Spoiled Athletes Parents Turn Out To Be Assholes Too...What A Surprise

So I guess Obama wasn't doing his job, when he told us continually, this isn't who we are?

You mean when he pointed out that we can be better than our bad behavior.

You see, the big difference between Obama and the Orange Shitgibbon is that Obama inspired us to be better, while Trump appeals to our worst instincts.
I prefer my humans to be up front in all things.

Obama had boatloads of dignified behavior. It was as phony as the rest of him.

So when you go to Thanksgiving on Thursday, you are going to get it off your chest all the things about the other guests that piss you off, right?
Spoiled Athletes Parents Turn Out To Be Assholes Too...What A Surprise

Of course it's their prerogative as an American citizen to hold any opinion they like. The president, on the other hand, had the opportunity to be magnanimous but decided it was better to incite controversy.
Nothing gets the deplorables riled more than "unappreciative blacks" who dare to have an opinion.

Here you are.
You fools are so easy to manipulate.

How would we conservatives be acting differently if the assholes in question where lefty white assholes?

If Race is what this is about. You race baiter.

Trump plays this " indignant, disrespectful black card" at every opportunity. He did it here, with the NFL and with a gold star widow. You guys greedily eat it up.
Spoiled Athletes Parents Turn Out To Be Assholes Too...What A Surprise

Of course it's their prerogative as an American citizen to hold any opinion they like. The president, on the other hand, had the opportunity to be magnanimous but decided it was better to incite controversy.
Nothing gets the deplorables riled more than "unappreciative blacks" who dare to have an opinion.

Here you are.
You fools are so easy to manipulate.
And you think that the people doing the manipulating are clever and in a way justified?
I can understand why you're a Democrat.

Trump is doing the manipulating, dope.
All by himself too!!!
What an evil genius. LOL!!!
Strange how you dummies think you can get away with calling our people retards yet they're somehow brilliant/evil manipulators of deplorable Nazi RACISTS bent on stopping you Snowflakes from changing America into a 3rd World Shithole.

Nice rant!

What's your point? He has you ranting like the tool you are.
I prefer my humans to be up front in all things.

Obama had boatloads of dignified behavior. It was as phony as the rest of him.

So when you go to Thanksgiving on Thursday, you are going to get it off your chest all the things about the other guests that piss you off, right?

We're all on deck on the Good Ship Reality. Not a Progressive in the bunch.
Perhaps the players and their parents are mad at the President fro 'robbing' them of their opportunity to remain in China, face the Chinese judicial system, and prove their innocence....?!

I've met parents like this. No matter what their kid does, he's never in the wrong according the parents. It's no small wonder that the kid turns out to be a worthless little shit.

Um, yeah, a kid who played his game well enough to get into a national sports league is 'Worthless".

This happened to me when I was a kid. I was assaulted by another classmate and his friends. I fingered the little POS and his father refused to admit that his son was a bully and related that I was in the wrong, not his precious son. Instead he tried to say that I was the one who picked a fight with 3 other kids and that my nuts attacked his foot.

so you were kind of a whiner when you were a little kid, too? That's not surprising.

Marshawn Lynch is famous for refusing to talk to journalists when he was forced to attend media day at the Super Bowl a few years ago. He made famous the phrase "I'm just here so I don't get fined!!"

Okay, and this was bad, why? He didn't want to talk to journalists. Big whoop. Most of them never played the game past high school, but they talk big about what players should or shouldn't do?

If find it hilarious that you think reporters are the anti-Christ when Trump villifies them, but a player who doesn't want to talk to them is bad.

He may not be "worthless" now...give it a couple years. Colin Kapernick could use a few buddies to pal around with.
It's no surprise that these players that go overseas and shoplift $2000 sunglasses, or refuse to stand when they play the National Anthem, had bad parents.
Lavar Ball was on CNN last night sounding like an insane person, spouting off incoherent statements about Trump, just saying everything nasty he could think of. It was a classless pathetic display of bigotry and hatred.
Well, Lavar Ball isn't the only one. Trump showed a lack of class himself by saying on Twitter that he should have left him in that Chinese prison. That's the thing we have learned about Trump. He's never afraid to say what's on his mind.

