Spoiled Little Rich Girl Mika: “My friends went to France and were embarrassed to be Americans.”

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trump is an international embarrassment to Americans and a cause for humiliation when in other countries. Overseas, I might not deny that I am an American, considering the passport I carry and my accent, but I would be very quick to make clear that I do not support his presidency, his policies, his morality and lack thereof, or anything else about him. Distancing is the best course to take.

Really? Then you'd be out of step with Euro's opinion of Trump.

"President Trump has received some rather dismal approval ratings, but he’s reportedly more popular compared to some of his European counterparts.

Both French President Emmanuel Macron and Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May are faring worse among their constituents. "

Trump has higher favorability rating than some of his European counterparts
They hate Trump. They loved Obama.
That’s because they are fucked in the head.
Take your tears to the UN. Or the League of Nations, whichever you prefer. Israel exists. I favor a one state solution. Palestinians will have to move.

Zionists say the UN is so mean to Israel.... But... But.. But... then the UN was like awesome, and stuff when it formulated Israel's creation.
You've been complaining about events that occurred 70+ years ago. Israel exists. They even named their train station at the Western Wall after Trump. I don't think Palestine has any trains at all.
Israel doesn't allow the Palestinians to have any economy at all...
Wow they are way more powerful than the Palleys. They can even control their very economy.

Palestine isn't a real country.... I guess they put them on suspend... Because Palestinian Lives don't Matter.
That's why I said I favor a one-state solution. Palleys gots ta go.
why would I stick up for a whore who wants to destroy the United States of America. Sorry, pal, this is my homeland. The only things about what is "awesome" about the current occupant of the Oval Office is that he is an a awesome whore, an awesome pervert, and an awesome traitor. He is not any American that any other American can be proud of. Sticking up for this filthy slut is NOT the same thing as "sticking up for America."
Our beloved Pres. Trump is the best president America has had in decades!!

He loves the country and its people, and they love him. We are truly a blessed nation to have Trump in the Oval office.

Only traitors and miscreants are opposed to our wonderful leader. Trump represents everything great about America, and that's why the liberal commies hate him. ..... :cool:
Get a clue, you liberals are the real scum bags...

Look at what you support....
I would guess that like most dupes you have no idea what we support...

I know you support voter fraud...

Why else would you be against voter ID's...

I know you support criminals and hate the police....

I could go on and on but I don't have all year...
Actually we are
trump is an international embarrassment to Americans and a cause for humiliation when in other countries. Overseas, I might not deny that I am an American, considering the passport I carry and my accent, but I would be very quick to make clear that I do not support his presidency, his policies, his morality and lack thereof, or anything else about him. Distancing is the best course to take.
only to un-Americans who hate America
I'm not embarrassed --are you?
who the F&^K cares what the foreigners think?
I'll say it again, good thing you people weren't around Dec 1941:
we better not piss off the Japanese
we better not piss off hitler
we better not invade North Africa, it might piss off the French
we better not invade Italy, it might piss off the Italians

what freakin morons to be embarrassed for being American...then go to Iraq or someplace
Karma it was the GOP that started the world depression that gave us all those militarists Market
trump is an international embarrassment to Americans and a cause for humiliation when in other countries. Overseas, I might not deny that I am an American, considering the passport I carry and my accent, but I would be very quick to make clear that I do not support his presidency, his policies, his morality and lack thereof, or anything else about him. Distancing is the best course to take.
only to un-Americans who hate America
I'm not embarrassed --are you?
who the F&^K cares what the foreigners think?
I'll say it again, good thing you people weren't around Dec 1941:
we better not piss off the Japanese
we better not piss off hitler
we better not invade North Africa, it might piss off the French
we better not invade Italy, it might piss off the Italians

what freakin morons to be embarrassed for being American...then go to Iraq or someplace

for taxing the rich and investing in America and Americans, cutting taxes on the rest, a living wage healthcare for all paid parental leave cheap daycare cheap training for technical jobs going begging. All you dupes know about about is b******* character assassination... Change the channel and read something.
From the 1990’s
Top 10 Ways France Is Preparing for the German Reunification
10. Dialing 911.
9. Installing speed bumps to slow down Panzers.
8. Cutting bedsheets into convenient easy-to-wave white rectangles.
7. Watching twice as many Jerry Lewis movies just to keep their
spirits up.
6. Stockpiling Blistex so they can kiss plenty of German butt.
5. Printing up T-shirts that say, "Don't shoot! I'm a collaborator!"
4. Going a really, really long time without bathing.
3. Suddenly acting all chummy with Chuck Norris.
2. Practicing running backwards and blowing kisses.
1. Developing top secret stealth cheese.
Stupid a******... Thanks for the ridiculous propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Many thanks for the Anglo Americans hiding behind their English Channel and Atlantic Ocean and letting the French fight their battles... They were amazingly unlucky. And were the only Army that didn't use methamphetamine to win...

