Spitting on Dr Kings legacy

I would hope they had "artists renderings" as prototypes. If this thing looks nothing like it, then i would not pay for it...or allow it to be put up. If this is what was signed off on...i would want to know who did the signing off.

I don't care if the guy was a martian. This is a damn poor job in likeness to the man.

The proportions are wrong by my eye. The shoulders are to wide and the body to thick. Not to mention the face is nothing like kings.

Yes and the way they have him standing in the statue with his arms cross and that scowl across his face is not the way he came across to people, this whole thing makes me fucking sick to be honest. It is shameful.:evil:

I dont think i have ever seen an image of king with his arms folded like that. I always see his in my minds eye with one had up..like the preacher he was.

The expression is horrible! King was not about anger.... this face and body language, to me, is all about anger.

how much did they pay for this thing anyway?
It was most likely written into the healthcare bill.....Ask Pelosi. Once she gets through reading it, she might have an answer.
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I would hope they had "artists renderings" as prototypes. If this thing looks nothing like it, then i would not pay for it...or allow it to be put up. If this is what was signed off on...i would want to know who did the signing off.

I don't care if the guy was a martian. This is a damn poor job in likeness to the man.

The proportions are wrong by my eye. The shoulders are to wide and the body to thick. Not to mention the face is nothing like kings.

Yes and the way they have him standing in the statue with his arms cross and that scowl across his face is not the way he came across to people, this whole thing makes me fucking sick to be honest. It is shameful.:evil:

I dont think i have ever seen an image of king with his arms folded like that. I always see his in my minds eye with one had up..like the preacher he was.

The expression is horrible! King was not about anger.... this face and body language, to me, is all about anger.

how much did they pay for this thing anyway?

It looks to me like he is pouting.

I remember a scene that unfolded in my living room about 18 years ago. My son was about two. He had just been told that it was his bed time but his two older sisters were not being sent to bed. He stood in the middle of the floor, set one foot down then the other rather loudly, crossed his arms and said, "Fair". That is all he said. We all cracked up. He had the same look on his face as that memorial.

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OMG this isn't a joke.

No for true? Please tell me this is a joke and not for real.

Aye carumba, my hearts breaking on this.

His face was the face of I had a dream. I watched him. I listened to him. I had a dream did not look like this. His face was inspiration. His words still echo in my ears. His face was alive and I swear the Holy Spirit was living thru him at that moment. Dr King was alive.

This statue is horrid.
I would hope they had "artists renderings" as prototypes. If this thing looks nothing like it, then i would not pay for it...or allow it to be put up. If this is what was signed off on...i would want to know who did the signing off.

I don't care if the guy was a martian. This is a damn poor job in likeness to the man.

The proportions are wrong by my eye. The shoulders are to wide and the body to thick. Not to mention the face is nothing like kings.

Yes and the way they have him standing in the statue with his arms cross and that scowl across his face is not the way he came across to people, this whole thing makes me fucking sick to be honest. It is shameful.:evil:

I dont think i have ever seen an image of king with his arms folded like that. I always see his in my minds eye with one had up..like the preacher he was.

The expression is horrible! King was not about anger.... this face and body language, to me, is all about anger.

how much did they pay for this thing anyway?

Oh sweet Lord, don't tell me this was outsourced. Oh cripes.

Thank the good Lord I live in the middle of nowhere because a primordial scream is coming.
I would hope they had "artists renderings" as prototypes. If this thing looks nothing like it, then i would not pay for it...or allow it to be put up. If this is what was signed off on...i would want to know who did the signing off.

I don't care if the guy was a martian. This is a damn poor job in likeness to the man.

The proportions are wrong by my eye. The shoulders are to wide and the body to thick. Not to mention the face is nothing like kings.

Yes and the way they have him standing in the statue with his arms cross and that scowl across his face is not the way he came across to people, this whole thing makes me fucking sick to be honest. It is shameful.:evil:

I dont think i have ever seen an image of king with his arms folded like that. I always see his in my minds eye with one had up..like the preacher he was.

The expression is horrible! King was not about anger.... this face and body language, to me, is all about anger.

how much did they pay for this thing anyway?

