Spy vs Informant

oh boy.... you really need to inform yourself, with some place other than the propagandist Trump State TV (Fox)....

no one spied for political purpose, no one was planted in the campaign to spy for political purpose, no one got paid millions for the information.....no one from the FBI hurt Trump's political campaign.

The ONLY person the FBI hurt via the FBI Comey and McCabe was Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Hey sheep head to the barn CNN has some sweet feed for you today

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She is 100% right, and you aren't doing anything to persuade me otherwise. This was a criminal investigation, not political. If it had been political, something would have leaked out or at least the fact that there was an investigation going on would have been leaked, and there was NOTHING. There was absolutely nothing from this so called "spy" that interfered or hurt the campaign in any way. Nada.

If the FBI wanted to tank the Trump campaign- they could have simply announced prior to the election that the Trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with Russia.

That would have been 100% accurate and it would have been wrong to do so.

But the FBI didn't do that. Really if the FBI wants to destroy a political candidate- it wouldn't be hard for them to do it.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.
at that time, it was simply a counter intelligence investigation...

they did not know if the Russian operatives were trying to recruit these people in the Trump campaign to act as their agents....

They did their job, by trying to find out.

Instead, we have a president now abusing his power, to help himself..... and making America less safe in the future.

Bullshit. What are you saying, the FBI couldn't go to Trump himself and tell him they were checking this out? They couldn't go to Page or Papadopoulus and interview them? They had to put a spy in there? Really? Do you not see how this looks to the average schmuck out there? Doesn't look all above board and by the book to me.

So tell me, same as I'm asking Syriusly, what information did the FBI have at the time that was verified that indicates Page or Papadopoulus or whoever inside the Trump campaign was colluding with Russian agents or one himself? You know what? I think you got bupkis. Nothing.

Now tell me this: suppose it's 2020 and Trump is running for re-election against say Bernie Sanders. So he or someone in his administration or the RNC pays somebody to author a hit piece against Sanders, saying he did this and that while he was in Russia or has had business dealings with Russians, and people in his campaign have had meetings with people connected to the Russians. And then they go to the FBI and use that hit piece as evidence to support their contention. So the FBI pays a guy to see if he can find out anything about anybody connected to Sanders that may have had any dealings legal or otherwise with any Russians, cuz there are guys at the top of the FBI chain of command that really don't like Sanders at all, he is a socialist you know. Still going to go with the idea that they're just doing their job in an honest and unbiased way?
The FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate his campaign ...
don't see what this has to do with them planting a spy...in fact if you were going to spy on a campaign this is exactly the kind of disinformation you would divulge...it would make it look like you have the campaigns best interests at heart and if you get caught you can play the card you're playing now to try and fool the public.
Report: Papadopoulos' comments to Australian diplomat key factor in Russia probe
if there were a real investigation this would be a great big "so what", in one devoid of evidence it would be important
Why is it "so what" if a Trump campaign aide is getting dirt from the Russians on the opponent?
If that is nothing to you, I guess okay, but the majority of the country would consider that not okay.
You know, there isn't much here. There was a dude that was paid to interview 2 people working in the Trump campaign who were suspected of money laundering. He wasn't embedded in the campaign staff, he simply interviewed 2 of them to see if they were laundering money for the Russians.

That hardly constitutes "spying". If they were truly spying on the Trump campaign as a way to keep him out of office, it would have been a lot more than just 2 people being interviewed.

Show me the link that says that's what this was all about, money laundering. I've read a lot of stuff over the past week or so, and I've seen NOTHING about money laundering. This is all about the Russians and any election collusion with them.
Bullshit. What are you saying, the FBI couldn't go to Trump himself and tell him they were checking this out? They couldn't go to Page or Papadopoulus and interview them? They had to put a spy in there? Really?

Good Lord you're an idiot.....

The FBI DID go to Trump to tell his half brain that his campaign could be infiltrated by Russians.

Secondly, the FBI DID go to Page and Papadapolous and interviewed them......

