Spoiled Athletes Parents Turn Out To Be Assholes Too...What A Surprise

I've met parents like this. No matter what their kid does, he's never in the wrong according the parents. It's no small wonder that the kid turns out to be a worthless little shit.

Um, yeah, a kid who played his game well enough to get into a national sports league is 'Worthless".

This happened to me when I was a kid. I was assaulted by another classmate and his friends. I fingered the little POS and his father refused to admit that his son was a bully and related that I was in the wrong, not his precious son. Instead he tried to say that I was the one who picked a fight with 3 other kids and that my nuts attacked his foot.

so you were kind of a whiner when you were a little kid, too? That's not surprising.

Marshawn Lynch is famous for refusing to talk to journalists when he was forced to attend media day at the Super Bowl a few years ago. He made famous the phrase "I'm just here so I don't get fined!!"

Okay, and this was bad, why? He didn't want to talk to journalists. Big whoop. Most of them never played the game past high school, but they talk big about what players should or shouldn't do?

If find it hilarious that you think reporters are the anti-Christ when Trump villifies them, but a player who doesn't want to talk to them is bad.
The "kid" in question is a college player at UCLA, and is currently suspended.
So yes, he's worthless.

And you think Assault and Battery is something to joke about? I bet your parents were assholes too. AmEye Write?

Usually when a black player refuses to talk to white journalists it's because he's racist. A person of low character. He doesn't talk to them because maybe he hates them.
Well, come to think of it, if he hates reporters, maybe he has some good qualities.
These student athletes should be paid something so they're not poverty-stricken throughout their college careers...
I've met parents like this. No matter what their kid does, he's never in the wrong according the parents. It's no small wonder that the kid turns out to be a worthless little shit.

Um, yeah, a kid who played his game well enough to get into a national sports league is 'Worthless".

This happened to me when I was a kid. I was assaulted by another classmate and his friends. I fingered the little POS and his father refused to admit that his son was a bully and related that I was in the wrong, not his precious son. Instead he tried to say that I was the one who picked a fight with 3 other kids and that my nuts attacked his foot.

so you were kind of a whiner when you were a little kid, too? That's not surprising.

Marshawn Lynch is famous for refusing to talk to journalists when he was forced to attend media day at the Super Bowl a few years ago. He made famous the phrase "I'm just here so I don't get fined!!"

Okay, and this was bad, why? He didn't want to talk to journalists. Big whoop. Most of them never played the game past high school, but they talk big about what players should or shouldn't do?

If find it hilarious that you think reporters are the anti-Christ when Trump villifies them, but a player who doesn't want to talk to them is bad.
The "kid" in question is a college player at UCLA, and is currently suspended.
So yes, he's worthless.

And you think Assault and Battery is something to joke about? I bet your parents were assholes too. AmEye Write?

Usually when a black player refuses to talk to white journalists it's because he's racist. A person of low character. He doesn't talk to them because maybe he hates them.
Well, come to think of it, if he hates reporters, maybe he has some good qualities.
These student athletes should be paid something so they're not poverty-stricken throughout their college careers...

Idiot. The lowlife that was shoplifting drives around in a 400K car. He and his family are far from poor. He and his brothers are all involved in sports.
You mean after McGinty manipulated the proceedings and th en didn't even take a vote.

This would be AFTER a judge had already ruled there was cause to bring the two thug officers to trial, making a grand jury largely unnecessary.

Psst. Psst. Someone needed to tell McGinty he was the PROSECUTOR, not the DEFENSE ATTORNEY. Well, I guess he's free to be a defense attorney now, heh, heh, heh...

Oh please. How do you think judges get their job? That's right, a vote of the people--the same people that voted the prosecutor out.

It was politics. All cases of this stature go to the grand jury. That way there is no bias or politics involved. And when did this judge say he could bring charges---before or after the investigation results? I'm willing to bet before, because again, it had nothing to do with justice, it had to do with politics.

Again, I think the very fact he had a mental breakdown on the firing range and had to be disarmed by the range officer should have put a big old black mark on his file...

So anybody that's been through a breakup should not be a police officer? Plus we don't know if anything he says is even true.

But keep in mind, this is CLEVELAND, a shithole nobody actually wants to live in, much less be a cop in. Their resume requirements are probably pretty thin.

Sure, it's tough getting good cops. The government is all Democrat and mostly minority run. That's why they are building a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park instead of replacing old police cars and retiring police officers. Currently we have about one-third less police than we did ten years ago.