As usual your reply makes no sense...
Since you appear to know no history...

You seem to lack basic common sense....

Your retort didn't have anything to do with what I said...
trump is an international embarrassment to Americans and a cause for humiliation when in other countries. Overseas, I might not deny that I am an American, considering the passport I carry and my accent, but I would be very quick to make clear that I do not support his presidency, his policies, his morality and lack thereof, or anything else about him. Distancing is the best course to take.

Really? Then you'd be out of step with Euro's opinion of Trump.

"President Trump has received some rather dismal approval ratings, but he’s reportedly more popular compared to some of his European counterparts.

Both French President Emmanuel Macron and Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May are faring worse among their constituents. "

Trump has higher favorability rating than some of his European counterparts
They hate Trump. They loved Obama.
That’s because they are fucked in the head.

Distancing is the best way to take if you are overseas. Teresa May made the stupid blunder of inviting the pervert for a state visit. Many Brits are appalled. I agree with them. It is bad enough that we have to put up with him in the United States. As an American, I would strongly advise the British not to allow him into their country, much less award him the honor of a "state visit." He is not deserving of any honor, neither here nor in the United Kingdom. If he does arrive in the U.K., take him straight to the Tower of London via the traitors gate, and we will come, put him in a cage, and fly him home.
why would I stick up for a whore who wants to destroy the United States of America. Sorry, pal, this is my homeland. The only things about what is "awesome" about the current occupant of the Oval Office is that he is an a awesome whore, an awesome pervert, and an awesome traitor. He is not any American that any other American can be proud of. Sticking up for this filthy slut is NOT the same thing as "sticking up for America."
Our beloved Pres. Trump is the best president America has had in decades!!

He loves the country and its people, and they love him. We are truly a blessed nation to have Trump in the Oval office.

Only traitors and miscreants are opposed to our wonderful leader. Trump represents everything great about America, and that's why the liberal commies hate him. ..... :cool:
You still want to stick up for a whore. The orange pervert represents everything that is wrong with America.
Distancing is the best way to take if you are overseas. Teresa May made the stupid blunder of inviting the pervert for a state visit. Many Brits are appalled. I agree with them. It is bad enough that we have to put up with him in the United States. As an American, I would strongly advise the British not to allow him into their country, much less award him the honor of a "state visit." He is not deserving of any honor, neither here nor in the United Kingdom. If he does arrive in the U.K., take him straight to the Tower of London via the traitors gate, and we will come, put him in a cage, and fly him home.
You claim to be an American?

I find that hard to believe?? ...... :cuckoo:
next time you Anglo Americans should go through Italy and Austria, Hitler's Pals... You left France to fight Hitler all by themselves in 1940. Many more French died in the Battle of France 1940 for than Americans and much of the country was destroyed again... That's just me, the French are eternally grateful and prove it every year. Ugly American GOP voters are disgrace as always... Of course they're totally misinformed by the worst BS and character assassination propaganda machine anywhere in the modern world.

I suggest the idiots watch this...

Next time you Anglo Americans should go through Italy and Austria, Hitler's Pals... You left France to fight Hitler all by themselves in 1940. Many more French died in the Battle of France 1944 than Americans and much of the country was destroyed again... That's just me, the French are eternally grateful and prove it every year. Ugly American GOP voters are a disgrace as always... Of course they're totally misinformed by the worst BS and character assassination propaganda machine anywhere in the modern world.

if I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut--the French were losers
then they killed each other
the Milice, and Petain kissing nazi a$$
the US freed France and you talk crap about US GOP ??
F*&K you

That's what happens when your capital is 120 miles away from the biggest assholes in the world... You right-wing assholes would be the Nazi Collaborators given half a chance.

next time you Anglo Americans should go through Italy and Austria, Hitler's Pals... You left France to fight Hitler all by themselves in 1940. Many more French died in the Battle of France 1940 for than Americans and much of the country was destroyed again... That's just me, the French are eternally grateful and prove it every year. Ugly American GOP voters are disgrace as always... Of course they're totally misinformed by the worst BS and character assassination propaganda machine anywhere in the modern world.

I suggest the idiots watch this...