Are you really this dumb.....or did you have an overdose of orange kool-aid.???
oh boy.... you really need to inform yourself, with some place other than the propagandist Trump State TV (Fox)....

no one spied for political purpose, no one was planted in the campaign to spy for political purpose, no one got paid millions for the information.....no one from the FBI hurt Trump's political campaign.

The ONLY person the FBI hurt via the FBI Comey and McCabe was Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Hey sheep head to the barn CNN has some sweet feed for you today

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She is 100% right, and you aren't doing anything to persuade me otherwise. This was a criminal investigation, not political. If it had been political, something would have leaked out or at least the fact that there was an investigation going on would have been leaked, and there was NOTHING. There was absolutely nothing from this so called "spy" that interfered or hurt the campaign in any way. Nada.

If the FBI wanted to tank the Trump campaign- they could have simply announced prior to the election that the Trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with Russia.

That would have been 100% accurate and it would have been wrong to do so.

But the FBI didn't do that. Really if the FBI wants to destroy a political candidate- it wouldn't be hard for them to do it.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.
at that time, it was simply a counter intelligence investigation...

they did not know if the Russian operatives were trying to recruit these people in the Trump campaign to act as their agents....

They did their job, by trying to find out.

Instead, we have a president now abusing his power, to help himself..... and making America less safe in the future.

Bullshit. What are you saying, the FBI couldn't go to Trump himself and tell him they were checking this out? They couldn't go to Page or Papadopoulus and interview them? They had to put a spy in there? Really? Do you not see how this looks to the average schmuck out there? Doesn't look all above board and by the book to me.

So tell me, same as I'm asking Syriusly, what information did the FBI have at the time that was verified that indicates Page or Papadopoulus or whoever inside the Trump campaign was colluding with Russian agents or one himself? You know what? I think you got bupkis. Nothing.

Now tell me this: suppose it's 2020 and Trump is running for re-election against say Bernie Sanders. So he or someone in his administration or the RNC pays somebody to author a hit piece against Sanders, saying he did this and that while he was in Russia or has had business dealings with Russians, and people in his campaign have had meetings with people connected to the Russians. And then they go to the FBI and use that hit piece as evidence to support their contention. So the FBI pays a guy to see if he can find out anything about anybody connected to Sanders that may have had any dealings legal or otherwise with any Russians, cuz there are guys at the top of the FBI chain of command that really don't like Sanders at all, he is a socialist you know. Still going to go with the idea that they're just doing their job in an honest and unbiased way?
the FBI couldn't go to Trump himself and tell him they were checking this out? They couldn't go to Page or Papadopoulus and interview them?
IF those folks had done anything wrong, do you think they'd TELL the FBI that? The FBI didn't know that the Boss (Trump) wasn't involved.
don't see what this has to do with them planting a spy...in fact if you were going to spy on a campaign this is exactly the kind of disinformation you would divulge...it would make it look like you have the campaigns best interests at heart and if you get caught you can play the card you're playing now to try and fool the public.

You are a MORON........Here, why would the FBI ALSO do the same with the Clinton campaign??

The FBI warned Trump about Russian campaign infiltration
Dec 19, 2017 - Donald Trump was urged to alert the FBI about foreign overtures to his campaign. ... including Russia, would probably try to spy on and infiltrate his campaign, ... A similar briefing was given to Hillary Clinton
You know, there isn't much here. There was a dude that was paid to interview 2 people working in the Trump campaign who were suspected of money laundering. He wasn't embedded in the campaign staff, he simply interviewed 2 of them to see if they were laundering money for the Russians.

That hardly constitutes "spying". If they were truly spying on the Trump campaign as a way to keep him out of office, it would have been a lot more than just 2 people being interviewed.

Show me the link that says that's what this was all about, money laundering. I've read a lot of stuff over the past week or so, and I've seen NOTHING about money laundering. This is all about the Russians and any election collusion with them.

Trump’s FBI Spy Theory Is Completely Insane

Trump’s allies have seized on the procedural offense of the “spy.” The FBI was probing the Trump campaign because the campaign had brought on multiple figures who had suspicious financial or political connections to Russian intelligence — Carter Page (who had been on the FBI’s radar as a potential Russian agent for years), Paul Manafort (who had run a campaign on behalf of Russian interests in Ukraine), and Michael Flynn, among others. The defense has ignored all this evidence of guilt, and instead focused on the question of why Trump was being investigated at all.

