Spurs Coach Popovich says 2nd Amendment freedoms are “a myth”, blasts Ted Cruz for wanting to add more armed resource officers for classroom defense

Why can't the staff exercise their 2nd Amendment rights and protect themselves?
I fully agree. 100% of the school staff should have every right to be armed and dangerous. It shouldn't be forced upon the ones that don't want to be armed, but they can always hide behind the ones who are.
I draw my own conclusions based on reason and common sense. If I were a teacher ... I'd have a fully loaded gun on me at all times and extra magazines to boot.
If. You use that word like you expect someone to believe that's a solid conclusion. It's petty.
I fully agree. 100% of the school staff should have every right to be armed and dangerous. It shouldn't be forced upon the ones that don't want to be armed, but they can always hide behind the ones who are.
Easier access to a gun for a kid to shoot up a school. Brilliant.
Easier access to a gun for a kid to shoot up a school. Brilliant.
Not if it's concealed at all times.

Here's how Israeli teachers handle things in their 1st world nation:

Elimination of all high capacity rifles. More stringent background checks including having a relative vouch for your sanity. I know that last one probably upsets a lot of people in here.


How about we make it mandatory that all able bodied people serve two years in the military or national guard and when they get out they keep the firearm and are required to have 10,000 rounds of ammo in stock. Since they have served in the military they are now allowed to purchase any firearm they want, including fully automatic, and are not required to get a permit, licensing, or training, which is a poll tax on our civil rights by any standard.

Now if you refuse to serve that two years then you are not considered a citizen and can not own a firearm, cannot own land, cannot vote, and perhaps other things.

How does that sound to you?


one proposal i would offer as a remedy for gun violence is a database of mass shootings with all the relevant info. you can't connect the dots if you don't collect the dots!
Elimination of all high capacity rifles. More stringent background checks including having a relative vouch for your sanity. I know that last one probably upsets a lot of people in here.
Pretty much all rifles are high capacity so that is basically calling on banning all rifles. But for the sake of debate so lets say that happens you can go into a crowded school room and do the same damage with Glock, Sig or Ruger semi automatic pistol would banning handguns be next and how would this be constitutional? What would be in more stringent back ground checks that is not in the current ones? What qualifications would a relative have to determine ones sanity if they have no training in the field? If people are serious about wanting to stop mass shootings the starting place should be trying to figure out what is driving people to want to do this. For basically this nations existence people have been able to purchase guns and for a great deal of that time with much more ease than we can today yet generally speaking mass shootings were rare and the idea of shooting up a church or a school was unthinkable to people that has clearly changed. Some of the reasons for this in my view is how the media namely cable news and especially social media attacks and villifes anyone who has an opinion or viewpoint they don't agree they can't just have a different opinion the have to be labeled a monster a dangerous violent extermist and be destroyed. I think social media plays more of role in this because people can hid behind screen names and avatars and say stuff they would never say to the persons face I also believe the church and religion being marginlized for the longest time that was where people at a young age were taught to treat people with kindness , decency and respect. This is where the work needs to be done on stopping mass shootings this will require hard work and self evlaution from people and will require much more thought and work than just calling people gun nuts, gun grabbers or throwing out some half assed bumper talking point and calling it an idea or policy.
A lot of Americans worship militarism. They like guns & violence. So I'm not surprised if Congress & Pentagon turn US schools into military academies( just like West Point ). Make America great again! lol. :)

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