Spitting on Dr Kings legacy

There is no reason to believe that posters personal claim

However there is reason to take the speculation of a Liberal Blogger about what a supporter of Perry said as fact eh.

There is not one direct quote in the link you put up that proves the Bloggers speculative ideas on what Barton thought. Further more there is not reason to attribute what Barton says to Perry or Conservatives in General.

Once again you are just the most ironically named poster in here. You clearly care nothing about context, Facts, and Fairness. Unless of course someone you support is the subject of an attack.
why do you lie like this?

Unlike you I dont LIVE here

Thanks to your Messiah Obama, and his disciples Harry and Nancy, I have plenty of time to be here. My company closed it's operation because it would no longer be profitable under their anti-business policies. And I have the layoff letter that says this word for word.

why should I believe anything you say

If I thought you were anything approaching trustworthy, I would forward you a scanned copy of the letter. But knowing you, it would get forwarded to the DNC, and they would tear down the other divisions that are still operating, just like they did to Joe the Plumber.

Suffice it to say that there are posters on this board that have seen it, and were shocked that corporate would put it in black and white the way they did. No punches were pulled in that letter, as I was in upper management, and they felt I deserved to know the reasons I was being let go.
Let's see the moonbats apply their "guilt by association" standard to Obama and Rev. Wright.
James Madison's Veto Messages by Gene Garman

June 3, 1811

I have recd. fellow Citizens your address, approving my Objection to the Bill contain[in]g a grant of public land, to the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House Missippi Terry. Having always regarded the practical distinction between Religion & Civil Govt as essential to the purity of both, and as guaranteed by the Constn: of the U.S. I could not have otherwise discharged my duty on the occasion which presented itself.

James Madison

I thought you said he said there was "a separation of church and state in our Constitution". So why are you citing THIS, which says nothing of the sort?

Perhaps you should buy a dictionary and get someone literate to read it to you.
why do you lie like this?

Unlike you I dont LIVE here

Thanks to your Messiah Obama, and his disciples Harry and Nancy, I have plenty of time to be here. My company closed it's operation because it would no longer be profitable under their anti-business policies. And I have the layoff letter that says this word for word.

why should I believe anything you say

And this is the Hypocrisy of Leftwing Compassion on Display.

What a hateful creature TMN is.
Go get what wright said and we will compare the two statements MMMKAY

Yes, because "Goddamn America!" is just stating the obvious, whereas "Martin Luther King Jr. doesn't deserve all the credit for civil rights" is grounds for hanging (I'd have said "lynching", but I was afraid you leftist morons would see racist overtones in it).

How could anyone possibly compare the two, much less think Wright came off worse from it? :cuckoo:
Thanks to your Messiah Obama, and his disciples Harry and Nancy, I have plenty of time to be here. My company closed it's operation because it would no longer be profitable under their anti-business policies. And I have the layoff letter that says this word for word.

why should I believe anything you say

And this is the Hypocrisy of Leftwing Compassion on Display.

What a hateful creature TMN is.

Not believing some random poster on the internets is wise my silly friend.

What was Bartons appearance on Glemn Beck about?
why should I believe anything you say

And this is the Hypocrisy of Leftwing Compassion on Display.

What a hateful creature TMN is.

Not believing some random poster on the internets is wise my silly friend.

What was Bartons appearance on Glemn Beck about?

Barton is a good friend with Glenn. He was on Glenn's show alot helping with history lessons. Particularly the Founders Friday's that were done. But then what would you care about history. According to the site you are linking to, Barton is a racist for teaching that Blacks had history before the Civil Rights movement. Somehow that diminishes MLK.

Thing is, I doubt MLK would agree. And I think he would be much more humble about his involvement in the movement as well.
why should I believe anything you say

And this is the Hypocrisy of Leftwing Compassion on Display.

What a hateful creature TMN is.

Not believing some random poster on the internets is wise my silly friend.

What was Bartons appearance on Glemn Beck about?

I don't know, I didn't watch it. Perhaps you can find a link to the program. I'm mean you have already condemned the man, maybe you should actually back up your accusations?

And this is the Hypocrisy of Leftwing Compassion on Display.

What a hateful creature TMN is.

Not believing some random poster on the internets is wise my silly friend.

What was Bartons appearance on Glemn Beck about?

I don't know, I didn't watch it. Perhaps you can find a link to the program. I'm mean you have already condemned the man, maybe you should actually back up your accusations?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um1uxsKG1_0]Founders Friday The Black founders 1 - YouTube[/ame]

This episode was always pretty good. The man TM is libeling is helping Glenn teach about the Black Founders. This is only pt 1 btw
Perry retreat co-host: MLK deserved no credit on civil rights

He is a co host you blind clowns

This is proof rightwingers shouldn't be allowed to vote.

I thought you dipshits already considered disagreeing with you in any way to be proof that rightwingers shouldn't be allowed to vote. Or is that just the underlying reason behind your attempts to justify taking away other people's votes?

Careful. You're getting awfully close to saying something true, and your head might implode if that happened.
Democrats were upset with Barton's group for revising the text books because it included MORE black history than just the Civil rights movement. Apparently they want to keep people ignorant of Black involvement in our history. Now why on earth would someone want to do that?

Oh yeah, Politics.
Im glad he is teaching black history.

Why is it he then disses MLK and his contributions?
Not believing some random poster on the internets is wise my silly friend.

What was Bartons appearance on Glemn Beck about?

I don't know, I didn't watch it. Perhaps you can find a link to the program. I'm mean you have already condemned the man, maybe you should actually back up your accusations?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um1uxsKG1_0]Founders Friday The Black founders 1 - YouTube[/ame]

This episode was always pretty good. The man TM is libeling is helping Glenn teach about the Black Founders. This is only pt 1 btw

Very interesting segment and it certainly paints a different picture of Mr. Barton than TDM and her blog wanted to portray.

Perry picked this guy to work with.

And Obama picked Dohrn, Ayers, and Wright to work with, and you told us vociferously that that meant NOTHING about Obama, and how DARE we try to blacken him by association.

I think what people are trying so hard to tell you is that you're a hypocrite and a joke whose "outrage" has as little meaning to us as every other idiotic, partisan piece of bullshit you utter.

Personally, I'm GLAD Perry chose to work with someone you hate so much. I hope it's a funny stroke.
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