Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”

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Next time you Anglo Americans should go through Italy and Austria, Hitler's Pals... You left France to fight Hitler all by themselves in 1940. Many more French died in the Battle of France 1944 than Americans and much of the country was destroyed again... That's just me, the French are eternally grateful and prove it every year. Ugly American GOP voters are a disgrace as always... Of course they're totally misinformed by the worst BS and character assassination propaganda machine anywhere in the modern world.
The French were a disgrace. They could have stopped Hitler before he took the Rhineland, they had a superior military at that time, but the cowards did nothing, which led to the carnage of WWII

Hilarious, Americans bashing French instead of Germans because of Hitler.

Yeah, talk about Sub-Humans.. LOL
You're actually proving Mika right.

France fought Britain all over during the American Revolutionary War, and French support with the U.S.A in the Revolutionary War, making our Independence possible.

French donated the Statue of Liberty.

French fought with the U.S in 2 World Wars.

Germany fought with Britain as Hessians in the American Revolutionary War, even King George was actually a German of the House of Hanover.

Germany blew up the Stature of Liberty in WW1.

Germany killed Americans in 2 World Wars, killing 100's of thousands.

Petty you have to go back to 18th century to find when the French had balls

Americans are very Primitive.... They clearly love the power, of looting, and shooting.

They'll mock French, or Polish because they didn't loot, and shoot like Germans in WW2.... But crickets about the actual Holocaust perp Germans.... Welll until the subject of supporting Hitler comes up, then it's sub-Human Chimp fits not about Germans, but about Nazis.

Mika's right, there is a lot of Sub-Human trash in America.

We really need to clean house.

If not for the pussy french 10s of millions could have been saved....Pathetic

You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?
You know, there is a reason that some Europeans don't like Americans.

It's called the "ugly American syndrome". And, what it means is that some Americans give all of us a bad name because of the way they behave. It comes from something like asking a person on the street where the nearest KFC, Pizza Hut or Burger King is, to asking in English if they speak English, and then when they look at you funny, repeating the same phrase in English, only louder and slower the second time.

How does one avoid that? Simple................do what I did when I was traveling overseas. Every time the ship pulled into port, I picked up a phrasebook from the quarterdeck (they had small ones available for free that the port liaison would give us). I would go out into town, and start asking for directions and the like in their language using the phrase book. After about 30 sec. to a min. of me fumbling around and trying to talk to them, most (around 80 percent) speak English and would stop me and tell me that they spoke English. And interestingly enough, lots of times they liked being able to practice their English with me, but the reason they took a bit of time and let me fumble was to see if I was going to make an effort. Most Americans don't.

And, if you ask a local where the best chow is, they are more than happy to show you where the best eateries were. Best bruschetta I had in the entire Med came out of a little out of the way diner that was all white and blue tile. They also had excellent lasagna and it was a little mom and pop outfit.

And no...............they will never send you to American fast food joints. If you ask for that, they will think of you as an "ugly American" because you are turning your nose up at their food in favor of fast food.

In Palma Mallorca, there was a little place next to the HUGE church that dominates the waterfront and they had the BEST little sausages that they cooked in apple juice and then carmelized the sugar that coated them on a grill, and served in more carmelized apple juice. Best steak in town too by the way.
When I made a liberty call at a port...my mission was to get drunk and laid.

Those were two of my goals as well, but during daylight hours, I liked to check out the historical stuff in town as well as check out the different local foods around where we were. Found some pretty good places, and my favorite in Palma Mallorca was Forn de St. Joan.

Like I said, EXCELLENT food.
Excellent pussy.
Next time you Anglo Americans should go through Italy and Austria, Hitler's Pals... You left France to fight Hitler all by themselves in 1940. Many more French died in the Battle of France 1944 than Americans and much of the country was destroyed again... That's just me, the French are eternally grateful and prove it every year. Ugly American GOP voters are a disgrace as always... Of course they're totally misinformed by the worst BS and character assassination propaganda machine anywhere in the modern world.
the Germans showed that the French were really losers in WW2
they went through France like they were not even there
Ignorant brain-washed functional moron... Meanwhile our army was less than a hundred thousand and had no tanks... Thanks to the GOP and brainwashed functional morons like you...
you must know NOTHING of WW2....some of the French tanks were better than the German tanks!!
NO TANKS???!!!!!
At the start of the war, France had one of the largest tank forces in the world along with the Soviet, British and German forces.
In the Battle of France, despite an advantage in number and armour against the Germans, the French tanks were not used to good enough effect.

