SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

I didn't read the OP, but I bet they forgot the number one reasons most teapers want to impeach Obama...

He is black.

Idiot teapers. Please go away with your.

He isn't "black"...he's half black..

Hadn't you heard?

Try something else.
With each passing day and each new illegal E.O., with the country sinking further and further into despair, and each growing scandal that any sane, logical person knows leads back to Hussein, the reality that he will be impeached before his term is over grows...


GOOD luck with your attempt cause you'll need it

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Let them move forward with it then. I'd love to see them try. :D
You're counting on your do nothing Reid continuing to do nothing and refusing to bring it to a vote in front of the Senate.

This is why many Righties look so fucking stupid.

Read up on impeachment:

Impeachment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If articles of impeachment are passed through the House of Representatives against any person, that person MUST be tried in the Senate. Not only that, during the proceedings against a President, it is not the Senate Majority Leader who presides, it is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

The entire Right-Wing argument that for some reason, they cannot impeach unless the GOP captures the Senate is pure bullshit, aimed at the typical, stupid-assed low-information aimed at a low-information Right-Wing voter.

STFU We understand our political leaders much better than you. They would never convict him no matter how damning the evidence presented against him. The House wouldn't even proceed with a special prosecutor over the current scandals coming from the White House. They allow the current admin's own DOJ to push the cases like the IRS. There is damning evidence with this case. They know they targeted conservative groups and will eventually sweep it under the rug instead of prosecuting those who targeted.

That isn't justice. The only justice that will come of it will be the private law suits against the IRS by the people with the back bone to challenge them in courts.

Welcome to True The Vote | True The Vote is currently on the way to seek justice. That isn't going away.
Common sense.......yes you seem to have a lot of that. Very common, extremely common, the kind of sense that's so common it can be found almost anywhere.
Touche...MY comment stands. If it bothers you so?

*I* Don't give a shit. DEAL with it. YOU possess it NOT therefore you have to disparage...and that's OK with me. Makes YOU not any smarter now does it? feel better about yourself and your shortcomings? If YOU had any sense? IT WOULD.


I'm pretty sure you're the one who wants to personalize everything. I guess that's because your alleged arguments don't stand on their own merits.

he's luck to get his pants on strait ... he always puts his shirt on inside out ... I pitty the fool.... poor MR T, his pants are on backwards so he has to sit to pee:lol::badgrin::lol::badgrin:

18th of June 2014
HOUSTON, TX - JUNE 17, 2014- True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht issued a

statement responding to IRS claims that emails sent by Lois Lerner and other IRS officials from

2009 through 2011 were "lost" due to a "computer crash".

“For over a year the IRS has chosen to delay, mislead, and outright lie to Congress, to the press,

and to the American people. This latest 'the dog ate my emails' excuse is absurd,” said

Engelbrecht. “It defies credulity that these 'lost' emails fall precisely in the period of time during

which the IRS was known to be targeting True the Vote and other pro-liberty groups.”

On Monday, True the Vote's attorney Cleta Mitchell released a letter sent to the IRS on

September 17, 2013 in which the IRS was given notice, in the form of a Litigation Hold Letter,

legally requiring it to retain all relevant evidence in the True the Vote case. This letter was in

addition to requirements that the IRS maintain those same records for ongoing Congressional

investigations. In response to True the Vote’s letter, IRS Counsel replied they would comply.

During his Congressional testimony, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen promised to

deliver Lerner's emails. At no time during these events did the IRS mention that the key email

evidence was missing.

“This Administration weaponized the IRS to attack Americans for their political beliefs. Then

they lied about it. Now, they're asking the American people to believe they "lost" critical

evidence. Enough is enough
. The IRS routinely destroys lives of American taxpayers who do not

provide sufficient information or comply with IRS regulations. The IRS must be held to the same

standard and come clean with the 'lost' emails or prepare to be scrutinized for however long it

takes to get to the truth.” said Engelbrecht.
IRS all of a sudden has 6 hard drive failures. All evidence is gone even though they have a contract with a company to back up all information on all their computers.

Amazing isn't it.........................

As these emails were possible evidence in an upcoming trial with Truth the Vote..........

They will still see that court room. The only question is how much more evidence will vanish before that date.
You're counting on your do nothing Reid continuing to do nothing and refusing to bring it to a vote in front of the Senate.

This is why many Righties look so fucking stupid.

