Spoiled Athletes Parents Turn Out To Be Assholes Too...What A Surprise

Course the left is steadily creeping more and more left as we speak.

That's why we will always be such a divided country.

On the right we are becoming more conservatives as we fight off the establishment.

On the left, an admitted Socialist almost won the nomination, and many believe if a fair race, he would have. Th US Communist Party supported their last three presidential elections.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.
Hey.....if they can gain power they can make even communism legal.....perhaps totally acceptable.
You mean after McGinty manipulated the proceedings and th en didn't even take a vote.

This would be AFTER a judge had already ruled there was cause to bring the two thug officers to trial, making a grand jury largely unnecessary.

Psst. Psst. Someone needed to tell McGinty he was the PROSECUTOR, not the DEFENSE ATTORNEY. Well, I guess he's free to be a defense attorney now, heh, heh, heh...

Oh please. How do you think judges get their job? That's right, a vote of the people--the same people that voted the prosecutor out.

It was politics. All cases of this stature go to the grand jury. That way there is no bias or politics involved. And when did this judge say he could bring charges---before or after the investigation results? I'm willing to bet before, because again, it had nothing to do with justice, it had to do with politics.

Again, I think the very fact he had a mental breakdown on the firing range and had to be disarmed by the range officer should have put a big old black mark on his file...

So anybody that's been through a breakup should not be a police officer? Plus we don't know if anything he says is even true.

But keep in mind, this is CLEVELAND, a shithole nobody actually wants to live in, much less be a cop in. Their resume requirements are probably pretty thin.

Sure, it's tough getting good cops. The government is all Democrat and mostly minority run. That's why they are building a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park instead of replacing old police cars and retiring police officers. Currently we have about one-third less police than we did ten years ago.

The black Mayor recently won his reelection. Besides allocating money to the dirt bike park because his grandson got busted on the streets with his bike, the very same grandson also got busted with dope, a scale, and an illegal gun a few months back. While the Mayor was running, his great grandson also got busted with an illegal gun. He is 14 years old. When asked for a comment, the Mayor said his family has to protect themselves like any other family in the city. Wait a minute! If 14 year olds need guns for protection, shouldn't that have told voters they had the wrong leadership???

There were several white guys that ran for the job, but didn't stand a chance.

And this is the future that liberals want, and are getting, for the entire country.

Rightwinger used to talk about it all the time, until he finally realized that it is going to be an utter dystopia.

At least some of them (like Joe) will admit these liberal Mecca's are problematic. However they refuse to acknowledge why. The proportion of our problems grew as the community turned more minority and of course, more Democrat. About ten years ago we were rated the poorest city in the country twice in three years. We also led the country in depopulation. But it had nothing to do with Democrats......no......how could it?

I guess the Democrats never heard what the definition of insanity is. When they reelect the same failed jokers that ran the city into the ground, they sit there with that dumb look on their face unable to figure out why things are not getting any better.

About five years ago we had the largest corruption bust in the history of the county. Many people ended up in prison and most of those politicians were Democrats. So who do they elect for the new group of officials? More Democrats.

There was in incident here a couple of years ago and some of the local dems were bitching about it.

I told them to mind their place. They weren't going to vote any different, the city is never going to have a republicans mayor or city council, so why should the dems care about them?

Just imagine when it is the whole country. There won't even be any outside force to do the little accountability that there is now.

Like that bust. Instead corruption and abuse of power will be the norm, and the people will have no means of redress forever.

If we don't keep fighting, that's the way it will be too. People think it can't happen here, but it very well can.
On the right we are becoming more conservatives as we fight off the establishment.

On the left, an admitted Socialist almost won the nomination, and many believe if a fair race, he would have. Th US Communist Party supported their last three presidential elections.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.

On the right, you nominated a Nazi who appealled to your most extreme sentiments.

