Spy vs Informant

They couldn't go to Page or Papadopoulus and interview them? They had to put a spy in there? Really? Do you not see how this looks to the average schmuck out there? Doesn't look all above board and by the book to me.
it looks perfectly normal....I would not expect anything less....

And of course the informant or the FBI would not go directly to Trump, he and team were warned by the FBI but continued to lie and meet with the Russian operatives.... and they already knew Page's connections with them..... no way could they get solid counter intelligence information on the Russians and precisely what they were doing if every person in the world knew about it,

NOTHING was leaked to politically harm him, so that can't be a reason.

only hillary was hurt by the FBI....

the whole story falls flat on its face and is obviously ANOTHER Trump conspiracy that will fall flat....

he's done something wrong that he's trying to hide through his deception.
If you (a private citizen) "pay someone to hookup with somebody you don't like" you are probably playing with fire but it's legal until somebody gets hurt. When the federal government (the president) authorizes the use of the Dept. Defense budget to hire somebody to infiltrate the campaign of a rival political party and the FBI is used as a front for a 3rd world attempt to undermine a presidential election, the democrats are finished as a viable political party.

If you (a private citizen) "pay someone to hookup with somebody you don't like" you are probably playing with fire but it's legal until somebody gets hurt. When the federal government (the president) authorizes the use of the Dept. Defense budget to hire somebody to infiltrate the campaign of a rival political party and the FBI is used as a front for a 3rd world attempt to undermine a presidential election, the democrats are finished as a viable political party.

Only problem is, the FBI didn't plant someone in the Trump campaign. He interviewed 2 people over a period of time, and wasn't embedded in the campaign.
Please name “The Crime”

Thank You



oh boy.... you really need to inform yourself, with some place other than the propagandist Trump State TV (Fox)....

no one spied for political purpose, no one was planted in the campaign to spy for political purpose, no one got paid millions for the information.....no one from the FBI hurt Trump's political campaign.

The ONLY person the FBI hurt via the FBI Comey and McCabe was Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Hey sheep head to the barn CNN has some sweet feed for you today

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She is 100% right, and you aren't doing anything to persuade me otherwise. This was a criminal investigation, not political. If it had been political, something would have leaked out or at least the fact that there was an investigation going on would have been leaked, and there was NOTHING. There was absolutely nothing from this so called "spy" that interfered or hurt the campaign in any way. Nada.
For Abuse of Power that I have never seen in my lifetime...............Obama and Hillary and those covering their asses................

They make Nixon look like he stole Milk Money.

First time in history a Special Counsel was appointed to investigate a Non Crime based on rumors and Russian Propaganda paid for by An Opposition Party who had just lost an election.
Popadopalous and Manafort have both pleaded guilty and been convicted. Those were the 2 people that the professor interviewed.

For clarity sake,Manafort is indicted and has not yet pled guilty.......He will plead eventually IF Trump doesn't offer him the promise of a pardon ....Manafort will NOT risk a trial since that would mean a life sentence for him......Loyalty to an orange buffoon may only be up to a point.
Popadopalous and Manafort have both pleaded guilty and been convicted. Those were the 2 people that the professor interviewed.

For clarity sake,Manafort is indicted and has not yet pled guilty.......He will plead eventually IF Trump doesn't offer him the promise of a pardon ....Manafort will NOT risk a trial since that would mean a life sentence for him......Loyalty to an orange buffoon may only be up to a point.

Thanks for the correction. I had read somewhere that Manafort had already pleaded guilty, but they apparently were jumping the gun.
Thanks for the correction. I had read somewhere that Manafort had already pleaded guilty, but they apparently were jumping the gun.

The almost humorous part regarding Manafort,is that his lawyers afraid of a trial, tried to have the case dismissed on the grounds that Mueller was operating outside of his scope of purpose.......Mind you, NOT that Manafort was "innocent".....but that he got caught by an errant "fisherman's net."
oh boy.... you really need to inform yourself, with some place other than the propagandist Trump State TV (Fox)....

no one spied for political purpose, no one was planted in the campaign to spy for political purpose, no one got paid millions for the information.....no one from the FBI hurt Trump's political campaign.

The ONLY person the FBI hurt via the FBI Comey and McCabe was Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Hey sheep head to the barn CNN has some sweet feed for you today

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She is 100% right, and you aren't doing anything to persuade me otherwise. This was a criminal investigation, not political. If it had been political, something would have leaked out or at least the fact that there was an investigation going on would have been leaked, and there was NOTHING. There was absolutely nothing from this so called "spy" that interfered or hurt the campaign in any way. Nada.

If the FBI wanted to tank the Trump campaign- they could have simply announced prior to the election that the Trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with Russia.

