squeeky hannity really going full bore on terrorism on the Malaysian plane

I sort of hope that it's NOT a "normal" plane crash. I would hate to think that so many folks died in a crash. At least if it's a hijacking there's a chance that everyone is still alive. Lives are at stake ... screw hoping that someone "looks like a fool." That's an asinine stance.

Regardless of how those people died, they are still dead.

But maybe if Hannity is exposed as a fool, people will stop taking him seriously. And maybe people will stop replacing facts with wild speculation.

Here's the thing I've noticed about Hannity lately, is that he's gotten more shrill of late.

He lost his gig with Cumulus, so he's on less important stations now, and his Faux News show has been pushed back to 9 PM.

Are they dead? I haven't heard the news this morning but if you say so then it must BE so.

I enjoy watching Hannity. At least he invites plenty of liberals onto his show. It's fun to watch him turn their silly arguments inside out. I don't agree with everything he believes but he's more on track than - let's say - Rachel Maddow or other shriekers of her ilk.

Hannity is an idiot. He's a poor man's Limbaugh.

If you take away Limbaugh's humor and voice, you get Hannity.

Oh, yeah, those folks are dead. Use a little logic, will you?
Stolen passports.
One way tickets bought 24 hrs before flight paid for with cash...

This didn't raise any concerns?
Why should it? Americans think they are all terrorists down there anyway.

This is what is sick and twisted about the liberal left. This lost of life has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with America but you people try and make everything political. Guessing that it was terrorism is as good as guess as hoping that somehow those people are still alive as if the 777 was able to land somewhere without anyone's knowledge.

It is always race or gender with you people.
Sure, it may be terrorism - and I guess there is still some hope that it was a hijacking and the passengers are still alive somewhere.

But IMHO, that's a very slim chance and here is why:

IF it was a terrorism attack, how come no group has stepped forward to take responsibility? Isn't that the typical M.O. for a terrorist group? Don't they commit these acts to instill terror? How can they do that if they let everyone believe it was just a mechanical-failure crash?

If it was a hijacking - hostage - ransom situation, wouldn't they contact someone to state their demands?

I'll admit that some of the last-minute, stolen passport circumstances are fishy, but life is messy. It rarely fits neatly into a tightly wrapped package.

I'm willing to let the details reveal themselves and we will see. I would just wonder why a "newsman" would make such speculations. What purpose does that serve?
I sort of hope that it's NOT a "normal" plane crash. I would hate to think that so many folks died in a crash. At least if it's a hijacking there's a chance that everyone is still alive. Lives are at stake ... screw hoping that someone "looks like a fool." That's an asinine stance.

Regardless of how those people died, they are still dead.

But maybe if Hannity is exposed as a fool, people will stop taking him seriously. And maybe people will stop replacing facts with wild speculation.

Here's the thing I've noticed about Hannity lately, is that he's gotten more shrill of late.

He lost his gig with Cumulus, so he's on less important stations now, and his Faux News show has been pushed back to 9 PM.

Are they dead? I haven't heard the news this morning but if you say so then it must BE so.

I enjoy watching Hannity. At least he invites plenty of liberals onto his show. It's fun to watch him turn their silly arguments inside out. I don't agree with everything he believes but he's more on track than - let's say - Rachel Maddow or other shriekers of her ilk.

Rachel Madow is not what you claim.

You have just proven you are a partisan hack
Stolen passports.
One way tickets bought 24 hrs before flight paid for with cash...

This didn't raise any concerns?
Why should it? Americans think they are all terrorists down there anyway.

This is what is sick and twisted about the liberal left. This lost of life has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with America but you people try and make everything political. Guessing that it was terrorism is as good as guess as hoping that somehow those people are still alive as if the 777 was able to land somewhere without anyone's knowledge.

It is always race or gender with you people.

Um did you NOT notice HANNITY did just what your complaining about ?

But that was OK huh cause hes a righty
I sort of hope that it's NOT a "normal" plane crash. I would hate to think that so many folks died in a crash. At least if it's a hijacking there's a chance that everyone is still alive. Lives are at stake ... screw hoping that someone "looks like a fool." That's an asinine stance.

Unless this terrorist group has an airfield, I would not hold out too much hope in there being any survivors. Terrorist act or other reason, the outcome is not hopeful.

As far as I know, no group has claimed responsibility or have asked for any demands.
Quite odd for a terrorist attack.
I sort of hope that it's NOT a "normal" plane crash. I would hate to think that so many folks died in a crash. At least if it's a hijacking there's a chance that everyone is still alive. Lives are at stake ... screw hoping that someone "looks like a fool." That's an asinine stance.

Regardless of how those people died, they are still dead.

But maybe if Hannity is exposed as a fool, people will stop taking him seriously. And maybe people will stop replacing facts with wild speculation.

Here's the thing I've noticed about Hannity lately, is that he's gotten more shrill of late.

He lost his gig with Cumulus, so he's on less important stations now, and his Faux News show has been pushed back to 9 PM.

Are they dead? I haven't heard the news this morning but if you say so then it must BE so.

I enjoy watching Hannity. At least he invites plenty of liberals onto his show. It's fun to watch him turn their silly arguments inside out.[/B] I don't agree with everything he believes but he's more on track than - let's say - Rachel Maddow or other shriekers of her ilk.

Im not going to try to disuade you on Hanity. The only point I'd like to make is...when I did watch Fox/Hanity, seemed the "Liberals" on as guests were - for the most part - just folk that wanted to be on TV.

Quantity does equal quality.
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The post belongs in the media forum. What kind of an A-hole would say "I hope it's a normal plane crash"?
I just hope they figure out what the fuck happened. It is scary with all of the modern technology that exists that the plane is just missing and has been for 3 days.
I just hope they figure out what the fuck happened. It is scary with all of the modern technology that exists that the plane is just missing and has been for 3 days.

Hard to think that something like that could happen in the United States. But I guess it just goes to show how much more advanced we are than so many places on the planet.

I don't think there is a minute where a plane flying in U.S. airspace isn't covered by two radar systems. And in many places overseas they have huge gaps. But I believe it was probably over the ocean, and I don't think anyone covers that much ocean with radar.
hope it;s just a normal plane crash so hannity looks like a fool

Speculation accepted as fact in the absence of hard information is the forte of many rubes. I disregard the bloviation of on air personalities during times like these.
The post belongs in the media forum. What kind of an A-hole would say "I hope it's a normal plane crash"?

What kind of an person would say "I hope it's a terrorism"?

I'm pretty sure one of Hannity's guests said that last night.

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