SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

i'm sorry, idiot, perhaps you didn't understand. i know the process. i saw you wing nuts go through it last time when you spent 70 million of our money investigating a blue dress.

now try to use your little brain. you're the ones ranting and raving and in your patented obama-deranged delusional way, demanding impeachment.

i asked what high crimes and misdemeanors you think, in your sub literate mind, the president committed since THAT is the basis for an impeachment.... not your wingnuttery.
The Liberals here celebrate and justify the Lawlessness of our current administration.

Refuse to engage on topics that the facts do not support them.

And then claim they support Freedom and Liberty..............

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The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

when you have a house thats has the majority of "rightwingnuts" in it, do you really think they will be fair ??? really !!!! do you ??? you rightwingnuts don't know the meaning or the word truth or fairness ....:cuckoo:

Impeachment has nothing to do with "fair".

It's part of the process to address illegal acts.

which illegal acts have to be high crimes and misdemeanors.

now carry on, loon.
U.S. Moves to Stop Surge in Illegal Immigration

McALLEN, Tex. — White House officials, saying that misinformation about administration policies helped drive a surge of illegal migrants from Central America across the South Texas border, on Friday announced plans to detain more of them and to accelerate their court cases so as to deport them more quickly.


Is this what you want to impeach the President for? Immigration? Good God go. You dumb.

That is not my ultimate goal. Even though it would make me very happy.

What I really want is for people like you to get spayed or neutered so you can no longer breed and infect humanity with your BS.

Do you see it...........I've changed.............I used to be against abortion until meeting people like you...................There's your hope and change.

Hey fuckface. You're not a "compassionate conservative" now are ya? You just don't like having the shit kicked out of your fantasy. LMAO.

But it is refreshing to hear a right wing whack job such as yourself, support a womans right to choose whether or not she bears a child.

You may be the only right wing whack job to admit that. Good for you for being honest.
Bad for you if the cons on here read what you wrote.
no they said go fuck yourself republicans because we all know, truth and republican aren't one and the same ... truth, Really!!!! republicans telling the truth???? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA they don't know the meaning of the truth just like you don't know the meaning of the word truth ....

translation = Ya got your but beat again :D:D:D:D
so show a video to prove, what are you trying to prove here, that you haven't a leg to stand on???
you prove that every time you post you uses these bogus rightwingnut sites ... as if they had any value to the people ... only to the people who have a bias does your sites every have any value too ... the fact that a private firm, who does the IRS's IT, removes these failed drives you go off the deep end as if they did it on purpose ... when you actually have a turthful reason, one might take you serious .... for now, all ya got is another rightwingnut sites to quote ...

Another self proclaimed victory from a mindless Obamabot.................

Do you see it..............the forest.............................
U.S. Moves to Stop Surge in Illegal Immigration

McALLEN, Tex. — White House officials, saying that misinformation about administration policies helped drive a surge of illegal migrants from Central America across the South Texas border, on Friday announced plans to detain more of them and to accelerate their court cases so as to deport them more quickly.


Is this what you want to impeach the President for? Immigration? Good God go. You dumb.

That is not my ultimate goal. Even though it would make me very happy.

What I really want is for people like you to get spayed or neutered so you can no longer breed and infect humanity with your BS.

Do you see it...........I've changed.............I used to be against abortion until meeting people like you...................There's your hope and change.

in other words, you want to undo the results of a lawful election where you lost by 5 million votes because you're a bunch of whining sore losers

welcome to the gulag. :thup:
Is this what you want to impeach the President for? Immigration? Good God go. You dumb.

That is not my ultimate goal. Even though it would make me very happy.

What I really want is for people like you to get spayed or neutered so you can no longer breed and infect humanity with your BS.

Do you see it...........I've changed.............I used to be against abortion until meeting people like you...................There's your hope and change.

Hey fuckface. You're not a "compassionate conservative" now are ya? You just don't like having the shit kicked out of your fantasy. LMAO.

But it is refreshing to hear a right wing whack job such as yourself, support a womans right to choose whether or not she bears a child.

You may be the only right wing whack job to admit that. Good for you for being honest.
Bad for you if the cons on here read what you wrote.


Let me clear up my stance for you. I wouldn't take a leak on you if you were on fire.

That help you out. Let all on this board read it.

I don't think people like you should breed. Would it help if I bolded it and all in caps as well.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Part of your response is correct.

They said go fuck yourselves to the TRUTH......................


the truth for the rightwingnut brigade is that they didn't NEED IRS approval, all they had to do was file their tax returns.

the TRUTH is that if these were political organizations, 501(c)(4) doesn't permit political activity and they wouldn't be entitled to tax exemptions.

you're welcome.
Is this what you want to impeach the President for? Immigration? Good God go. You dumb.

That is not my ultimate goal. Even though it would make me very happy.

What I really want is for people like you to get spayed or neutered so you can no longer breed and infect humanity with your BS.

