SPECIAL REPORT: 70 Impeachable Offenses of Hussein Obama

Well, at least the Right finally gave up trying impeach Earl Warren. I kind of miss seeing those billboards all over the South, though.

Yeah billboards against tyranny of the Statist LEFT and what Warren brought to the court. Ike made a horrible mistake, and set forth the ACTIVIST Court that still survives, supports Tyranny..like YOU, didn't he?

The REAL tyranny was Jim Crow. No apologies for ending that. You should be ashamed for supporting that part of American history. :nono:

The WAPO article is from a post-partisan blog and makes no sense at all.

Even if the GOP takes the Senate, which is statistically very, very likely (I have been saying this now since January 14th, 2014), that would still have no bearing on whether the House would vote to impeach our President, because you only need a simple majority in the House (218 votes, usually) to pass articles of impeachment, but you need 66.7% (67 votes) in the Senate to convict.

There is no way that the GOP is going to get to 66.7% (67 votes) for any impeachment conviction in the Senate.

It also doesn't matter which party has control of the Senate if articles of impeachment are passed in the House: the Senate is OBLIGATED to deliberate and vote on impeachment articles passed in the House. This is not a matter that any Senate Majority Leader can table or keep from coming to a vote: the Constitution requires the Senate to vote on impeachment.

So, using simple logic, if the GOP really thinks it has a case against our president, it can go ahead and impeach him right now in the House (which already has a GOP majority) and that impeachment will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Or, the GOP can wait until after the mid-terms and the House can vote on the articles of impeachment, which will, of course, die in the Senate, for there will be no conviction.

Either way, the result is going to be exactly the same.

You are not going to find even one Democratic Senator who will vote to convict. Not even Joe Manchin (D-WV).

So, all this bluster about "impeach" is all fine and good if that is how the Right really wants to present itself, but also pretty damned cowardly. There is nothing in the world stopping the GOP from introducing articles of Impeachment right now, this very week, in the House. If these charges really are for real and Obama supposedly has broken the law in 70 ways, then please, by all means, encourage your local congressman to bring forth articles of Impeachment right away.

I am going to call the Right's bluff on this one. Stop talking about "we are gonna do it" and just do it, fer Chrissakes.

In short, the outcome of the 2014 mid-terms will not have even the slightest effect on how an impeachment would work out: it would pass the House (easily) and there would be no conviction, just as was the case with President Clinton. Smart Republicans already know this, which is why they are hemming and hawing about it.
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Well, at least the Right finally gave up trying impeach Earl Warren. I kind of miss seeing those billboards all over the South, though.

Yeah billboards against tyranny of the Statist LEFT and what Warren brought to the court. Ike made a horrible mistake, and set forth the ACTIVIST Court that still survives, supports Tyranny..like YOU, didn't he?

The REAL tyranny was Jim Crow. No apologies for ending that. You should be ashamed for supporting that part of American history. :nono:
Sure it WAS...and strictly DEMOCRAT...Oh, and anything else there Commrade Cumquat?

*I* didn't think so.


Thank ME.
There is no possible reason to start impeachment proceedings against this so-called "president" for any reason at the moment.

Perhaps after this coming November the story might be different.

To even try now would be counter-productive.


That is absolute bullshit.

If that "document" is true and our President has commited 70 transgressions that are all impeachment-worthy, why wait?

In fact, if all that is actually true, the Congress has a DUTY to act.
Well, at least the Right finally gave up trying impeach Earl Warren. I kind of miss seeing those billboards all over the South, though.

Yeah billboards against tyranny of the Statist LEFT and what Warren brought to the court. Ike made a horrible mistake, and set forth the ACTIVIST Court that still survives, supports Tyranny..like YOU, didn't he?

The REAL tyranny was Jim Crow. No apologies for ending that. You should be ashamed for supporting that part of American history. :nono:


Tell Mr. T that he will have to rant louder. I can't hear him when he is on "ignore"....
There is no possible reason to start impeachment proceedings against this so-called "president" for any reason at the moment.

Perhaps after this coming November the story might be different.

To even try now would be counter-productive.


That is absolute bullshit.

If that "document" is true and our President has commited 70 transgressions that are all impeachment-worthy, why wait?

In fact, if all that is actually true, the Congress has a DUTY to act.

They just want reasons to cry....not to act....that would take sterner stuff that the likes of Tommy is made of.
You people better get your asses in gear and get this loser impeached.

The clock is running down and all you're doing is flapping your gums.
Yeah billboards against tyranny of the Statist LEFT and what Warren brought to the court. Ike made a horrible mistake, and set forth the ACTIVIST Court that still survives, supports Tyranny..like YOU, didn't he?

The REAL tyranny was Jim Crow. No apologies for ending that. You should be ashamed for supporting that part of American history. :nono:
Sure it WAS...and strictly DEMOCRAT...Oh, and anything else there Commrade Cumquat?

*I* didn't think so.


Thank ME.

You're truly delusional. It's typical that since you have no real argument that holds water, you try to distract us with matters irrelevant to the case at hand. You're the one that supports that particular piece of tyranny, as evidenced by your trashing of those who casr Jim Crow down. Nice try, but your dismissal isn't worth a bucket of spit.
A serious problem that is faced in America I think to this very day, is mainly this notion that him being the first black President makes him untouchable until he is gone. People just don't want to tarnish the fact that he was the break through they had been hoping for in this nation for so long as a black man being promoted to the President finally, and that is their thinking. They aren't letting go so easily because of this, and it explains a lot. They have got to get over this thought though, because if the man is doing things that are undermining the nation to the point of it's security and strength now being compromised, and even people getting dead because of his leadership role while we are out in the world, then he has got to be treated just like anyone else would have been in such a serious compilation of his mistakes being made. Mistakes that makes us look weak and confused as a people and as a nation, and especially those that have dead Americans attached to them is not good at all.

We as a nation need to do what Martin Luther King once said, and that is to judge a man by his character, and not by his skin color. This was the truth if it was ever spoken, and I hate it that we are experiencing these things that we are experiencing now, but always remember to learn with every example given or be destined to repeat history again and again.
The house should impeach the President so the world can watch the do nothing Senate turn around and do nothing, as usual.
The house should impeach the President so the world can watch the do nothing Senate turn around and do nothing, as usual.
And WHY the House won't do it with Dingy Harry Reid leading the US Senate onto the grounds of tyranny.

The House needs a missing SPINE. Reid needs to be put away in a home for his derangement.

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