Spurs Coach Popovich says 2nd Amendment freedoms are “a myth”, blasts Ted Cruz for wanting to add more armed resource officers for classroom defense

All guns do in a learning institution is create a distraction and uneasiness. It's interesting that schools are underfunded as it is. Where is all that extra money coming from?
Who is being distracted? As far as I know the officers are not standing in classrooms with their gun drawn or walking down the halls waving them around.
All guns do in a learning institution is create a distraction and uneasiness. It's interesting that schools are underfunded as it is. Where is all that extra money coming from?
Okay. I see you're still in Kindergarten.

1) The teacher would buy his or her own gun.
2) The gun would be concealed.

That solves both of your concerns.
Guns are awesome tools. I own a number of them and have my eye on a couple more. I've owned a firearm since I was 12 and am nearly 63 now. Not a single person has ever been injured by my firearms.
I've owned a firearm since I was 8 but I couldn't begin to count the number of persons injured by my guns. 'Course they were shooting at and injuring me.
I fully support the 2nd. The rights are real but I fully reject putting armed officers of the state in schools.
Cruz has more common sense and uncommonly high intellect than you could ever hope to have.

The bell you hear ringing is from your brain damage.
Blowhards like you are the most pathetic. I will ignore your further response. You're like a big gnat.
I've owned a firearm since I was 8 but I couldn't begin to count the number of persons injured by my guns. 'Course they were shooting at and injuring me.
I'd kill an enemy in a heartbeat if it meant saving innocent lives. I've only had to pull my gun once, and that was in response to a man pulling his on me. My threat neutralized his threat in a matter of seconds. Nobody fired and each of us went our separate ways. It's why a gun is often referred to as "the great equalizer."
So when some fucking nutjob with a gun or two enters a school intent on shooting students and teachers, you oppose that anybody else be able to shoot the would-be mass murderer?

Not at all.
Okay. I see you're still in Kindergarten.

1) The teacher would buy his or her own gun.
2) The gun would be concealed.

That solves both of your concerns.
I've probably been a gun owner longer than many on this site. You don't need to school me on right or wrong either.
I've probably been a gun owner longer than many on this site. You don't need to school me on right or wrong either.
Then what's your problem with an innocent school teacher having the right to defend his/her life and the lives of their students?

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