Spoiled Athletes Parents Turn Out To Be Assholes Too...What A Surprise

kinda like when you told me a white kid getting shot by police causes an uproar and when i asked you the last time that happened you then said white people don't get shot.

that was quite the giggler also.

You're babbling...

Uriel Patino or someone else?

This is the stuff that Marine snuck into Mexico, and Mexico had some funny idea it was a sovereign nation, which terribly upset the Right Wingers on Hate Radio who thought Obama should have sent in Seal Team Six.
kinda like when you told me a white kid getting shot by police causes an uproar and when i asked you the last time that happened you then said white people don't get shot.

that was quite the giggler also.

You're babbling...

Uriel Patino or someone else?

This is the stuff that Marine snuck into Mexico, and Mexico had some funny idea it was a sovereign nation, which terribly upset the Right Wingers on Hate Radio who thought Obama should have sent in Seal Team Six.
no. i'm referring to another thread where you went on a rampage saying blacks are shot when approached by police officers and no one cared. when a white person was shot by police, you said people went crazy.

i asked you for examples to illustrate ANYONE going crazy over a police shooting of a white person and you said - in a clever video - that white people don't get shot.

so i asked you which is it - do we go into an uproar when a white person is shot by police or are white people, per your video assertion, never get shot by police. you took both sides to this issue so you could take up the cause of the black man getting shot but since they contradict each other i asked for specifics and you went casper on me and disappeared.

and as for illegals guns going to mexico - this was obama's favorite trap/hobby. if wrong you need to include him in your bitching.

but then again you take any position or side that contradicts conservatives views. even if the positions themselves contradict each other.

quite funny but annoying when trying to talk with you.
It's no surprise that these players that go overseas and shoplift $2000 sunglasses, or refuse to stand when they play the National Anthem, had bad parents.
Lavar Ball was on CNN last night sounding like an insane person, spouting off incoherent statements about Trump, just saying everything nasty he could think of. It was a classless pathetic display of bigotry and hatred.
Well, Lavar Ball isn't the only one. Trump showed a lack of class himself by saying on Twitter that he should have left him in that Chinese prison. That's the thing we have learned about Trump. He's never afraid to say what's on his mind.

Now Marshawn Lynch's mother is mouthing off about Trump mentioning her son who is usually the only player who sits on the bench while they play the National Anthem.

It appears the only way that some people feel they can get some attention is by cursing the POTUS. She has a spoiled rotten kid who has no respect for America, and she illustrates exactly why. MSN claims Trump is the bully. I think they're full of it.
I've met parents like this. No matter what their kid does, he's never in the wrong according the parents. It's no small wonder that the kid turns out to be a worthless little shit. This happened to me when I was a kid. I was assaulted by another classmate and his friends. I fingered the little POS and his father refused to admit that his son was a bully and related that I was in the wrong, not his precious son. Instead he tried to say that I was the one who picked a fight with 3 other kids and that my nuts attacked his foot.

This seems to be a common theme. Bad parents raise bad kids. Here's the attack piece on MSN:

Delisa Lynch did what just about any mother would do if their son was confronted by a bully: She fought back.

Except in her case, that person was the president, and her son, no playground runt but 31-year-old NFL running back Marshawn Lynch, who Trump had lambasted in a tweet on Monday for not standing during the national anthem during a recent game in Mexico.

Delisa Lynch, who goes by @MommaLynch24 on Twitter, quickly jumped into the fray with a retort of her own.

“What NFL team do Trump own?” she fired off, citing the president’s tweet. “Oh yeah they wouldn’t let him have one!”

Marshawn Lynch is famous for refusing to talk to journalists when he was forced to attend media day at the Super Bowl a few years ago. He made famous the phrase "I'm just here so I don't get fined!!"

What a classy guy. I can tell his Momma raised him properly. *sarcasm alert* Not only is he a person of questionable character, but it's not surprising, so is the person that raised him. Well Mamma Lynch is about to get a massive following on her twitter account. I don't think she'll enjoy it as much as she seems to enjoy trashing Trump. So far it looks like her account received 2000 new followers since she cursed at Trump. Cuss out the POTUS and you become a rock star. Where have I heard this before?

