good God go. You dumb.
LMAO. Did you see all the right wing whack jobs giving you thanks. LMAO.

Why don't you all quit running your mouths and fantasy lives and GET THE FUCK ON WITH IMPEACHING the President.

Surely with such a fine list of impeachable offenses, one of you whack jobs should be able to get your Tparty rep to bring about the charges.

Surely to goodness you whack jobs can do that. Right? No you say!!!! Why the fuck not I ask? Could it be because all you have is some right wing fantasy to cling to? Yep. That's the ticket. Right wing fantasy lives on a message board.

Who'd a thunk it.

I'll take my advice from a left wing hack when Hell Freezes over. Had we had a Congress with a spine and independent council would have been appointed over the IRS issue. Since we have Spineless Jelly Fish in the GOP this didn't happen, or is it that we have 2 parties same result and they are abeting the crime...........................

They are targeting Conservative groups as well. In campaign finance, as their jobs are on the line as groups like the TEA Party are going after them.

This very well summarizes the position that the right wing whack jobs find themselves in.

They have a fantasy (impeach the President) then they have a dose of reality hit them, then they find and cling to an excuse as to why the fuck they can't have their fantasy.

This is just some real funny shit you all are spreading. LMAO.

As Nike says; just DO IT!!!

I don't serve in Congress. Perhaps Obamacare can insert a spine into Bonehead and other Rhino's of the establishment. The establishment doesn't want impeachment proceedings. There is no political benefit for them to use an independent council to investigate these abuses of power.

And now the dog ate my hard drives and emails.............

tssk tssk.

Now the DOJ openly violates the law by appointing lawyers to immigrants that the law states they are supposed to deport.

And people like the liberals here Cheer for clear violations of the laws of our land.

Tomorrow they will be yelling the law in proving their points calling US the law breakers and that we have no respect for the law. Doing so as they PRAISE the DOJ for openly violating the law.

Your side has NO CREDIBILITY at all.
In other news of importance.



THAT'S funny!...unfortunately.
I saw the pictures of the abandoned U.S. humvees loaded on trucks for ISIS...

Imagine all the other weapons they have now that they've overrun those cities?

surface to air, maybe?

Maybe that's why we aren't using airstrikes to chill them out?
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


since I doubt you will open you eyes, you seeing will never happen.

My thought are that his grandfather has a drone waiting in his future if he keeps up his suit.

And no, Bush did not target Americans. Obama is the first since the civil war. But just like Nixion, he is POTUS whatever he does is not illegal, right?

Grandfather Of 16-Year-Old U.S. Citizen Killed By Drone Says Faith In Due Process 'Shattered'

Grandfather Of 16-Year-Old U.S. Citizen Killed By Drone Says Faith In Due Process 'Shattered'
In other news of importance.



THAT'S funny!...unfortunately.
I saw the pictures of the abandoned U.S. humvees loaded on trucks for ISIS...

Imagine all the other weapons they have now that they've overrun those cities?

surface to air, maybe?

Maybe that's why we aren't using airstrikes to chill them out?

Obama's 'hashtag diplomacy' LMAO

still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

A "mature discussion" with a bunch of right wing whack jobs about their fantasy of impeaching a President. Think I'll pass.

Your alls bull shit gets funnier all the time. LMAO.

Hey, just go back and revisit the last time you repubs wanted to impeach a President. Maybe the outcome will be different in your fantasies.

You will take a pass on the truth because it suits your agenda. Nothing more and nothing less from the boot lickers of the liberal brigade.

Problem is, the true liberals of our nations past would probably spit on you for your distortion of what a true liberal really is. Madison was one of the Founding Fathers and labeled himself as a liberal.

Your side doesn't know the meaning of it anymore. It's BS. In the early 20th Century the term Progressive was SO HATED BY THE PEOPLE that you changed your name to Liberals again. Now back to Progressive.....wait no Liberal as people turn on your policies.
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

when you have a house thats has the majority of "rightwingnuts" in it, do you really think they will be fair ??? really !!!! do you ??? you rightwingnuts don't know the meaning or the word truth or fairness ....:cuckoo:
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

A "mature discussion" with a bunch of right wing whack jobs about their fantasy of impeaching a President. Think I'll pass.

Your alls bull shit gets funnier all the time. LMAO.

Hey, just go back and revisit the last time you repubs wanted to impeach a President. Maybe the outcome will be different in your fantasies.

Right...that's all quite fascinating.

...like I said, if any articles of impeachment are ever issued they will come from the house....not from your message board here. No one here has anything to do with the process.

....but that's not what you're interested in anyway, is it?

You're making up strawman excuses as a "reason" to type some insults.
U.S. Moves to Stop Surge in Illegal Immigration

McALLEN, Tex. — White House officials, saying that misinformation about administration policies helped drive a surge of illegal migrants from Central America across the South Texas border, on Friday announced plans to detain more of them and to accelerate their court cases so as to deport them more quickly.


Is this what you want to impeach the President for? Immigration? Good God go. You dumb.

That is not my ultimate goal. Even though it would make me very happy.

What I really want is for people like you to get spayed or neutered so you can no longer breed and infect humanity with your BS.

Do you see it...........I've changed.............I used to be against abortion until meeting people like you...................There's your hope and change.
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

when you have a house thats has the majority of "rightwingnuts" in it, do you really think they will be fair ??? really !!!! do you ??? you rightwingnuts don't know the meaning or the word truth or fairness ....:cuckoo:

Impeachment has nothing to do with "fair".

It's part of the process to address illegal acts.
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

when you have a house thats has the majority of "rightwingnuts" in it, do you really think they will be fair ??? really !!!! do you ??? you rightwingnuts don't know the meaning or the word truth or fairness ....:cuckoo:

When you stop with your Lying perhaps I'll give your post the time of day.........Until then your diversionary tactics hold no water with me. You may sell this to the uniformed masses but not here.

Who gave the authority to the DOJ to allocate Tax payer funds to lawyers for immigrants who are here in clear violation of our immigration laws to a department who's SOLE responsibility is the ENFORCEMENT OF OUR LAWS.................................................................................................................

You can't spin the truth here. You can only deflect and lie.
Part of your response is correct.

They said go fuck yourselves to the TRUTH......................


no they said go fuck yourself republicans because we all know, truth and republican aren't one and the same ... truth, Really!!!! republicans telling the truth???? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA they don't know the meaning of the truth just like you don't know the meaning of the word truth ....

translation = Ya got your but beat again :D:D:D:D
so show a video to prove, what are you trying to prove here, that you haven't a leg to stand on???
you prove that every time you post you uses these bogus rightwingnut sites ... as if they had any value to the people ... only to the people who have a bias does your sites every have any value too ... the fact that a private firm, who does the IRS's IT, removes these failed drives you go off the deep end as if they did it on purpose ... when you actually have a turthful reason, one might take you serious .... for now, all ya got is another rightwingnut sites to quote ...

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