Spygate: The Worst Corruption Scandal in American History

It’s time that justice is served to those who deserve it. lock them all up!

And his money laundering and his lying to banks This POS Trump is worse than Al Capone
You should report this to Mueller.

Mueller and his band of Trump-haters with unlimited funding, 2 years of investigation, 1000s of subpoenas and 100s of interviews never found any evidence.

View attachment 255166

I'm guessing you're bouncing between #'s 2 and 3 right now
Thank you for posting that, MAGAman. We just need to help our brothers and sisters in the Democrat Party that the $40 million dollars we taxpayers must pay for was based on Clinton's falsified dossier on Clinton that dates back to Barack Obama's Presidential approval to prepare for turning the false witness report into the FBI. He let the Clinton campaign use the State Department information as attack material against her political rival, now-President Donald Trump. That whole lie was used as a poorly-veiled attempt to take out Donald Trump. They also hoped to debilitate and humiliate President Trump, President Trump's family, and President Trump's Staff. I'm certain the FBI was briefed on how to get information that would hurt people close to the president, and how to delay collusion findings until they had used the scandal to convince Americans and marginal Republican Congriscritters to vote Democrat ideas forward. That hasn't worked out so well, hm.
It’s time that justice is served to those who deserve it. lock them all up!

Only if they are found guilty, bb. Only if they are found guilty. :)

Here's some more on Former Obama Officials breaking the law:
a so-called crime was orchestrated out of nothing with no basic evidence. OUT OF NOTHING!
I still want her in jail for the four deaths in Benghazi. I'm not letting that one go.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.

Ouch! I actually believed the "Hope and Change" and "We're going to be transparent" stuff the 1st time..for about a year. :tomato: -World Class Idiot.

Not only was Obama the worst President we ever had but his two Secretariats of State and two Attorney Generals were the worst.

Everybody in that administration was corrupt and incompetent.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole as President. What the hell were they thinking?
some things happen. it was a rough eight years. I accepted he won and waited for Trump. these buffoons just can't accept they lost. there isn't enough stupid in the universe for them.

You would have had to be a world class idiot in 2008 to believe in that stupid "Hope and Change" bullshit Obama was spewing to the Moon Bats. A racist and an idiot.

In 2012, after the failure of Obama's four years, you would have to be a complete imbecile to have voted for him again.

One thing about stupid Moon Bats. They may not have an brains or morals but they are a shittload of them.

Thank god they weren't able to get Crooked Hillary elected. That would have been even more of a continuation of the Obama disaster.
So why would supporting a black man for President be racist?

It wouldn't, but supporting a Muslim Communist half black man from Kenya that hates the US was pretty stupid.

Herman Cain would have been 500% better.

Herman Cain was accused of abusing women. That is one pf your qualifications for President.

Obama is nit a Muslim, not a Communist, not from Kenya. Does not hate the US.

:eek: It looks like the Stupid Kracken has been released! :auiqs.jpg:
"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.
The concept of a deep state is a conspiracy theory. You guys develop new conspiracy theories out of already established conspiracy theories.

Comey let Hillary off after indicting her. That is deep state crap.
Thanks for mentioning the Deep State, Leo. Some here are not educated into what that is. This video by Glenn Beck might help them with the understanding of how quickly we can lose our freedoms by allowing this particular deep state throw us and our Constitutional freedoms to the dog:

The issue is more important than some "gate" cliche. The FBI leadership tried a political coup and they got caught. The word "treason" comes to mind. Does the federal government still authorize the death penalty?
The issue is more important than some "gate" cliche. The FBI leadership tried a political coup and they got caught. The word "treason" comes to mind. Does the federal government still authorize the death penalty?
I don't want the death penalty but I certainly want to see all those involved go to jail. The only difference between first world nations and third world nations are fair and ethical justice systems.
"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.
Q-Tard conspircy nonsense.

kyzr, you are correct.

Hutch Starskey, you may be unaware of filegate so I am furnishing you this background on Senator Clintons' doings in 1993:

Uranium One Scandal

Just another of a long line of failed
" investigations".

What do the Clintons have that no one else does that allows them so much freedom of movement?
As the Obama Agency Director's coup attempt goes down in flames, Barry's 'legacy' - what's left of it - goes with it...
"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.
The concept of a deep state is a conspiracy theory. You guys develop new conspiracy theories out of already established conspiracy theories.

Comey let Hillary off after indicting her. That is deep state crap.
Thanks for mentioning the Deep State, Leo. Some here are not educated into what that is. This video by Glenn Beck might help them with the understanding of how quickly we can lose our freedoms by allowing this particular deep state throw us and our Constitutional freedoms to the dog:

Beck laid it out pretty well. Wouldn't you know that the epicenter of Marxist activists centers around a church in Chicago.....The 'home' of our first Marxist President.....Obama. Everybody should watch that video. Regardless of what one might think of Glenn Beck. I don't always agree with him either because he is a self-described 'catastrophist.' In this case however, I think he nailed it.
The issue is more important than some "gate" cliche. The FBI leadership tried a political coup and they got caught. The word "treason" comes to mind. Does the federal government still authorize the death penalty?

Hmm...two years in and this admin is still at a loss?

Incompetence or obstruction?
"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.
Q-Tard conspircy nonsense.

kyzr, you are correct.

Hutch Starskey, you may be unaware of filegate so I am furnishing you this background on Senator Clintons' doings in 1993:

Uranium One Scandal

Just another of a long line of failed
" investigations".

What do the Clintons have that no one else does that allows them so much freedom of movement?

Calm down, snowflake. Democrats just wrapped up 3 barren years of investigating Trump with nothing to show for it, but you were all for investigations that whole time.

Several of us told you early on to be careful of what you wished for.

After 3 years of a Democrat treason / coup attempt, this is only Day 3 for Barr's investigation. Just sit back and enjoy the return to justice.

Republicans: “The real problem isn’t the proven sabotage of our election by the Russians and their ties to top Trump officials, IT’S THAT ANYBODY DARED TO INVESTIGATE WHEN THEY FOUND OUT”

Too stupid

Yep, and we know Obama couldn't be bothered.
Surely, you must realize what you replied with makes no sense in any context

When the hacking of the DNC server happened and Wikileaks released the emails it happened under Obama watch...

Also no collusion has been found with Trump himself nor was their any evidence the fake news from Russian Tabloids caused the election to be thrown to Trump.

Now Comey comments did but hey you need Russia as your excuse, so keep on saying they caused Hillary to lose in 2016...

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