Again, maybe you need to study Weimar Germany, and read about a guy like Fritz Van Papen and how the Zentrum and NDVP (Conservative parties) aligned with Hitler because they thought the can control him.
Course the left is steadily creeping more and more left as we speak.

That's why we will always be such a divided country.

On the right we are becoming more conservatives as we fight off the establishment.

On the left, an admitted Socialist almost won the nomination, and many believe if a fair race, he would have. Th US Communist Party supported their last three presidential elections.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.
Hey.....if they can gain power they can make even communism legal.....perhaps totally acceptable.

Communism is legal now. It's just that they don't have enough power yet to overtake the masses.

They will never call it what it is. Labels scare people. That's why they abandoned the term liberal and exchanged it for Progressives. But you can put lipstick on a pig...............
Fuck you, you pathetic patronizing racist commie piece of bloated ignorant shit.

Fuck you and your attempts to censor free speech you loser.

Hey, guy, I'm all for you going ahead and travelling to the West side of Chicago and saying the N-word to your little heart's content.

That would be amusing.
Yeah, want to measure dicks? Fine...i still teach mma fighting. Have not maxed out on the bench for a while, but my best was 425. I still rep out with 315. That is 3 plates in case you wondering.

I grew up as a kid in the hood. I am not white, nor am i black (thank God.)

I actually almost went away for assault when a "black guy" 25 years ago started with me in a club. The big fat jiggaboo stepped to me. Minding my own business and the fat negro hit my drink out of my hand and asked what i was gonna do about it.

Long story short, he was in a coma for 2 weeks. His teeth, at least 4 of them, were on tbe floor. He came real close to losing one of his eyes.

I was arrested and every witness showed how it all went down. There was also video evidence of it that supported my claims.

Btw, his friends knew me from where i grew up. Still friends with a few. They told him that he fucked up.

So, when you say you would like me to go to some jungle in chicago, i am game. Just take the guns out of their fucking hands.

You have no idea what you or them would be fucking with.

There, is that dick thick enough? Want to test me, let me know.

You mean after McGinty manipulated the proceedings and th en didn't even take a vote.

This would be AFTER a judge had already ruled there was cause to bring the two thug officers to trial, making a grand jury largely unnecessary.

Psst. Psst. Someone needed to tell McGinty he was the PROSECUTOR, not the DEFENSE ATTORNEY. Well, I guess he's free to be a defense attorney now, heh, heh, heh...

Oh please. How do you think judges get their job? That's right, a vote of the people--the same people that voted the prosecutor out.

It was politics. All cases of this stature go to the grand jury. That way there is no bias or politics involved. And when did this judge say he could bring charges---before or after the investigation results? I'm willing to bet before, because again, it had nothing to do with justice, it had to do with politics.

Again, I think the very fact he had a mental breakdown on the firing range and had to be disarmed by the range officer should have put a big old black mark on his file...

So anybody that's been through a breakup should not be a police officer? Plus we don't know if anything he says is even true.

But keep in mind, this is CLEVELAND, a shithole nobody actually wants to live in, much less be a cop in. Their resume requirements are probably pretty thin.

Sure, it's tough getting good cops. The government is all Democrat and mostly minority run. That's why they are building a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park instead of replacing old police cars and retiring police officers. Currently we have about one-third less police than we did ten years ago.

The black Mayor recently won his reelection. Besides allocating money to the dirt bike park because his grandson got busted on the streets with his bike, the very same grandson also got busted with dope, a scale, and an illegal gun a few months back. While the Mayor was running, his great grandson also got busted with an illegal gun. He is 14 years old. When asked for a comment, the Mayor said his family has to protect themselves like any other family in the city. Wait a minute! If 14 year olds need guns for protection, shouldn't that have told voters they had the wrong leadership???

There were several white guys that ran for the job, but didn't stand a chance.

And this is the future that liberals want, and are getting, for the entire country.

Rightwinger used to talk about it all the time, until he finally realized that it is going to be an utter dystopia.

