Spoiled Athletes Parents Turn Out To Be Assholes Too...What A Surprise

Excuse me but YOU said people go apeshit when a white guy gets shot then suddenly it never happens. You are so busy bitching you don't see how incoherent you are.

Are you still babbling after I proved my point that cops treat whites and blacks differently?
You used both extremes. You've yet to show me people getting more angry for a white person being shot than black. You said it happens.

Show me. Show me this unicorn tear.
again, they don't fire people for good shoots. There's no evidence that Tamir was pulling the gun, and it doesn't make any sense that he would. HE knew it was a toy. What would be the point of pulling it?

Who knows? He's dead now. Maybe he thought it was all a joke. Maybe he was pulling it out to show the cops it wasn't a real gun. Maybe he was pulling it out so he could tell his hoodie friends what he did. Who knows?

Yes, there is evidence he pulled the gun out. It didn't hop out of his pants by itself. There is video showing his shoulder pulling upwards.

They should have. Quitting before getting fired is pretty much getting fired. The guy was fucking crying over his girlfriend on a shooting range.

News flash: most guys do get upset when they break up with a lover. What does that have to do with the price of rice in China? People go to work every day after a breakup. Firemen go to work every day, teachers go to work every day, truck drivers go to work every day, police go to work every day, construction workers go to work every day. So what?

Except again, he didn't pull out the toy, and there was no reason for him to.

So what are you saying, the cop just shot a kid that was no threat to him? He was going to risk 20 years in prison just by chance the kid still had the gun? He was going to throw his entire life away just for the pleasure of shooting a black guy (the officers had no idea it was a minor)?

I don't think Tamir's Mom's vote was worth 6 million.... but that's okay, bud. McGinty was voted out because he said it was okay for racist cops to shoot their kids.

I wasn't talking about her vote, I was talking about the votes of the black people that are mostly the makeup of Cleveland Ohio. I thought you said you came here before!!!!
Some of the other family members have thanked the President. He got em out of there. The ones doing the hating, are known to be nutters. They should be ashamed of themselves. They should be thanking the President this Thanksgiving, for having their family members home with them. Period, end of story.
You used both extremes. You've yet to show me people getting more angry for a white person being shot than black. You said it happens.

Show me. Show me this unicorn tear.

I didn't have to use an extreme. I showed you video proof.

This is how white people with guns get treated
This is how black people get treated. And fuck, that guy got off lucky, nobody shot him like they did poor Tamir Rice.

Yes, there is evidence he pulled the gun out. It didn't hop out of his pants by itself. There is video showing his shoulder pulling upwards.

No, it doesn't. The city saw that tape and realized that if you had a lawyer who was half asleep looking at it, the City would be paying out lots of money.

News flash: most guys do get upset when they break up with a lover. What does that have to do with the price of rice in China? People go to work every day after a breakup. Firemen go to work every day, teachers go to work every day, truck drivers go to work every day, police go to work every day, construction workers go to work every day. So what?

But they don't have crying fits where the Range Officer has to disarm him so that he doesn't kill someone else on that range.

So what are you saying, the cop just shot a kid that was no threat to him? He was going to risk 20 years in prison just by chance the kid still had the gun? He was going to throw his entire life away just for the pleasure of shooting a black guy (the officers had no idea it was a minor)?

Because they are arrogant fucks, and because this wasn't the first time McGinty let cops off on this sort of thing.

Tamir Rice Prosecutor Indicted Innocent Men, But Not Killer Cops

McGinty insisted on taking the case to a grand jury, dragging it out for months, despite a judge ruling in June that there was probable cause to charge Loehmann and Garmback with crimes, including involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, negligent homicide dereliction of duty and, in Loehmann’s case, murder. Attorneys for Rice’s family cried foul as McGinty allowed the officers to take the oath and read prepared statements to the grand jury with no cross-examination, and he released reports justifying the killing written by outside experts, which the family’s attorneys denounced as biased.

I wasn't talking about her vote, I was talking about the votes of the black people that are mostly the makeup of Cleveland Ohio. I thought you said you came here before!!!!

None of those other black folks got that money. So if they were voting at all, it was because of their fucking outrage that someone gunned down a child in cold blood and walked away because he had a badge.

As well they should be.
More on why the folks in Cleveland showed Corrupt Racist Tim McGinty the door.