Read up on impeachment:

Impeachment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If articles of impeachment are passed through the House of Representatives against any person, that person MUST be tried in the Senate. Not only that, during the proceedings against a President, it is not the Senate Majority Leader who presides, it is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

The entire Right-Wing argument that for some reason, they cannot impeach unless the GOP captures the Senate is pure bullshit, aimed at the typical, stupid-assed low-information aimed at a low-information Right-Wing voter.

STFU We understand our political leaders much better than you. They would never convict him no matter how damning the evidence presented against him. The House wouldn't even proceed with a special prosecutor over the current scandals coming from the White House. They allow the current admin's own DOJ to push the cases like the IRS. There is damning evidence with this case. They know they targeted conservative groups and will eventually sweep it under the rug instead of prosecuting those who targeted.

That isn't justice. The only justice that will come of it will be the private law suits against the IRS by the people with the back bone to challenge them in courts.

Welcome to True The Vote | True The Vote is currently on the way to seek justice. That isn't going away.

so when their IT support said these drives did fail at the IRS, this is the proof you speak of ??? or are you just like Paul Ryan Ranting about nothing ... just to rant for his political gain ... you know, when they were giving testimony, if it were me, when Ryan's was ranting I would have the biggest grin on my face...:D:D:D if he asked me why I was grinning ... I would say, well, next years taxes will be interesting... then give a Huuuuuuuuuuge grin:D:D:D

true the vote: True the Vote (TTV) is a conservative vote-monitoring organization based out of Houston, Texas whose stated objective is stopping voter fraud. It trains volunteers to be election monitors and to spot and bring attention to suspicious voter registrations that its volunteers believe delegitimize voter eligibility. The organization's tag line is "If you see something at the polls that just doesn't seem right, record it," and it also holds local rallies to promote what it views as voter-fraud prevention legislation such as voter ID laws

when republicans can't win the try and change the rules ... they say they want a voters ID ... never mind the fact that they stop the voting on week ends ... where they close the polls after 6 PM and week ends ... if they can't beat you in a election they change the rules and call this change ruling, "voter ID laws" cause they don't want non-citizens to vote ... just only the ones that can get there between 7am to 6pm monday through friday yeah, "truth to vote" I would say it hasn't any truth to voting to it at all ... just a bunch of republicans who can't get elected fairly ...
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It would be a special glorious day to see Obama ran out of town on a rail...

Good times

What Happened to the 1.1 Million Pages of Data on Nonprofits that IRS Gave the FBI? Comey Explains | Power Line

We wrote here and here about the IRS’s transfer of 1.1 million pages of documents about 501(c)(4) organizations to the FBI in October 2010. We now know that the documents included confidential taxpayer information, which means that it was a criminal offense for Lois Lerner to transmit them to the FBI. Presumably this is one reason (not necessarily the only one) why Lerner sought refuge in the privilege against self-incrimination.

Within a few days of transmitting the documents, Lerner met with Department of Justice officials to encourage them to prosecute 501(c)(4) groups and individuals associated with them. In view of these events, an obvious question is: what did the FBI do with the materials it got from the IRS?

On June 11, FBI Director James Comey testified before a House oversight committee and was asked that question. His answer was: nothing. Comey didn’t have first-hand knowledge, but based on discussions with others at the Bureau, a single FBI employee looked at the index to the documents and then did nothing, waiting for instructions from DOJ that never came. On this account, the documents sat in FBI headquarters for more than 3 1/2 years without anyone looking at them. Comey said that within the past week, the Bureau had sent them to DOJ.

According to this article transmitting personal information to the FBI is criminal. What has the DOJ done about this.

With each passing day and each new illegal E.O., with the country sinking further and further into despair, and each growing scandal that any sane, logical person knows leads back to Hussein, the reality that he will be impeached before his term is over grows...





LMAO. Did you see all the right wing whack jobs giving you thanks. LMAO.

Why don't you all quit running your mouths and fantasy lives and GET THE FUCK ON WITH IMPEACHING the President.

Surely with such a fine list of impeachable offenses, one of you whack jobs should be able to get your Tparty rep to bring about the charges.

Surely to goodness you whack jobs can do that. Right? No you say!!!! Why the fuck not I ask? Could it be because all you have is some right wing fantasy to cling to? Yep. That's the ticket. Right wing fantasy lives on a message board.

Who'd a thunk it.
This is why many Righties look so fucking stupid.

Read up on impeachment:

Impeachment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If articles of impeachment are passed through the House of Representatives against any person, that person MUST be tried in the Senate. Not only that, during the proceedings against a President, it is not the Senate Majority Leader who presides, it is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

The entire Right-Wing argument that for some reason, they cannot impeach unless the GOP captures the Senate is pure bullshit, aimed at the typical, stupid-assed low-information aimed at a low-information Right-Wing voter.

