Spend Billions to Build a Wall OR Spend Billions to Fix Infrastructure?

Spend Money on a Wall at the southern border or Spend the money to fix the nation's infrastructure?

  • The wall! Make it 50 foot tall!

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • Let's fix what Ike started. Highways and Bridges need some love.

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Why not both? My kid's kid's will be the ones paying for it.

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
Which should be the more important thing to do? Spend billions to build a wall that most citizens don't want and even most experts including John Kelly said we don't need, or spend the money to fix the countries cracking infrastructure of bridges and highways that claim the lives of hundreds of people every single day?
Infrastructure should have been Trump's day one game.

Instead he hung out on Twitter while whacking off

It is amazing that we have a POTUS that desires to be so detached from his 'job' and would rather spend his valuable time (really the people's time as he is working for US) fvcking off on Twitter 24/7 like some juvenile moron.
Even Illegal kept south of the border represents 10 or 12 votes the democrat Party cannot manufacture

Wow... only took the very first post to get off-topic. Congrats.

Off topic? He is voicing his support for the wall, and giving his reason. Oh wait....you mean off topic because he disagrees with your OP....SNOWFLAKE ALERT!

No, off-topic as in we aren't talking about the conspiracy theory of illegal immigrants casting illegal votes.
A wall helps nobody

Infrastructure is something AMERICANS can use
The Wall will stop illegal aliens from coming here.
Repeating that lie over and over doesnt make you less of a rube. :rolleyes:
Lie? Since when do walls not work anymore? If walls dont work, why are these people stuck on the other side? Youre fucking dumb.

Which should be the more important thing to do? Spend billions to build a wall that most citizens don't want and even most experts including John Kelly said we don't need, or spend the money to fix the countries cracking infrastructure of bridges and highways that claim the lives of hundreds of people every single day?
Infrastructure should have been Trump's day one game.

Instead he hung out on Twitter while whacking off

It is amazing that we have a POTUS that desires to be so detached from his 'job' and would rather spend his valuable time (really the people's time as he is working for US) fvcking off on Twitter 24/7 like some juvenile moron.

I got a thousand bucks for anybody who can keep him off Twitter. Maybe we should Call him Twupper.

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