Now Marshawn Lynch's mother is mouthing off about Trump mentioning her son who is usually the only player who sits on the bench while they play the National Anthem.

It appears the only way that some people feel they can get some attention is by cursing the POTUS. She has a spoiled rotten kid who has no respect for America, and she illustrates exactly why. MSN claims Trump is the bully. I think they're full of it.
I've met parents like this. No matter what their kid does, he's never in the wrong according the parents. It's no small wonder that the kid turns out to be a worthless little shit. This happened to me when I was a kid. I was assaulted by another classmate and his friends. I fingered the little POS and his father refused to admit that his son was a bully and related that I was in the wrong, not his precious son. Instead he tried to say that I was the one who picked a fight with 3 other kids and that my nuts attacked his foot.

This seems to be a common theme. Bad parents raise bad kids. Here's the attack piece on MSN:

Delisa Lynch did what just about any mother would do if their son was confronted by a bully: She fought back.

Except in her case, that person was the president, and her son, no playground runt but 31-year-old NFL running back Marshawn Lynch, who Trump had lambasted in a tweet on Monday for not standing during the national anthem during a recent game in Mexico.

Delisa Lynch, who goes by @MommaLynch24 on Twitter, quickly jumped into the fray with a retort of her own.

“What NFL team do Trump own?” she fired off, citing the president’s tweet. “Oh yeah they wouldn’t let him have one!”

Marshawn Lynch is famous for refusing to talk to journalists when he was forced to attend media day at the Super Bowl a few years ago. He made famous the phrase "I'm just here so I don't get fined!!"

What a classy guy. I can tell his Momma raised him properly. *sarcasm alert* Not only is he a person of questionable character, but it's not surprising, so is the person that raised him. Well Mamma Lynch is about to get a massive following on her twitter account. I don't think she'll enjoy it as much as she seems to enjoy trashing Trump. So far it looks like her account received 2000 new followers since she cursed at Trump. Cuss out the POTUS and you become a rock star. Where have I heard this before?

I call it Nig-itus...it's a genetic disorder....a disease...you can take the Negro out of the ghetto but you can rarely take the ghetto out of the Negro.
Who else will repeatedly choose a $10 joint over a $10 million dollar contract? Never happens in the NHL....why do you think that is?
Protesting a fantastical political construct is hardly a great thing.

Police are shooting black kids in the street and getting away with it.

That's hardly a fantasy. It happens. A lot.

Perhaps the players and their parents are mad at the President fro 'robbing' them of their opportunity to remain in China, face the Chinese judicial system, and prove their innocence....?!

MOre than likely, the Chinese would have cut these kids loose in a few days regardless. They want the NCAA to send players over to entertain them. They want to get their students into our schools.

So once again, Trump takes credit for something that he had nothing to do with, and then gets upset when people don't praise him enough.

Hey, here's a crazy idea, Donny. Do something that is worth praise.

Who else will repeatedly choose a $10 joint over a $10 million dollar contract? Never happens in the NHL....why do you think that is?

Nobody gives a fuck about the NHL?

I do think there is a bigger problem in the NFL, in that a lot of affluent parents don't let little Timmy play football anymore, because you know, traumatic head injury being a thing. But a lot of poor families see it as a ticket out of the ghetto.

Which is why the NFL report often sounds like the Crime Blotter.

But the idea that sudden wealth will suddenly make you a better person is kind of silly. Just ask any Trailer Trash that won the Lotto, or any child star who wound up on the skids as an adult.
So I guess Obama wasn't doing his job, when he told us continually, this isn't who we are?

You mean when he pointed out that we can be better than our bad behavior.

You see, the big difference between Obama and the Orange Shitgibbon is that Obama inspired us to be better, while Trump appeals to our worst instincts.

Yeah, he inspired us to be better by doubling the food stamp role, extending unemployment three times it's usual period, and taking over one-sixth of our economy.
As an athlete, no. As an American, yes.

