Spring! ...what spring?

It's freaking cold on the North Carolina border which isn't even close to Canada. About 28 at 7 PM and going down to the teens tonite. If the glaciers are melting where is this cold weather coming from on the first day of spring? Outer space?
Doesn`t matter how far NC is from Canada:

See where the Hudson Bay and Churchill Manitoba is?
You are lucky the jet stream which gives you your brrrrr weather right now isn`t roaring down to you from there...sometimes it can bend right there and head south...then you too will get a "Manitoba Mauler".
It might kill off all these Goddamn snakes you got, that scared the shit out of me.
Polarbears don`t hide in the grass and I can see them coming


...I`d never get out of your house to mow your lawn that`s for sure !
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... we s'posed to get snow Sunday night...

... what gives?...

... Uncle Ferd says the earth is beginnin' a polarity shift...

... an' there's a gov't. conspiracy to not tell us.
37 degrees in NY this AM.

Im sure alot of people here are saying to themselves, "WTF with this global warming stuff??"

Only the k00ks are saying, "Shit.....these temperature anomolies prove the world is warming!!!"

Realville sucks s0ns!!!!!

37 degrees in NY this AM.

Im sure alot of people here are saying to themselves, "WTF with this global warming stuff??"

Only the k00ks are saying, "Shit.....these temperature anomolies prove the world is warming!!!"

Realville sucks s0ns!!!!!

The sun is up in Manitoba and my thermometer which is in direct sunlight till afternoon still reads -28 C
That`s Okay. I`m not looking forward to when all that snow melts in Minnesota and we have to start blasting our Red & Assiniboine River ice so that up stream Fargo ND and every thing downstream to Emerson at the U.S. Canada border does not disappear for good...after that when it finally warms up enough to melt the river ice in Manitoba we got all these dead fish stinking up the country side.
After the stink is gone we all have to look at the green wacko blogs with pictures of dead fish "killed by climate change" for the rest of the year.
It reminds me of the Auschwitz inmate`s swimming pool. When the Soviets opened Auschwitz for western tourists they had a sign at that pool:
"Fire extinguishing basin disguised by the SS as a swimming pool"...no kidding....and if you have any doubts you are a Nazi, a racist and a holocaust denier.
The Polish Auschwitz Museum Curator changed the wording since then:


It is still as obligatory as it was since the Museum opened for every German school kid ( I`ve been there) to get "educated" with b.s. like that, + "climate change science classes" and the entire litany about gay "rights" etc.
If I were a Jew and my parents died in Auschwitz I would do something about that sign and about a dozen similar other over the top "evidence" exhibits.
But global warmers use every dead fish, a dead frog, or whatever else they can find..+ every grass or forest fire, thunderstorm, tornado or hurricane, now even snow storms as "global warming evidence" just like Soviet Propaganda turned a swimming pool, a water treatment plant and stuff like that into evidence of a German conspiracy.

But as far as the global warmers are concerned, as long as we can send them "Alberta Clippers", "Saskatchewan Screamers" and "Manitoba Maulers" it`s not nearly as unpleasant as what comes later when we get a couple of hot weeks during mid-summer, which the warmers will be quoting&posting for the rest of the year, as they did last year.
I guarantee you that the entire winter episode for the North American and European continent will be wiped out with lots of propaganda noise because of 2 weeks of hot weather in Oklahoma "averaging" out a semi-hemisphere mini ice age...
That`s why the IPCC meetings in Hobart Australia don`t want to address the 15 year recent temperature dives until September.
I`m already looking forward to the next winter which is very likely to get even colder than this one to maul this freak religion again and again.
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OMG, this incessant stupidity of this argument is unkillable.

Honestly if by now you cannot understand that one days' weather report does nothing to support OR refute the GW theory, then it's super power is the imperviousness of its proponents sheer stupidity.
it isn't nearly as stupid as the assertion that no matter what the weather, it's all the fault of Goebbels warming.

An assertion I NEVER make.

Either assertion is dumber than hell.
OMG, this incessant stupidity of this argument is unkillable.