Here's How Cleveland's Grassroots Gave Prosecutor Timothy McGinty the Boot

McGinty was in office when Cleveland police officer Michael Brelo was acquitted of the November 2012 killing of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams. The Black unarmed couple was shot 137 times in a high-speed car chase with more than 60 officers involved. Brelo fired some 49 of those shots—15 from the hood of their car—but was still found innocent of manslaughter.

CPD officers Scott Aldridge and Bryan Myers killed Tanisha Anderson, a Black 37-year-old with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, in November 2014 but were still on desk duty as recently as January. Anderson’s family called the police for help because she’d gone out in the cold wearing only a nightgown. They watched in horror as the officers handcuffed her, took her down and slammed her face into the sidewalk. McGinty’s office just took the case in mid-February.

Most infamously, McGinty dragged out and interfered with the investigation into Timothy Loehmann’s fatal shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice. Loehmann, a White officer with a documented history of mental instability and poor performance, shot the Black child who was playing with a toy gun alone in his favorite park within two seconds of encountering him. At McGinty’s urging, a grand jury refused to charge him with any crime.
So you can't show me the outrage you say exists when a white person is shot by police.

Why am I not surprised.

Goal posts moved.
More on why the folks in Cleveland showed Corrupt Racist Tim McGinty the door.

Here's How Cleveland's Grassroots Gave Prosecutor Timothy McGinty the Boot

McGinty was in office when Cleveland police officer Michael Brelo was acquitted of the November 2012 killing of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams. The Black unarmed couple was shot 137 times in a high-speed car chase with more than 60 officers involved. Brelo fired some 49 of those shots—15 from the hood of their car—but was still found innocent of manslaughter.

CPD officers Scott Aldridge and Bryan Myers killed Tanisha Anderson, a Black 37-year-old with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, in November 2014 but were still on desk duty as recently as January. Anderson’s family called the police for help because she’d gone out in the cold wearing only a nightgown. They watched in horror as the officers handcuffed her, took her down and slammed her face into the sidewalk. McGinty’s office just took the case in mid-February.

Most infamously, McGinty dragged out and interfered with the investigation into Timothy Loehmann’s fatal shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice. Loehmann, a White officer with a documented history of mental instability and poor performance, shot the Black child who was playing with a toy gun alone in his favorite park within two seconds of encountering him. At McGinty’s urging, a grand jury refused to charge him with any crime.

Colorlines. com?? This is a joke......right??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Well, Lavar Ball isn't the only one. Trump showed a lack of class himself by saying on Twitter that he should have left him in that Chinese prison. That's the thing we have learned about Trump. He's never afraid to say what's on his mind.

Yes, he has no sense of decorum, and he's a petty narcissist who thinks it's always about him.

And you think this is a good thing?
The main story in the LaVar Ball / Trump feud is the president of the United States getting down in the mud with a private citizen.
Each and every day this president continues to be more of a disgrace.
No, it doesn't. The city saw that tape and realized that if you had a lawyer who was half asleep looking at it, the City would be paying out lots of money.

Nope. If it wasn't about politics, they would have waited until after the investigation was complete before so quickly writing out the check. Why didn't they wait? Because they were going to write it one way or another no matter what the investigation showed.

You see what the city did know is what the investigation finally revealed. However if they waited for the report and THEN wrote the check, it would have drawn many more questions such as "Why would you throw away 6 million taxpayer dollars for a case that was ruled justified?"

But they don't have crying fits where the Range Officer has to disarm him so that he doesn't kill someone else on that range.

Sure, nobody breaks down thinking about a failed relationship.

Because they are arrogant fucks, and because this wasn't the first time McGinty let cops off on this sort of thing.

Tamir Rice Prosecutor Indicted Innocent Men, But Not Killer Cops

McGinty insisted on taking the case to a grand jury, dragging it out for months, despite a judge ruling in June that there was probable cause to charge Loehmann and Garmback with crimes, including involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, negligent homicide dereliction of duty and, in Loehmann’s case, murder. Attorneys for Rice’s family cried foul as McGinty allowed the officers to take the oath and read prepared statements to the grand jury with no cross-examination, and he released reports justifying the killing written by outside experts, which the family’s attorneys denounced as biased.