The black Mayor recently won his reelection. Besides allocating money to the dirt bike park because his grandson got busted on the streets with his bike, the very same grandson also got busted with dope, a scale, and an illegal gun a few months back. While the Mayor was running, his great grandson also got busted with an illegal gun. He is 14 years old. When asked for a comment, the Mayor said his family has to protect themselves like any other family in the city. Wait a minute! If 14 year olds need guns for protection, shouldn't that have told voters they had the wrong leadership???

There were several white guys that ran for the job, but didn't stand a chance.
I've met parents like this. No matter what their kid does, he's never in the wrong according the parents. It's no small wonder that the kid turns out to be a worthless little shit.

Um, yeah, a kid who played his game well enough to get into a national sports league is 'Worthless".

This happened to me when I was a kid. I was assaulted by another classmate and his friends. I fingered the little POS and his father refused to admit that his son was a bully and related that I was in the wrong, not his precious son. Instead he tried to say that I was the one who picked a fight with 3 other kids and that my nuts attacked his foot.

so you were kind of a whiner when you were a little kid, too? That's not surprising.

Marshawn Lynch is famous for refusing to talk to journalists when he was forced to attend media day at the Super Bowl a few years ago. He made famous the phrase "I'm just here so I don't get fined!!"

Okay, and this was bad, why? He didn't want to talk to journalists. Big whoop. Most of them never played the game past high school, but they talk big about what players should or shouldn't do?

If find it hilarious that you think reporters are the anti-Christ when Trump villifies them, but a player who doesn't want to talk to them is bad.
The "kid" in question is a college player at UCLA, and is currently suspended.
So yes, he's worthless.

And you think Assault and Battery is something to joke about? I bet your parents were assholes too. AmEye Write?

Usually when a black player refuses to talk to white journalists it's because he's racist. A person of low character. He doesn't talk to them because maybe he hates them.
Well, come to think of it, if he hates reporters, maybe he has some good qualities.
These student athletes should be paid something so they're not poverty-stricken throughout their college careers...

Idiot. The lowlife that was shoplifting drives around in a 400K car. He and his family are far from poor. He and his brothers are all involved in sports.
? And what about his buddies? So many r poor...
I've met parents like this. No matter what their kid does, he's never in the wrong according the parents. It's no small wonder that the kid turns out to be a worthless little shit.

Um, yeah, a kid who played his game well enough to get into a national sports league is 'Worthless".

This happened to me when I was a kid. I was assaulted by another classmate and his friends. I fingered the little POS and his father refused to admit that his son was a bully and related that I was in the wrong, not his precious son. Instead he tried to say that I was the one who picked a fight with 3 other kids and that my nuts attacked his foot.

so you were kind of a whiner when you were a little kid, too? That's not surprising.

Marshawn Lynch is famous for refusing to talk to journalists when he was forced to attend media day at the Super Bowl a few years ago. He made famous the phrase "I'm just here so I don't get fined!!"

Okay, and this was bad, why? He didn't want to talk to journalists. Big whoop. Most of them never played the game past high school, but they talk big about what players should or shouldn't do?

If find it hilarious that you think reporters are the anti-Christ when Trump villifies them, but a player who doesn't want to talk to them is bad.
The "kid" in question is a college player at UCLA, and is currently suspended.
So yes, he's worthless.

And you think Assault and Battery is something to joke about? I bet your parents were assholes too. AmEye Write?

Usually when a black player refuses to talk to white journalists it's because he's racist. A person of low character. He doesn't talk to them because maybe he hates them.
Well, come to think of it, if he hates reporters, maybe he has some good qualities.
These student athletes should be paid something so they're not poverty-stricken throughout their college careers...

Idiot. The lowlife that was shoplifting drives around in a 400K car. He and his family are far from poor. He and his brothers are all involved in sports.
? And what about his buddies? So many r poor...

All 3 Ball brothers (even 15-year-old LaMelo) left a game in different big baller-caliber cars
What I actually think is hilarious is THOSE PEOPLE have no idea how they piss on every actual slave's grave that actually existed in this country.

That is so fucking funny to me.

When you think about it, THOSE PEOPLE are such a pathetic disaster of a race that they dont give a shit.

They actually want to be patronized. Get this. They dont get offended that tests scores are lowered so colleges can meet their quotas. Every other normal group of people would br deeply offended.

Not them through. Bunch of pathetic lost slaves.....still.