I am still trying to understand how the current President took immediate diplomatic action to get US Citizens who enjoy the freedom under The Flag to play basketball out of jail in country (China) that has considerable leverage vs. US as a superpower VS the previous President who delayed such action to the time of 200 plus days of getting a US Citizen who fought for our freedoms as a US Marine, out of jail in a country (Mexico) whom we enjoy much economic and military advantage????

Obama was a clown. A playtime president. Nothing more.
Yep.....but he's done more damage to our country than all previous presidents combined.

Indeed. The clown was a mask. It will be years before the damage can be completely assessed.
Prisons in China are regimented hellholes. People do their best to avoid them as they are not a step-up in lifestyle.

They execute the rest expeditiously. Cuts down on the numbers.

Okay, first, China only executes 2400 people a year. WHich is bad, but hardly a dent in the numbers.

Second, our prisons are regimented hellholes, too.

And only we have "Club Feds" for the rich crooks.

If you say so! :lmao:
I've met parents like this. No matter what their kid does, he's never in the wrong according the parents. It's no small wonder that the kid turns out to be a worthless little shit.

Um, yeah, a kid who played his game well enough to get into a national sports league is 'Worthless".

This happened to me when I was a kid. I was assaulted by another classmate and his friends. I fingered the little POS and his father refused to admit that his son was a bully and related that I was in the wrong, not his precious son. Instead he tried to say that I was the one who picked a fight with 3 other kids and that my nuts attacked his foot.

so you were kind of a whiner when you were a little kid, too? That's not surprising.

Marshawn Lynch is famous for refusing to talk to journalists when he was forced to attend media day at the Super Bowl a few years ago. He made famous the phrase "I'm just here so I don't get fined!!"

Okay, and this was bad, why? He didn't want to talk to journalists. Big whoop. Most of them never played the game past high school, but they talk big about what players should or shouldn't do?

If find it hilarious that you think reporters are the anti-Christ when Trump villifies them, but a player who doesn't want to talk to them is bad.
I'm one of those who would be very happy if Trump quit TODAY! However, I wouldn't lift a finger to defend those snotty little dirtbags... cutely shoplifting in a foreign country. They shame us no less than our Bully-in-Chief. Their attitude, and that of the parents who let them think shoplifting is just kids being kids, dishonors them and us.
Most likely he would have remained in a Chinese prison for a decade. They don't mess around.

Not really. We lock up more people than China does, and they have four times as many people.

The reality is, the Chinese want these sporting events, and the story about 3 college kids doing hard time for a petty theft wasn't going bring in those sporting events. So they'd have let these guys go after a couple of days regardless.

I am still trying to understand how the current President took immediate diplomatic action to get US Citizens who enjoy the freedom under The Flag to play basketball out of jail in country (China) that has considerable leverage vs. US as a superpower VS the previous President who delayed such action to the time of 200 plus days of getting a US Citizen who fought for our freedoms as a US Marine, out of jail in a country (Mexico) whom we enjoy much economic and military advantage????

You mean the US Citizen who smuggled a small arsenal into Mexico with the intent to sell it.


No, he went there to hunt. You think this is enough to make it worth the trouble to end up in a Mexican prison? What's the most he could have gotten for this stuff, like 3 grand or less?
Most likely he would have remained in a Chinese prison for a decade. They don't mess around.

Not really. We lock up more people than China does, and they have four times as many people.

The reality is, the Chinese want these sporting events, and the story about 3 college kids doing hard time for a petty theft wasn't going bring in those sporting events. So they'd have let these guys go after a couple of days regardless.

I am still trying to understand how the current President took immediate diplomatic action to get US Citizens who enjoy the freedom under The Flag to play basketball out of jail in country (China) that has considerable leverage vs. US as a superpower VS the previous President who delayed such action to the time of 200 plus days of getting a US Citizen who fought for our freedoms as a US Marine, out of jail in a country (Mexico) whom we enjoy much economic and military advantage????