STFU We understand our political leaders much better than you. They would never convict him no matter how damning the evidence presented against him. The House wouldn't even proceed with a special prosecutor over the current scandals coming from the White House. They allow the current admin's own DOJ to push the cases like the IRS. There is damning evidence with this case. They know they targeted conservative groups and will eventually sweep it under the rug instead of prosecuting those who targeted.

That isn't justice. The only justice that will come of it will be the private law suits against the IRS by the people with the back bone to challenge them in courts.

Welcome to True The Vote | True The Vote is currently on the way to seek justice. That isn't going away.

so when their IT support said these drives did fail at the IRS, this is the proof you speak of ??? or are you just like Paul Ryan Ranting about nothing ... just to rant for his political gain ... you know, when they were giving testimony, if it were me, when Ryan's was ranting I would have the biggest grin on my face...:D:D:D if he asked me why I was grinning ... I would say, well, next years taxes will be interesting... then give a Huuuuuuuuuuge grin:D:D:D

true the vote True the Vote (TTV) is a conservative[1][2] vote-monitoring organization based out of Houston, Texas whose stated objective is stopping voter fraud. It trains volunteers to be election monitors and to spot and bring attention to suspicious voter registrations that its volunteers believe delegitimize voter eligibility. The organization's tag line is "If you see something at the polls that just doesn't seem right, record it,"[3] and it also holds local rallies to promote what it views as voter-fraud prevention legislation such as voter ID laws

when republicans can't win the try and change the rules ... they say they want a voters ID ... never mind they fact that the stop the voting on week ends where they close the polling after 6 PM and week ends ... if they can't beat you in a election they change the rules and call this change ruling, "voter ID laws" cause they don't want non-citizens to vote ... just only the ones that can get there between 7am to 6pm monday through friday yeah, "truth to vote" I would say it hasn't any truth to voting to it at all ... just a bunch of republicans who can't get elected fairly ...

Well Billy Boy. I understand you would. Because you are of a group with no Morals, Integrity, and don't have an Honest bone in your body. You would grin when they lose emails that they are required by law to keep and Stroke the PARTY LINE that the dog ate them.

It's all BS and you know it. They are doing what they do up there. Destroying evidence to protect the food chain who damn well knew they were targeting groups.

But we are to believe that Obama learned about it like us on the news one day. tssk tssk. Even though Congressional Debates on this very subject were being held for years.

To that. If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt when he jumped. The IRS will try every tactic in their Lying playbook to avoid the truth because it will damn them. They will see a court room in these cases. That process is still ongoing.

The people abused are not backing down, and Lerner will see a real court room before this is said and done.

18th of June 2014
HOUSTON, TX - JUNE 17, 2014- True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht issued a

statement responding to IRS claims that emails sent by Lois Lerner and other IRS officials from

2009 through 2011 were "lost" due to a "computer crash".

“For over a year the IRS has chosen to delay, mislead, and outright lie to Congress, to the press,

and to the American people. This latest 'the dog ate my emails' excuse is absurd,” said

Engelbrecht. “It defies credulity that these 'lost' emails fall precisely in the period of time during

which the IRS was known to be targeting True the Vote and other pro-liberty groups.”

On Monday, True the Vote's attorney Cleta Mitchell released a letter sent to the IRS on

September 17, 2013 in which the IRS was given notice, in the form of a Litigation Hold Letter,

legally requiring it to retain all relevant evidence in the True the Vote case. This letter was in

addition to requirements that the IRS maintain those same records for ongoing Congressional

investigations. In response to True the Vote’s letter, IRS Counsel replied they would comply.

During his Congressional testimony, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen promised to

deliver Lerner's emails. At no time during these events did the IRS mention that the key email

evidence was missing.

“This Administration weaponized the IRS to attack Americans for their political beliefs. Then

they lied about it. Now, they're asking the American people to believe they "lost" critical

evidence. Enough is enough
. The IRS routinely destroys lives of American taxpayers who do not

provide sufficient information or comply with IRS regulations. The IRS must be held to the same

standard and come clean with the 'lost' emails or prepare to be scrutinized for however long it

takes to get to the truth.” said Engelbrecht.
in other words the IRS said go fuck youtselves to truth to voting ... another koch run organization ...
With each passing day and each new illegal E.O., with the country sinking further and further into despair, and each growing scandal that any sane, logical person knows leads back to Hussein, the reality that he will be impeached before his term is over grows...





LMAO. Did you see all the right wing whack jobs giving you thanks. LMAO.

