Spygate: The Worst Corruption Scandal in American History

It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.

Ouch! I actually believed the "Hope and Change" and "We're going to be transparent" stuff the 1st time..for about a year. :tomato: -World Class Idiot.

It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
So why would supporting a black man for President be racist?

It wouldn't, but supporting a Muslim Communist half black man from Kenya that hates the US was pretty stupid.

Herman Cain would have been 500% better.
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And, as if this needed to be pointed out, the conspirators of this scandal was not 'some lowly disgruntled partisan liberal IRS employee who leaked Trump associates' tax returns' . These people were Obama administration Cabinet members / Intel and Law Enforcement Agency DIRECTORS.

It was the Obama Administration trying to undermine the election.

These Democrats should be just as outraged as us Conservatives because if a Democrat administration can do it so can a Republican one. However, they are so mentally ill with Trump Derangement Syndrome that they are too stupid and too immoral to see it.

We have to decide if we are going to be a Banana Republic or a nation of laws. These greedy Moon Bats are so hell bent on making this country a Socialist shithole so they can get their free stuff that they are willing to overlook massive corruption by the Democrats.

This Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit is going to backfire on the Democrats big time when the AG investigation is completed. Just in time for the election.

Trump is making us a banana republic. He is doing by making you even dumber than you were before.

some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
So why would supporting a black man for President be racist?

He was only 1/2 black.

But he acted like he was a 100% Muslim Negro.
Not a Muslim.

But if he was, why would that be a problem?

Why are you the dumbest person on this forum?

Why ask why? Bud Dry. :)

RealDave: For when rDerp isn't stupid enough!

RealDave is "Release the Kracken!" stupid.
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"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.
The concept of a deep state is a conspiracy theory. You guys develop new conspiracy theories out of already established conspiracy theories.

Comey let Hillary off after indicting her. That is deep state crap.
And, as if this needed to be pointed out, the conspirators of this scandal was not 'some lowly disgruntled partisan liberal IRS employee who leaked Trump associates' tax returns' . These people were Obama administration Cabinet members / Intel and Law Enforcement Agency DIRECTORS.

It was the Obama Administration trying to undermine the election.

These Democrats should be just as outraged as us Conservatives because if a Democrat administration can do it so can a Republican one. However, they are so mentally ill with Trump Derangement Syndrome that they are too stupid and too immoral to see it.

We have to decide if we are going to be a Banana Republic or a nation of laws. These greedy Moon Bats are so hell bent on making this country a Socialist shithole so they can get their free stuff that they are willing to overlook massive corruption by the Democrats.

This Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit is going to backfire on the Democrats big time when the AG investigation is completed. Just in time for the election.

Trump is making us a banana republic. He is doing by making you even dumber than you were before.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
So why would supporting a black man for President be racist?

He was only 1/2 black.

But he acted like he was a 100% Muslim Negro.
Not a Muslim.

But if he was, why would that be a problem?

Why are you the dumbest person on this forum?

Why ask why? Bud Dry. :)

RealDave: For when rDerp isn't stupid enough!

RealDave is "Release the Kracken!" stupid.
So you avoided my question?
"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.
The concept of a deep state is a conspiracy theory. You guys develop new conspiracy theories out of already established conspiracy theories.

Comey let Hillary off after indicting her. That is deep state crap.
Hillary was indicted?
It was an attempted effort to unseat a duly elected American President. People need to go to jail for it. Obama especially. HBO needs to do a movie on it. Democrats should never get elected again for being a part of it.

Second to this scandal is what Crooked Hillary did to get rich while Secretary of State and how she disobeyed the security laws in order to hide her corruption. ...and yes Comey she did have "intent", lots of it. The Obama Administration covered it up.

There is also a lot of corruption connected with the cash scandal with the Iranian deal. John Kerry's daughter's Father in Law was a big time Iranian player in the barrels of cash deal.

Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots Conservative movement is also a major scandal that Obama managed to cover up. He needs to go to jail just for that.
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.

Ouch! I actually believed the "Hope and Change" and "We're going to be transparent" stuff the 1st time..for about a year. :tomato: -World Class Idiot.

I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
So why would supporting a black man for President be racist?

It wouldn't, but supporting a Muslim Communist half black man from Kenya that hates the US was pretty stupid.

Herman Cain would have been 500% better.

Herman Cain was accused of abusing women. That is one pf your qualifications for President.

Obama is nit a Muslim, not a Communist, not from Kenya. Does not hate the US.
Obama got a major pass being the 1st 'black' President. He wore a suit of armor for protection that his underlings, Party, and supporters used to shield him from even valid criticisms.
It is called the RACE CARD.

Democrats continue to use it today, but not in a defensive manner, but in an offensive manner against Trump.