You mean the US Citizen who smuggled a small arsenal into Mexico with the intent to sell it.


No, he went there to hunt. You think this is enough to make it worth the trouble to end up in a Mexican prison? What's the most he could have gotten for this stuff, like 3 grand or less?

"Lookit all the guns Eric Holder sent to Mexico, Beav!"
sure they do. And when the prosecutors exclude evidence and let cops make self-serving statements without challenge, 12 mutants who couldn't get out of jury duty will totally make a good call.

Still living in fantasy world I see, Show me one case where a prosecutor withheld evidence and was not penalized for it. If a prosecutor withholds anything, it's because it's not admissible in court and could end up having the case tossed out.

Without getting into the drug issue in China, the fact that we are treating a medical issue like a criminal one is kind of the problem.

So what do you want to do with these people who are selling drugs to your daughter and her fiends, put them in a hospital for a week?

The real problem is we are doing very little to stop drugs from getting into this country. Trump is trying to build a wall to assist with that goal, and liberals are fighting it all the way to shutting down the government. Liberals don't care about dead Americans, liberals care about making whites a minority as soon as possible.

Tell you what, buddy, let's put you in a prison for a week and then you can tell me what a "playground" it is. "Oh, no, I"m white!!!"

Oh no, I'm a productive member of society. However, lowlifes from the projects consider prison a step up in life. Their family is there, their friends are there, their neighbors are there. Do you want to reduce the prison population? Watch the movie Cool Hand Luke. If those were prisons today, our prison population would be cut in half.

Okay, guy, real world, good employees get screwed and worthless ones get promoted. Shit, last job I had, we had a whole department and we had no idea what these people did to impact the bottom line.

They took three hour lunches and left early every day.

So essentially, you are admitting you are pretty worthless as an employee if your boss won't even spring for your health care.

No, I'm saying you have serious mental issues. How long have you been hung up on my situation now, like two years or something? You don't think that's a serious problem??? Judging by your posts, you probably think about it every single day. You can't get it off of your mind. Maybe I'll reconsider my views on gun control. Perhaps people like you who are ready to snap should not have access to firearms.

Children with toys aren't a threat. Guys selling cigarettes or CD's aren't a threat. "He's a big scary negro" isn't a threat.

Nobody used deadly force against the cigarette seller, the officer was simply trying to handcuff the guy, and he died because of his very poor health. When somebody pulls a toy gun that looks exactly like the real one, yes, that is a threat to a police officer. But you're too dense to understand that part of it.
Um, yeah, i expect the Leader of The Free World to conduct himself with dignity.

Bending over and kissing Saudi Kings asses is not exactly dignified or Presidential imo.
Obama Bin Kissin

But then liberal morons tend to repeatedly say moronic things.
i asked you for examples to illustrate ANYONE going crazy over a police shooting of a white person and you said - in a clever video - that white people don't get shot.

That video is pretty damning evidence, isn't it, buddy. Not only didn't they draw guns on that white kid, he spent 30 minutes mouthing off to them about how he wasn't going to show his ID and had every right to walk around with that gun.

The black guy, they drew guns on him, they drew guns on his pregnant lady friend, they called in backup. And you could only imagine what might have happened if they weren't filming.
Bending over and kissing Saudi Kings asses is not exactly dignified or Presidential imo.
Obama Bin Kissin

But then liberal morons tend to repeatedly say moronic things.

Which he didn't do... but Trump just sold the corrupt Saudi Regime 75 billion in weapons.
This is non issue and frankly who cares? And why is the leader of the free world commenting on such trivial matters? Ignore the athletes and parents and they go away. Same for the kneelers....non issue really. Those offended should ignore or stop watching. Dumb.
Still living in fantasy world I see, Show me one case where a prosecutor withheld evidence and was not penalized for it. If a prosecutor withholds anything, it's because it's not admissible in court and could end up having the case tossed out.

Tamir Rice. He withheld evidence. Mike Brown. ALso withheld evidence, put a perjurer on the stand, and let the cop make a self-serving statement without challenge.