That would have been 100% accurate and it would have been wrong to do so.

But the FBI didn't do that. Really if the FBI wants to destroy a political candidate- it wouldn't be hard for them to do it.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.

Oh yeah? And what reason(s) are those? Surely you're not going to trot out the Steele Dossier are you? That BS that was unverified and paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC? Give me a link that shows what the FBI actually had that was worth a shit.

Maybe you should actually read the news rather than just listen to the Trump echo chamber.

Former Trump adviser Carter Page met with Russian spy

Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, met with a Russian spy in New York City in 2013 and passed him documents about the energy industry, BuzzFeed News reports.

Victor Podobnyy, the spy, was under cover at Russia's UN office and was later charged, along with two others, with being in a spy ring. He referred to Page as "Male-1" in conversations with another spy and discussed efforts to recruit him, Buzzfeed reports:
oh boy.... you really need to inform yourself, with some place other than the propagandist Trump State TV (Fox)....

no one spied for political purpose, no one was planted in the campaign to spy for political purpose, no one got paid millions for the information.....no one from the FBI hurt Trump's political campaign.

The ONLY person the FBI hurt via the FBI Comey and McCabe was Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Hey sheep head to the barn CNN has some sweet feed for you today

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She is 100% right, and you aren't doing anything to persuade me otherwise. This was a criminal investigation, not political. If it had been political, something would have leaked out or at least the fact that there was an investigation going on would have been leaked, and there was NOTHING. There was absolutely nothing from this so called "spy" that interfered or hurt the campaign in any way. Nada.

If the FBI wanted to tank the Trump campaign- they could have simply announced prior to the election that the Trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with Russia.

That would have been 100% accurate and it would have been wrong to do so.

But the FBI didn't do that. Really if the FBI wants to destroy a political candidate- it wouldn't be hard for them to do it.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.

Oh yeah? And what reason(s) are those? Surely you're not going to trot out the Steele Dossier are you? That BS that was unverified and paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC? Give me a link that shows what the FBI actually had that was worth a shit.
are you living in a rabbit hole?

google is your friend, inform yourself.

there were over 70 CONTACTS between the Trump campaign and Russan operatives....!!!! OF WHICH the Trump campaign LIED about....every single one of them!!!!
For Abuse of Power that I have never seen in my lifetime...............Obama and Hillary and those covering their asses................

They make Nixon look like he stole Milk Money.

you have lost your mind and soul....

CROOKED, CORRUPT, DIRTY Pinocchio DON has them beat by a hundred miles.

His administration is also filled with the biggest SWAMP CREATURES that exist on this earth! :eek:

open your eyes!!! seriously!!!
If you (a private citizen) "pay someone to hookup with somebody you don't like" you are probably playing with fire but it's legal until somebody gets hurt. When the federal government (the president) authorizes the use of the Dept. Defense budget to hire somebody to infiltrate the campaign of a rival political party and the FBI is used as a front for a 3rd world attempt to undermine a presidential election, the democrats are finished as a viable political party.

If that ever happens then we will find out of you are correct about the outcome

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oh boy.... you really need to inform yourself, with some place other than the propagandist Trump State TV (Fox)....

no one spied for political purpose, no one was planted in the campaign to spy for political purpose, no one got paid millions for the information.....no one from the FBI hurt Trump's political campaign.

The ONLY person the FBI hurt via the FBI Comey and McCabe was Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Hey sheep head to the barn CNN has some sweet feed for you today

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She is 100% right, and you aren't doing anything to persuade me otherwise. This was a criminal investigation, not political. If it had been political, something would have leaked out or at least the fact that there was an investigation going on would have been leaked, and there was NOTHING. There was absolutely nothing from this so called "spy" that interfered or hurt the campaign in any way. Nada.

If the FBI wanted to tank the Trump campaign- they could have simply announced prior to the election that the Trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with Russia.

That would have been 100% accurate and it would have been wrong to do so.

But the FBI didn't do that. Really if the FBI wants to destroy a political candidate- it wouldn't be hard for them to do it.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.

Oh yeah? And what reason(s) are those? Surely you're not going to trot out the Steele Dossier are you? That BS that was unverified and paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC? Give me a link that shows what the FBI actually had that was worth a shit.
are you living in a rabbit hole?

google is your friend, inform yourself.

there were over 70 CONTACTS between the Trump campaign and Russan operatives....!!!! OF WHICH the Trump campaign LIED about....every single one of them!!!!

Give up, it is a cult. You can't reason with a cult you can only deprogram.
Hey sheep head to the barn CNN has some sweet feed for you today

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She is 100% right, and you aren't doing anything to persuade me otherwise. This was a criminal investigation, not political. If it had been political, something would have leaked out or at least the fact that there was an investigation going on would have been leaked, and there was NOTHING. There was absolutely nothing from this so called "spy" that interfered or hurt the campaign in any way. Nada.

