squeeky hannity really going full bore on terrorism on the Malaysian plane

I sort of hope that it's NOT a "normal" plane crash. I would hate to think that so many folks died in a crash. At least if it's a hijacking there's a chance that everyone is still alive. Lives are at stake ... screw hoping that someone "looks like a fool." That's an asinine stance.
We have a theory at work that "climate change" has affected the polarity of Earth thus causing the Bermuda Triangle to move to that part of the world.

algore can sell carbon credits to hopefully keep the Bermuda Triangle from your part of the world....billions in revenue.
Mechanical failure or terrorist it's highly probably everyone on board is dead hoping for one over the other is more than a bit sick.
Stolen passports.
One way tickets bought 24 hrs before flight paid for with cash...

This didn't raise any concerns?
If it was a plane crash they would have found the debris field by now. If it was a hijacking for ransom the hijackers would have been heard from by now.
I guess that promoting jobs for Koch Industries in the frozen tundra wasn't fun enough!

What the ? I know I throw some far out posts out there for fun. I sure as heck hope this was just a jab to take a plane crash and relating it to the Koch Brothers?
I just can't imagine all those souls all at one time passing on. No matter the cause, prayers for the families. I really can't grasp the magnitude of the tragedy for those left behind. Sigh. I've been a real smart ass lately and frankly just losing it with cabin fever but sometimes it takes a bizarre situation like this to make one think you know what it's minus thirty with wind chill but life is pretty darn good. I couldn't imagine being the wife or husband with children waiting for that plane to come in to only be told it's vanished.
Stolen passports.
One way tickets bought 24 hrs before flight paid for with cash...

This didn't raise any concerns?

The working theory atm with that is that one of them was an asylum seeker. It is very possible considering what they know about that passenger. The other one though, they remain unidentified.

I wonder if a terrorist would do that though. Seems a better idea to get a two way ticket to not raise suspicion.

All in all, some of the posters on this thread are ass wipes – I don’t hope anything just to make a political pundit look bad – he does that enough on his own. This is a tragedy but also an insane mystery. How in the fuck does a plane just vanish? With the tech we have today, this should be an impossibility. If the A/C were blown up we would have received some sort of signal from the ‘black box.’ If it were hijacked we should have seen it in other ways. If it crashed, again, black box. I have to wonder how it could simply go missing.
I sort of hope that it's NOT a "normal" plane crash. I would hate to think that so many folks died in a crash. At least if it's a hijacking there's a chance that everyone is still alive. Lives are at stake ... screw hoping that someone "looks like a fool." That's an asinine stance.

Regardless of how those people died, they are still dead.

But maybe if Hannity is exposed as a fool, people will stop taking him seriously. And maybe people will stop replacing facts with wild speculation.

Here's the thing I've noticed about Hannity lately, is that he's gotten more shrill of late.

He lost his gig with Cumulus, so he's on less important stations now, and his Faux News show has been pushed back to 9 PM.
I sort of hope that it's NOT a "normal" plane crash. I would hate to think that so many folks died in a crash. At least if it's a hijacking there's a chance that everyone is still alive. Lives are at stake ... screw hoping that someone "looks like a fool." That's an asinine stance.

Regardless of how those people died, they are still dead.

But maybe if Hannity is exposed as a fool, people will stop taking him seriously. And maybe people will stop replacing facts with wild speculation.

Here's the thing I've noticed about Hannity lately, is that he's gotten more shrill of late.

He lost his gig with Cumulus, so he's on less important stations now, and his Faux News show has been pushed back to 9 PM.

Are they dead? I haven't heard the news this morning but if you say so then it must BE so.

I enjoy watching Hannity. At least he invites plenty of liberals onto his show. It's fun to watch him turn their silly arguments inside out. I don't agree with everything he believes but he's more on track than - let's say - Rachel Maddow or other shriekers of her ilk.
I sense a false flag of some sort. Just need to wait and see where they plant the seed


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