So what do you want to do with these people who are selling drugs to your daughter and her fiends, put them in a hospital for a week?

Wouldn't know, any kid I raised would know better. But the point is, any "daughter and her fiends" made the choice to take drugs.

The real problem is we are doing very little to stop drugs from getting into this country. Trump is trying to build a wall to assist with that goal, and liberals are fighting it all the way to shutting down the government. Liberals don't care about dead Americans, liberals care about making whites a minority as soon as possible.

Again, the Europeans treat addiction as a medical problem, not a criminal one... and they don't have anywhere near the problems we have.

Oh no, I'm a productive member of society.

Again, you spelled "White" wrong. Yes, you are so productive you can't get health insurance.

However, lowlifes from the projects consider prison a step up in life. Their family is there, their friends are there, their neighbors are there. Do you want to reduce the prison population? Watch the movie Cool Hand Luke. If those were prisons today, our prison population would be cut in half.

Again, if you don't want to be there, they are pretty awful places.

No, I'm saying you have serious mental issues. How long have you been hung up on my situation now, like two years or something? You don't think that's a serious problem??? Judging by your posts, you probably think about it every single day. You can't get it off of your mind. Maybe I'll reconsider my views on gun control. Perhaps people like you who are ready to snap should not have access to firearms.

Guy, you can try to turn this around all day, but the reality is, you think you are so much better than these poor minorities you look down on, and clearly, even with all the gross advantages of being a white male in this society, you are a loser whose employer considers him as replaceable as a sea monkey.


"Now if we can just teach them how to drive a truck!"

The very fact you've let this situation go unaddressed for two years would indicate you have a "mental problem".

Nobody used deadly force against the cigarette seller, the officer was simply trying to handcuff the guy, and he died because of his very poor health.

A choke hold is deadly force. And completely inappropriate for the situation. Silly Darkies. Rights are for White People.

When somebody pulls a toy gun that looks exactly like the real one, yes, that is a threat to a police officer. But you're too dense to understand that part of it.

Yeah... gun was a toy. Not in his hand. Cop shoots him 1 second after leaping out of the car.

Hey, Cleveland finally fired Officer McWeepy, after paying Tamirs family millions. Why are you pretending he was in the right here?
Tamir Rice. He withheld evidence. Mike Brown. ALso withheld evidence, put a perjurer on the stand, and let the cop make a self-serving statement without challenge.

Liar on both counts. The Rice trial was closed so you don't know WTF happened in there outside of the jury seen all evidence; the most compelling was the video where they went through it frame by frame with a video expert. Because of your ignorance of law, you think that they should have been allowed to bring criticism of the officer which is not admissible in court. As I have explained to you repeatedly, you can only bring evidence DIRECTLY related to the case.

There was no evidence hidden in the Brown case. Witnesses came forward to support the officers story, forensic evidence concurred, and the "brothers" who lied in court were proven to be liars by the forensic evidence. Nothing was withheld.

Wouldn't know, any kid I raised would know better. But the point is, any "daughter and her fiends" made the choice to take drugs.

Of course you don't know. That's because there is no solution other than locking those people up. Most are not in there for using alone. They are either sellers or were in the commission of a related crime when they got busted with the drugs.

Again, you spelled "White" wrong. Yes, you are so productive you can't get health insurance.


Again, if you don't want to be there, they are pretty awful places.

Of course they are, that's why people go in the first place, and that's why many return after release.

The very fact you've let this situation go unaddressed for two years would indicate you have a "mental problem".

No, it would indicate we were under attack from a Commie. Many employers in my line of work quit offering insurance, but you are such a racist you refuse to acknowledge it was that big eared potato head that was the cause simply because of the color of half his skin.

A choke hold is deadly force. And completely inappropriate for the situation. Silly Darkies. Rights are for White People.

How is one placed in a choke hold and able to scream at the same time? Maybe you know something I don't. I've never heard of that and I'm a black belt. We were trained to get out of moves like that. To my knowledge and experience, a choke hold means to choke somebody.