Gee, I don't know. He's protesting a pretty big fucking injustice in this country.

The Great American isn't the one who goes along with the injustice, he's the one who protests.

Maybe, but the stupidest ones are those who are protesting that they don't understand our laws, but don't realize that's what they are actually protesting.
So I guess Obama wasn't doing his job, when he told us continually, this isn't who we are?

You mean when he pointed out that we can be better than our bad behavior.

You see, the big difference between Obama and the Orange Shitgibbon is that Obama inspired us to be better, while Trump appeals to our worst instincts.
As long as you did what Obama expected.
Protesting a fantastical political construct is hardly a great thing.

Police are shooting black kids in the street and getting away with it.

That's hardly a fantasy. It happens. A lot.

Perhaps the players and their parents are mad at the President fro 'robbing' them of their opportunity to remain in China, face the Chinese judicial system, and prove their innocence....?!

MOre than likely, the Chinese would have cut these kids loose in a few days regardless. They want the NCAA to send players over to entertain them. They want to get their students into our schools.

So once again, Trump takes credit for something that he had nothing to do with, and then gets upset when people don't praise him enough.

Hey, here's a crazy idea, Donny. Do something that is worth praise.

Who else will repeatedly choose a $10 joint over a $10 million dollar contract? Never happens in the NHL....why do you think that is?

Nobody gives a fuck about the NHL?

I do think there is a bigger problem in the NFL, in that a lot of affluent parents don't let little Timmy play football anymore, because you know, traumatic head injury being a thing. But a lot of poor families see it as a ticket out of the ghetto.

Which is why the NFL report often sounds like the Crime Blotter.

But the idea that sudden wealth will suddenly make you a better person is kind of silly. Just ask any Trailer Trash that won the Lotto, or any child star who wound up on the skids as an adult.

"MOre than likely, the Chinese would have cut these kids loose in a few days regardless. They want the NCAA to send players over to entertain them. They want to get their students into our schools."

Is this one of those weird LefTard things...."sounds plausible, must be fact"?
You Lefties are some super smart muthaphuckers...you knew how the situation would have played out before it ever did....WOW!

"So once again, Trump takes credit for something that he had nothing to do with, and then gets upset when people don't praise him enough.

Hey, here's a crazy idea, Donny. Do something that is worth praise

You mean like shut down the wetback border, stop illegal Obeaner programs such as DACA, govern for and empower Americas best, stimulate job growth, improve consumer confidence, stimulate stock trading, verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth...etc etc?
Police are shooting black kids in the street and getting away with it. That's hardly a fantasy. It happens. A lot.

It is with your strawman and lack of statistical evidence to back it up.

MOre than likely, the Chinese would have cut these kids loose in a few days regardless. So once again,

So once again your statement is backed by no evidence , just opinion... The FACT is the 3 thieves were allowed to go home after Trump negotiated their release.

The FACT is liberals are still extremely butt-hurt and filled with extreme hatred for the President because he beat the Left's criminal last election, and nothing the President will ever do will result in praise of any kind from the Left.
Spoiled Athletes Parents Turn Out To Be Assholes Too...What A Surprise

Of course it's their prerogative as an American citizen to hold any opinion they like. The president, on the other hand, had the opportunity to be magnanimous but decided it was better to incite controversy.
Nothing gets the deplorables riled more than "unappreciative blacks" who dare to have an opinion.

Here you are.
You fools are so easy to manipulate.

How would we conservatives be acting differently if the assholes in question where lefty white assholes?

If Race is what this is about. You race baiter.

Trump plays this " indignant, disrespectful black card" at every opportunity. He did it here, with the NFL and with a gold star widow. You guys greedily eat it up.
Yeah....Trump spoke at the Democratic Convention and trashed a Gold Star family.....no......sorry, the Gold Star family trashed Trump at the DNC.

My mistake....
Police are shooting black kids in the street and getting away with it.

That's hardly a fantasy. It happens. A lot.

They are not "getting away" with anything. They have the right (by law) to use deadly force when needed. Why is it you are so racist to ignore the fact that cops shoot more whites than blacks?

