Spring! ...what spring?

So many denialist halfwits on parade. I could try to explain it to them, but being it's fourth-grade-level stuff, few of them could understand it.

Normal people can just look up "negative arctic oscillation". The result of it means the arctic is relatively warm, while the mid-latitudes are relatively cool, and the averages ... average out. That would be why we use global averages, instead of relying on a denialist halfwit to grunt "UR ... COLD TODAY ... AL GORE IS FAT ... GLOBAL WARMING IS FAKE!".
So many denialist halfwits on parade. I could try to explain it to them, but being it's fourth-grade-level stuff, few of them could understand it.

Normal people can just look up "negative arctic oscillation". The result of it means the arctic is relatively warm, while the mid-latitudes are relatively cool, and the averages ... average out. That would be why we use global averages, instead of relying on a denialist halfwit to grunt "UR ... COLD TODAY ... AL GORE IS FAT ... GLOBAL WARMING IS FAKE!".

"Denialists" (heritics). Global warming is a religion. You need to have faith in the words of unidentified self described "scientists" in spite of what you see and feel. If the averages...average out why can't we table this nonsense until the US (and the world) gets back on it's economic feet? The answer is simple, global warming is part of the old 60's radical anarchist revolution. They used bombs in the 60's and today they use propaganda to try to level the global playing field and bring down the greatest Nation in the world.
So many denialist halfwits on parade. I could try to explain it to them, but being it's fourth-grade-level stuff, few of them could understand it.

Normal people can just look up "negative arctic oscillation". The result of it means the arctic is relatively warm, while the mid-latitudes are relatively cool, and the averages ... average out. That would be why we use global averages, instead of relying on a denialist halfwit to grunt "UR ... COLD TODAY ... AL GORE IS FAT ... GLOBAL WARMING IS FAKE!".

"Denialists" (heritics). Global warming is a religion. You need to have faith in the words of unidentified self described "scientists" in spite of what you see and feel. If the averages...average out why can't we table this nonsense until the US (and the world) gets back on it's economic feet? The answer is simple, global warming is part of the old 60's radical anarchist revolution. They used bombs in the 60's and today they use propaganda to try to level the global playing field and bring down the greatest Nation in the world.

Yes, the answer is simple. You are simply fucking stupid.

The kind of weather that we are seeing, a cold or warm spell seemingly stuck in place until extremes are reached was predicted by this scientist.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtRvcXUIyZg]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]
So many denialist halfwits on parade. I could try to explain it to them, but being it's fourth-grade-level stuff, few of them could understand it.

Normal people can just look up "negative arctic oscillation". The result of it means the arctic is relatively warm, while the mid-latitudes are relatively cool, and the averages ... average out. That would be why we use global averages, instead of relying on a denialist halfwit to grunt "UR ... COLD TODAY ... AL GORE IS FAT ... GLOBAL WARMING IS FAKE!".

"Denialists" (heritics). Global warming is a religion. You need to have faith in the words of unidentified self described "scientists" in spite of what you see and feel. If the averages...average out why can't we table this nonsense until the US (and the world) gets back on it's economic feet? The answer is simple, global warming is part of the old 60's radical anarchist revolution. They used bombs in the 60's and today they use propaganda to try to level the global playing field and bring down the greatest Nation in the world.

Yes, the answer is simple. You are simply fucking stupid.

The kind of weather that we are seeing, a cold or warm spell seemingly stuck in place until extremes are reached was predicted by this scientist.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtRvcXUIyZg]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]

I rest my case.
"Denialists" (heritics). Global warming is a religion. You need to have faith in the words of unidentified self described "scientists" in spite of what you see and feel. If the averages...average out why can't we table this nonsense until the US (and the world) gets back on it's economic feet? The answer is simple, global warming is part of the old 60's radical anarchist revolution. They used bombs in the 60's and today they use propaganda to try to level the global playing field and bring down the greatest Nation in the world.

Yes, the answer is simple. You are simply fucking stupid.

The kind of weather that we are seeing, a cold or warm spell seemingly stuck in place until extremes are reached was predicted by this scientist.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtRvcXUIyZg]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]

I rest my case.

You have no case, dumbass. You present flap-yap without any backing at all. I present scientists with Phd's in the subject being discussed. Your case is not only rested, it is dead.
Yes, the answer is simple. You are simply fucking stupid.

The kind of weather that we are seeing, a cold or warm spell seemingly stuck in place until extremes are reached was predicted by this scientist.

Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube

I rest my case.

You have no case, dumbass. You present flap-yap without any backing at all. I present scientists with Phd's in the subject being discussed. Your case is not only rested, it is dead.

I guess the issue is based on emotion rather than logic. The glaciers started receding in the late 1880's which is consistent with the emergence from a geological and astrological global ice age. The issue is a left/right political football and the left thrives on hatred and crisis and fear. We don't have time for this nonsense while Americans are suffering from artificially increased energy prices while some countries flaunt their oil resource wealth. Go to freaking Saudi Arabia and petition the government to stop drilling for oil. America is suffering from an economic downturn while the radical left is encouraging unrest and crisis. It's the old 60's revolution times ten but the revolution uses propaganda instead of bombs this time.
Lordy, lordy. Yes, you are completely correct. Your emotional rejection of the science is exactly that, emotion, without any kind of scientific backing.

Once again, you present flap-yap about liberals, leftists, ect. Icecaps and glaciers in rapid decline have no politics, nor does extreme weather. And scientists from every nation in the world are presenting evidence of the warming and it's effects, yet you insist on presenting poltical claptrap.

Warming of the ocean to 700 meters is not poltical. Acidification of the ocean is not political. Yet you act if anyone presenting the evidence of all of these things are all in on some vast conspriracy. What an utter fool you present in your posts.

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