At least some of them (like Joe) will admit these liberal Mecca's are problematic. However they refuse to acknowledge why. The proportion of our problems grew as the community turned more minority and of course, more Democrat. About ten years ago we were rated the poorest city in the country twice in three years. We also led the country in depopulation. But it had nothing to do with Democrats......no......how could it?

I guess the Democrats never heard what the definition of insanity is. When they reelect the same failed jokers that ran the city into the ground, they sit there with that dumb look on their face unable to figure out why things are not getting any better.

About five years ago we had the largest corruption bust in the history of the county. Many people ended up in prison and most of those politicians were Democrats. So who do they elect for the new group of officials? More Democrats.

There was in incident here a couple of years ago and some of the local dems were bitching about it.

I told them to mind their place. They weren't going to vote any different, the city is never going to have a republicans mayor or city council, so why should the dems care about them?

Just imagine when it is the whole country. There won't even be any outside force to do the little accountability that there is now.

Like that bust. Instead corruption and abuse of power will be the norm, and the people will have no means of redress forever.

If we don't keep fighting, that's the way it will be too. People think it can't happen here, but it very well can.

At this point, it is far more likely than NOT to happen here.
On the right we are becoming more conservatives as we fight off the establishment.

On the left, an admitted Socialist almost won the nomination, and many believe if a fair race, he would have. Th US Communist Party supported their last three presidential elections.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.

On the right, you nominated a Nazi who appealled to your most extreme sentiments.

Again, maybe you need to study Weimar Germany, and read about a guy like Fritz Van Papen and how the Zentrum and NDVP (Conservative parties) aligned with Hitler because they thought the can control him.

We are fighting to change our party. The left will be the left no matter what. We didn't like the direction our people were heading in, so we elected Donald Trump. He's the only candidate that acknowledged our main concerns.
So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.
There is plenty of middle ground, if each end would get over itself, be honest, and do the hard work of communicating. For example:
  • Zero income taxation, 100% income taxation, or something in between
  • Zero federal regulation, total federal regulation, or something in between
  • Zero federal distribution of health care, total federal distribution of health care, or something in between
  • Zero federal involvement in the financial system, total federal involvement in the financial system, or something in between
  • Zero federal involvement in infrastructure, total federal involvement in infrastructure, or something in between
The only question is where along each continuum we choose to be, and finding that spot is where, horror of horrors, being adults and communicating comes in.

Or we can continue like this, pretending there is no middle ground, arms crossed, acting like lazy, petulant children.
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Oh please. How do you think judges get their job? That's right, a vote of the people--the same people that voted the prosecutor out.

It was politics. All cases of this stature go to the grand jury. That way there is no bias or politics involved. And when did this judge say he could bring charges---before or after the investigation results? I'm willing to bet before, because again, it had nothing to do with justice, it had to do with politics.

Sure, it's tough getting good cops. The government is all Democrat and mostly minority run. That's why they are building a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park instead of replacing old police cars and retiring police officers. Currently we have about one-third less police than we did ten years ago.

The black Mayor recently won his reelection. Besides allocating money to the dirt bike park because his grandson got busted on the streets with his bike, the very same grandson also got busted with dope, a scale, and an illegal gun a few months back. While the Mayor was running, his great grandson also got busted with an illegal gun. He is 14 years old. When asked for a comment, the Mayor said his family has to protect themselves like any other family in the city. Wait a minute! If 14 year olds need guns for protection, shouldn't that have told voters they had the wrong leadership???

There were several white guys that ran for the job, but didn't stand a chance.

And this is the future that liberals want, and are getting, for the entire country.

Rightwinger used to talk about it all the time, until he finally realized that it is going to be an utter dystopia.

At least some of them (like Joe) will admit these liberal Mecca's are problematic. However they refuse to acknowledge why. The proportion of our problems grew as the community turned more minority and of course, more Democrat. About ten years ago we were rated the poorest city in the country twice in three years. We also led the country in depopulation. But it had nothing to do with Democrats......no......how could it?