Honestly if by now you cannot understand that one days' weather report does nothing to support OR refute the GW theory, then it's super power is the imperviousness of its proponents sheer stupidity.
it isn't nearly as stupid as the assertion that no matter what the weather, it's all the fault of Goebbels warming.

An assertion I NEVER make.

Either assertion is dumber than hell.
OK...So I don't believe you to be so dense to notice when certain people are being mocked.

Do you think that Crusader Frank, myself and others "peer review" one anther's posts to pad our post totals? :lol:

Think about it.
Here in central Eastern Arizona we are having a dry but otherwise normal spring. It will be in the 60's today at 7000 ft above sea level.
In fact I got a burn permit yesterday to burn two fields today. Maybe me going out and burning off almost 20 acres will warm it up a little for you guys in the east.
It was in the high 80's here Monday and it's been in the 70's every day since.

Sucks to be you guys out there freezing. :lol:

I agree. :D 79 today where I am, the next 2 days are supposed to be 81-82.
So the tiny turf you guys call home negates the rest of the North American and European Continent...and it "averages out"...is that what you trying to say ?

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It was in the high 80's here Monday and it's been in the 70's every day since.

Sucks to be you guys out there freezing. :lol:

I agree. :D 79 today where I am, the next 2 days are supposed to be 81-82.
So the tiny turf you guys call home negates the rest of the North American and European Continent...and it "averages out"...is that what you trying to say ?

I'm not rying to say anything about global warming, but antecdotal evidence means nothing.

I'm just laughing at you guys being cold.
I agree. :D 79 today where I am, the next 2 days are supposed to be 81-82.
So the tiny turf you guys call home negates the rest of the North American and European Continent...and it "averages out"...is that what you trying to say ?

I'm not rying to say anything about global warming, but antecdotal evidence means nothing.

I'm just laughing at you guys being cold.
Yeah but that "anecdotal" evidence is now over a decade long, and since 2002 also included over 3000 Argo buoys that could not find a temperature increase in all our oceans either..while the other anecdotal evidence which is now so f-d up that the IPCC has been holding meetings in Hobart how to defend their anecdotal evidence which was based on nothing but crap in the new ARP due in September.
Do you have any advice for them ?
I`m not attacking you...but I`ld rather have it winter year`round. I`m not cut out for the heat you enjoy.
I don`t mind putting on a parka, but there is a limit how many cloths you can take off when it gets hot.
The colder the healthier...except for plants.

I got 3 passports and could live where ever I want to anywhere in Europe or North America...I like it here just fine.

Up here only the fit survive, I like it that way even if that includes people...that`s why we got lots of healthy bears, wolves, cougars, record size moose, elk, muskox and mile long caribou herds...crystal clear rivers where you could walk across the backs of spawning salmon.
Beats the hell out of having to drive to town to get a grease burger.
Google the Yukon, the NWT, Nunavut...or even way down south where Manitoba is.

Besides that rattle and other assorted snakes scare the shit out of me.
I`ld like to be able to see what`s coming at me. Bears etc don`t hide in the grass.
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So the tiny turf you guys call home negates the rest of the North American and European Continent...and it "averages out"...is that what you trying to say ?

I'm not rying to say anything about global warming, but antecdotal evidence means nothing.

I'm just laughing at you guys being cold.
Yeah but that "anecdotal" evidence is now over a decade long, and since 2002 also included over 3000 Argo buoys that could not find a temperature increase in all our oceans either..while the other anecdotal evidence which is now so f-d up that the IPCC has been holding meetings in Hobart how to defend their anecdotal evidence which was based on nothing but crap in the new ARP due in September.
Do you have any advice for them ?
I`m not attacking you...but I`ld rather have it winter year`round. I`m not cut out for the heat you enjoy.
I don`t mind putting on a parka, but there is a limit how many cloths you can take off when it gets hot.
The colder the healthier...except for plants.