True story.
Trump is a rscist. I guess no one is allowed to talk about it?
"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.
The concept of a deep state is a conspiracy theory. You guys develop new conspiracy theories out of already established conspiracy theories.

Comey let Hillary off after indicting her. That is deep state crap.
Hillary was indicted?

He said she was guilty. She should have gone to trial. He illegaly let her off.
Obama got a major pass being the 1st 'black' President. He wore a suit of armor for protection that his underlings, Party, and supporters used to shield him from even valid criticisms.
It is called the RACE CARD.

Democrats continue to use it today, but not in a defensive manner, but in an offensive manner against Trump.

True story.
Trump is a rscist. I guess no one is allowed to talk about it?

It's the only thing that your ilk will talk about in the final run-up to the election. You ain't got nothing else and you'll be half-assed at attempting this!
Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch leader, calls Spygate "The Worst Corruption Scandal in American History."

April 8, 2019- On “American Thought Leaders,” Jan Jekielek of The Epoch Times interviewed Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton on the Clinton email scandal and effort to target Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election.

These links may help us understand better why there is much ado about the false allegation(s) that led to the key Democrats orchestrating a false scenario that landed President Donald Trump in the hot seat of an FBI investigation on everything he's done yet found no trace of colluding with Russia but not surprisingly, the false scenario inflamed so many Democrat leadership supporters that they are believing the same Press reporters who smeared President Trump's name and reputation all over the world, to the diminishment of the Executive Branch, and the reporters have many more false scenario allegations up their sleeves in order to "get Trump," since spygate failed to validate their false charges. This is likely to go on for several weeks until the lawsuits below prove the facts of this case, that the leaders of the Democrat Party have been misleading the American people for month in order to take over the government with Nancy Pelosi at the head. A lot of people were in on this scandal, and predictions are popping up everywhere that top people in the Democrat Party have been committing collusion and conspiracy against a sitting U. S. President, and may have done it using intelligence agencies in 2 countries--Great Britain and Russia--meaning Democrats are the real colluders, and not President Trump, whom they projected this vice onto. For those who've never heard the communications term, "projection," it means taking one's own wrongdoing, crime, or deceit and blaming or pointing the finger of guilt for the same bad on an innocent person.

Judicial Watch Sues for Details of an Intelligence Office Meeting with FBI Regarding Security Threats Caused by Hillary Clinton’s Illicit Email System - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Communication Between James Clapper, John Brennan and CNN - Judicial Watch

More Press Releases on the Greatest Scandal in American History are here: Press Releases Archive - Judicial Watch

That's all cool amd stuff, but none of it really happened like that.

It's fake news.

No, New York Times and much of MSM is fake news:

Wielding Claims of ‘Fake News,’ Conservatives Take Aim at Mainstream Media

5 Biggest Screw-Ups by The New York Times So Far This Year

Mistakes do not equal fake.
Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch leader, calls Spygate "The Worst Corruption Scandal in American History."

April 8, 2019- On “American Thought Leaders,” Jan Jekielek of The Epoch Times interviewed Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton on the Clinton email scandal and effort to target Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election.

These links may help us understand better why there is much ado about the false allegation(s) that led to the key Democrats orchestrating a false scenario that landed President Donald Trump in the hot seat of an FBI investigation on everything he's done yet found no trace of colluding with Russia but not surprisingly, the false scenario inflamed so many Democrat leadership supporters that they are believing the same Press reporters who smeared President Trump's name and reputation all over the world, to the diminishment of the Executive Branch, and the reporters have many more false scenario allegations up their sleeves in order to "get Trump," since spygate failed to validate their false charges. This is likely to go on for several weeks until the lawsuits below prove the facts of this case, that the leaders of the Democrat Party have been misleading the American people for month in order to take over the government with Nancy Pelosi at the head. A lot of people were in on this scandal, and predictions are popping up everywhere that top people in the Democrat Party have been committing collusion and conspiracy against a sitting U. S. President, and may have done it using intelligence agencies in 2 countries--Great Britain and Russia--meaning Democrats are the real colluders, and not President Trump, whom they projected this vice onto. For those who've never heard the communications term, "projection," it means taking one's own wrongdoing, crime, or deceit and blaming or pointing the finger of guilt for the same bad on an innocent person.

Judicial Watch Sues for Details of an Intelligence Office Meeting with FBI Regarding Security Threats Caused by Hillary Clinton’s Illicit Email System - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Communication Between James Clapper, John Brennan and CNN - Judicial Watch

More Press Releases on the Greatest Scandal in American History are here: Press Releases Archive - Judicial Watch

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation, which is now complete.

That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty.

If you also count investigations that Mueller originated but then referred elsewhere in the Justice Department, you can add a plea deal from one more person to the list.

It’s a sprawling set of allegations, encompassing both election interference charges against overseas Russians, and various other crimes by American Trump advisers.