I guess the Democrats never heard what the definition of insanity is. When they reelect the same failed jokers that ran the city into the ground, they sit there with that dumb look on their face unable to figure out why things are not getting any better.

About five years ago we had the largest corruption bust in the history of the county. Many people ended up in prison and most of those politicians were Democrats. So who do they elect for the new group of officials? More Democrats.

There was in incident here a couple of years ago and some of the local dems were bitching about it.

I told them to mind their place. They weren't going to vote any different, the city is never going to have a republicans mayor or city council, so why should the dems care about them?

Just imagine when it is the whole country. There won't even be any outside force to do the little accountability that there is now.

Like that bust. Instead corruption and abuse of power will be the norm, and the people will have no means of redress forever.

If we don't keep fighting, that's the way it will be too. People think it can't happen here, but it very well can.

At this point, it is far more likely than NOT to happen here.

This is true. It's why the Democrats are fighting so hard to make whites a minority in this country. Every other group outside of whites mostly vote for Democrats. Once whites are out of the way, the Democrat party will be able to turn our country into a single-party nation forever. They already brainwashed many of us. The Surrender First whites will gladly hand them that kind of power.
Division is healthy. Over the top patriotism is as bad as the other aspect. I worship my lord and savior not my country.
As a white male I am trying to figure out what a surrender first white is. That is hysterical.
So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.
There is plenty of middle ground, if each end would get over itself, be honest, and do the hard work of communicating. For example:
  • 0% income taxation, 100% income taxation, or something in between
  • Zero federal regulation, total federal regulation, or something in between
  • Zero federal distribution of health care, total federal distribution of health care, or something in between
  • Zero federal involvement in the financial system, total federal involvement in the financial system, or something in between
  • Zero federal involvement in infrastructure, total federal involvement in infrastructure, or something in between
The only question is where along each continuum we choose to be, and finding that spot is where, horror of horrors, being adults and communicating comes in.

Or we can continue like this, pretending there is no middle ground, arms crossed, acting like lazy, petulant children.

The harder the left fights for total government control, the harder the right will fight for less government control.

DumBama had eight years, and what did he do? He forced more government control. The people didn't like it and turned in the other direction. The change was historic. Did the Democrats consider that perhaps they pushed a little too hard? No. They still promote government controlled everything. There is no middle ground there.
So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.
There is plenty of middle ground, if each end would get over itself, be honest, and do the hard work of communicating. For example:
  • 0% income taxation, 100% income taxation, or something in between
  • Zero federal regulation, total federal regulation, or something in between
  • Zero federal distribution of health care, total federal distribution of health care, or something in between
  • Zero federal involvement in the financial system, total federal involvement in the financial system, or something in between
  • Zero federal involvement in infrastructure, total federal involvement in infrastructure, or something in between
The only question is where along each continuum we choose to be, and finding that spot is where, horror of horrors, being adults and communicating comes in.

Or we can continue like this, pretending there is no middle ground, arms crossed, acting like lazy, petulant children.

The harder the left fights for total government control, the harder the right will fight for less government control.

DumBama had eight years, and what did he do? He forced more government control. The people didn't like it and turned in the other direction. The change was historic. Did the Democrats consider that perhaps they pushed a little too hard? No. They still promote government controlled everything. There is no middle ground there.
So you really believe there is no middle ground to be found in income taxation, federal regulation, health care, financial regulation or infrastructure?

And you think the Democrats really want 100% government control of each?

Course the left is steadily creeping more and more left as we speak.

That's why we will always be such a divided country.

On the right we are becoming more conservatives as we fight off the establishment.

On the left, an admitted Socialist almost won the nomination, and many believe if a fair race, he would have. Th US Communist Party supported their last three presidential elections.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.
Hey.....if they can gain power they can make even communism legal.....perhaps totally acceptable.