If the FBI wanted to tank the Trump campaign- they could have simply announced prior to the election that the Trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with Russia.

That would have been 100% accurate and it would have been wrong to do so.

But the FBI didn't do that. Really if the FBI wants to destroy a political candidate- it wouldn't be hard for them to do it.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.

Oh yeah? And what reason(s) are those? Surely you're not going to trot out the Steele Dossier are you? That BS that was unverified and paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC? Give me a link that shows what the FBI actually had that was worth a shit.
are you living in a rabbit hole?

google is your friend, inform yourself.

there were over 70 CONTACTS between the Trump campaign and Russan operatives....!!!! OF WHICH the Trump campaign LIED about....every single one of them!!!!

Give up, it is a cult. You can't reason with a cult you can only deprogram.

"there were over 70 CONTACTS between the Trump campaign and Russan operatives....!!!! OF WHICH the Trump campaign LIED about....every single one of them!!!!"

This is a bald-faced LIE. Show me the link that says the Trump campaign lied about every one of over 70 contacts with Russian operatives. First of all, how many contacts do you think the Clinton campaign had with Russian operatives? Where's the investigation and truth about that? And don't talk to me about lying, it is Hillary Clinton's modus operandi, that's all she and her side do.

" Give up, it is a cult. You can't reason with a cult you can only deprogram "

I was thinking the same thing for your side. I believe that it is unacceptable for the party in power to use the intelligence and law enforcement communities against its rivals for political purposes. Your side only believes it is unacceptable if it's your party that was the party in power and you got caught. Would any of this be in the news if Hillary had won? Not a chance in hell. So what if there were contacts between people in the Trump campaign and some Russians? Is there even a scintilla of evidence or proof that any wrongdoing was done? NO.

Now turn the tables around and tell me how outraged you would be if it came to light that in 2020 and it was the Democratic nominee for president who was spied on based on a bullshit hit piece paid for by the Trump re-election campaign and the RNC. The hue and cry from your side would be deafening. So screw you and your hypocrisy, to say that the FBI was only doing their job when they spied on people in the Trump campaign is utter BULLSHIT.
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It's one thing to spy on the other campaign with private investigators, but it's another to use gov't agencies and agents. Especially without any credible and verified evidence of wrongdoing, which the Obama Administration and the FBI did not have at the time they started their surveillance/spy operation. All they had was the Steele Dossier, a hit piece paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Which they dishonestly used to get a FISA warrant, and which is going to get every single piece of related evidence thrown out of court if anybody ever gets tried.

You guys on the Left just do not believe in the Rule of Law, do you? Except when it suits your political purposes.
If you pay someone to hookup with somebody you don't like for the purpose of gaining information you can use against them, that's called spying. If you already know information about that someone and you go to the authorities and spill it, that's an informant. In the latest Washington scandal, we have one Stefan Halper who was hired by and paid pretty well by the FBI to obtain information that could be used against the Trump campaign by his opposition. An opposition which includes the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the Obama Administration. Seriously, are we to believe that someone lower down in the FBI chain of command authorized and paid big money to a person(s) to spy on the other party's preidential campaign? Halper didn't know jack squat about any Russians, ergo he certainly was not an informant.

Some may say the spying was done to uncover criminality on the part of someone in the Trump campaign if not Trump himself. But to this point we have absolutely NOTHING that indicates any criminality; no evidence of wrongdoing that would or should warrant the FBI to resort to such measures as of July 31, 2016, which is when the FBI counterintelligence probe targeting the Trump campaign began. The FBI is not supposed to be doing this stuff without reasonable evidence to warrant the surveillance and spying. They can't just decide one day to go spy on the Trump campaign cuz we don't like him. It's been over a year, right, and so far they got NOTHING. This wasn't about wrongdoing, this was pure politics. To deny that is to deny reality.

Look - politics is a dirty business, we all know that. It would be nothing new for one side or the other to try to plant a spy inside the other campaign to find usable negative information against them. It's ugly but I doubt it is illegal, unless they resorted to illegal means or subverted somebody's freedom of speech or right to privacy, whatever. BUT - to use a gov't agency such as the FBI to spy on an opposition political campaign for political purposes? That's way over the top, and cannot be condoned.

So, we are left with certain questions that ought to be answered:

What was the legal basis for that surveillance and the authorization for someone to spy on the Trump campaign?
What evidence was there to support the decisions and actions taken?
Who approved it?
When did he/she/they approve it?
It's a spy when someone is working for Putin and an American pol sends his boychinkins to ask for help

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