Tanks in France - Wikipedia
WTF are you talking about??

the lack of military and WW2 knowledge on the forum is about 0
Testifying to the French advantage is the Somua S35, a plump, cute tank which was one of the best tanks in the world in 1940. Hundreds went into action in May 1940, but to little avail.
France Had a Tank That Could Have Crushed Hitler's Best (But Was Wasted by Bad Generals)

the Germans were good soldiers/tacticians/etc in WW2
French = MAJOR losers
When I say we had no tanks I am talking about Americans dingbat... The only real losers I know of are brainwashed functional GOP dupes like you... Just the kind of people who would collaborate with Nazis... Conservatives.

It looks more like Hippie Liberals were the ones who protested war against Hitler, on the whole in the U.S.A....


Sound familiar?

Sounds like Liberals in every war since then.
The America First Committee (AFC) was the foremost United States non-interventionistpressure group against the American entry into World War II. It was also characterized by anti-semitic and pro-fascist rhetoric.[1][2] Started on September 4, 1940, it was dissolved on December 10, 1941, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor had brought the war to America. Membership peaked at 800,000 paying members in 450 chapters. It was one of the largest anti-war organizations in American history.[3][4]

America First Committee - Wikipedia

Just the opposite of what you posted.
The French were a disgrace. They could have stopped Hitler before he took the Rhineland, they had a superior military at that time, but the cowards did nothing, which led to the carnage of WWII

Hilarious, Americans bashing French instead of Germans because of Hitler.

Yeah, talk about Sub-Humans.. LOL
You're actually proving Mika right.

France fought Britain all over during the American Revolutionary War, and French support with the U.S.A in the Revolutionary War, making our Independence possible.

French donated the Statue of Liberty.

French fought with the U.S in 2 World Wars.

Germany fought with Britain as Hessians in the American Revolutionary War, even King George was actually a German of the House of Hanover.

Germany blew up the Stature of Liberty in WW1.

Germany killed Americans in 2 World Wars, killing 100's of thousands.

Petty you have to go back to 18th century to find when the French had balls

Americans are very Primitive.... They clearly love the power, of looting, and shooting.

They'll mock French, or Polish because they didn't loot, and shoot like Germans in WW2.... But crickets about the actual Holocaust perp Germans.... Welll until the subject of supporting Hitler comes up, then it's sub-Human Chimp fits not about Germans, but about Nazis.

Mika's right, there is a lot of Sub-Human trash in America.

We really need to clean house.

If not for the pussy french 10s of millions could have been saved....Pathetic

You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?

We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really

By the way, the French won our Revolutionary War for us and 90% of Americans don't even know it. Pathetic.

The French had balls back then.. they turned into pussies

There are a lot of extenuating circumstances- people don't change... The only people who are real disgrace between the wars till 1941, that would be the GOP. And the Germans of course. Thanks for that depression and isolationism. Always always a disaster...
When I made a liberty call at a port...my mission was to get drunk and laid.

Those were two of my goals as well, but during daylight hours, I liked to check out the historical stuff in town as well as check out the different local foods around where we were. Found some pretty good places, and my favorite in Palma Mallorca was Forn de St. Joan.

Like I said, EXCELLENT food.
Excellent pussy.
the Germans showed that the French were really losers in WW2
they went through France like they were not even there
Ignorant brain-washed functional moron... Meanwhile our army was less than a hundred thousand and had no tanks... Thanks to the GOP and brainwashed functional morons like you...
you must know NOTHING of WW2....some of the French tanks were better than the German tanks!!
NO TANKS???!!!!!
At the start of the war, France had one of the largest tank forces in the world along with the Soviet, British and German forces.
In the Battle of France, despite an advantage in number and armour against the Germans, the French tanks were not used to good enough effect.