Communism is legal now. It's just that they don't have enough power yet to overtake the masses.

They will never call it what it is. Labels scare people. That's why they abandoned the term liberal and exchanged it for Progressives. But you can put lipstick on a pig...............
Sure it's legal. Ideology isn't illegal.....unless you're a Nazi....well...that isn't illegal either.
The difference being one is actively overthrowing our government and the other is just a bunch of idiots that like looking stupid.
As a white male I am trying to figure out what a surrender first white is. That is hysterical.

Support for immigration for one. Supporting a party that is striving to make whites a minority for the first time in our history. The support of Sanctuary Cities and sitting back while foreigners turn our country into a bilingual nation. Giving everything we worked for to the minorities because by not doing so, the left will call you a racist.
So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.
There is plenty of middle ground, if each end would get over itself, be honest, and do the hard work of communicating. For example:
  • 0% income taxation, 100% income taxation, or something in between
  • Zero federal regulation, total federal regulation, or something in between
  • Zero federal distribution of health care, total federal distribution of health care, or something in between
  • Zero federal involvement in the financial system, total federal involvement in the financial system, or something in between
  • Zero federal involvement in infrastructure, total federal involvement in infrastructure, or something in between
The only question is where along each continuum we choose to be, and finding that spot is where, horror of horrors, being adults and communicating comes in.

Or we can continue like this, pretending there is no middle ground, arms crossed, acting like lazy, petulant children.

The harder the left fights for total government control, the harder the right will fight for less government control.

DumBama had eight years, and what did he do? He forced more government control. The people didn't like it and turned in the other direction. The change was historic. Did the Democrats consider that perhaps they pushed a little too hard? No. They still promote government controlled everything. There is no middle ground there.
So you really believe there is no middle ground to be found in income taxation, federal regulation, health care, financial regulation or infrastructure?

And you think the Democrats really want 100% government control of each?

The problem is one side wants to raise taxes and destroy the economy so they can get rid of Capitalism....and the other wants a strong economy.
As a white male my interests are my hobbies and my family. Country issues are trivial and less important. So no go ahead and grab some coffee and your buddies and discuss.
I guess there is no viable party to vote for that represents my views then. Can't vote for a party that gives it all away and can't vote for the party that hates the working man and lavishes the one percent. Not voting is a good option.
So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.
There is plenty of middle ground, if each end would get over itself, be honest, and do the hard work of communicating. For example:
  • 0% income taxation, 100% income taxation, or something in between
  • Zero federal regulation, total federal regulation, or something in between
  • Zero federal distribution of health care, total federal distribution of health care, or something in between
  • Zero federal involvement in the financial system, total federal involvement in the financial system, or something in between
  • Zero federal involvement in infrastructure, total federal involvement in infrastructure, or something in between
The only question is where along each continuum we choose to be, and finding that spot is where, horror of horrors, being adults and communicating comes in.

Or we can continue like this, pretending there is no middle ground, arms crossed, acting like lazy, petulant children.

The harder the left fights for total government control, the harder the right will fight for less government control.

DumBama had eight years, and what did he do? He forced more government control. The people didn't like it and turned in the other direction. The change was historic. Did the Democrats consider that perhaps they pushed a little too hard? No. They still promote government controlled everything. There is no middle ground there.
So you really believe there is no middle ground to be found in income taxation, federal regulation, health care, financial regulation or infrastructure?

And you think the Democrats really want 100% government control of each?


Democrats want control over everything. Look at what DumBama did:

He put government in our auto industry, he put government in our banking industry, he put government in charge of our energy industry, he put government in charge of our credit card industry, he put government in charge of our food industry, he put government in charge of our tobacco industry, he put government in charge of our healthcare industry. Mind you, most of this took place in only two years of total Democrat leadership. The next six years they had resistance from a Republican led Congress.

What do you think our country would look like with ten years of total Democrat leadership???

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