SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

Same as the Constitution itself shitstain. Just those of us that believe in the RULE of LAW and NOT Democracy (MOB RULE) people as YOU support.

Ever heard of the FEDERALISTS? Anti-Federalists?

THEY left us a blueprint that you STATISTS tend to ignore...party over Country every time, FORGET the INDIVIDUALS you step on that don't agree with YOU... to get to where you're going, right CUMQUAT?


Amazing how many amateur constitutional scholars there are out there these days. Good thing we have people like you around to interpret the Constitution for us.....maybe you could start your own Supreme Court.

He's the only one who considers himself a constitutional scholar.

You're posts consist of useless babble.. do yourself a favor and stop embarrassing yourself. What's that saying about the angry black woman? You so fit the stereotype.. wear it honey, you earned it.
Amazing how many amateur constitutional scholars there are out there these days. Good thing we have people like you around to interpret the Constitution for us.....maybe you could start your own Supreme Court.

He's the only one who considers himself a constitutional scholar.

You're posts consist of useless babble.. do yourself a favor and stop embarrassing yourself. What's that saying about the angry black woman? You so fit the stereotype.. wear it honey, you earned it.
Ditto on REP...out at present...but look out. :)
Constitution Watchdogs? My only question here is: Just exactly how stupid would you have to be to think that Constitution Watchdogs is anything like a legitimate source of information?
Same as the Constitution itself shitstain. Just those of us that believe in the RULE of LAW and NOT Democracy (MOB RULE) people as YOU support.

Ever heard of the FEDERALISTS? Anti-Federalists?

THEY left us a blueprint that you STATISTS tend to ignore...party over Country every time, FORGET the INDIVIDUALS you step on that don't agree with YOU... to get to where you're going, right CUMQUAT?


LMAO If I could rep you again I would.. ;-)

I'll assist you on this one by giving him a rep as your proxy on this one transaction.

Same as the Constitution itself shitstain. Just those of us that believe in the RULE of LAW and NOT Democracy (MOB RULE) people as YOU support.

Ever heard of the FEDERALISTS? Anti-Federalists?

THEY left us a blueprint that you STATISTS tend to ignore...party over Country every time, FORGET the INDIVIDUALS you step on that don't agree with YOU... to get to where you're going, right CUMQUAT?


LMAO If I could rep you again I would.. ;-)

I'll assist you on this one by giving him a rep as your proxy on this one transaction.

This is WAY too cool... Humbled.
Same as the Constitution itself shitstain. Just those of us that believe in the RULE of LAW and NOT Democracy (MOB RULE) people as YOU support.

Ever heard of the FEDERALISTS? Anti-Federalists?

THEY left us a blueprint that you STATISTS tend to ignore...party over Country every time, FORGET the INDIVIDUALS you step on that don't agree with YOU... to get to where you're going, right CUMQUAT?


LMAO If I could rep you again I would.. ;-)

I'll assist you on this one by giving him a rep as your proxy on this one transaction.


Thank you :) Sent you reps.. Love your posts!
Great OP..

Yes, as in OP/ED....as in blog. As in opinion, meaning non-factual Yep, you kids slurp it up like mother's milk.

And liberal shit-for-brains like yourself will continue to slurp the Kool-Aid like mother's milk, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to the facts about anything that makes Obama look bad. :cuckoo:

I know this much my dear? He certainly chose an appropriate screen name that describes himself perfectly...Maybe it should have been "Uneducated" or "Brainwashed By Gubmint Schrools"...whatever, and I digress...the result is the same...another DUMBASS that can negate MY vote.

As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually necessary.
in YOUR case? YOU might actually be correct. YOU hold NO CANDLE to me.

Get it shitstain?

Who could possibly argue with that kind of eloquence?
I didn't read the OP, but I bet they forgot the number one reasons most teapers want to impeach Obama...

He is black.

Idiot teapers. Please go away with your.

