Spy vs Informant

If you pay someone to hookup with somebody you don't like for the purpose of gaining information you can use against them, that's called spying. If you already know information about that someone and you go to the authorities and spill it, that's an informant. In the latest Washington scandal, we have one Stefan Halper who was hired by and paid pretty well by the FBI to obtain information that could be used against the Trump campaign by his opposition. An opposition which includes the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the Obama Administration. Seriously, are we to believe that someone lower down in the FBI chain of command authorized and paid big money to a person(s) to spy on the other party's preidential campaign? Halper didn't know jack squat about any Russians, ergo he certainly was not an informant.

Some may say the spying was done to uncover criminality on the part of someone in the Trump campaign if not Trump himself. But to this point we have absolutely NOTHING that indicates any criminality; no evidence of wrongdoing that would or should warrant the FBI to resort to such measures as of July 31, 2016, which is when the FBI counterintelligence probe targeting the Trump campaign began. The FBI is not supposed to be doing this stuff without reasonable evidence to warrant the surveillance and spying. They can't just decide one day to go spy on the Trump campaign cuz we don't like him. It's been over a year, right, and so far they got NOTHING. This wasn't about wrongdoing, this was pure politics. To deny that is to deny reality.

Look - politics is a dirty business, we all know that. It would be nothing new for one side or the other to try to plant a spy inside the other campaign to find usable negative information against them. It's ugly but I doubt it is illegal, unless they resorted to illegal means or subverted somebody's freedom of speech or right to privacy, whatever. BUT - to use a gov't agency such as the FBI to spy on an opposition political campaign for political purposes? That's way over the top, and cannot be condoned.

So, we are left with certain questions that ought to be answered:

What was the legal basis for that surveillance and the authorization for someone to spy on the Trump campaign?
What evidence was there to support the decisions and actions taken?
Who approved it?
When did he/she/they approve it?
All this noise that Trump is making is to conceal the fact that he is an incompetent boob who was unable to prevent his campaign from being infiltrated by Russians and their agents.

Simple as that.

Don't drink Trump's piss, folks. He's an idiot who let a hostile foreign government infiltrate his campaign.

The incompetent dumb shit can't even stop his administration from leaking like a sieve.

God helps us all that this is the fucking dimwit in charge of safeguarding our national secrets now.
oh boy.... you really need to inform yourself, with some place other than the propagandist Trump State TV (Fox)....

no one spied for political purpose, no one was planted in the campaign to spy for political purpose, no one got paid millions for the information.....no one from the FBI hurt Trump's political campaign.

The ONLY person the FBI hurt via the FBI Comey and McCabe was Hillary Clinton's campaign.

wrong, they let her off, Id call that helping.
Second, where were the "informants" in the Clinton campaign?
A lot of the people they are investigating gave her money and the Podestas have more Russian connections than anyone in the Trump campaign.
You guys on the Left just do not believe in the Rule of Law, do you? Except when it suits your political purposes.

A moron like you should FIRST check your facts (NOT what FOX tells you)....Here, let me educate you

NOT the dossier.........shove that excuse up your ass

Carter Page was under FBI surveillance THREE years before the election....and there are tapes of Page being recruited by a Russian spy ring.

Secondly Papadapolous was reported to the FBI by the damn AUSTRALIAN ambassador, who told them that this Trump aide-idiot was boasting that he had dirt on Clinton FROM the Russians.

NOW, dingbat....what should the FBI have done???

You're welcome
oh boy.... you really need to inform yourself, with some place other than the propagandist Trump State TV (Fox)....

no one spied for political purpose, no one was planted in the campaign to spy for political purpose, no one got paid millions for the information.....no one from the FBI hurt Trump's political campaign.

The ONLY person the FBI hurt via the FBI Comey and McCabe was Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Hey sheep head to the barn CNN has some sweet feed for you today

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She is 100% right, and you aren't doing anything to persuade me otherwise. This was a criminal investigation, not political. If it had been political, something would have leaked out or at least the fact that there was an investigation going on would have been leaked, and there was NOTHING. There was absolutely nothing from this so called "spy" that interfered or hurt the campaign in any way. Nada.

If the FBI wanted to tank the Trump campaign- they could have simply announced prior to the election that the Trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with Russia.