Chickas don't look nearly as good in a parka as they do in short shorts. Plus I'm in the gym 2 hours a day. No way I'm covering myself up. :lol:

As for the whole global warming thing, I already said that was not my purpose.
I agree. :D 79 today where I am, the next 2 days are supposed to be 81-82.
So the tiny turf you guys call home negates the rest of the North American and European Continent...and it "averages out"...is that what you trying to say ?

I'm not rying to say anything about global warming, but antecdotal evidence means nothing.

I'm just laughing at you guys being cold.

Some people have no sense of humor.....:tongue:
So the tiny turf you guys call home negates the rest of the North American and European Continent...and it "averages out"...is that what you trying to say ?

I'm not rying to say anything about global warming, but antecdotal evidence means nothing.

I'm just laughing at you guys being cold.

Some people have no sense of humor.....:tongue:

I remember sitting on a hilltop at 0200 in Germany in February pulling SOG when the temp was about 10 degrees and the wind was howling. I don't think I had much of a sense of humor then, either. :lol:
I'm not rying to say anything about global warming, but antecdotal evidence means nothing.

I'm just laughing at you guys being cold.
Yeah but that "anecdotal" evidence is now over a decade long, and since 2002 also included over 3000 Argo buoys that could not find a temperature increase in all our oceans either..while the other anecdotal evidence which is now so f-d up that the IPCC has been holding meetings in Hobart how to defend their anecdotal evidence which was based on nothing but crap in the new ARP due in September.
Do you have any advice for them ?
I`m not attacking you...but I`ld rather have it winter year`round. I`m not cut out for the heat you enjoy.
I don`t mind putting on a parka, but there is a limit how many cloths you can take off when it gets hot.
The colder the healthier...except for plants.

Chickas don't look nearly as good in a parka as they do in short shorts. Plus I'm in the gym 2 hours a day. No way I'm covering myself up. :lol:

As for the whole global warming thing, I already said that was not my purpose.
I agree with you on that one...but I`m married and my wife can swing a baseball bat pretty good.
I just noticed my Manitoba Video link did not pass on the proxy server..I`ll try again:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvaGBMXRxp8&list=UUvj7dbOY14kt_MFIR1Y1iwA&index=59"]Hayes River Manitoba.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

Check it out...you might just like it as much as I like my new backyard..
We used to live in the Yukon before.
But I`ve been all over your neck of the woods when I was off duty and drove long haul from Alaska to Mexico in my 6 months vacations.
I can`t handle the heat and rattle snakes scare me more than what we got..including my old lady if she she sees my head turn towards a short skirt.

Maybe I blew by you during a summer a couple of years ago ?
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I'm not rying to say anything about global warming, but antecdotal evidence means nothing.

I'm just laughing at you guys being cold.

Some people have no sense of humor.....:tongue:

I remember sitting on a hilltop at 0200 in Germany in February pulling SOG when the temp was about 10 degrees and the wind was howling. I don't think I had much of a sense of humor then, either. :lol:

There seem to be about 40 definitions for SOG, including Son of God, son of a gun, stroke of genius, same old grind....none seem to fit :confused:

10 degrees Fahrenheit or Celcius?

Just curious.
Some people have no sense of humor.....:tongue:

I remember sitting on a hilltop at 0200 in Germany in February pulling SOG when the temp was about 10 degrees and the wind was howling. I don't think I had much of a sense of humor then, either. :lol:

There seem to be about 40 definitions for SOG, including Son of God, son of a gun, stroke of genius, same old grind....none seem to fit :confused:

10 degrees Fahrenheit or Celcius?

Just curious.
Can`t you think for yourself? How hard could it be to figure out what he was saying...or are you pretending that you don`t know ?
Just like in "I`ts hard to wake up those who pretend to sleep"
If people like you would look around instead of burying your head up your own ass you would realize what`s going on.
This is not just "a cold day in Wasawasa" like the warm.org blogs like to call it...it`s a world wide climate event that spans the entire winter season for the last decade....getting colder,starting earlier and lasting longer each year...not just in Canada but round the entire globe north of lat 48 deg.