Why don't you all quit running your mouths and fantasy lives and GET THE FUCK ON WITH IMPEACHING the President.

Surely with such a fine list of impeachable offenses, one of you whack jobs should be able to get your Tparty rep to bring about the charges.

Surely to goodness you whack jobs can do that. Right? No you say!!!! Why the fuck not I ask? Could it be because all you have is some right wing fantasy to cling to? Yep. That's the ticket. Right wing fantasy lives on a message board.

Who'd a thunk it.

Speaking of whacked out nut jobs, did you see where Obama is a perennial failure? A little dated but a common theme.


Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own, Self-Imposed Standards

At the end of 2013, after serving five years, Barack Obama is a complete failure as President, by his own standards, as reflected in his own words.

Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own, Self-Imposed Standards - Forbes
With each passing day and each new illegal E.O., with the country sinking further and further into despair, and each growing scandal that any sane, logical person knows leads back to Hussein, the reality that he will be impeached before his term is over grows...





LMAO. Did you see all the right wing whack jobs giving you thanks. LMAO.

Why don't you all quit running your mouths and fantasy lives and GET THE FUCK ON WITH IMPEACHING the President.

Surely with such a fine list of impeachable offenses, one of you whack jobs should be able to get your Tparty rep to bring about the charges.

Surely to goodness you whack jobs can do that. Right? No you say!!!! Why the fuck not I ask? Could it be because all you have is some right wing fantasy to cling to? Yep. That's the ticket. Right wing fantasy lives on a message board.

Who'd a thunk it.

I'll take my advice from a left wing hack when Hell Freezes over. Had we had a Congress with a spine and independent council would have been appointed over the IRS issue. Since we have Spineless Jelly Fish in the GOP this didn't happen, or is it that we have 2 parties same result and they are abeting the crime...........................

They are targeting Conservative groups as well. In campaign finance, as their jobs are on the line as groups like the TEA Party are going after them.
With each passing day and each new illegal E.O., with the country sinking further and further into despair, and each growing scandal that any sane, logical person knows leads back to Hussein, the reality that he will be impeached before his term is over grows...





LMAO. Did you see all the right wing whack jobs giving you thanks. LMAO.

Why don't you all quit running your mouths and fantasy lives and GET THE FUCK ON WITH IMPEACHING the President.

Surely with such a fine list of impeachable offenses, one of you whack jobs should be able to get your Tparty rep to bring about the charges.

Surely to goodness you whack jobs can do that. Right? No you say!!!! Why the fuck not I ask? Could it be because all you have is some right wing fantasy to cling to? Yep. That's the ticket. Right wing fantasy lives on a message board.

Who'd a thunk it.

Impeachment is a process that must be started within government in order to dispose of a corrupt president.

All three branches of government are demonstrably corrupt. (in case you haven't noticed.)

Expecting "government" to self police and self correct isn't realistic.

...but keep calling people names.

It's really helpful to your argument and makes you look very smart.
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


18th of June 2014
HOUSTON, TX - JUNE 17, 2014- True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht issued a

statement responding to IRS claims that emails sent by Lois Lerner and other IRS officials from

2009 through 2011 were "lost" due to a "computer crash".

“For over a year the IRS has chosen to delay, mislead, and outright lie to Congress, to the press,

and to the American people. This latest 'the dog ate my emails' excuse is absurd,” said

Engelbrecht. “It defies credulity that these 'lost' emails fall precisely in the period of time during

which the IRS was known to be targeting True the Vote and other pro-liberty groups.”

On Monday, True the Vote's attorney Cleta Mitchell released a letter sent to the IRS on

September 17, 2013 in which the IRS was given notice, in the form of a Litigation Hold Letter,

legally requiring it to retain all relevant evidence in the True the Vote case. This letter was in

addition to requirements that the IRS maintain those same records for ongoing Congressional

investigations. In response to True the Vote’s letter, IRS Counsel replied they would comply.

During his Congressional testimony, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen promised to

deliver Lerner's emails. At no time during these events did the IRS mention that the key email

evidence was missing.

“This Administration weaponized the IRS to attack Americans for their political beliefs. Then

they lied about it. Now, they're asking the American people to believe they "lost" critical

evidence. Enough is enough
. The IRS routinely destroys lives of American taxpayers who do not

provide sufficient information or comply with IRS regulations. The IRS must be held to the same

standard and come clean with the 'lost' emails or prepare to be scrutinized for however long it

takes to get to the truth.” said Engelbrecht.
in other words the IRS said go fuck youtselves to truth to voting ... another koch run organization ...