That would have been 100% accurate and it would have been wrong to do so.

But the FBI didn't do that. Really if the FBI wants to destroy a political candidate- it wouldn't be hard for them to do it.

What the Trumpsters don't like is that the FBI had reason to suspect the Trump campaign.

You mean like Comey destroyed Hillary.

I listened carefully to Comey's interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. Comey is a pompous, self-serving asshole! He needlessly cost Hillary the presidency. He negated the millions of voters who voted for Hillary - 3 million more than Trump. Why didn't he also mention right before the election that Trump had also been under FBI investigation since July 2016? He didn't tell us that fact until March 20, 2017 - after Trump had been president for 2 months. Comey's Daffy Duck stupidity has set America back decades.

March 20, 2017: Comey Confirms FBI Investigation of Trump

You still believe that and regurgitate that?

Hillary lost because she is Hillary and ran a terrible campaign. The election was her's to lose, and boy, did she ever lose.
You know, there isn't much here. There was a dude that was paid to interview 2 people working in the Trump campaign who were suspected of money laundering. He wasn't embedded in the campaign staff, he simply interviewed 2 of them to see if they were laundering money for the Russians.

That hardly constitutes "spying". If they were truly spying on the Trump campaign as a way to keep him out of office, it would have been a lot more than just 2 people being interviewed.

Show me the link that says that's what this was all about, money laundering. I've read a lot of stuff over the past week or so, and I've seen NOTHING about money laundering. This is all about the Russians and any election collusion with them.

They're trying to make it about anything else because the Russian thing is so weak.
They're trying to make it about anything else because the Russian thing is so weak.

Why don't you grow a few more brain cells and THEN post???

Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak of his decision to fire Comey.

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Trump Jr.’s love affair with Moscow
Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy.

We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...

If you pay someone to hookup with somebody you don't like for the purpose of gaining information you can use against them, that's called spying. If you already know information about that someone and you go to the authorities and spill it, that's an informant. In the latest Washington scandal, we have one Stefan Halper who was hired by and paid pretty well by the FBI to obtain information that could be used against the Trump campaign by his opposition. An opposition which includes the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the Obama Administration. Seriously, are we to believe that someone lower down in the FBI chain of command authorized and paid big money to a person(s) to spy on the other party's preidential campaign? Halper didn't know jack squat about any Russians, ergo he certainly was not an informant.

Some may say the spying was done to uncover criminality on the part of someone in the Trump campaign if not Trump himself. But to this point we have absolutely NOTHING that indicates any criminality; no evidence of wrongdoing that would or should warrant the FBI to resort to such measures as of July 31, 2016, which is when the FBI counterintelligence probe targeting the Trump campaign began. The FBI is not supposed to be doing this stuff without reasonable evidence to warrant the surveillance and spying. They can't just decide one day to go spy on the Trump campaign cuz we don't like him. It's been over a year, right, and so far they got NOTHING. This wasn't about wrongdoing, this was pure politics. To deny that is to deny reality.

Look - politics is a dirty business, we all know that. It would be nothing new for one side or the other to try to plant a spy inside the other campaign to find usable negative information against them. It's ugly but I doubt it is illegal, unless they resorted to illegal means or subverted somebody's freedom of speech or right to privacy, whatever. BUT - to use a gov't agency such as the FBI to spy on an opposition political campaign for political purposes? That's way over the top, and cannot be condoned.

So, we are left with certain questions that ought to be answered:

What was the legal basis for that surveillance and the authorization for someone to spy on the Trump campaign?
What evidence was there to support the decisions and actions taken?
Who approved it?
When did he/she/they approve it?
All this noise that Trump is making is to conceal the fact that he is an incompetent boob who was unable to prevent his campaign from being infiltrated by Russians and their agents.

Simple as that.

Don't drink Trump's piss, folks. He's an idiot who let a hostile foreign government infiltrate his campaign.

The incompetent dumb shit can't even stop his administration from leaking like a sieve.