Tanks in France - Wikipedia
WTF are you talking about??

the lack of military and WW2 knowledge on the forum is about 0
Testifying to the French advantage is the Somua S35, a plump, cute tank which was one of the best tanks in the world in 1940. Hundreds went into action in May 1940, but to little avail.
France Had a Tank That Could Have Crushed Hitler's Best (But Was Wasted by Bad Generals)

the Germans were good soldiers/tacticians/etc in WW2
French = MAJOR losers
When I say we had no tanks I am talking about Americans dingbat... The only real losers I know of are brainwashed functional GOP dupes like you... Just the kind of people who would collaborate with Nazis... Conservatives.

It looks more like Hippie Liberals were the ones who protested war against Hitler, on the whole in the U.S.A....


Sound familiar?

Sounds like Liberals in every war since then.
The America First Committee (AFC) was the foremost United States non-interventionistpressure group against the American entry into World War II. It was also characterized by anti-semitic and pro-fascist rhetoric.[1][2] Started on September 4, 1940, it was dissolved on December 10, 1941, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor had brought the war to America. Membership peaked at 800,000 paying members in 450 chapters. It was one of the largest anti-war organizations in American history.[3][4]

America First Committee - Wikipedia

Just the opposite of what you posted.

Not the only anti-War opposition...
Hilarious, Americans bashing French instead of Germans because of Hitler.

Yeah, talk about Sub-Humans.. LOL
You're actually proving Mika right.

France fought Britain all over during the American Revolutionary War, and French support with the U.S.A in the Revolutionary War, making our Independence possible.

French donated the Statue of Liberty.

French fought with the U.S in 2 World Wars.

Germany fought with Britain as Hessians in the American Revolutionary War, even King George was actually a German of the House of Hanover.

Germany blew up the Stature of Liberty in WW1.

Germany killed Americans in 2 World Wars, killing 100's of thousands.

Petty you have to go back to 18th century to find when the French had balls

Americans are very Primitive.... They clearly love the power, of looting, and shooting.

They'll mock French, or Polish because they didn't loot, and shoot like Germans in WW2.... But crickets about the actual Holocaust perp Germans.... Welll until the subject of supporting Hitler comes up, then it's sub-Human Chimp fits not about Germans, but about Nazis.

Mika's right, there is a lot of Sub-Human trash in America.

We really need to clean house.

If not for the pussy french 10s of millions could have been saved....Pathetic

You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?

We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really

You're a Jew, you can go to Israel, now.
Those were two of my goals as well, but during daylight hours, I liked to check out the historical stuff in town as well as check out the different local foods around where we were. Found some pretty good places, and my favorite in Palma Mallorca was Forn de St. Joan.

Like I said, EXCELLENT food.
Excellent pussy.
Ignorant brain-washed functional moron... Meanwhile our army was less than a hundred thousand and had no tanks... Thanks to the GOP and brainwashed functional morons like you...
you must know NOTHING of WW2....some of the French tanks were better than the German tanks!!
NO TANKS???!!!!!
At the start of the war, France had one of the largest tank forces in the world along with the Soviet, British and German forces.
In the Battle of France, despite an advantage in number and armour against the Germans, the French tanks were not used to good enough effect.

Tanks in France - Wikipedia
WTF are you talking about??

the lack of military and WW2 knowledge on the forum is about 0
Testifying to the French advantage is the Somua S35, a plump, cute tank which was one of the best tanks in the world in 1940. Hundreds went into action in May 1940, but to little avail.
France Had a Tank That Could Have Crushed Hitler's Best (But Was Wasted by Bad Generals)

the Germans were good soldiers/tacticians/etc in WW2
French = MAJOR losers
When I say we had no tanks I am talking about Americans dingbat... The only real losers I know of are brainwashed functional GOP dupes like you... Just the kind of people who would collaborate with Nazis... Conservatives.

It looks more like Hippie Liberals were the ones who protested war against Hitler, on the whole in the U.S.A....


