Spend Billions to Build a Wall OR Spend Billions to Fix Infrastructure?

Spend Money on a Wall at the southern border or Spend the money to fix the nation's infrastructure?

  • The wall! Make it 50 foot tall!

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • Let's fix what Ike started. Highways and Bridges need some love.

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Why not both? My kid's kid's will be the ones paying for it.

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
Which should be the more important thing to do? Spend billions to build a wall that most citizens don't want and even most experts including John Kelly said we don't need, or spend the money to fix the countries cracking infrastructure of bridges and highways that claim the lives of hundreds of people every single day?

Apples and oranges.

The wall has an immediate payback. The infrastructure is one TRILLION under water.

So, there is no payback with improving our infrastructure?
Which should be the more important thing to do? Spend billions to build a wall that most citizens don't want and even most experts including John Kelly said we don't need, or spend the money to fix the countries cracking infrastructure of bridges and highways that claim the lives of hundreds of people every single day?

They didn't use the obama money to fix anything...did they? We can build the wall and fix the rest...Trump already has a plan, but the democrats will stand in the way......
150 billion in infrastructure under the ARRA, dumbass.
Which should be the more important thing to do? Spend billions to build a wall that most citizens don't want and even most experts including John Kelly said we don't need, or spend the money to fix the countries cracking infrastructure of bridges and highways that claim the lives of hundreds of people every single day?
I thought Obama was given hundreds of billions of dollars to repair our infrastructure and create jobs ($831 billion to be exact). Obama's Stimulus: A Documented Failure
Are you claiming those repairs were never made?

By the way, cracking infrastructure does NOT claim hundreds of lives every day. In fact it does not claim a single life the vast majority of time.

And the claim that most people don't want a wall? Support for Border Wall on the Rise Again, But Not At Govt Expense - Rasmussen Reports®
Opinion is evenly split.

The thread is full of misrepresentations and downright inventions that are absurd.
Which should be the more important thing to do? Spend billions to build a wall that most citizens don't want and even most experts including John Kelly said we don't need, or spend the money to fix the countries cracking infrastructure of bridges and highways that claim the lives of hundreds of people every single day?

They didn't use the obama money to fix anything...did they? We can build the wall and fix the rest...Trump already has a plan, but the democrats will stand in the way......
150 billion in infrastructure under the ARRA, dumbass.

Nope...didn't get done......as obama stated..."I guess those shovel ready jobs weren't really shovel ready..."
Which should be the more important thing to do? Spend billions to build a wall that most citizens don't want and even most experts including John Kelly said we don't need, or spend the money to fix the countries cracking infrastructure of bridges and highways that claim the lives of hundreds of people every single day?
I thought Obama was given hundreds of billions of dollars to repair our infrastructure and create jobs ($831 billion to be exact). Obama's Stimulus: A Documented Failure
Are you claiming those repairs were never made?

By the way, cracking infrastructure does NOT claim hundreds of lives every day. In fact it does not claim a single life the vast majority of time.

And the claim that most people don't want a wall? Support for Border Wall on the Rise Again, But Not At Govt Expense - Rasmussen Reports®
Opinion is evenly split.

The thread is full of misrepresentations and downright inventions that are absurd.
Seems like special pleading. Our economy was in a downward trend not an already established upward trend.
Which should be the more important thing to do? Spend billions to build a wall that most citizens don't want and even most experts including John Kelly said we don't need, or spend the money to fix the countries cracking infrastructure of bridges and highways that claim the lives of hundreds of people every single day?

They didn't use the obama money to fix anything...did they? We can build the wall and fix the rest...Trump already has a plan, but the democrats will stand in the way......
150 billion in infrastructure under the ARRA, dumbass.

Nope...didn't get done......as obama stated..."I guess those shovel ready jobs weren't really shovel ready..."
nothing but repeal for the sake of politics for the right wing, like usual.
Which should be the more important thing to do? Spend billions to build a wall that most citizens don't want and even most experts including John Kelly said we don't need, or spend the money to fix the countries cracking infrastructure of bridges and highways that claim the lives of hundreds of people every single day?

They didn't use the obama money to fix anything...did they? We can build the wall and fix the rest...Trump already has a plan, but the democrats will stand in the way......
150 billion in infrastructure under the ARRA, dumbass.

Nope...didn't get done......as obama stated..."I guess those shovel ready jobs weren't really shovel ready..."

The mere idea you think nothing was fixed proves what a moron you are.