“We can’t recall a similar case, even in the J. Edgar Hoover days, when the FBI decided it needed to snoop on a presidential campaign,” complains The Wall Street Journal editorial page. That this disparity could be explained by the fact that there haven’t been any recent presidential campaigns swarming with criminality is not a possibility the Journal contemplates.

Instead, Trump’s defenders implicitly assume that the level of covert Russian influence in Trump’s campaign was completely typical, and that the only difference is that Trump was somehow subjected to scrutiny. “For those ok w the FBI spying on the Trump campaign,” reasons Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer, “how ok would you have been if in 2008 the FBI decided, because of Bill Ayers and terrorism, they needed to spy on the Obama campaign?” Let’s see. If Bill Ayers was a member of the 2008 Obama campaign, which he was not, and if his Weatherman terrorist cell was still operating, which it also was not, and if there was reason to believe the Weathermen were using Ayers to gain some kind of secret influence over Obama, then, yes, it would have been okay for the FBI to covertly probe his role. (Especially if it took care to keep the probe secret through the election, as the FBI did with its investigation of Trump.)

But since none of the hypothetical parallels Fleischer suggests are actually valid, then all he is doing is positing the existence of one set of right-wing fever dreams in order to justify another. His comparison between Obama in 2008 and Trump in 2016 actually shows how Republican paranoia inverted reality. Obama, whom the right suspected of harboring dark, secretive un-American influence, was completely loyal, while Trump (for all his blustering nationalism) allowed all sorts of secret hostile foreign influences to take hold. The irrational fear they projected onto Obama has actually come to life, and their response is to demonize the FBI as a nefarious secret police. Republicans today sound, ironically, a lot like Bill Ayers.

And this, amazingly enough, is the moderate version of the pro-Trump conspiracy. The case revolves around the premise that the FBI had no business snooping on Trump. It follows that any evidence Robert Mueller produces is the fruit of an illegitimate investigation. It is a legal principle much like the exclusionary rule, which requires prosecutors to disregard any evidence the police obtained improperly.

Trump may be forming an even more radical theory. Gabriel Sherman reports that Trump’s team “is attempting to build the case that anti-Trump forces in the F.B.I. entrapped his advisers using informants to plant evidence about Russian collusion.” Let this roll around in your mind for a moment. Trump is not merely accusing the FBI of planting a spy, but of planting evidence.

“The president himself is convinced that the secret F.B.I. informant who reportedly met with several Trump campaign advisers in 2016 was not merely an informant, but an Obama political operative,” Sherman reports. “One administration official told me the theory has become so widely accepted that people in the West Wing are paranoid that the F.B.I. has multiple informants working to take down Trump.”

Planting evidence? Multiple spies? Obama political operatives? You might think this is all so unhinged Trump could not possibly believe it, but then, you would have to explain Trump’s longtime infatuation with the conspiracy theories he imbibes in his binge-watching of Fox News, where hours of air time can pass by without the appearance of anybody who is hinged. And you might also think Trump could not get his party to go along with this theory, to dismiss all the evidence of culpability as having been fabricated by a pro-Obama cabal in the FBI. But then you would be ignoring how far down the Trump rabbit hole the Republican Party has gone so far.
Hey sheep head to the barn CNN has some sweet feed for you today

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She is 100% right, and you aren't doing anything to persuade me otherwise. This was a criminal investigation, not political. If it had been political, something would have leaked out or at least the fact that there was an investigation going on would have been leaked, and there was NOTHING. There was absolutely nothing from this so called "spy" that interfered or hurt the campaign in any way. Nada.

If the FBI wanted to tank the Trump campaign- they could have simply announced prior to the election that the Trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with Russia.

That would have been 100% accurate and it would have been wrong to do so.

But the FBI didn't do that. Really if the FBI wants to destroy a political candidate- it wouldn't be hard for them to do it.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.
at that time, it was simply a counter intelligence investigation...

they did not know if the Russian operatives were trying to recruit these people in the Trump campaign to act as their agents....