Sound familiar?

Sounds like Liberals in every war since then.
The America First Committee (AFC) was the foremost United States non-interventionistpressure group against the American entry into World War II. It was also characterized by anti-semitic and pro-fascist rhetoric.[1][2] Started on September 4, 1940, it was dissolved on December 10, 1941, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor had brought the war to America. Membership peaked at 800,000 paying members in 450 chapters. It was one of the largest anti-war organizations in American history.[3][4]

America First Committee - Wikipedia

Just the opposite of what you posted.

Not the only anti-War opposition...
Next time you Anglo Americans should go through Italy and Austria, Hitler's Pals... You left France to fight Hitler all by themselves in 1940. Many more French died in the Battle of France 1944 than Americans and much of the country was destroyed again... That's just me, the French are eternally grateful and prove it every year. Ugly American GOP voters are a disgrace as always... Of course they're totally misinformed by the worst BS and character assassination propaganda machine anywhere in the modern world.
The French were a disgrace. They could have stopped Hitler before he took the Rhineland, they had a superior military at that time, but the cowards did nothing, which led to the carnage of WWII

Hilarious, Americans bashing French instead of Germans because of Hitler.

Yeah, talk about Sub-Humans.. LOL
You're actually proving Mika right.

France fought Britain all over during the American Revolutionary War, and French support with the U.S.A in the Revolutionary War, making our Independence possible.

French donated the Statue of Liberty.

French fought with the U.S in 2 World Wars.

Germany fought with Britain as Hessians in the American Revolutionary War, even King George was actually a German of the House of Hanover.

Germany blew up the Stature of Liberty in WW1.

Germany killed Americans in 2 World Wars, killing 100's of thousands.

Petty you have to go back to 18th century to find when the French had balls

Americans are very Primitive.... They clearly love the power, of looting, and shooting.

They'll mock French, or Polish because they didn't loot, and shoot like Germans in WW2.... But crickets about the actual Holocaust perp Germans.... Welll until the subject of supporting Hitler comes up, then it's sub-Human Chimp fits not about Germans, but about Nazis.

Mika's right, there is a lot of Sub-Human trash in America.

We really need to clean house.

If not for the pussy french 10s of millions could have been saved....Pathetic
And where were the Americans... Thanks to the pussy GOP?
Petty you have to go back to 18th century to find when the French had balls

Americans are very Primitive.... They clearly love the power, of looting, and shooting.

They'll mock French, or Polish because they didn't loot, and shoot like Germans in WW2.... But crickets about the actual Holocaust perp Germans.... Welll until the subject of supporting Hitler comes up, then it's sub-Human Chimp fits not about Germans, but about Nazis.

Mika's right, there is a lot of Sub-Human trash in America.

We really need to clean house.

If not for the pussy french 10s of millions could have been saved....Pathetic

You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?

We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really

You're a Jew, you can go to Israel, now.
Always good to have a Nazi point of view...
Americans are very Primitive.... They clearly love the power, of looting, and shooting.

They'll mock French, or Polish because they didn't loot, and shoot like Germans in WW2.... But crickets about the actual Holocaust perp Germans.... Welll until the subject of supporting Hitler comes up, then it's sub-Human Chimp fits not about Germans, but about Nazis.

Mika's right, there is a lot of Sub-Human trash in America.

We really need to clean house.

If not for the pussy french 10s of millions could have been saved....Pathetic

You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?

We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really

You're a Jew, you can go to Israel, now.
Always good to have a Nazi point of view...

The biggest mistake of America was to let them in.
Americans are very Primitive.... They clearly love the power, of looting, and shooting.

They'll mock French, or Polish because they didn't loot, and shoot like Germans in WW2.... But crickets about the actual Holocaust perp Germans.... Welll until the subject of supporting Hitler comes up, then it's sub-Human Chimp fits not about Germans, but about Nazis.

Mika's right, there is a lot of Sub-Human trash in America.

We really need to clean house.

If not for the pussy french 10s of millions could have been saved....Pathetic

You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?