Translated quote:
Snowball instead of football
Schneechaos und Flutgefahr nach Wintereinbruch in Großbritannien -Video - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Snow chaos in Great Britain
All flights are cancelled. Massive power failures....etc etc
Europeans have been trying to Google for up to date satellite images...there are none. So Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield snapped some pictures for them from the international space station and uploaded them:
Astronaut Chris Hadfield macht von der ISS aus Fotos von Deutschland - SPIEGEL ONLINE

About that hilltop in Germany where you cynically remarked "was that F or C degrees"
In Dawson City, Yukon Territory a prospector from San Francisco scrawled on his cabin wall where he froze to death:
"The coldest winter I ever experienced was a foggy summer day on the Golden Gate bridge"
I`ve been all the way up North and stood on the North Pole, way down south too and also stood the Golden Bridge...and know what he meant. I don`t have to ask a dumb- liberal-smart-ass question like that.
I would like to see how long you would last in a T-shirt on the bridge when the fog rolls in the bay.
I could not do it and neither could you..but I could chop kindling at -45 C in the Yukon at -45 C when the air is bone dry...no problem.
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I remember sitting on a hilltop at 0200 in Germany in February pulling SOG when the temp was about 10 degrees and the wind was howling. I don't think I had much of a sense of humor then, either. :lol:

There seem to be about 40 definitions for SOG, including Son of God, son of a gun, stroke of genius, same old grind....none seem to fit :confused:

10 degrees Fahrenheit or Celcius?

Just curious.
Can`t you think for yourself? How hard could it be to figure out what he was saying...or are you pretending that you don`t know ?
Just like in "I`ts hard to wake up those who pretend to sleep"
If people like you would look around instead of burying your head up your own ass you would realize what`s going on.
This is not just "a cold day in Wasawasa" like the warm.org blogs like to call it...it`s a world wide climate event that spans the entire winter season for the last decade....getting colder,starting earlier and lasting longer each year...not just in Canada but round the entire globe north of lat 48 deg.


Translated quote:
Snowball instead of football
Schneechaos und Flutgefahr nach Wintereinbruch in Großbritannien -Video - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Snow chaos in Great Britain
All flights are cancelled. Massive power failures....etc etc
Europeans have been trying to Google for up to date satellite images...there are none. So Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield snapped some pictures for them from the international space station and uploaded them:
Astronaut Chris Hadfield macht von der ISS aus Fotos von Deutschland - SPIEGEL ONLINE

About that hilltop in Germany where you cynically remarked "was that F or C degrees"
In Dawson City, Yukon Territory a prospector from San Francisco scrawled on his cabin wall where he froze to death:
"The coldest winter I ever experienced was a foggy summer day on the Golden Gate bridge"
I`ve been all the way up North and stood on the North Pole, way down south too and also stood the Golden Bridge...and know what he meant. I don`t have to ask a dumb- liberal-smart-ass question like that.
I would like to see how long you would last in a T-shirt on the bridge when the fog rolls in the bay.
I could not do it and neither could you..but I could chop kindling at -45 C in the Yukon at -45 C when the air is bone dry...no problem.

Wow. Your attack is just amazing. How/why would I know what SOG means? And I was not being a "smart ass," I was being humorous. I asked if it was celius or fahrenheit because I was recently, less than 2 years ago, living in Austria for some years, where the temperature is measured in celcius, not farenheit, as it is in Germany too. I am very familiar with what 10 degrees celcius feels like as it was often that where I lived in Austria. I am also very familiar with 10 degrees fahrenheit from skiing in the States, so I did, in fact want to know if he meant farenheit or celcius. Nothing 'smart ass' about it, and I am truly perplexed about the idea that something in my post would be construed as being political in any way. Amazing.

And btw, during 4 years I lived in Austria, there was no indication that winters or summers or any of the seasons were any different than normal. I knew many Austrians and asked them if the weather was typical (it was typically bad), and they always said yes, it was typical. So, as far as your statement "world wide climate event that spans the entire winter season for the last decade....getting colder,starting earlier and lasting longer each year" it does not seem to be the case in Austria. Also, I lived in Germany 20 years ago, and what he described about the weather in mid-February is quite typical, now and 20 years ago.
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There seem to be about 40 definitions for SOG, including Son of God, son of a gun, stroke of genius, same old grind....none seem to fit :confused:

10 degrees Fahrenheit or Celcius?

