"Spy-gate" Mr. Trump???.......Really that desperate???

Hillary has plenty of Russian connections. The Russians paid her husband $500,000 for a single speech, remember? She also approved the sale of Uranium One to Russian owned firms.

All that was above board and public knowledge. She did not swing the sale of Uranium One and rightwing fits about that are bullshit.

The subject is Russian connected persons actively involved in the election. Trumpo had them. Clinton did not.
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you're panicked! YOU'RE PANICKED!
Every American should be panicked when a president uses intelligence agencies to spy on the opposition party. That is the kind of things police states do. It has no place in a free country.

they were spying...this is a term i dont particulary like...on what THE RUSSIANS were doing!

Trump should be happy. you should be happy!

They were spying on Trump. The claim they were "protecting" him is obvious horseshit. Why weren't they giving the same "protection" to Hillary? There is absolutely no doubt that this was a political hit job.

Because the russians weren't helping Hillary spread lies about Trump.

They weren't helping Trump either, douchebag. So the claim that they were "protecting" Trump is total bullshit. That's what you just admitted.

i'm wondering why did they keep the russia investigation a secret yet they made a public investigation into Secretary Clinton's servergate
bripat9643, post: 19988758
They can investigate Russian intereference if the have evidence of Russian interference, but there wasn't any in the case of the Trump campaign.

How can you be soooooooo stupid to make such a stupid affirmative statement when there is no way that you can know that.

BTW it’s they not the - idiot.
bripat9643, post: 19988758
If anything, Clinton's relationship with Russians was far more sinister.

How so? What you mentioned thus far was all above board and legal.

Kushner’s meeting with Russians offering dirt on Clinton was all a secret and lied about until the NYT got hold of the Kushner email.

Why did Kushner lie until he could not lie anymore?
When they spied on him and then attempted a coup against him based on totally trumped up evidence.

Stop avoiding the question.when did the FBI subvert Trump’s abikty to win the election.

I know it’s hard for you to answer never, but that is the truth.
It was Russians who infiltrated the Trump campaign, not the FBI.

Funny how the President doesn't make so much as a single tweet to complain about a foreign government infiltrating his campaign, isn't it?
needs repeating!!
ILMAO. The indictment for money laundering has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP.. It's you who has a party up your butt and can't tell which end is up.

Yet another idiot joins the cult.....Hey, nitwit would you AT LEAST admit that Trump hires crooks and thugs and corrupt low-life folks to be part of his entourage???
Hillary has plenty of Russian connections. The Russians paid her husband $500,000 for a single speech, remember? She also approved the sale of Uranium One to Russian owned firms.

All that was above board and public knowledge. She did not swing the sale of Uranium One and rightwing fits about that are bullshit.

The subject is Russian connected persons actively involved in the election. Trumpo had them. Clinton did not.
You are so full of shit it's unbelievable. Taking bribes is not "above board." It wasn't public knowledge until certain people investigated it and made it public knowledge. The fact is that she voted to approve the sale after Russian owned companies donated million to CGI.

There were no "Russian persons" in the Trump campaign, you lying piece of shit. HIllary is the one who hired Russians to generate slime to throw at Trump.

Everything you post is a god damned lie.
When they spied on him and then attempted a coup against him based on totally trumped up evidence.

Stop avoiding the question.when did the FBI subvert Trump’s abikty to win the election.

I know it’s hard for you to answer never, but that is the truth.

What they did is instigate a coup against him after he won the election. You are promoting the coup. That's what makes you a sleazy lying scumbab.
bripat9643, post: 19988758
If anything, Clinton's relationship with Russians was far more sinister.

How so? What you mentioned thus far was all above board and legal.

Kushner’s meeting with Russians offering dirt on Clinton was all a secret and lied about until the NYT got hold of the Kushner email.

Why did Kushner lie until he could not lie anymore?
It was a great big nothing burger, douchebag.

What did Kushner lie about?
bripat9643, post: 19988758
They can investigate Russian intereference if the have evidence of Russian interference, but there wasn't any in the case of the Trump campaign.

How can you be soooooooo stupid to make such a stupid affirmative statement when there is no way that you can know that.

BTW it’s they not the - idiot.
That's a typo, you 200 proof moron. If Herr Mewler had the evidence, someone on his team would have leaked it. They have leaked everything else. He also wouldn't be looking into everything under the sun and every person even remotely connected to Trump if he had any evidence against him. Even Trump haters have admitted he's got nothing, but they aren't quite as stupid as you.
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Funny how the President doesn't make so much as a single tweet to complain about a foreign government infiltrating his campaign, isn't it?

By blaming JUST the FBI, the charlatan-in-chief knows well how to manipulate the morons who populate his "base" cult.
Trump is a total incompetent. He couldn't stop his own campaign staff, or his son, from working with foreign infiltrators.

And he still can't stop his administration from leaking like a sieve.

What a retarded boob.

A malignant boob, as well as retarded one.
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???

A concern that every citizen should have, is Trump may really believe these delusions, and such paranoia puts all of us at risk.
ROFL. Brennan has admitted the government spied on the Trump campaign, so how are they delusions? The conspiritors are going to delude themselves straight into an orange jump suit.

Brennan did that, please post the video of this alleged statement! Or be known far and wide as a fool who hears what he want to hear and remains willfully ignorant of anything which upsets his mental masturbation's.

POSTSCRIPT: Well, he's had nearly 40 minutes to respond with evidence, and as usual he cannot produce anything to prove his proclamations.
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ILMAO. The indictment for money laundering has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP.. It's you who has a party up your butt and can't tell which end is up.

Yet another idiot joins the cult.....Hey, nitwit would you AT LEAST admit that Trump hires crooks and thugs and corrupt low-life folks to be part of his entourage???

Check out the liberal when called out to dispute the original accusation. He changes the subject and calls me the nitwit. Sorry to have bursted your bubble snowflake. Oh sure, I have no doubt SOME are scumbags, but hey nitwit would you AT LEAST admit that Trump hires good people to be part of his entourage??? Course not, doesn't make you happy. Kicker is Manafort has connections to Democrat interests as well.
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but hey nitwit would you AT LEAST admit that Trump hires good people to be part of his entourage???

LOL (yep......only the "best")

The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???

Everything Trump accuses someone of doing liberals laugh and make fun, but in the end he’s always correct.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???

A concern that every citizen should have, is Trump may really believe these delusions, and such paranoia puts all of us at risk.
ROFL. Brennan has admitted the government spied on the Trump campaign, so how are they delusions? The conspiritors are going to delude themselves straight into an orange jump suit.

Brennan did that, please post the video of this alleged statement! Or be known far and wide as a fool who hears what he want to hear and remains willfully ignorant of anything which upsets his mental masturbation's.

POSTSCRIPT: Well, he's had nearly 40 minutes to respond with evidence, and as usual he cannot produce anything to prove his proclamations.
Here ya go, you 200 proof imbecile:


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