What I actually think is hilarious is THOSE PEOPLE have no idea how they piss on every actual slave's grave that actually existed in this country.

That is so fucking funny to me.

When you think about it, THOSE PEOPLE are such a pathetic disaster of a race that they dont give a shit.

They actually want to be patronized. Get this. They dont get offended that tests scores are lowered so colleges can meet their quotas. Every other normal group of people would br deeply offended.

Not them through. Bunch of pathetic lost slaves.....still.


I think if MLK could come back to life, he'd have the same opinion of blacks today that our founders would have of Democrats if they could come back to life.
What I actually think is hilarious is THOSE PEOPLE have no idea how they piss on every actual slave's grave that actually existed in this country.

That is so fucking funny to me.

When you think about it, THOSE PEOPLE are such a pathetic disaster of a race that they dont give a shit.

They actually want to be patronized. Get this. They dont get offended that tests scores are lowered so colleges can meet their quotas. Every other normal group of people would br deeply offended.

Not them through. Bunch of pathetic lost slaves.....still.


I think if MLK could come back to life, he'd have the same opinion of blacks today that our founders would have of Democrats if they could come back to life.
Most wont admit it, but he is equivalent to an Uncle Tom to those lousy fucking animals.

They idolize commie WEB Dubois. They wont tell you how they place him over Booker T Washington, who was an actual slave. Unlike commie Dubois who was never a slave, oh but he was a commie. Want to know why Harvard has a Building named after that black commie piece of shit?

They are such a pathetic disgrace, with the exception of a very few.
Oh please. How do you think judges get their job? That's right, a vote of the people--the same people that voted the prosecutor out.

So essentially, what you are claiming is that McGinty, a guy with a long record of prosecuting blacks and acqutting murderous cops, was sooo above politics that he acquitted McWeepy, but Gosh, that Judge, he was a politician.

Here was the thing. I have no problem with the defense lawyer making absurd claims about hunched shoulders. That's their job. The job of the prosecutor is to prosecute.

It was politics. All cases of this stature go to the grand jury. That way there is no bias or politics involved. And when did this judge say he could bring charges---before or after the investigation results? I'm willing to bet before, because again, it had nothing to do with justice, it had to do with politics.

Actually, the judge ruling there was sufficient evidence to go to trial- you know, actual videotape footage of McWeepy shooting the kid at point blank range - really eliminated the need for a grand jury. Most cases don't go to a grand jury. Most cases, in fact, are plea-bargained.

Sure, it's tough getting good cops. The government is all Democrat and mostly minority run. That's why they are building a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park instead of replacing old police cars and retiring police officers. Currently we have about one-third less police than we did ten years ago.

Cleveland's population has dropped from 900,000 in 1950 to less than 400,000 today. You guys don't need that many cops, you just need ones who don't brutalize the citizens.

The black Mayor recently won his reelection. Besides allocating money to the dirt bike park because his grandson got busted on the streets with his bike, the very same grandson also got busted with dope, a scale, and an illegal gun a few months back.

Yes, yes, yes, you are still whining about that Dirt Bike Path. I'm just wondering, why is busting kids riding a bikes a big priority for your police department. You have a worse murder rate than Chicago, and your cops are busting kids riding bikes and shooting kids playing with toys?
Ah, the comfy bravery provided by the anonymity of the internets.
Hey, dude, these are your peeps. If they weren't on the internets, the mean old PC Police would get them! In your world, they should get speaking engagements at Berkeley and those Berkeley students should sit down, shut up and take it!
I can trigger the Regressives even when they agree with me.

That's how far up in their heads I exist.

Thanks, as always, Joe. I don't pay him to do this for me, folks, I swear.

I can trigger the Regressives even when they agree with me.
It's not a matter of "agreeing" with you. I'm just pointing out that you seem perfectly okay with Milo or Coulter getting time on campuses where the students clearly don't want them, but you are upset with our resident Stormfront Rejects when they do the same.
My goodness, you're so paralyzed by your simplistic, binary thinking processes.

I support all of their right to unencumbered freedom of expression. As you know.

Commenting on their opinions is not the same as trying to shut them down or shut them up.

Do you understand that, Joe, on any conscious level? Does any light get in there, whatsoever? Are you really this gone?
I can trigger the Regressives even when they agree with me.

It's not a matter of "agreeing" with you. I'm just pointing out that you seem perfectly okay with Milo or Coulter getting time on campuses where the students clearly don't want them, but you are upset with our resident Stormfront Rejects when they do the same.
Fuck you, you pathetic patronizing racist commie piece of bloated ignorant shit.