I hope we got more than that sad excuse for a statue of MLK for this money.

The site was set to open at about 11 a.m. EST. The opening kicks off a week of celebrations leading up to the official dedication of the $120 million memorial on Sunday, August 28.

Controversial New Martin Luther King, Jr. National Monument Opens to the Public
I saw your link in the previous post.

Let me ask who is doing the hating in that article, "HateWatch" or David Barton or both?

I don't know much at all about Barton and I really don't care one way or the other. I won't be voting for Perry. In fact, I would vote for Obama before I vote for Perry although, I'm not voting for any party once again. /sigh It would be so nice to have a candidate that might win an election that actually cared about the people of this country.


I'm curious. On what basis have you decided that Perry "doesn't care about the people", not that I consider that a major concern in a President, since he's the Commander in Chief, not the Therapist in Chief.

On the basis that he doesn't give a shit about this country. He has said repeatedly that he is for Texas secession. That tells me he doesn't give a shit about the country in general. Should he become President he is more than likely only going to serve the people of the great state of Texas and screw the rest of us over.

Screw him, he shalt not be getting a vote from me.


i've never seen an actual quote from Perry where he is advocating that Texas should secede from the rest of the states. Since you claim "he has said repeatedly that he is for Texas secession", could you provide an actual quote where he is saying it once? That would be a quote from Perry himself, not the interpretation of what he said from an imbecile like rightwinger or uscitizen.
Hopey Changey's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt outsourced another Job to China. This is a real tragedy. Martin Luther King was not a bitter scowling Revolutionary. He was actually the exact opposite.
I'm curious. On what basis have you decided that Perry "doesn't care about the people", not that I consider that a major concern in a President, since he's the Commander in Chief, not the Therapist in Chief.

On the basis that he doesn't give a shit about this country. He has said repeatedly that he is for Texas secession. That tells me he doesn't give a shit about the country in general. Should he become President he is more than likely only going to serve the people of the great state of Texas and screw the rest of us over.

Screw him, he shalt not be getting a vote from me.


i've never seen an actual quote from Perry where he is advocating that Texas should secede from the rest of the states. Since you claim "he has said repeatedly that he is for Texas secession", could you provide an actual quote where he is saying it once? That would be a quote from Perry himself, not the interpretation of what he said from an imbecile like rightwinger or uscitizen.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xTxcFA398&feature=fvst]Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism" - YouTube[/ame]

Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired up an anti-tax "tea party" Wednesday with his stance against the federal government and for states' rights as some in his U.S. flag-waving audience shouted, "Secede!"

An animated Perry told the crowd at Austin City Hall -- one of three tea parties he was attending across the state -- that officials in Washington have abandoned the country's founding principles of limited government. He said the federal government is strangling Americans with taxation, spending and debt.

Perry repeated his running theme that Texas' economy is in relatively good shape compared with other states and with the "federal budget mess." Many in the crowd held signs deriding President Barack Obama and the $786 billion federal economic stimulus package.

Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

That article goes on to give the same words from the video.

There are many sites both for and against Perry on this issue. My feeling is that in April 2009, Perry showed his true colors and implied that if Texas didn't get its way, Texas would secede... with his blessings.

I will grant you one thing in your post. I said "repeatedly" and all of the links I have found in trying to answer your request, seem to be pointing to that April 2009 comment. And yet, Perry stood by that comment and to my knowledge still does so today:

Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired up an anti-tax "tea party" Wednesday with his stance against the federal government and for states' rights as some in his U.S. flag-waving audience shouted, "Secede!"

An animated Perry told the crowd at Austin City Hall -- one of three tea parties he was attending across the state -- that officials in Washington have abandoned the country's founding principles of limited government. He said the federal government is strangling Americans with taxation, spending and debt.

Perry repeated his running theme that Texas' economy is in relatively good shape compared with other states and with the "federal budget mess." Many in the crowd held signs deriding President Barack Obama and the $786 billion federal economic stimulus package.

Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

Read more: Governor Says Texans May Want To Secede From Union But Probably Won't | FoxNews.com

On Thursday, Perry called potential secession a "side issue of Texas history. ... We are very proud of our Texas history; people discuss and debate the issues of can we break ourselves into five states, can we secede, a lot of interesting things that I'm sure Oklahoma and Pennsylvania would love to be able to say about their states, but the fact is, they can't because they're not Texas."

A Perry spokeswoman said Perry believes Texas could secede if it wanted.

I'm sorry, but as dissatisfied as I am with this President and the way we are headed, I will not support a man that haphazardly wants to tear it apart.

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If Perry were President,he wouldn't have allowed the outsourcing of this Memorial statue. He would have demanded better. That's the difference between him and the Hopey Changey One.
If Perry were President,he wouldn't have allowed the outsourcing of this Memorial statue. He would have demanded better. That's the difference between him and the Hopey Changey One.

Are we absolutely certain that President Obama had anything to do with this?

Pre-Qualification Notice to All Potential Bidders - Build the Dream

Executive Staff - Build the Dream

I also read somewhere that this project was begun back in the Clinton days. For all we know, this was already in progress before President Obama took office.

Controversial New Martin Luther King, Jr. National Monument Opens to the Public

The memorial was in the making for over 15 years. Moves to create the monument began with a resolution signed in 1996 by President Bill Clinton to establish a memorial “honoring the life, the dream and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” on the National Mall. The groundbreaking for the memorial took place on November 13, 2006. This Sunday’s dedication, August 28th, will marks the 48th anniversary of Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, which he delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963.

Damn! I think that is twice in 24 hours that I have stood up for President Obama!

If Perry were President,he wouldn't have allowed the outsourcing of this Memorial statue. He would have demanded better. That's the difference between him and the Hopey Changey One.

Are we absolutely certain that President Obama had anything to do with this?

Pre-Qualification Notice to All Potential Bidders - Build the Dream

Executive Staff - Build the Dream

I also read somewhere that this project was begun back in the Clinton days. For all we know, this was already in progress before President Obama took office.

Controversial New Martin Luther King, Jr. National Monument Opens to the Public

The memorial was in the making for over 15 years. Moves to create the monument began with a resolution signed in 1996 by President Bill Clinton to establish a memorial “honoring the life, the dream and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” on the National Mall. The groundbreaking for the memorial took place on November 13, 2006. This Sunday’s dedication, August 28th, will marks the 48th anniversary of Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, which he delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963.

Damn! I think that is twice in 24 hours that I have stood up for President Obama!


I hear ya but the bottom line is that this is very embarrassing. Martin Luther King was not a bitter scowling Revolutionary. This Chinese Artist got it all wrong. I don't think Perry would have stood for this disaster. He would have demanded better. And i don't think he would have outsourced the project either. Just my opinion anyway.
If Perry were President,he wouldn't have allowed the outsourcing of this Memorial statue. He would have demanded better. That's the difference between him and the Hopey Changey One.

Are we absolutely certain that President Obama had anything to do with this?

Pre-Qualification Notice to All Potential Bidders - Build the Dream

Executive Staff - Build the Dream

I also read somewhere that this project was begun back in the Clinton days. For all we know, this was already in progress before President Obama took office.

Controversial New Martin Luther King, Jr. National Monument Opens to the Public

The memorial was in the making for over 15 years. Moves to create the monument began with a resolution signed in 1996 by President Bill Clinton to establish a memorial “honoring the life, the dream and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” on the National Mall. The groundbreaking for the memorial took place on November 13, 2006. This Sunday’s dedication, August 28th, will marks the 48th anniversary of Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, which he delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963.

Damn! I think that is twice in 24 hours that I have stood up for President Obama!


I hear ya but the bottom line is that this is very embarrassing. Martin Luther King was not a bitter scowling Revolutionary. This Chinese Artist got it all wrong. I don't think Perry would have stood for this disaster. He would have demanded better. And i don't think he would have outsourced the project either. Just my opinion anyway.

Gotcha on that... since Perry wasn't in the running in 2008, would McCain have done so?

Wait a minute, I have to change my argument and here is why...

If you believe that your company is currently pre-qualified please verify that the pre-qualification is current. Please be sure to submit your interest NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 12, 2008.