And the race-card is played yet again, because liberal shit-for-brains like yourself is just too damn stupid to realize just how much of an incompetent piece-of-shit Obama really is. :cuckoo:
I wonder which on line law school he attended? I don't think he got his money's worth.
Common sense has NO degree asswipe.:eusa_hand:

Put that in your bong shithead.

Common sense.......yes you seem to have a lot of that. Very common, extremely common, the kind of sense that's so common it can be found almost anywhere.
Touche...MY comment stands. If it bothers you so?

*I* Don't give a shit. DEAL with it. YOU possess it NOT therefore you have to disparage...and that's OK with me. Makes YOU not any smarter now does it? feel better about yourself and your shortcomings? If YOU had any sense? IT WOULD.

Common sense has NO degree asswipe.:eusa_hand:

Put that in your bong shithead.

Common sense.......yes you seem to have a lot of that. Very common, extremely common, the kind of sense that's so common it can be found almost anywhere.
Touche...MY comment stands. If it bothers you so?

*I* Don't give a shit. DEAL with it. YOU possess it NOT therefore you have to disparage...and that's OK with me. Makes YOU not any smarter now does it? feel better about yourself and your shortcomings? If YOU had any sense? IT WOULD.


I'm pretty sure you're the one who wants to personalize everything. I guess that's because your alleged arguments don't stand on their own merits.
Let them move forward with it then. I'd love to see them try. :D
You're counting on your do nothing Reid continuing to do nothing and refusing to bring it to a vote in front of the Senate.

This is why many Righties look so fucking stupid.

Read up on impeachment:

Impeachment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If articles of impeachment are passed through the House of Representatives against any person, that person MUST be tried in the Senate. Not only that, during the proceedings against a President, it is not the Senate Majority Leader who presides, it is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

The entire Right-Wing argument that for some reason, they cannot impeach unless the GOP captures the Senate is pure bullshit, aimed at the typical, stupid-assed low-information aimed at a low-information Right-Wing voter.
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The WAPO article is from a post-partisan blog and makes no sense at all.

Even if the GOP takes the Senate, which is statistically very, very likely (I have been saying this now since January 14th, 2014), that would still have no bearing on whether the House would vote to impeach our President, because you only need a simple majority in the House (218 votes, usually) to pass articles of impeachment, but you need 66.7% (67 votes) in the Senate to convict.

There is no way that the GOP is going to get to 66.7% (67 votes) for any impeachment conviction in the Senate.

It also doesn't matter which party has control of the Senate if articles of impeachment are passed in the House: the Senate is OBLIGATED to deliberate and vote on impeachment articles passed in the House. This is not a matter that any Senate Majority Leader can table or keep from coming to a vote: the Constitution requires the Senate to vote on impeachment.

So, using simple logic, if the GOP really thinks it has a case against our president, it can go ahead and impeach him right now in the House (which already has a GOP majority) and that impeachment will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Or, the GOP can wait until after the mid-terms and the House can vote on the articles of impeachment, which will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Either way, the result is going to be exactly the same.

You are not going to find even one Democratic Senator who will vote to convict. Not even Joe Manchin (D-WV).

So, all this bluster about "impeach" is all fine and good if that is how the Right really wants to present itself, but also pretty damned cowardly. There is nothing in the world stopping the GOP from introducing articles of Impeachment right now, this very week, in the House. If these charges really are for real and Obama supposedly has broken the law in 70 ways, then please, by all means, encourage your local congressman to bring forth articles of Impeachment right away.

I am going to call the Right's bluff on this one. Stop talking about "we are gonna do it" and just do it, fer Chrissakes.

In short, the outcome of the 2014 mid-terms will not have even the slightest effect on how an impeachment would work out: it would pass the House (easily) and there would be no conviction, just as was the case with President Clinton. Smart Republicans already know this, which is why they are hemming and hawing about it.

I am *bumping* this for [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION], who claims that I never provide factual information (lol), that I am nothing more than a partisan hack (lol), and yet, I am the only person on this thread who actually brought hard and factual information to the table about impeachment proceedings themselves. I am the only one who mentioned the specifics of how this works in the Senate. Jroc, that is called "information". It's what intelligent people do.

