Spurs Coach Popovich says 2nd Amendment freedoms are “a myth”, blasts Ted Cruz for wanting to add more armed resource officers for classroom defense

We must refuse to accept gun violence as normal. Gun violence, in all its forms, can be prevented

Gun grabbers of the world unite!

Dont protect children in the classrooms so that hopefully more will be killed by maniacs, which brings the day of gun confiscation closer
He addressed politicians and legislators for their cowardice on gun control. You know, those that could do something.
This did not exist a half century ago. At least in the numbers we see. This is a Prog production. When Popovich started, security was a minimum in stadiums he played in. Now they are trending like visiting prisons. Pop has gotten a lot of work done in his half century or so in "the game"! Cameras and security personnel are everywhere with limitations to what you can carry into many public spaces. The real cowardice is how we let the real dictators like what you spout take over. And as I have typed, it will turn on you. I would agree if this was not the truth.
Piss poor deflection effort. In the recent school shooting by the tranny, three of the cops did run in. They ended the atrocity.

Right. On occasion they do right and on occasion they do not. Just like citizens can do for themselves.

They do. And in our society, we mostly resort to the police for that work. I have no qualms about arming teachers, too. But I don’t think we can compel teachers to carry guns. I’m guessing you don’t either.

We can not compel anyone. It's not an argument I'm going to win but I do not want the police in the schools.
Right. On occasion they do right and on occasion they do not. Just like citizens can do for themselves.
Nothing prevents teachers or other school staff from doing so. Unless of course they don’t carry guns.
We can not compel anyone. It's not an argument I'm going to win but I do not want the police in the schools.
I do.
We must refuse to accept gun violence as normal. Gun violence, in all its forms, can be prevented

Only thing worse than a communist is a communist sympathizer.

We must refuse to accept gun violence as normal. Gun violence, in all its forms, can be prevented

A basketball coach? Really? Next you are going to be quoting La Bra James. Oh wait, you people already do that. Mr Flopper himself, lol!

Know what, politicans are pathetic quoting them. Sports figures are worse! Neither of these entity's, have any idea what the regular American faces today. They are coddled, and they grow up in a world far different from the reality of what Americans deal with. But hey, you want to try and convince Americans they are on the correct or incorrect path because some multi millionaire who hasn't a clue says so; far be it from me, lol!

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