Bids weren't due until 09/08 meaning more than likely, President Obama was in office at that time of the decision. Now, the question is still, who made the decision and did the President have any say whatsoever?

The more I have thought about the thread title, and have - over the past couple of days - looked back over the words of Dr King... I have come to the conclusion that those who are spitting on Dr King's legacy.... they're the people who use race to score points, who call others a racist for no real reason (and I've done it a few times myself - usually at those who have done it to me...)

So, my lefty buddies... take a long, hard look at yourselves.... because you are the ones spitting on Dr King's legacy. Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame. On. You.
On the basis that he doesn't give a shit about this country. He has said repeatedly that he is for Texas secession. That tells me he doesn't give a shit about the country in general. Should he become President he is more than likely only going to serve the people of the great state of Texas and screw the rest of us over.

Screw him, he shalt not be getting a vote from me.


i've never seen an actual quote from Perry where he is advocating that Texas should secede from the rest of the states. Since you claim "he has said repeatedly that he is for Texas secession", could you provide an actual quote where he is saying it once? That would be a quote from Perry himself, not the interpretation of what he said from an imbecile like rightwinger or uscitizen.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xTxcFA398&feature=fvst]Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism" - YouTube[/ame]

That article goes on to give the same words from the video.

There are many sites both for and against Perry on this issue. My feeling is that in April 2009, Perry showed his true colors and implied that if Texas didn't get its way, Texas would secede... with his blessings.

I will grant you one thing in your post. I said "repeatedly" and all of the links I have found in trying to answer your request, seem to be pointing to that April 2009 comment. And yet, Perry stood by that comment and to my knowledge still does so today:

Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired up an anti-tax "tea party" Wednesday with his stance against the federal government and for states' rights as some in his U.S. flag-waving audience shouted, "Secede!"

An animated Perry told the crowd at Austin City Hall -- one of three tea parties he was attending across the state -- that officials in Washington have abandoned the country's founding principles of limited government. He said the federal government is strangling Americans with taxation, spending and debt.

Perry repeated his running theme that Texas' economy is in relatively good shape compared with other states and with the "federal budget mess." Many in the crowd held signs deriding President Barack Obama and the $786 billion federal economic stimulus package.

Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

Read more: Governor Says Texans May Want To Secede From Union But Probably Won't | FoxNews.com

On Thursday, Perry called potential secession a "side issue of Texas history. ... We are very proud of our Texas history; people discuss and debate the issues of can we break ourselves into five states, can we secede, a lot of interesting things that I'm sure Oklahoma and Pennsylvania would love to be able to say about their states, but the fact is, they can't because they're not Texas."

A Perry spokeswoman said Perry believes Texas could secede if it wanted.

I'm sorry, but as dissatisfied as I am with this President and the way we are headed, I will not support a man that haphazardly wants to tear it apart.


The man served the United States in the U.S. Air Force, he loves this country, he wouldn't be running for President if he wanted to weaken the union. He never actually says that he is in favor of seceding from the union and what the crowd says has nothing to do with him. Texans are proud of their state(for whatever reason, I live here and don't get it) and tend to talk that wa.........always been a big turn off for me........ kind of like the idiot attitude of New Yorkers or team sport fans. I have never heard any thinking person in Texas say they wanted to secede from the country, it is more a threat to show how disgusted they are with Washington and the imbeciles that are sent there. Kind of like Barbara Streisand, George Clooney and etc. saying they would leave the country if President Bush was reelected........ empty threats to make a point.
On the basis that he doesn't give a shit about this country. He has said repeatedly that he is for Texas secession. That tells me he doesn't give a shit about the country in general. Should he become President he is more than likely only going to serve the people of the great state of Texas and screw the rest of us over.

Screw him, he shalt not be getting a vote from me.


i've never seen an actual quote from Perry where he is advocating that Texas should secede from the rest of the states. Since you claim "he has said repeatedly that he is for Texas secession", could you provide an actual quote where he is saying it once? That would be a quote from Perry himself, not the interpretation of what he said from an imbecile like rightwinger or uscitizen.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xTxcFA398&feature=fvst]Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism" - YouTube[/ame]

That article goes on to give the same words from the video.