Not all the money was spent but there were projects done.
Seems like special pleading. Our economy was in a downward trend not an already established upward trend.
I'm not sure you know what "special pleading is. King Obama was given $831 billion dollars (according to the Congressional Budget Office) to repair our so called crumbling infrastructure as a way of putting people to work using failed Keynesian economic theory just like Obama's progressive progenitor, FDR.

Regardless of the rationalization for the Obama stimulus only a few years ago the issue of our infrastructure was supposedly addressed by Obama himself.
Either you admit the infrastructure was a ploy to gain hundreds of billions which Obama spent on everything but the thing itself, to any appreciable degree (about 10% actually went to funding infrastructure projects...the other 90%? That went to Obama political cronies, mostly).
Infrastructure package: Avoid the mistakes of Obama 'stimulus'
Or you have to admit that Obama fixed that problem so why whine about our infrastructure now?

Bottom line....build the wall. It's a relatively cheap fix.
Seems like special pleading. Our economy was in a downward trend not an already established upward trend.
I'm not sure you know what "special pleading is. King Obama was given $831 billion dollars (according to the Congressional Budget Office) to repair our so called crumbling infrastructure as a way of putting people to work using failed Keynesian economic theory just like Obama's progressive progenitor, FDR.

Regardless of the rationalization for the Obama stimulus only a few years ago the issue of our infrastructure was supposedly addressed by Obama himself.
Either you admit the infrastructure was a ploy to gain hundreds of billions which Obama spent on everything but the thing itself, to any appreciable degree (about 10% actually went to funding infrastructure projects...the other 90%? That went to Obama political cronies, mostly).
Infrastructure package: Avoid the mistakes of Obama 'stimulus'
Or you have to admit that Obama fixed that problem so why whine about our infrastructure now?

Bottom line....build the wall. It's a relatively cheap fix.
the right wing is claiming Obama did relatively nothing with the stimulus money; he turned our economy around and our economy was on an upward trend ever since.
We have spent approximately $144b on 3,000 miles of noise reduction walls by highways. Had to keep noises out...

Can anyone tell me the advantage of letting illegals in? How noise is more objectionable than illegals?

If I am a nearby neighbor, I would rather have a sound barrier
The illegals can cut my lawn
the right wing is claiming Obama did relatively nothing with the stimulus money
He certainly didn't do remotely what he promised he would do in order to get a friendly Congress to write him a virtual blank check (though I suspect they all knew he was lying out of his ass!).
He literally broke the law violating provisions of the Stimulus bill but, hey....who's keeping track?

he turned our economy around and our economy was on an upward trend ever since.
Did he now?
That's like giving the rooster credit for the sun rising in the morning because he crows. Your over simplified claim is lacking documentation.
the right wing is claiming Obama did relatively nothing with the stimulus money
He certainly didn't do remotely what he promised he would do in order to get a friendly Congress to write him a virtual blank check (though I suspect they all knew he was lying out of his ass!).
He literally broke the law violating provisions of the Stimulus bill but, hey....who's keeping track?

he turned our economy around and our economy was on an upward trend ever since.
Did he now?
That's like giving the rooster credit for the sun rising in the morning because he crows. Your over simplified claim is lacking documentation.
every chart shows it. only the right wing indulges their mindless propaganda and mindless rhetoric.
every chart shows it. only the right wing indulges their mindless propaganda and mindless rhetoric.
Really? "Every chart"? LOL...
Our economy did eventually come out of the recession, as every economy in the developed world did, and always do.
There is nothing Obama did that magically made that happen and any president serving would have done exactly what Bush and then Obama did: Pump billions into banks and financial institutions and end the insanity of loaning money
to unqualified home buyers.
He also sent 4$ billion dollars of Stimulus money to foreign green energy companies. How did that turn our economy around? House report: 2009 stimulus program sent $4B to foreign green energy companies
Get bent!
every chart shows it. only the right wing indulges their mindless propaganda and mindless rhetoric.
Really? "Every chart"? LOL...
Our economy did eventually come out of the recession, as every economy in the developed world did, and always do.
There is nothing Obama did that magically made that happen and any president serving would have done exactly what Bush and then Obama did: Pump billions into banks and financial institutions and end the insanity of loaning money
to unqualified home buyers.
He also sent 4$ billion dollars of Stimulus money to foreign green energy companies. How did that turn our economy around? House report: 2009 stimulus program sent $4B to foreign green energy companies
Get bent!
the right wing is claiming credit for an upward trending economy.

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