Yeah... gun was a toy. Not in his hand. Cop shoots him 1 second after leaping out of the car.

Hey, Cleveland finally fired Officer McWeepy, after paying Tamirs family millions. Why are you pretending he was in the right here?

Nothing to pretend. He was judged by a jury of his peers and found not guilty. You really think pandering to the black public proves he was guilty of something? The clown Mayor issued that money six weeks before the investigation was even complete. Maybe the Mayor is a much better investigator than the several authorities that investigated the case?

You can lie to me, but you can never lie to yourself.
Liar on both counts. The Rice trial was closed so you don't know WTF happened in there outside of the jury seen all evidence; the most compelling was the video where they went through it frame by frame with a video expert.

Except another video expert showed us that tape, he wasn't reaching and it only took 1.4 seconds for McWeepy to shoot.

Because of your ignorance of law, you think that they should have been allowed to bring criticism of the officer which is not admissible in court. As I have explained to you repeatedly, you can only bring evidence DIRECTLY related to the case.

The fact that he was fired for mental instability wasn't relevant to his making a horrible judgement call? How is that NOT relevant.

Of course you don't know. That's because there is no solution other than locking those people up. Most are not in there for using alone. They are either sellers or were in the commission of a related crime when they got busted with the drugs.

again, the only reason why crimes are commited to control the drug trade is because it's illegal to start with, dummy. If you could buy your pot at the local store along with your smokes and your booze, this wouldn't be an issue.

As far as "locking these people up", when Rush Limbaugh and Cindy McCain get probation because they are rich white folks and Jamal gets prison, that's all sorts of fucked up.

Of course they are, that's why people go in the first place, and that's why many return after release.

Well, yeah, because a conviction makes you unemployable for life, pretty much.

No, it would indicate we were under attack from a Commie. Many employers in my line of work quit offering insurance, but you are such a racist you refuse to acknowledge it was that big eared potato head that was the cause simply because of the color of half his skin.

Again, nobody credible as a business doesn't offer insurance. sounds like your boss figured out that you were kind of useless and could cheat you. Nothing more, nothing less. And you keep bending over for it, so maybe he has a point.

But keep blaming the black guy!!!

How is one placed in a choke hold and able to scream at the same time?

When someone screams "I can't breathe", it usually means, they can't breathe, dummy.

Nothing to pretend. He was judged by a jury of his peers and found not guilty. You really think pandering to the black public proves he was guilty of something? The clown Mayor issued that money six weeks before the investigation was even complete. Maybe the Mayor is a much better investigator than the several authorities that investigated the case?

The mayor settled because he knew that if you put it in front a jury where someone was actually advocating for Tamir, they were fucked.

Unfortunately, McGinty was advocating for Officer McWeepy. Now he's out of a job. Alvarez decided to protect Jason Van Dyke in Chicago. Now she's out of a job. This is the new dynamic for shooty cops. Prosecutors who dont' take this seriously won't have jobs for long.
Except another video expert showed us that tape, he wasn't reaching and it only took 1.4 seconds for McWeepy to shoot.

What difference does it make how long it took him to shoot? If somebody is pulling a gun out of their pants while you're exiting your car, what is the officer to do, count to ten and then decide whether to shoot or not?

Only a blind person could not see Tamir's shoulder raise up in front of the cop. What was he doing, stretching out? The replica gun was on the ground after the shooting. It just didn't jump out of his pants all by itself..

The fact that he was fired for mental instability wasn't relevant to his making a horrible judgement call? How is that NOT relevant.

Because for one, he was not fired, he quit. Two, it was one mans opinion of the officer, and that man was never trained in psychology to make any professional determination of the officer or anybody else. Three, he never requested such evaluation of that officer either. The Independence police told Cleveland there were no issues with the officer.

Why is that not admissible? Because even if the officer was a nut, it doesn't change what happened. The kid pulled out a realistic looking gun on the officer which gave him the right to use deadly force. That's all that mattered.

again, the only reason why crimes are commited to control the drug trade is because it's illegal to start with, dummy. If you could buy your pot at the local store along with your smokes and your booze, this wouldn't be an issue.