Oh, an OPINON piece from a black columnist from the Daily Beast? Don't I feel silly now. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

None of those other black folks got that money. So if they were voting at all, it was because of their fucking outrage that someone gunned down a child in cold blood and walked away because he had a badge.

As well they should be.

They didn't need to get any money to vote the administration out. The very idea that he didn't side against the cops would have been more than enough to lose elections.
Well, Lavar Ball isn't the only one. Trump showed a lack of class himself by saying on Twitter that he should have left him in that Chinese prison. That's the thing we have learned about Trump. He's never afraid to say what's on his mind.

Yes, he has no sense of decorum, and he's a petty narcissist who thinks it's always about him.

And you think this is a good thing?
The main story in the LaVar Ball / Trump feud is the president of the United States getting down in the mud with a private citizen.
Each and every day this president continues to be more of a disgrace.

Right, because when people attack a US President, he should just sit there and take it like that last big-eared dumbo that finally left the white house.

There’s A Reason Powerful Americans Love To Attack Black Sports Figures

Donald Trump is just keeping with a long tradition in this country.

Yep, same ole racist behavior.
Colorlines. com?? This is a joke......right???

Yes, how dare those darkies have an opinion. Or have a party when they live next door to you.

But the point was, McGinty had a lovely habit of not prosecuting thug cops for abusing people, like the couple that was shot 137 times. Or the lady who had her head slammed into the sidewalk and died.

McGinty was very good at throwing black people in jail, until they got fed up with it and threw his ass out
Nope. If it wasn't about politics, they would have waited until after the investigation was complete before so quickly writing out the check.

Well, because a jury wasn't going to give a fuck about Racist McGinty's "investigation". They had a tape of officer McWeepy blowing this kid away at point blank range. And once they put McWeepy on the stand and asked him why he was fired from Independence, I'm sure he'd have broken down on the stand.

Sure, nobody breaks down thinking about a failed relationship.

I'm sure a lot of people do. And you know what, they shouldn't be trusted with badges and guns.

They didn't need to get any money to vote the administration out. The very idea that he didn't side against the cops would have been more than enough to lose elections.

Yes, they voted out a guy who gave the cops a pass on repeated abuses of the community.
Well, because a jury wasn't going to give a fuck about Racist McGinty's "investigation". They had a tape of officer McWeepy blowing this kid away at point blank range. And once they put McWeepy on the stand and asked him why he was fired from Independence, I'm sure he'd have broken down on the stand.

Yes, they did have a tape, the very same tape that led them to rule no law was broken by the officer.

I'm sure a lot of people do. And you know what, they shouldn't be trusted with badges and guns.

Oh, I didn't realize I was speaking with an expert on the subject. So do tell, how long should a police officer be prohibited from working because he and his girlfriend broke up Joe? Give us your professional time frame. Because the officer joined the force eight months before the shooting. I think that's more than plenty of time to get over an old girlfriend.

Yes, they voted out a guy who gave the cops a pass on repeated abuses of the community.

No, the blacks in Cleveland are racist and they voted him out because he didn't try to railroad a white police officer.
Yes, they did have a tape, the very same tape that led them to rule no law was broken by the officer.

You mean after McGinty manipulated the proceedings and th en didn't even take a vote.

This would be AFTER a judge had already ruled there was cause to bring the two thug officers to trial, making a grand jury largely unnecessary.

Psst. Psst. Someone needed to tell McGinty he was the PROSECUTOR, not the DEFENSE ATTORNEY. Well, I guess he's free to be a defense attorney now, heh, heh, heh...

Oh, I didn't realize I was speaking with an expert on the subject. So do tell, how long should a police officer be prohibited from working because he and his girlfriend broke up Joe? Give us your professional time frame. Because the officer joined the force eight months before the shooting. I think that's more than plenty of time to get over an old girlfriend.

Again, I think the very fact he had a mental breakdown on the firing range and had to be disarmed by the range officer should have put a big old black mark on his file...

But keep in mind, this is CLEVELAND, a shithole nobody actually wants to live in, much less be a cop in. Their resume requirements are probably pretty thin.

No, the blacks in Cleveland are racist and they voted him out because he didn't try to railroad a white police officer.

You mean- actually do his job? Again, a judge had already ruled there was probable cause to try these two lugnuts.

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