Spygate: The Worst Corruption Scandal in American History

It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.
Based on what? ASre we going to jail Presidents when terrorists or rebels attack?
based on the facts of the events that happened. that's what.
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
In an attempt to find out if the sitting President is as big of a Russian tool as his actions lead us to believe.
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.
Based on what? ASre we going to jail Presidents when terrorists or rebels attack?
based on the facts of the events that happened. that's what.

What facts? A US Consulate was attsacked & Americans were killed. How is that Clinton's fault again?
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.
Based on what? ASre we going to jail Presidents when terrorists or rebels attack?
based on the facts of the events that happened. that's what.

What facts? A US Consulate was attsacked & Americans were killed. How is that Clinton's fault again?
stand down order.
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
In an attempt to find out if the sitting President is as big of a Russian tool as his actions lead us to believe.
what actions are those?
Judicial Watch? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

A member of the Trump campaign is caught is a wiretap of suspicious Russian contact.

I guess we should do nothing. Why not just fire the entire CIA if we ignore their intelligence efforts?
You peope are the absolute dumbest people on the fucking planet.

Trump lied about his Russian business efforts

He lied about his campaign's contsacts with the Russians.

So explain that shit.

This would be like me getting made at my wife for snooping in my cell phone after I lied about who I'd been talking to, where I had been, and had one on one meetings with my secretary.

Trump lied for a reason. Let me know what you think that reason was,.

Who did he lie to? Was he under oath?
No. No crime.
And his business dealings before he was President are none of your business.
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.
Based on what? ASre we going to jail Presidents when terrorists or rebels attack?
based on the facts of the events that happened. that's what.

What facts? A US Consulate was attsacked & Americans were killed. How is that Clinton's fault again?
stand down order.

Cleared in no less than 8 investigations.....stand down.
No facts were presented.

top people in the Democrat Party have been committing collusion and conspiracy against a sitting U. S. President

Do you deny this fact?

That's not a fact by any definition.

Typical Leftist word mincing. Do you deny that top people in the Democratic Party were involved in a conspiracy to remove a sitting US President?

P.S. That is a YES/NO question.
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
the debacle that was obammycare, should have had flashing red lights all over it, danger will robinson. and they walked right in. Like watching a movie, where the rescuer tells the rescuee not to move, and they follow the rescuer and get in more trouble. amazing kind of stupid that exists in this land.
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In an attempt to find out if the sitting President is as big of a Russian tool as his actions lead us to believe.

Get real, Dave.
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
the debacle that was obammycare, should have had flashing red lights all over it, danger will robinson. and they walked right in. Like watching a movie, where the rescuer tells the rescuee not move, and they follow the rescuer and get in more trouble. amazing kind of stupid that exists in this land.

It is not just stupidity. There is a lot of greed. These assholes vote for shitheads like Obama and the other Democrats because they want to get free shit. They want to use the government to steal from other people what they are too sorry to provide for themselves and they vote for Democrats to facilitate the thievery for them.

Greed and stupidity defines a Liberal.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
the debacle that was obammycare, should have had flashing red lights all over it, danger will robinson. and they walked right in. Like watching a movie, where the rescuer tells the rescuee not move, and they follow the rescuer and get in more trouble. amazing kind of stupid that exists in this land.

It is not just stupidity. There is a lot of greed. These assholes vote for shitheads like Obama and the other Democrats because they want to get free shit. They want to use the government to steal from other people what they are too sorry to provide for themselves and they vote for Democrats to facilitate the thievery for them.

Greed and stupidity defines a Liberal.
but there aren't enough of them. it's the worker bees that need to agree with them. and they did. again, after the flashing red light went, danger will robinson.

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