We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really

You're a Jew, you can go to Israel, now.
Always good to have a Nazi point of view...
Vehemently anti-Jewish, like the muslims.
If not for the pussy french 10s of millions could have been saved....Pathetic

You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?

We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really

You're a Jew, you can go to Israel, now.
Always good to have a Nazi point of view...
Vehemently anti-Jewish, like the muslims.
And like White Supremacists.
next time you Anglo Americans should go through Italy and Austria, Hitler's Pals... You left France to fight Hitler all by themselves in 1940. Many more French died in the Battle of France 1940 for than Americans and much of the country was destroyed again... That's just me, the French are eternally grateful and prove it every year. Ugly American GOP voters are disgrace as always... Of course they're totally misinformed by the worst BS and character assassination propaganda machine anywhere in the modern world.

I suggest the idiots watch this...

Next time you Anglo Americans should go through Italy and Austria, Hitler's Pals... You left France to fight Hitler all by themselves in 1940. Many more French died in the Battle of France 1944 than Americans and much of the country was destroyed again... That's just me, the French are eternally grateful and prove it every year. Ugly American GOP voters are a disgrace as always... Of course they're totally misinformed by the worst BS and character assassination propaganda machine anywhere in the modern world.

The French were a disgrace. They could have stopped Hitler before he took the Rhineland, they had a superior military at that time, but the cowards did nothing, which led to the carnage of WWII

They couldn't get the English to go along with tough reaction as usual... That's the story of the interwar. And thanks to the GOP, we wrecked the Versailles treaty and the League of Nations, the world economy in 1929, and let militarists run wild until 1941...
You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?

We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really

You're a Jew, you can go to Israel, now.
Always good to have a Nazi point of view...
Vehemently anti-Jewish, like the muslims.
And like White Supremacists.
And liberals. Love them some muslims.
If not for the pussy french 10s of millions could have been saved....Pathetic

You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?

We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really

You're a Jew, you can go to Israel, now.
Always good to have a Nazi point of view...
Vehemently anti-Jewish, like the muslims.

Jews supported Muslims a number of times against White Christians.

- During the Moorish Invasions of Spain.

- During the Crusades.

- During the Bulgarian Horrors by Islamic Ottoman Turks by Jewish prime minister Disraeli.

Of course now.

You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?

We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really

You're a Jew, you can go to Israel, now.
Always good to have a Nazi point of view...
Vehemently anti-Jewish, like the muslims.

Jews supported Muslims a number of times against White Christians.

- During the Moorish Invasions of Spain.

- During the Crusades.

- During the Bulgarian Horrors by Islamic Ottoman Turks by Jewish prime minister Disraeli.

Of course now.

They always have. mohammed flew a flying donkey all the way to heaven just to ask famously historical Jews' advice on how to start a religion and the Jews helped them out. Now muslims don't believe they have the right to exist. That's gratitude for you.
Hilarious, Americans bashing French instead of Germans because of Hitler.

Yeah, talk about Sub-Humans.. LOL
You're actually proving Mika right.

France fought Britain all over during the American Revolutionary War, and French support with the U.S.A in the Revolutionary War, making our Independence possible.

French donated the Statue of Liberty.

French fought with the U.S in 2 World Wars.

Germany fought with Britain as Hessians in the American Revolutionary War, even King George was actually a German of the House of Hanover.

Germany blew up the Stature of Liberty in WW1.

Germany killed Americans in 2 World Wars, killing 100's of thousands.

Petty you have to go back to 18th century to find when the French had balls

Americans are very Primitive.... They clearly love the power, of looting, and shooting.

They'll mock French, or Polish because they didn't loot, and shoot like Germans in WW2.... But crickets about the actual Holocaust perp Germans.... Welll until the subject of supporting Hitler comes up, then it's sub-Human Chimp fits not about Germans, but about Nazis.

Mika's right, there is a lot of Sub-Human trash in America.

We really need to clean house.

If not for the pussy french 10s of millions could have been saved....Pathetic

You're proving my point 100%.

Judging by America, you'd think that we fought our biggest wars with France, Poland, and Italy by how people mock these groups.