They did their job, by trying to find out.

Instead, we have a president now abusing his power, to help himself..... and making America less safe in the future.

Bullshit. What are you saying, the FBI couldn't go to Trump himself and tell him they were checking this out? They couldn't go to Page or Papadopoulus and interview them? They had to put a spy in there? Really? Do you not see how this looks to the average schmuck out there? Doesn't look all above board and by the book to me.

So tell me, same as I'm asking Syriusly, what information did the FBI have at the time that was verified that indicates Page or Papadopoulus or whoever inside the Trump campaign was colluding with Russian agents or one himself? You know what? I think you got bupkis. Nothing.

Now tell me this: suppose it's 2020 and Trump is running for re-election against say Bernie Sanders. So he or someone in his administration or the RNC pays somebody to author a hit piece against Sanders, saying he did this and that while he was in Russia or has had business dealings with Russians, and people in his campaign have had meetings with people connected to the Russians. And then they go to the FBI and use that hit piece as evidence to support their contention. So the FBI pays a guy to see if he can find out anything about anybody connected to Sanders that may have had any dealings legal or otherwise with any Russians, cuz there are guys at the top of the FBI chain of command that really don't like Sanders at all, he is a socialist you know. Still going to go with the idea that they're just doing their job in an honest and unbiased way?
the FBI couldn't go to Trump himself and tell him they were checking this out? They couldn't go to Page or Papadopoulus and interview them?
IF those folks had done anything wrong, do you think they'd TELL the FBI that? The FBI didn't know that the Boss (Trump) wasn't involved.

So, now we presume guilt instead of innocence these days. Let's spy on the presidential candidate of the opposition party cuz he might be guilty of something. We don't know shit about anything he might have done wrong except for a political hit piece paid for by his opponents, but let's roll with it anyway cuz we don't want him to win.
Good Lord you're an idiot.....
does that mean you like him better than me?

It means there were a lot of people that really didn't like Donald Trump (still don't) and were not going to let things like honor and integrity get in the way of him winning the election. When I read the emails between Strok and Page and see what else went on, it's really hard to believe the FBI wasn't trying everything they could to beat Trump.
oh boy.... you really need to inform yourself, with some place other than the propagandist Trump State TV (Fox)....

no one spied for political purpose, no one was planted in the campaign to spy for political purpose, no one got paid millions for the information.....no one from the FBI hurt Trump's political campaign.

The ONLY person the FBI hurt via the FBI Comey and McCabe was Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Hey sheep head to the barn CNN has some sweet feed for you today

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She is 100% right, and you aren't doing anything to persuade me otherwise. This was a criminal investigation, not political. If it had been political, something would have leaked out or at least the fact that there was an investigation going on would have been leaked, and there was NOTHING. There was absolutely nothing from this so called "spy" that interfered or hurt the campaign in any way. Nada.


Law enforcement has informants

Governments have Spies

try convincing that to RW idiots and you'll be here for decades.
My question is, if the FBI really was spying on Trump and his campaign, why didn't they plant someone on the inside, rather than just have one guy interview 2 people in the campaign over a period of time?
So, now we presume guilt instead of innocence these days. Let's spy on the presidential candidate of the opposition party cuz he might be guilty of something. We don't know shit about anything he might have done wrong except for a political hit piece paid for by his opponents, but let's roll with it anyway cuz we don't want him to win.

Nitwit......the FBI was spying on Trump crooked staff members......and, sure enough how many have been indicted and/or pled guilty???

Its OK, though remain a Trump ass kisser,no one really gives a crap.
So, now we presume guilt instead of innocence these days. Let's spy on the presidential candidate of the opposition party cuz he might be guilty of something. We don't know shit about anything he might have done wrong except for a political hit piece paid for by his opponents, but let's roll with it anyway cuz we don't want him to win.

Nitwit......the FBI was spying on Trump crooked staff members......and, sure enough how many have been indicted and/or pled guilty???

Its OK, though remain a Trump ass kisser,no one really gives a crap.

Popadopalous and Manafort have both pleaded guilty and been convicted. Those were the 2 people that the professor interviewed.

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