God helps us all that this is the fucking dimwit in charge of safeguarding our national secrets now.
Yes, the Trumpbots are spinning. The FBI used an informant, just like Whitey Bulger, Al Sharpton, Danny Greene (movie Kill the Irishman), Boris Morrros (another movie!) Michael "the Yuppie Don" Franzese (Scorsese's Goodfellas no less)
You know, there isn't much here. There was a dude that was paid to interview 2 people working in the Trump campaign who were suspected of money laundering. He wasn't embedded in the campaign staff, he simply interviewed 2 of them to see if they were laundering money for the Russians.

That hardly constitutes "spying". If they were truly spying on the Trump campaign as a way to keep him out of office, it would have been a lot more than just 2 people being interviewed.

Show me the link that says that's what this was all about, money laundering. I've read a lot of stuff over the past week or so, and I've seen NOTHING about money laundering. This is all about the Russians and any election collusion with them.

They're trying to make it about anything else because the Russian thing is so weak.
Why is Trump spinning this then? If he had nothing to hide he'd "publish and be damned."
So, now we presume guilt instead of innocence these days. Let's spy on the presidential candidate of the opposition party cuz he might be guilty of something. We don't know shit about anything he might have done wrong except for a political hit piece paid for by his opponents, but let's roll with it anyway cuz we don't want him to win.

Nitwit......the FBI was spying on Trump crooked staff members......and, sure enough how many have been indicted and/or pled guilty???

Its OK, though remain a Trump ass kisser,no one really gives a crap.

Popadopalous and Manafort have both pleaded guilty and been convicted. Those were the 2 people that the professor interviewed.

And none of the crimes they were convicted of had anything to do with Trump or his campaign.
They're trying to make it about anything else because the Russian thing is so weak.

Why don't you grow a few more brain cells and THEN post???

Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak of his decision to fire Comey.

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Trump Jr.’s love affair with Moscow
Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy.

We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...

Don't need to grow any more, had a bumper crop just last spring. They're functioning fine enough to note that no one has yet given me any substantive method by which "Russia" managed to destroy Hillary's attempt on the throne. I mean, heck, they didn't even pull an Obama and use drone strikes or bombs. If money changing hands is proof of collusion, there are plenty of dollars that poured into Hillary's foundation that mysteriously dried up when it became obvious that she no longer had influence to peddle. You can't have it both ways.
And none of the crimes they were convicted of had anything to do with Trump or his campaign.

So, then, what doesn't a moron like you OPENLY admit that the idiot Trump hires a bunch of corrupt crooks to work for him????

After all,

You know, there isn't much here. There was a dude that was paid to interview 2 people working in the Trump campaign who were suspected of money laundering. He wasn't embedded in the campaign staff, he simply interviewed 2 of them to see if they were laundering money for the Russians.

That hardly constitutes "spying". If they were truly spying on the Trump campaign as a way to keep him out of office, it would have been a lot more than just 2 people being interviewed.

Show me the link that says that's what this was all about, money laundering. I've read a lot of stuff over the past week or so, and I've seen NOTHING about money laundering. This is all about the Russians and any election collusion with them.

They're trying to make it about anything else because the Russian thing is so weak.
Why is Trump spinning this then? If he had nothing to hide he'd "publish and be damned."

Ask him. I'm not him and I don't, unlike some on here, insist that I know what he's thinking.
"Russian thing" not so weak, pretty much every one in the know Republican Democrat or other informed persons admit that the Russia interfered in our election. the debate is over why, how much, for who. or to just mess with us to further increase Putin's power.
.... no one has yet given me any substantive method by which "Russia" managed to destroy Hillary's attempt on the throne

No, no you ARE an idiot.........This damn thread is NOT about Hillary, which for you fuck heads is a default excuse whenever you're CORNERED when "defending" the orange buffoon.
You know, last night on a news show, they had a presidential historian who told about all the times that Russia has tried to interfere in our elections.

One of the first times was Adelai Stevenson. He had ran against Eisenhower and lost 2 times before for a presidential bid. He was thinking about running a 3rd time when he was approached by a Russian diplomat who said that the leadership in Russia thought Stevenson would make a good president and they wanted to help in any way they could. Stevenson then took that information, and reported it back to Eisenhower (the president at the time). He also decided not to run because of this.

Apparently, JFK and Johnson were also approached by Russia.

This has been happening for a long time people. Too bad it took us this long to get it to the attention of the country.
You know, there isn't much here. There was a dude that was paid to interview 2 people working in the Trump campaign who were suspected of money laundering. He wasn't embedded in the campaign staff, he simply interviewed 2 of them to see if they were laundering money for the Russians.