Again: IT DOESN'T MATTER EVEN ONE LITTLE FUCK WHO CONTROLS THE SENATE; regardless of control, if the House passes articles of impeachment, the Senate is REQUIRED to deliberate and vote on them, per US Constitution. In the case of articles of impeachment against the President, it is even written in the Constitution that the Chief Justice of the SOTUS (and not the Majority Leader) preside over the proceedings.

All those crazy-assed Righties who are screaming "impeachment", if they are elected officials, already know that it will go no where, not because Harry Reid is currently the Senate Majority Leader, but because in order to convict, you need 67 out of 100 Senate votes as YEA to convict and just as was the case with Bill Clinton, those 67 votes are not there. They are also not going to be there after the 2014 elections.

The worst thing that can happen is that whackadoodles in the HOR indeed pass articles of impeachment, which will then go to the Senate and die in the Senate vote, which means that Obama would be impeached but not convicted and would finish out his second-term, just like Bill Clinton did.

It would also make the GOP look like a party of absolute fools. Which, in my opinion, is not hard to do.

So, feel free to have a right-wing circle jerk over "impeachment, impeachment" and watch the rest of us laugh over it.

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And once again, I challenge Righties to call their congressmen RIGHT AWAY and encourage them to pass articles of Impeachment right now, now that you are armed with the knowledge that is it absolutely irrelevant who controls the Senate if the HOR passes such a resolution - or resolutions. Go for it. Let the whole world see what you are up to.

Please, by all means. Make our day.
And btw, take a look at why Nixon resigned because of Watergate in 1974:

The DEMS had a majority in the HOR 241-192-2 and it was clear that the DEMS had a solid majority to impeach.

The three Articles of Impeachment passed the House Judiciary Committee on July 27, 1974, at around 7 pm EST:

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

6 Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee voted for the Articles of Impeachment. The vote was 27-11. Those hearings started on May 9th, 1974 and lasted 2 and 1/2 months. They were also televised.

(there is audio at the link, you can hear the roll call vote for yourselves)

on August 5th, 1974 the missing 17-18 minutes of Watergate tapes suddenly "reappeared" and the material clearly incriminated Nixon:

The History Place - Impeachment: Richard Nixon

"...call the FBI and say that we wish, for the country, don't go any further into this case, period..." -- Nixon to Haldeman, June 23, 1972."

At that moment, his GOP support in the Senate crumbled.

In the Senate, it was D 56- R 42 in 1974, and the moment that Nixon got the phone call from an ally in the HOR telling him that the HOR was definitely going to impeach, and having been told on August 7th that only 15 GOP Senators were willing to support him once the Impeachment made it's way to the Senate, far short of the 34 votes he would need to survive conviction, then Nixon decided to resign. On August 7th, Nixon knew that the jig was up. August 7th was a Wednesday in 1974. Nixon resigned on August 9th at noon, and gave his resignation speech the evening before from the Oval Office.

Notice that the DEMS did not wait until the 1974 mid-terms to try to impeach. They were ready to go in August. Because they had a REAL smoking gun in their hands.

And the D's knew they were going to get a conviction.

The R's in 2014 know that they will not have the votes. Math triumphs over propaganda, once again.

Some more information for you (yes, Jroc, this is what intelligent people do).

After Nixon resigned, the House voted to accept the findings of the Judiciary Committee but then went no further. However, there is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits the congress from impeaching a person even if he has resigned. The House could have easily passed the articles of Impeachment, the Senate could have convicted, and Nixon would have landed in prison.


I am also making the point that these things take longer than people realize to do. First, articles must be introduced on the Floor of the HOR. They then go into committee, which would then hold hearings. Based on the findings of the committee, the articles would or would not come to a vote on the HOR floor. Surely, with this GOP majority in the HOR and the number of batshit crazy tea-party Reps in the HOR, this would happen.

So, if Righties really want this to happen, they need to get started NOW.
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