Yet, when it comes to actual German, or Mexican, or British enemies of history.... . ONly crickets.

You wonder why Americans are seen as Sub-Human Chimps in this World?

We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really
They enjoy a better quality of life than we do.
Those were two of my goals as well, but during daylight hours, I liked to check out the historical stuff in town as well as check out the different local foods around where we were. Found some pretty good places, and my favorite in Palma Mallorca was Forn de St. Joan.

Like I said, EXCELLENT food.
Excellent pussy.
Ignorant brain-washed functional moron... Meanwhile our army was less than a hundred thousand and had no tanks... Thanks to the GOP and brainwashed functional morons like you...
you must know NOTHING of WW2....some of the French tanks were better than the German tanks!!
NO TANKS???!!!!!
At the start of the war, France had one of the largest tank forces in the world along with the Soviet, British and German forces.
In the Battle of France, despite an advantage in number and armour against the Germans, the French tanks were not used to good enough effect.

Tanks in France - Wikipedia
WTF are you talking about??

the lack of military and WW2 knowledge on the forum is about 0
Testifying to the French advantage is the Somua S35, a plump, cute tank which was one of the best tanks in the world in 1940. Hundreds went into action in May 1940, but to little avail.
France Had a Tank That Could Have Crushed Hitler's Best (But Was Wasted by Bad Generals)

the Germans were good soldiers/tacticians/etc in WW2
French = MAJOR losers
When I say we had no tanks I am talking about Americans dingbat... The only real losers I know of are brainwashed functional GOP dupes like you... Just the kind of people who would collaborate with Nazis... Conservatives.

It looks more like Hippie Liberals were the ones who protested war against Hitler, on the whole in the U.S.A....


Sound familiar?

Sounds like Liberals in every war since then.
The America First Committee (AFC) was the foremost United States non-interventionistpressure group against the American entry into World War II. It was also characterized by anti-semitic and pro-fascist rhetoric.[1][2] Started on September 4, 1940, it was dissolved on December 10, 1941, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor had brought the war to America. Membership peaked at 800,000 paying members in 450 chapters. It was one of the largest anti-war organizations in American history.[3][4]

America First Committee - Wikipedia

Just the opposite of what you posted.

Not the only anti-War opposition...
Just the only major opposition... A disgrace as always
We allow you punk ass Europeans to provide all your social programs while we protect you ..sad really

You're a Jew, you can go to Israel, now.
Always good to have a Nazi point of view...
Vehemently anti-Jewish, like the muslims.

Jews supported Muslims a number of times against White Christians.

- During the Moorish Invasions of Spain.

- During the Crusades.

- During the Bulgarian Horrors by Islamic Ottoman Turks by Jewish prime minister Disraeli.

Of course now.

They always have. mohammed flew a flying donkey all the way to heaven just to ask famously historical Jews' advice on how to start a religion and the Jews helped them out. Now muslims don't believe they have the right to exist. That's gratitude for you.

Poland - Lithuania / Hungary
Muslim nations were once the most tolerant of Jews.

Now they're the least tolerant of Jews.

Maybe because of Jewish Communists in Eastern Europe like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Bela Kuhn
Because of Israel's colonization?
You're a Jew, you can go to Israel, now.
Always good to have a Nazi point of view...
Vehemently anti-Jewish, like the muslims.

Jews supported Muslims a number of times against White Christians.

- During the Moorish Invasions of Spain.

- During the Crusades.

- During the Bulgarian Horrors by Islamic Ottoman Turks by Jewish prime minister Disraeli.

Of course now.

They always have. mohammed flew a flying donkey all the way to heaven just to ask famously historical Jews' advice on how to start a religion and the Jews helped them out. Now muslims don't believe they have the right to exist. That's gratitude for you.

Poland - Lithuania / Hungary
Muslim nations were once the most tolerant of Jews.

Now they're the least tolerant of Jews.

Maybe because of Jewish Communists in Eastern Europe like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Bela Kuhn
Because of Israel's colonization?

They believe Israel has a right to exist. muslims don't.
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