So once again, Trump takes credit for something that he had nothing to do with, and then gets upset when people don't praise him enough.

He had nothing to do with it? Who did, Obama?

But the idea that sudden wealth will suddenly make you a better person is kind of silly. Just ask any Trailer Trash that won the Lotto, or any child star who wound up on the skids as an adult.

So what are you saying, that handling money takes responsibility, that not all people can handle money?

I'll have to remember that when you rant on about those evil rich CEO's or how Trump had it so easy because of his inheritance.
It's no surprise that these players that go overseas and shoplift $2000 sunglasses, or refuse to stand when they play the National Anthem, had bad parents.
Lavar Ball was on CNN last night sounding like an insane person, spouting off incoherent statements about Trump, just saying everything nasty he could think of. It was a classless pathetic display of bigotry and hatred.
Well, Lavar Ball isn't the only one. Trump showed a lack of class himself by saying on Twitter that he should have left him in that Chinese prison. That's the thing we have learned about Trump. He's never afraid to say what's on his mind.

Now Marshawn Lynch's mother is mouthing off about Trump mentioning her son who is usually the only player who sits on the bench while they play the National Anthem.

It appears the only way that some people feel they can get some attention is by cursing the POTUS. She has a spoiled rotten kid who has no respect for America, and she illustrates exactly why. MSN claims Trump is the bully. I think they're full of it.
I've met parents like this. No matter what their kid does, he's never in the wrong according the parents. It's no small wonder that the kid turns out to be a worthless little shit. This happened to me when I was a kid. I was assaulted by another classmate and his friends. I fingered the little POS and his father refused to admit that his son was a bully and related that I was in the wrong, not his precious son. Instead he tried to say that I was the one who picked a fight with 3 other kids and that my nuts attacked his foot.

This seems to be a common theme. Bad parents raise bad kids. Here's the attack piece on MSN:

Delisa Lynch did what just about any mother would do if their son was confronted by a bully: She fought back.

Except in her case, that person was the president, and her son, no playground runt but 31-year-old NFL running back Marshawn Lynch, who Trump had lambasted in a tweet on Monday for not standing during the national anthem during a recent game in Mexico.

Delisa Lynch, who goes by @MommaLynch24 on Twitter, quickly jumped into the fray with a retort of her own.

“What NFL team do Trump own?” she fired off, citing the president’s tweet. “Oh yeah they wouldn’t let him have one!”

Marshawn Lynch is famous for refusing to talk to journalists when he was forced to attend media day at the Super Bowl a few years ago. He made famous the phrase "I'm just here so I don't get fined!!"

What a classy guy. I can tell his Momma raised him properly. *sarcasm alert* Not only is he a person of questionable character, but it's not surprising, so is the person that raised him. Well Mamma Lynch is about to get a massive following on her twitter account. I don't think she'll enjoy it as much as she seems to enjoy trashing Trump. So far it looks like her account received 2000 new followers since she cursed at Trump. Cuss out the POTUS and you become a rock star. Where have I heard this before?

LOL- and the spoiled children of millionaires turn out to be spoiled brats tool.

Look at our President.
Spoiled Athletes Parents Turn Out To Be Assholes Too...What A Surprise

Of course it's their prerogative as an American citizen to hold any opinion they like. The president, on the other hand, had the opportunity to be magnanimous but decided it was better to incite controversy.
Nothing gets the deplorables riled more than "unappreciative blacks" who dare to have an opinion.

Here you are.
You fools are so easy to manipulate.

How would we conservatives be acting differently if the assholes in question where lefty white assholes?

If Race is what this is about. You race baiter.

Trump plays this " indignant, disrespectful black card" at every opportunity. He did it here, with the NFL and with a gold star widow. You guys greedily eat it up.
Yeah....Trump spoke at the Democratic Convention and trashed a Gold Star family.....no......sorry, the Gold Star family trashed Trump at the DNC.

My mistake....

The widow, dope. It was the same play with them though and one that still has you riled.

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