Fuck you and your attempts to censor free speech you loser.
I can trigger the Regressives even when they agree with me.
It's not a matter of "agreeing" with you. I'm just pointing out that you seem perfectly okay with Milo or Coulter getting time on campuses where the students clearly don't want them, but you are upset with our resident Stormfront Rejects when they do the same.
My goodness, you're so paralyzed by your simplistic, binary thinking processes.

I support all of their right to unencumbered freedom of expression. As you know.

Commenting on their opinions is not the same as trying to shut them down or shut them up.

Do you understand that, Joe, on any conscious level? Does any light get in there, whatsoever? Are you really this gone?
Are you fucking kidding. He is a white guilt patronizing racist commie.

There is more than enough evidence to back up my claims with that pathetic typical left wing loser.
I can trigger the Regressives even when they agree with me.
It's not a matter of "agreeing" with you. I'm just pointing out that you seem perfectly okay with Milo or Coulter getting time on campuses where the students clearly don't want them, but you are upset with our resident Stormfront Rejects when they do the same.
My goodness, you're so paralyzed by your simplistic, binary thinking processes.

I support all of their right to unencumbered freedom of expression. As you know.

Commenting on their opinions is not the same as trying to shut them down or shut them up.

Do you understand that, Joe, on any conscious level? Does any light get in there, whatsoever? Are you really this gone?
Are you fucking kidding. He is a white guilt patronizing racist commie.

There is more than enough evidence to back up my claims with that pathetic typical left wing loser.
And there it is.

I love it.

Opposite sides of the same coin illustrating my sig for me.

For the zillionth time.

I can trigger the Regressives even when they agree with me.
It's not a matter of "agreeing" with you. I'm just pointing out that you seem perfectly okay with Milo or Coulter getting time on campuses where the students clearly don't want them, but you are upset with our resident Stormfront Rejects when they do the same.
My goodness, you're so paralyzed by your simplistic, binary thinking processes.

I support all of their right to unencumbered freedom of expression. As you know.

Commenting on their opinions is not the same as trying to shut them down or shut them up.

Do you understand that, Joe, on any conscious level? Does any light get in there, whatsoever? Are you really this gone?
Are you fucking kidding. He is a white guilt patronizing racist commie.

There is more than enough evidence to back up my claims with that pathetic typical left wing loser.
And there it is.

I love it.

Opposite sides of the same coin illustrating my sig for me.

For the zillionth time.

Yeah? You denying the left perpetuate the victimology strategy? Please dont say republicans. I said the left....

Also, when have we said a pathetic hypocritical gasbag pile of commie shit should be silenced?

I usually ignore them and my digestion thanks me. Every once in a while i read their Marxist dreck, like today.

Just got back from sitting on the toilet, after reading the pure bullshit from Joe B.

Let me know when i claimed they should be banned. Oh, cant find anything?
I've met parents like this. No matter what their kid does, he's never in the wrong according the parents. It's no small wonder that the kid turns out to be a worthless little shit.

Um, yeah, a kid who played his game well enough to get into a national sports league is 'Worthless".

This happened to me when I was a kid. I was assaulted by another classmate and his friends. I fingered the little POS and his father refused to admit that his son was a bully and related that I was in the wrong, not his precious son. Instead he tried to say that I was the one who picked a fight with 3 other kids and that my nuts attacked his foot.

so you were kind of a whiner when you were a little kid, too? That's not surprising.

Marshawn Lynch is famous for refusing to talk to journalists when he was forced to attend media day at the Super Bowl a few years ago. He made famous the phrase "I'm just here so I don't get fined!!"

Okay, and this was bad, why? He didn't want to talk to journalists. Big whoop. Most of them never played the game past high school, but they talk big about what players should or shouldn't do?

If find it hilarious that you think reporters are the anti-Christ when Trump villifies them, but a player who doesn't want to talk to them is bad.
The "kid" in question is a college player at UCLA, and is currently suspended.
So yes, he's worthless.

And you think Assault and Battery is something to joke about? I bet your parents were assholes too. AmEye Write?

Usually when a black player refuses to talk to white journalists it's because he's racist. A person of low character. He doesn't talk to them because maybe he hates them.
Well, come to think of it, if he hates reporters, maybe he has some good qualities.

"Usually when a black player refuses to talk to white journalists it's because he's racist"

Reminds me of all the Dims who put conservatives on ignore around here.

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