There are many sites both for and against Perry on this issue. My feeling is that in April 2009, Perry showed his true colors and implied that if Texas didn't get its way, Texas would secede... with his blessings.

I will grant you one thing in your post. I said "repeatedly" and all of the links I have found in trying to answer your request, seem to be pointing to that April 2009 comment. And yet, Perry stood by that comment and to my knowledge still does so today:

Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired up an anti-tax "tea party" Wednesday with his stance against the federal government and for states' rights as some in his U.S. flag-waving audience shouted, "Secede!"

An animated Perry told the crowd at Austin City Hall -- one of three tea parties he was attending across the state -- that officials in Washington have abandoned the country's founding principles of limited government. He said the federal government is strangling Americans with taxation, spending and debt.

Perry repeated his running theme that Texas' economy is in relatively good shape compared with other states and with the "federal budget mess." Many in the crowd held signs deriding President Barack Obama and the $786 billion federal economic stimulus package.

Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

Read more: Governor Says Texans May Want To Secede From Union But Probably Won't | FoxNews.com

On Thursday, Perry called potential secession a "side issue of Texas history. ... We are very proud of our Texas history; people discuss and debate the issues of can we break ourselves into five states, can we secede, a lot of interesting things that I'm sure Oklahoma and Pennsylvania would love to be able to say about their states, but the fact is, they can't because they're not Texas."

A Perry spokeswoman said Perry believes Texas could secede if it wanted.

I'm sorry, but as dissatisfied as I am with this President and the way we are headed, I will not support a man that haphazardly wants to tear it apart.


My view is that he is a politician - and that means being a 'tough talker' at times. Perry would no more walk away from the Union than the majority of other Americans. Sorry, Immie, you're wrong on this one... and I'm not a huge Perry fan.
i've never seen an actual quote from Perry where he is advocating that Texas should secede from the rest of the states. Since you claim "he has said repeatedly that he is for Texas secession", could you provide an actual quote where he is saying it once? That would be a quote from Perry himself, not the interpretation of what he said from an imbecile like rightwinger or uscitizen.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xTxcFA398&feature=fvst]Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism" - YouTube[/ame]

That article goes on to give the same words from the video.

There are many sites both for and against Perry on this issue. My feeling is that in April 2009, Perry showed his true colors and implied that if Texas didn't get its way, Texas would secede... with his blessings.

I will grant you one thing in your post. I said "repeatedly" and all of the links I have found in trying to answer your request, seem to be pointing to that April 2009 comment. And yet, Perry stood by that comment and to my knowledge still does so today:

Read more: Governor Says Texans May Want To Secede From Union But Probably Won't | FoxNews.com

On Thursday, Perry called potential secession a "side issue of Texas history. ... We are very proud of our Texas history; people discuss and debate the issues of can we break ourselves into five states, can we secede, a lot of interesting things that I'm sure Oklahoma and Pennsylvania would love to be able to say about their states, but the fact is, they can't because they're not Texas."

A Perry spokeswoman said Perry believes Texas could secede if it wanted.

I'm sorry, but as dissatisfied as I am with this President and the way we are headed, I will not support a man that haphazardly wants to tear it apart.


The man served the United States in the U.S. Air Force, he loves this country, he wouldn't be running for President if he wanted to weaken the union. He never actually says that he is in favor of seceding from the union and what the crowd says has nothing to do with him. Texans are proud of their state(for whatever reason, I live here and don't get it) and tend to talk that wa.........always been a big turn off for me........ kind of like the idiot attitude of New Yorkers or team sport fans. I have never heard any thinking person in Texas say they wanted to secede from the country, it is more a threat to show how disgusted they are with Washington and the imbeciles that are sent there. Kind of like Barbara Streisand, George Clooney and etc. saying they would leave the country if President Bush was reelected........ empty threats to make a point.

Hehe... don't worry, I won't vote for Barbara Streisand, George Clooney or Alec Baldwin (you forgot him) either. ;)

However, I thank you for your insight. It is truly appreciated.

I still have no intention of voting for the man and his talk of secession is only one of the reasons. You have probably read my prior statements as to why I have no intention of voting for anyone involved in the party(ies) establishments. I'm sick of both parties.

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