Part of your response is correct.

They said go fuck yourselves to the TRUTH......................

STFU We understand our political leaders much better than you. They would never convict him no matter how damning the evidence presented against him. The House wouldn't even proceed with a special prosecutor over the current scandals coming from the White House. They allow the current admin's own DOJ to push the cases like the IRS. There is damning evidence with this case. They know they targeted conservative groups and will eventually sweep it under the rug instead of prosecuting those who targeted.

That isn't justice. The only justice that will come of it will be the private law suits against the IRS by the people with the back bone to challenge them in courts.

Welcome to True The Vote | True The Vote is currently on the way to seek justice. That isn't going away.

so when their IT support said these drives did fail at the IRS, this is the proof you speak of ??? or are you just like Paul Ryan Ranting about nothing ... just to rant for his political gain ... you know, when they were giving testimony, if it were me, when Ryan's was ranting I would have the biggest grin on my face...:D:D:D if he asked me why I was grinning ... I would say, well, next years taxes will be interesting... then give a Huuuuuuuuuuge grin:D:D:D

true the vote True the Vote (TTV) is a conservative[1][2] vote-monitoring organization based out of Houston, Texas whose stated objective is stopping voter fraud. It trains volunteers to be election monitors and to spot and bring attention to suspicious voter registrations that its volunteers believe delegitimize voter eligibility. The organization's tag line is "If you see something at the polls that just doesn't seem right, record it,"[3] and it also holds local rallies to promote what it views as voter-fraud prevention legislation such as voter ID laws

when republicans can't win the try and change the rules ... they say they want a voters ID ... never mind they fact that the stop the voting on week ends where they close the polling after 6 PM and week ends ... if they can't beat you in a election they change the rules and call this change ruling, "voter ID laws" cause they don't want non-citizens to vote ... just only the ones that can get there between 7am to 6pm monday through friday yeah, "truth to vote" I would say it hasn't any truth to voting to it at all ... just a bunch of republicans who can't get elected fairly ...

Well Billy Boy. I understand you would. Because you are of a group with no Morals, Integrity, and don't have an Honest bone in your body. You would grin when they lose emails that they are required by law to keep and Stroke the PARTY LINE that the dog ate them.

It's all BS and you know it. They are doing what they do up there. Destroying evidence to protect the food chain who damn well knew they were targeting groups.

But we are to believe that Obama learned about it like us on the news one day. tssk tssk. Even though Congressional Debates on this very subject were being held for years.

To that. If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt when he jumped. The IRS will try every tactic in their Lying playbook to avoid the truth because it will damn them. They will see a court room in these cases. That process is still ongoing.

The people abused are not backing down, and Lerner will see a real court room before this is said and done.

so the fact that their IT told them that they failed, and you can't accept the fact that they failed .. a private firm who does their IT ... that replaced those drives ... you in your brain dead ways think its a conspiracy ... hard drives fail all in this case, in their case it was the right time ... nothing like pissing republicans off to the max:lol::lol::lol::lol::badgrin: thats my moto
With each passing day and each new illegal E.O., with the country sinking further and further into despair, and each growing scandal that any sane, logical person knows leads back to Hussein, the reality that he will be impeached before his term is over grows...





LMAO. Did you see all the right wing whack jobs giving you thanks. LMAO.

Why don't you all quit running your mouths and fantasy lives and GET THE FUCK ON WITH IMPEACHING the President.

Surely with such a fine list of impeachable offenses, one of you whack jobs should be able to get your Tparty rep to bring about the charges.

Surely to goodness you whack jobs can do that. Right? No you say!!!! Why the fuck not I ask? Could it be because all you have is some right wing fantasy to cling to? Yep. That's the ticket. Right wing fantasy lives on a message board.

Who'd a thunk it.

I'll take my advice from a left wing hack when Hell Freezes over. Had we had a Congress with a spine and independent council would have been appointed over the IRS issue. Since we have Spineless Jelly Fish in the GOP this didn't happen, or is it that we have 2 parties same result and they are abeting the crime...........................

They are targeting Conservative groups as well. In campaign finance, as their jobs are on the line as groups like the TEA Party are going after them.

This very well summarizes the position that the right wing whack jobs find themselves in.

They have a fantasy (impeach the President) then they have a dose of reality hit them, then they find and cling to an excuse as to why the fuck they can't have their fantasy.

This is just some real funny shit you all are spreading. LMAO.

As Nike says; just DO IT!!!
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


You would deny any wrong doing if they came us and bit you in your Democratic ASS. Fitting symbol for the Democratic Party.

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