Next time you Anglo Americans should go through Italy and Austria, Hitler's Pals... You left France to fight Hitler all by themselves in 1940. Many more French died in the Battle of France 1944 than Americans and much of the country was destroyed again... That's just me, the French are eternally grateful and prove it every year. Ugly American GOP voters are a disgrace as always... Of course they're totally misinformed by the worst BS and character assassination propaganda machine anywhere in the modern world.

if I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut--the French were losers
then they killed each other
the Milice, and Petain kissing nazi a$$
the US freed France and you talk crap about US GOP ??
F*&K you

That's what happens when your capital is 120 miles away from the biggest assholes in the world... You right-wing assholes would be the Nazi Collaborators given half a chance.

You liberals are the Nazis.

It’s you that’s trying to undo democracy.

This liberal fascism bulshit of the last 10 years is absolutely ridiculous... And every country the Nazis took over it was the conservatives that collaborated...

Who attacks the others supporters while rioting in the streets?

Who is trying to suppress free speech?

Face it.. You are the Nazis......
When traveling in foreign countries, stick up for America and our awesome Pres. Trump.

We are the envy of the world. ...... :thup:

why would I stick up for a whore who wants to destroy the United States of America. Sorry, pal, this is my homeland. The only things about what is "awesome" about the current occupant of the Oval Office is that he is an a awesome whore, an awesome pervert, and an awesome traitor. He is not any American that any other American can be proud of. Sticking up for this filthy slut is NOT the same thing as "sticking up for America."

hillary didn't win dumb ass....the whore got her sorry ass kicked...
When traveling in foreign countries, stick up for America and our awesome Pres. Trump.

We are the envy of the world. ...... :thup:

why would I stick up for a whore who wants to destroy the United States of America. Sorry, pal, this is my homeland. The only things about what is "awesome" about the current occupant of the Oval Office is that he is an a awesome whore, an awesome pervert, and an awesome traitor. He is not any American that any other American can be proud of. Sticking up for this filthy slut is NOT the same thing as "sticking up for America."
Hillary lost. Go to Eurostan as an American loud and proud.
trump is an international embarrassment to Americans and a cause for humiliation when in other countries. Overseas, I might not deny that I am an American, considering the passport I carry and my accent, but I would be very quick to make clear that I do not support his presidency, his policies, his morality and lack thereof, or anything else about him. Distancing is the best course to take.

Really? Then you'd be out of step with Euro's opinion of Trump.

"President Trump has received some rather dismal approval ratings, but he’s reportedly more popular compared to some of his European counterparts.

Both French President Emmanuel Macron and Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May are faring worse among their constituents. "

Trump has higher favorability rating than some of his European counterparts
They hate Trump. They loved Obama.
That’s because they are fucked in the head.

Distancing is the best way to take if you are overseas. Teresa May made the stupid blunder of inviting the pervert for a state visit. Many Brits are appalled. I agree with them. It is bad enough that we have to put up with him in the United States. As an American, I would strongly advise the British not to allow him into their country, much less award him the honor of a "state visit." He is not deserving of any honor, neither here nor in the United Kingdom. If he does arrive in the U.K., take him straight to the Tower of London via the traitors gate, and we will come, put him in a cage, and fly him home.
Trump is a man of honor and dignity. Nobody cares about your socialist beliefs. American-British relationship is stronger than ever.
trump is an international embarrassment to Americans and a cause for humiliation when in other countries. Overseas, I might not deny that I am an American, considering the passport I carry and my accent, but I would be very quick to make clear that I do not support his presidency, his policies, his morality and lack thereof, or anything else about him. Distancing is the best course to take.
Dang, when Obama was president. If I were overseas I wouldn't want to talk about him. I would just say, I'm a proud American. I mean while Obama was president, I never questioned that. What the hell is wrong with you?
Distancing is the best way to take if you are overseas. Teresa May made the stupid blunder of inviting the pervert for a state visit. Many Brits are appalled. I agree with them. It is bad enough that we have to put up with him in the United States. As an American, I would strongly advise the British not to allow him into their country, much less award him the honor of a "state visit." He is not deserving of any honor, neither here nor in the United Kingdom. If he does arrive in the U.K., take him straight to the Tower of London via the traitors gate, and we will come, put him in a cage, and fly him home.
You claim to be an American?

I find that hard to believe?? ...... :cuckoo:

Proud. True. 100% born in the USA! While this is not so important, given the honor of our system of citizenship that allows folks from all across the world to come and join us as partners in our great country, my parents were both born in the USA! I proudly claim to be an American! It is my right, my duty, and my pride.
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