Do you see it...........I've changed.............I used to be against abortion until meeting people like you...................There's your hope and change.

in other words, you want to undo the results of a lawful election where you lost by 5 million votes because you're a bunch of whining sore losers

welcome to the gulag. :thup:

Not even close. I bring forth information of the lawlessness of this administration and the DOJ.

Your side ignores it. Your side attacks us as we expect.

You flame me and I fight fire with fire. And now you get upset when I throw it back in your face.

Deal with it. I simply don't care.
The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

when you have a house thats has the majority of "rightwingnuts" in it, do you really think they will be fair ??? really !!!! do you ??? you rightwingnuts don't know the meaning or the word truth or fairness ....:cuckoo:

When you stop with your Lying perhaps I'll give your post the time of day.........Until then your diversionary tactics hold no water with me. You may sell this to the uniformed masses but not here.

Who gave the authority to the DOJ to allocate Tax payer funds to lawyers for immigrants who are here in clear violation of our immigration laws to a department who's SOLE responsibility is the ENFORCEMENT OF OUR LAWS.................................................................................................................

You can't spin the truth here. You can only deflect and lie.

you're informed??? really ??? you go to these conservative sites .. you then quote them here as if they were the bible itself ... then you come here and try to say you're informed ???? then why haven't you commented on the firm who does the IT for the IRS ??? why haven't you gone there to see why these drives were replaced ??? nooooooooo!!!!!! you go to the local rightwingnut site and say see what they said cause they are "truth to vote"... see it has the word truth in it .. so it must be the truth, HUH!!!! see how terrible the lefties are cause EAGLE is the most truthful informed poster here ... cause he only looks at rightwingnut sites to prove his post to be the truth ... as if it was Jesus telling him it ... when you have something factual, then I'll take you serious... quoting from rightwingnut sites, you get what you deserve ...
when you have a house thats has the majority of "rightwingnuts" in it, do you really think they will be fair ??? really !!!! do you ??? you rightwingnuts don't know the meaning or the word truth or fairness ....:cuckoo:

When you stop with your Lying perhaps I'll give your post the time of day.........Until then your diversionary tactics hold no water with me. You may sell this to the uniformed masses but not here.

Who gave the authority to the DOJ to allocate Tax payer funds to lawyers for immigrants who are here in clear violation of our immigration laws to a department who's SOLE responsibility is the ENFORCEMENT OF OUR LAWS.................................................................................................................

You can't spin the truth here. You can only deflect and lie.

you're informed??? really ??? you go to these conservative sites .. you then quote them here as if they were the bible itself ... then you come here and try to say you're informed ???? then why haven't you commented on the firm who does the IT for the IRS ??? why haven't you gone there to see why these drives were replaced ??? nooooooooo!!!!!! you go to the local rightwingnut site and say see what they said cause they are "truth to vote"... see it has the word truth in it .. so it must be the truth, HUH!!!! see how terrible the lefties are cause EAGLE is the most truthful informed poster here ... cause he only looks at rightwingnut sites to prove his post to be the truth ... as if it was Jesus telling him it ... when you have something factual, then I'll take you serious... quoting from rightwingnut sites, you get what you deserve ...

Save me your self righteousness. This is just your usual rant. The inspector Generals office confirmed that the IRS targeted. The IRS has admitted it. Even the President has stated.....



Go sell your used cars to someone else.
In other news of importance.



THAT'S funny!...unfortunately.
I saw the pictures of the abandoned U.S. humvees loaded on trucks for ISIS...

Imagine all the other weapons they have now that they've overrun those cities?

surface to air, maybe?

Maybe that's why we aren't using airstrikes to chill them out?

you do realize surface to air uses radar to fine the planes they want to shoot at don't you??? by your post not so much ...
That is not my ultimate goal. Even though it would make me very happy.

What I really want is for people like you to get spayed or neutered so you can no longer breed and infect humanity with your BS.

Do you see it...........I've changed.............I used to be against abortion until meeting people like you...................There's your hope and change.

Hey fuckface. You're not a "compassionate conservative" now are ya? You just don't like having the shit kicked out of your fantasy. LMAO.

But it is refreshing to hear a right wing whack job such as yourself, support a womans right to choose whether or not she bears a child.

You may be the only right wing whack job to admit that. Good for you for being honest.
Bad for you if the cons on here read what you wrote.


Let me clear up my stance for you. I wouldn't take a leak on you if you were on fire.

That help you out. Let all on this board read it.

I don't think people like you should breed. Would it help if I bolded it and all in caps as well.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
right back at ya ... except for one thing ... I would pour as much gas as humanly possible on ya:lol::lol::lol::lol::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
That is not my ultimate goal. Even though it would make me very happy.

What I really want is for people like you to get spayed or neutered so you can no longer breed and infect humanity with your BS.

Do you see it...........I've changed.............I used to be against abortion until meeting people like you...................There's your hope and change.

in other words, you want to undo the results of a lawful election where you lost by 5 million votes because you're a bunch of whining sore losers

welcome to the gulag. :thup:

Not even close. I bring forth information of the lawlessness of this administration and the DOJ.