That hardly constitutes "spying". If they were truly spying on the Trump campaign as a way to keep him out of office, it would have been a lot more than just 2 people being interviewed.

Show me the link that says that's what this was all about, money laundering. I've read a lot of stuff over the past week or so, and I've seen NOTHING about money laundering. This is all about the Russians and any election collusion with them.

They're trying to make it about anything else because the Russian thing is so weak.
Why is Trump spinning this then? If he had nothing to hide he'd "publish and be damned."

Ask him. I'm not him and I don't, unlike some on here, insist that I know what he's thinking.
he's the communicator. It's not my job to ask him. If you don't like what he said, too fucking bad
You know, last night on a news show, they had a presidential historian who told about all the times that Russia has tried to interfere in our elections.

One of the first times was Adelai Stevenson. He had ran against Eisenhower and lost 2 times before for a presidential bid. He was thinking about running a 3rd time when he was approached by a Russian diplomat who said that the leadership in Russia thought Stevenson would make a good president and they wanted to help in any way they could. Stevenson then took that information, and reported it back to Eisenhower (the president at the time). He also decided not to run because of this.

Apparently, JFK and Johnson were also approached by Russia.

This has been happening for a long time people. Too bad it took us this long to get it to the attention of the country.
Well, Trump's the first time the pol didn't go directly to the FBI himself. And that's why the FBI investigated his campaign.
You know, last night on a news show, they had a presidential historian who told about all the times that Russia has tried to interfere in our elections.

One of the first times was Adelai Stevenson. He had ran against Eisenhower and lost 2 times before for a presidential bid. He was thinking about running a 3rd time when he was approached by a Russian diplomat who said that the leadership in Russia thought Stevenson would make a good president and they wanted to help in any way they could. Stevenson then took that information, and reported it back to Eisenhower (the president at the time). He also decided not to run because of this.

Apparently, JFK and Johnson were also approached by Russia.

This has been happening for a long time people. Too bad it took us this long to get it to the attention of the country.

Indeed.....and Russia hit the JACKPOT with Trump the stooge.
"Russian thing" not so weak, pretty much every one in the know Republican Democrat or other informed persons admit that the Russia interfered in our election. the debate is over why, how much, for who. or to just mess with us to further increase Putin's power.
Well, imo, there are two separate things. 1) yes Russia used US social media to covertly spread propaganda (lies) to Trump voters, and those lies are still parroted today, e.g. Podesta. That's annoying, because of willing American dupes, but we do it too. Ben Franklin said we had a Republic, but it was up to us to keep it. We should publicize what the Russians did, and how, so voters can better vet information.

2) But whether Trump actively participated in the Russia thing is a separate issue. A year ago I doubted it. But given Trump's campaign against the FBI, I think there's something to it.

And I'm not a huge fan of either the FBI or its use of informants.
UNL students were protesting the Vietnam War, and the FBI was watching | netnebraska.org

If Trump really is innocent of any wrong doing with Russia, this will bite the FBI bigly.
"Russian thing" not so weak, pretty much every one in the know Republican Democrat or other informed persons admit that the Russia interfered in our election. the debate is over why, how much, for who. or to just mess with us to further increase Putin's power.
Well, imo, there are two separate things. 1) yes Russia used US social media to covertly spread propaganda (lies) to Trump voters, and those lies are still parroted today, e.g. Podesta. That's annoying, because of willing American dupes, but we do it too. Ben Franklin said we had a Republic, but it was up to us to keep it. We should publicize what the Russians did, and how, so voters can better vet information.

2) But whether Trump actively participated in the Russia thing is a separate issue. A year ago I doubted it. But given Trump's campaign against the FBI, I think there's something to it.

And I'm not a huge fan of either the FBI or its use of informants.
UNL students were protesting the Vietnam War, and the FBI was watching | netnebraska.org

If Trump really is innocent of any wrong doing with Russia, this will bite the FBI bigly.

I do NOT think that Trump was directly involved with Russia.....BUT a good chunk of his entourage CERTAINLY was and Trump gave his tacit approval from Manafort to Don Jr. and from Flynn to Cohen.

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