Am I to believe that conservatives are such TRAITORS that they would have preferred that the investigation NEVER take place and NONE of these ADMITTED CRIMINALS ever be punished?

does this mean that YOU are now SOFT on CRIME?
Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch leader, calls Spygate "The Worst Corruption Scandal in American History."

April 8, 2019- On “American Thought Leaders,” Jan Jekielek of The Epoch Times interviewed Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton on the Clinton email scandal and effort to target Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election.

These links may help us understand better why there is much ado about the false allegation(s) that led to the key Democrats orchestrating a false scenario that landed President Donald Trump in the hot seat of an FBI investigation on everything he's done yet found no trace of colluding with Russia but not surprisingly, the false scenario inflamed so many Democrat leadership supporters that they are believing the same Press reporters who smeared President Trump's name and reputation all over the world, to the diminishment of the Executive Branch, and the reporters have many more false scenario allegations up their sleeves in order to "get Trump," since spygate failed to validate their false charges. This is likely to go on for several weeks until the lawsuits below prove the facts of this case, that the leaders of the Democrat Party have been misleading the American people for month in order to take over the government with Nancy Pelosi at the head. A lot of people were in on this scandal, and predictions are popping up everywhere that top people in the Democrat Party have been committing collusion and conspiracy against a sitting U. S. President, and may have done it using intelligence agencies in 2 countries--Great Britain and Russia--meaning Democrats are the real colluders, and not President Trump, whom they projected this vice onto. For those who've never heard the communications term, "projection," it means taking one's own wrongdoing, crime, or deceit and blaming or pointing the finger of guilt for the same bad on an innocent person.

Judicial Watch Sues for Details of an Intelligence Office Meeting with FBI Regarding Security Threats Caused by Hillary Clinton’s Illicit Email System - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Communication Between James Clapper, John Brennan and CNN - Judicial Watch

More Press Releases on the Greatest Scandal in American History are here: Press Releases Archive - Judicial Watch

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation, which is now complete.

That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty.

If you also count investigations that Mueller originated but then referred elsewhere in the Justice Department, you can add a plea deal from one more person to the list.

It’s a sprawling set of allegations, encompassing both election interference charges against overseas Russians, and various other crimes by American Trump advisers.


Am I to believe that conservatives are such TRAITORS that they would have preferred that the investigation NEVER take place and NONE of these ADMITTED CRIMINALS ever be punished?

does this mean that YOU are now SOFT on CRIME?

Hand.......grasp straw.
Send to conspiracy page please.

No, some heads are gonna roll. I doubt the big O and Hillary's will, though.
Not even a pants-down spanking?

When former Secretary of State Hillary actually did use her connections in the State Department to seek help from the Russians and subsequently got them to write up a dossier, or if she wrote up a phony dossier, her ass is grass, and her butt is smut. I think the story was something like a sex peeing (whatever that is) story rumor of when Trump had engaged in a business deal in Moscow.

And if Obama participated in to allow such calumny, without disciplining his Secretary of State for misconduct, then he disregarded his Constitutional duty, because this event came from HIS STATE DEPARTMENT's participating, promoting Clinton's false scenario and lying, scheming dossier. Rumor has it she wrote it. I hope that's not true. It'd be bad enough if she colluded with foreign countries (2 of them at last count) in order to such a vile thing to a political competitor, she deserves nobody's protection from prosecution.

We are for the record, neither a monarchy nor an oligarchy, but if we let something like this get swept under the carpet, we are well on our way to losing our freedoms while politicians do vile things.

This is not a theory. They have documents.
You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
the debacle that was obammycare, should have had flashing red lights all over it, danger will robinson. and they walked right in. Like watching a movie, where the rescuer tells the rescuee not move, and they follow the rescuer and get in more trouble. amazing kind of stupid that exists in this land.

It is not just stupidity. There is a lot of greed. These assholes vote for shitheads like Obama and the other Democrats because they want to get free shit. They want to use the government to steal from other people what they are too sorry to provide for themselves and they vote for Democrats to facilitate the thievery for them.

Greed and stupidity defines a Liberal.
but there aren't enough of them. it's the worker bees that need to agree with them. and they did. again, after the flashing red light went, danger will robinson.

There is more to a stupid Electorate that elect morons like Obama than the hard core Left wing idiots. There are also the gullible and the Useful Idiots.

The people that post on this forum are usually politically savvy. Both Left and Right keep up with politics. The assholes on the Left are often confused about what the hear but at least they keep with most things. That ain't necessarily the case with what you call "the worker bees". Many people only get their news in snippets fed to them by a Left Wing press.

The Trump supporters are never savvy but rather a bunch of uneducated, uninformed people who know nothing that is real. You watch Fox & listen to Rush Limbaugh.

How disgusting are the right wingers that post here? Not a single one has come out against the obvious racists people that post here.
Bwuhahaha - TRIGGERED!