As far as "locking these people up", when Rush Limbaugh and Cindy McCain get probation because they are rich white folks and Jamal gets prison, that's all sorts of fucked up.

Oh bullshit. Google black market pot in Colorado and see what you find. It's still going on despite it's legality. Much like gambling, they simply undercut the governments prices.

Well, yeah, because a conviction makes you unemployable for life, pretty much.

Of course it does, who wants to hire a felon? If prison was so bad, you'll find another way to make it in life. Others do.

Again, nobody credible as a business doesn't offer insurance. sounds like your boss figured out that you were kind of useless and could cheat you. Nothing more, nothing less. And you keep bending over for it, so maybe he has a point.

But keep blaming the black guy!!!

Let's see, I had insurance all of my adult life until the black Commie instituted government mandated insurance. Then millions of us lost our insurance, but it certainly wasn't the black guys fault. How could it be? It was......you know.......coincidence. I

The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.

When someone screams "I can't breathe", it usually means, they can't breathe, dummy.

Dummy, air passes through the vocal cords to create sounds such as talking and screaming. If somebody is really being choked, it means that air can't pass through those vocal cords, therefore preventing somebody from talking or screaming. Don' you know anything???

The mayor settled because he knew that if you put it in front a jury where someone was actually advocating for Tamir, they were fucked.

Unfortunately, McGinty was advocating for Officer McWeepy. Now he's out of a job. Alvarez decided to protect Jason Van Dyke in Chicago. Now she's out of a job. This is the new dynamic for shooty cops. Prosecutors who dont' take this seriously won't have jobs for long.

Well there you go.....out of a job. And if that half-breed Mayor of ours wouldn't have given Rice all that money, he'd be out of a job too. This is what Democrats do constantly: buy votes with taxpayer money.
i asked you for examples to illustrate ANYONE going crazy over a police shooting of a white person and you said - in a clever video - that white people don't get shot.

That video is pretty damning evidence, isn't it, buddy. Not only didn't they draw guns on that white kid, he spent 30 minutes mouthing off to them about how he wasn't going to show his ID and had every right to walk around with that gun.

The black guy, they drew guns on him, they drew guns on his pregnant lady friend, they called in backup. And you could only imagine what might have happened if they weren't filming.
Excuse me but YOU said people go apeshit when a white guy gets shot then suddenly it never happens. You are so busy bitching you don't see how incoherent you are.
What difference does it make how long it took him to shoot?

Maybe taking time to evaluate the situation? You know, like a professional would do?

If somebody is pulling a gun out of their pants while you're exiting your car, what is the officer to do, count to ten and then decide whether to shoot or not?

Only a blind person could not see Tamir's shoulder raise up in front of the cop. What was he doing, stretching out? The replica gun was on the ground after the shooting. It just didn't jump out of his pants all by itself..

again, they don't fire people for good shoots. There's no evidence that Tamir was pulling the gun, and it doesn't make any sense that he would. HE knew it was a toy. What would be the point of pulling it?

Because for one, he was not fired, he quit. Two, it was one mans opinion of the officer, and that man was never trained in psychology to make any professional determination of the officer or anybody else. Three, he never requested such evaluation of that officer either. The Independence police told Cleveland there were no issues with the officer.

They should have. Quitting before getting fired is pretty much getting fired. The guy was fucking crying over his girlfriend on a shooting range.

Why is that not admissible? Because even if the officer was a nut, it doesn't change what happened. The kid pulled out a realistic looking gun on the officer which gave him the right to use deadly force. That's all that mattered.

Except again, he didn't pull out the toy, and there was no reason for him to.

Well there you go.....out of a job. And if that half-breed Mayor of ours wouldn't have given Rice all that money, he'd be out of a job too. This is what Democrats do constantly: buy votes with taxpayer money.

I don't think Tamir's Mom's vote was worth 6 million.... but that's okay, bud. McGinty was voted out because he said it was okay for racist cops to shoot their kids.

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