Your side ignores it. Your side attacks us as we expect.

You flame me and I fight fire with fire. And now you get upset when I throw it back in your face.

Deal with it. I simply don't care.
nooooooooo ,you simply don't know what your talking about ...

no, you post rightwingnut sites opinion ... your post has nothing to do with the truth ... just you biased opinion on what you believe as the truth ... you do this all the time ... then when your get mocked by us you go ape shit... trying to best us with your pitiful come backs ... that makes us mock you even more ... you bring forth???? I'm still laughing at you:lol::lol::lol::lol::eusa_clap:
Hey fuckface. You're not a "compassionate conservative" now are ya? You just don't like having the shit kicked out of your fantasy. LMAO.

But it is refreshing to hear a right wing whack job such as yourself, support a womans right to choose whether or not she bears a child.

You may be the only right wing whack job to admit that. Good for you for being honest.
Bad for you if the cons on here read what you wrote.


Let me clear up my stance for you. I wouldn't take a leak on you if you were on fire.

That help you out. Let all on this board read it.

I don't think people like you should breed. Would it help if I bolded it and all in caps as well.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
right back at ya ... except for one thing ... I would pour as much gas as humanly possible on ya:lol::lol::lol::lol::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Both sides know this billy bob.

At the end of the day this thread is meaningless. We will oppose each other as always.

I openly don't have any respect for the Far Left. You openly don't have any respect for my views as well. That will not change today, tomorrow or any time soon.

That's just how it is. I post when and where I choose. And when I get bored of it, I move on to another subject or thread.

When I leave your side goes look we Won. It's all a staged play with the same ending every time.

In the end, we will disagree as always..............

To the op. The Facts are there. Justice via politicians from both sides will not occur. Because if justice was the cause, we would no longer allow politicians and Federal Employees to be ABOVE THE LAW.
still waiting to hear which of the rightwingnut complaints are actually high crimes and misdemeanors.


The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

i'm sorry, idiot....

Brilliant rebuttal.
You really present your arguments well.
When you stop with your Lying perhaps I'll give your post the time of day.........Until then your diversionary tactics hold no water with me. You may sell this to the uniformed masses but not here.

Who gave the authority to the DOJ to allocate Tax payer funds to lawyers for immigrants who are here in clear violation of our immigration laws to a department who's SOLE responsibility is the ENFORCEMENT OF OUR LAWS.................................................................................................................

You can't spin the truth here. You can only deflect and lie.

you're informed??? really ??? you go to these conservative sites .. you then quote them here as if they were the bible itself ... then you come here and try to say you're informed ???? then why haven't you commented on the firm who does the IT for the IRS ??? why haven't you gone there to see why these drives were replaced ??? nooooooooo!!!!!! you go to the local rightwingnut site and say see what they said cause they are "truth to vote"... see it has the word truth in it .. so it must be the truth, HUH!!!! see how terrible the lefties are cause EAGLE is the most truthful informed poster here ... cause he only looks at rightwingnut sites to prove his post to be the truth ... as if it was Jesus telling him it ... when you have something factual, then I'll take you serious... quoting from rightwingnut sites, you get what you deserve ...

Save me your self righteousness. This is just your usual rant. The inspector Generals office confirmed that the IRS targeted. The IRS has admitted it. Even the President has stated.....



Go sell your used cars to someone else.
when you're right you're right ... are you telling us that "Truth to vote" isn't a conservative site ??? that they are a non-biased site here full of conservatives??? and you trying to prove to us here that what i said wasn't the truth ??? that these sites you use all the time aren't rightwingnut sites ??? the only bottom they would get to is the person next to them ... as for non-biased reporting ... they don't know the meaning of it... so like always when you're outed for your biased post once again you get all testy ...you start with the he's so righteousness attempt ... well it won't work here cause you are wrong ... 100% wrong here... it has nothing to do with getting to the truth ... it has everything to do with getting to your truth alone ...
In other news of importance.



THAT'S funny!...unfortunately.
I saw the pictures of the abandoned U.S. humvees loaded on trucks for ISIS...

Imagine all the other weapons they have now that they've overrun those cities?

surface to air, maybe?

Maybe that's why we aren't using airstrikes to chill them out?

you do realize surface to air uses radar to fine the planes they want to shoot at don't you??? by your post not so much ...

I can see you're struggling to make some kind of point?
Try again?
The articles (if they were to be issued) would come from the house, you won't find them on your message board.

Do you even understand the process?

...oh wait...I get it now...you aren't trying to have a mature discussion....you wanted an excuse to insult people and call them "rightwingnuts".

Carry on. :doubt:

when you have a house thats has the majority of "rightwingnuts" in it, do you really think they will be fair ??? really !!!! do you ??? you rightwingnuts don't know the meaning or the word truth or fairness ....:cuckoo:

Impeachment has nothing to do with "fair".

It's part of the process to address illegal acts.

just fucking priceless never mind what he did was illegal or not, its only fair if you deem it as being illegal ... you are a piece of work ...

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