Don't look now, but you've lost your composure.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation, which is now complete.
Poor snowflakes - NONE were for 'Russian Collusion'. And the real investigation has just begin....

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
the debacle that was obammycare, should have had flashing red lights all over it, danger will robinson. and they walked right in. Like watching a movie, where the rescuer tells the rescuee not move, and they follow the rescuer and get in more trouble. amazing kind of stupid that exists in this land.

It is not just stupidity. There is a lot of greed. These assholes vote for shitheads like Obama and the other Democrats because they want to get free shit. They want to use the government to steal from other people what they are too sorry to provide for themselves and they vote for Democrats to facilitate the thievery for them.

Greed and stupidity defines a Liberal.
but there aren't enough of them. it's the worker bees that need to agree with them. and they did. again, after the flashing red light went, danger will robinson.

There is more to a stupid Electorate that elect morons like Obama than the hard core Left wing idiots. There are also the gullible and the Useful Idiots.

The people that post on this forum are usually politically savvy. Both Left and Right keep up with politics. The assholes on the Left are often confused about what the hear but at least they keep with most things. That ain't necessarily the case with what you call "the worker bees". Many people only get their news in snippets fed to them by a Left Wing press.

The Trump supporters are never savvy but rather a bunch of uneducated, uninformed people who know nothing that is real. You watch Fox & listen to Rush Limbaugh.

How disgusting are the right wingers that post here? Not a single one has come out against the obvious racists people that post here.
Dude, you’ve flipped out! You’re trying to tell the world being conservative means racist! . Way to devalue the meaning
the debacle that was obammycare, should have had flashing red lights all over it, danger will robinson. and they walked right in. Like watching a movie, where the rescuer tells the rescuee not move, and they follow the rescuer and get in more trouble. amazing kind of stupid that exists in this land.

It is not just stupidity. There is a lot of greed. These assholes vote for shitheads like Obama and the other Democrats because they want to get free shit. They want to use the government to steal from other people what they are too sorry to provide for themselves and they vote for Democrats to facilitate the thievery for them.

Greed and stupidity defines a Liberal.
but there aren't enough of them. it's the worker bees that need to agree with them. and they did. again, after the flashing red light went, danger will robinson.

There is more to a stupid Electorate that elect morons like Obama than the hard core Left wing idiots. There are also the gullible and the Useful Idiots.

The people that post on this forum are usually politically savvy. Both Left and Right keep up with politics. The assholes on the Left are often confused about what the hear but at least they keep with most things. That ain't necessarily the case with what you call "the worker bees". Many people only get their news in snippets fed to them by a Left Wing press.

The Trump supporters are never savvy but rather a bunch of uneducated, uninformed people who know nothing that is real. You watch Fox & listen to Rush Limbaugh.

How disgusting are the right wingers that post here? Not a single one has come out against the obvious racists people that post here.
Dude, you’ve flipped out! You’re trying to tell the world being conservative means racist! . Way to devalue the meaning
I encourage this jackass watch the video of Candace Owens burning his racist, lying, hate-driven, fear-pushing, newborn baby murdering, illegal invasion-facilitating, anti-Semitic party to the ground....

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
the debacle that was obammycare, should have had flashing red lights all over it, danger will robinson. and they walked right in. Like watching a movie, where the rescuer tells the rescuee not move, and they follow the rescuer and get in more trouble. amazing kind of stupid that exists in this land.

It is not just stupidity. There is a lot of greed. These assholes vote for shitheads like Obama and the other Democrats because they want to get free shit. They want to use the government to steal from other people what they are too sorry to provide for themselves and they vote for Democrats to facilitate the thievery for them.

Greed and stupidity defines a Liberal.
but there aren't enough of them. it's the worker bees that need to agree with them. and they did. again, after the flashing red light went, danger will robinson.

There is more to a stupid Electorate that elect morons like Obama than the hard core Left wing idiots. There are also the gullible and the Useful Idiots.

The people that post on this forum are usually politically savvy. Both Left and Right keep up with politics. The assholes on the Left are often confused about what the hear but at least they keep with most things. That ain't necessarily the case with what you call "the worker bees". Many people only get their news in snippets fed to them by a Left Wing press.

The Trump supporters are never savvy but rather a bunch of uneducated, uninformed people who know nothing that is real. You watch Fox & listen to Rush Limbaugh.

How disgusting are the right wingers that post here? Not a single one has come out against the obvious racists people that post here.
This is a discussion about the wrongdoing that went into falsely allegating that President Trump colluded with Russia. Mueller's report of 2 years of FBI investigation admitted that President Trump and staff did not collude with Russia. This FBI investigation was supposed to report on collusion. He did. No collusion. The House investigation found no collusion. The Senate investigation found no collusion. Attorney General Barr found no collusion, no obstruction. He did nothing wrong.

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