Just curious.
Can`t you think for yourself? How hard could it be to figure out what he was saying...or are you pretending that you don`t know ?
Just like in "I`ts hard to wake up those who pretend to sleep"
If people like you would look around instead of burying your head up your own ass you would realize what`s going on.
This is not just "a cold day in Wasawasa" like the warm.org blogs like to call it...it`s a world wide climate event that spans the entire winter season for the last decade....getting colder,starting earlier and lasting longer each year...not just in Canada but round the entire globe north of lat 48 deg.


Translated quote:
Schneechaos und Flutgefahr nach Wintereinbruch in Großbritannien -Video - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Snow chaos in Great Britain
All flights are cancelled. Massive power failures....etc etc
Europeans have been trying to Google for up to date satellite images...there are none. So Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield snapped some pictures for them from the international space station and uploaded them:
Astronaut Chris Hadfield macht von der ISS aus Fotos von Deutschland - SPIEGEL ONLINE

About that hilltop in Germany where you cynically remarked "was that F or C degrees"
In Dawson City, Yukon Territory a prospector from San Francisco scrawled on his cabin wall where he froze to death:
"The coldest winter I ever experienced was a foggy summer day on the Golden Gate bridge"
I`ve been all the way up North and stood on the North Pole, way down south too and also stood the Golden Bridge...and know what he meant. I don`t have to ask a dumb- liberal-smart-ass question like that.
I would like to see how long you would last in a T-shirt on the bridge when the fog rolls in the bay.
I could not do it and neither could you..but I could chop kindling at -45 C in the Yukon at -45 C when the air is bone dry...no problem.

Wow. Your attack is just amazing. How/why would I know what SOG means? And I was not being a "smart ass," I was being humorous. I asked if it was celius or fahrenheit because I was recently, less than 2 years ago, living in Austria for some years, where the temperature is measured in celcius, not farenheit, as it is in Germany too. I am very familiar with what 10 degrees celcius feels like as it was often that where I lived in Austria. I am also very familiar with 10 degrees fahrenheit from skiing in the States, so I did, in fact want to know if he meant farenheit or celcius. Nothing 'smart ass' about it, and I am truly perplexed about the idea that something in my post would be construed as being political in any way. Amazing.

And btw, during 4 years I lived in Austria, there was no indication that winters or summers or any of the seasons were any different than normal. I knew many Austrians and asked them if the weather was typical (it was typically bad), and they always said yes, it was typical. So, as far as your statement "world wide climate event that spans the entire winter season for the last decade....getting colder,starting earlier and lasting longer each year" it does not seem to be the case in Austria. Also, I lived in Germany 20 years ago, and what he described about the weather in mid-February is quite typical, now and 20 years ago.

That was not an attack.
This is an Attack:
Also, I lived in Germany 20 years ago, and what he described about the weather in mid-February is quite typical, now and 20 years ago
In case you haven`t noticed today is March the 23rd 2013, not February 1993
You are full of b.s
Germany is my native country. Specifically Bavaria and from Landsberg I can dive for a morning coffee break to Austria and be back in Germany for lunch.
So wo haben Sie in Österreich und Deutschland gewohnt ?
Wenn sie da waren wie Sie behaupten dann können Sie das sehr leicht antworten.

Okay then let`s have the answer...in either language.

Should not be a problem for somebody as "well informed" as you:
I knew many Austrians and asked them if the weather was
It`s not as if I haven`t been back their either or that I don`t maintain daily contact. The only winter which was as severe and as long as the latest one was in 1950.
And 10 years ago you could not go skiing on the Zugspitze at the end of March:

Not all the way down to where Wolfgang is standing. In the last 5 years they don`t even need any more artificial snow any more way down no matter where you go skiing in Austria or Bavaria.
Ask my friend Wolfgang back home who sent me these pictures just this morning...write me a PN and I`ll give you his e-mail address and you can ask him yourself
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