Standing Up Against Crime vs Endorsing It


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
What the heck happened to the Democrat Party????

1.Easily demonstrable, and sadly so, this Democrat Party is the antithesis of the same party a generation of so back. Succinctly put, this one is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy. In fact, we just found out that the Democrat candidate for President is an employee of the Russians and the Communist Chinese governments.

2. But let’s focus on one domestic aspect of this party….Its stand on crime and the safety of the public: earlier Democrats were opposed to it…, they endorse it, lie to shield it (‘mostly peaceful’), release those arrested and claim the police are at fault, and demand the defunding of the thin blue line.

3. In the 80s and 90s there was a great deal of crime….no one called it ‘protests’ then, it was simply crime. The cause of much of that crime was drugs, particularly crack cocaine. Joe Biden, in Congress at the time, had a very different view of crime/drugs than he does now. Then, he voted to make consequences for drugs and drug crimes much tougher.

Not only was that popular with Democrats and Republicans, but it was especially popular with black communities who were being destroyed and victimized the most.

Now…..parroting the most ubiquitous term in the Democrat lexicon, it was a racist bill, just aimed at locking up black folks (this from the party that pays Planned Slaughterhood to murder 40% of the black population).

“‘No one should be going to jail because they have a drug problem,’ Joe Biden says during presidential debate” No jail time for drug crimes, Joe Biden says during presidential debate

4. Biden says his vote for the original 1987 drug bill was a mistake, it was racist. But it passed the Senate with 97 votes. It was co-sponsored by the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. And the House approved that bill by a 376 vote margin.

How about the 1997 Crime Bill, which he now deems also a racist mistake, but then it was passed by 95 to 4, and the House approved that bill by 40 votes. And the majority of the Congressional Black Caucus supported that very Crime Bill. Now it’s racist.

5. Even if you are not scholarly, intellectual, and do very little reading, you probably read Owell’s 1984. I hope you didn’t simply see it as fiction. It foretold everything our culture is going through today: the god called ‘government,’ the object of Democrat/Progressive/Liberal worship, treats the electorate as dopes, completely reversing its position on all sorts of things, and gets away with it because those ‘citizens’ are cowards, and because government controls media.

Just as today.

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What happened? They just went so far left that the moderates like me were no longer represented and when we gave any pushback they basically answered us with Antifa and BLM. So the answer is fuck you moderates. And then we left.
The Democrats do not care about the victims, just the perps.

And, quite frankly, it seems to be working.

Most polls tell us that on November 3, there is going to be a landslide for Dems (both the Executive and Legislative branches). Then they will emasculate the Judicial branch.

Some of those people who voted Dem are going to regret it if they or their loved ones become victims. But, of course, it will be too darn late! Dang! Some people are so shortsighted!
The Democrats do not care about the victims, just the perps.

And, quite frankly, it seems to be working.

Most polls tell us that on November 3, there is going to be a landslide for Dems (both the Executive and Legislative branches). Then they will emasculate the Judicial branch.

Some of those people who voted Dem are going to regret it if they or their loved ones become victims. But, of course, it will be too darn late! Dang! Some people are so shortsighted!

some states will still be conservative
Right wingers are no better; all Talk and no better solutions at lower cost.

You can't blame democrats for recourse to our First Amendment. Could it be handled better, of course. Right wingers, however, only have their bigotry and socialism on a national basis regardless. We already know the unorganized militia is worthless to the security of our free States.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!
6. Democrat voters as correctly described by Orwell as rubes who never question when the god, government, reverses position. The simply accept it.

The two bills described in the OP were well supported because they were needed.

Today we have this for Democrat simpleton:

"Want a stark example of systemic racism? Think about the public reaction to the crack epidemic that disproportionately affected blacks Americans. " Here’s What’s Comin’

There is no systemic racism in this country.

We don’t put people in jail because of their skin color….but, sometimes we elect them President based on that (and that is just as wrong).

"The silent black majority of Harlem and New York City felt constantly accosted by drug addicts, by pushers, by crime," said Michael Javen Fortner, a political scientist and historian from Rutgers University who recently wrote on the issue.”
Black Leaders Once Championed the Strict Drug Laws They Now Seek to Dismantle | WNYC | New York Public Radio, Podcasts, Live Streaming Radio, News
7. The 1986 law was originally pressed by black legislator from inner cities who were tired of watching crack cocaine destroy their communities. The reason that there is a sentencing disparity is that crack was more easily distributable and more effective in addicting than powder cocaine. It is also a fact that the people who were distributing crack cocaine were black. The vast majority of individuals distributing crystal meth: the penalties for distribution of an ounce of crystal meth and one ounce of crack cocaine are identical, because both are easily distributable and are distributed in similar forms. Hence, there is no racial bias in drug cases.

On the one hand, Biden is lying to black voters, claiming that drug and crime bills were anti-black- he should explain why practically every black elected official was for those bills…..

….just as he is lying to all voters about his being bought by the Ukrainians, Russians and Chinese Communists.
It's those racist white folks who pass laws aimed at blacks.....


8."If Tough Anti-Drug Laws Are 'Racist,' Blame Black Leaders

In the '80s and '90s, many black leaders supported tough anti-drug laws. Facing an inner-city explosion of gang activity, violent crime and a crack epidemic, black politicians pressured Congress to pass these laws. The Rev. George McMurray was pastor of Harlem's Mother A.M.E. Zion Church in the '70s, a time when New York City faced a major heroin epidemic. He favored life sentences for convicted drug dealers. "When you send a few men to prison for life, someone's going to pass the word down, 'It's not too good over here,'" McMurray said. "So instead of robbery and selling dope, (they'll think) 'I want to go to school and live a good life.'"

When President Ronald Reagan signed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 into law -- the law that punished crack cocaine dealers far more harshly than powder cocaine dealers -- Harlem's Rep. Charlie Rangel stood right behind Reagan. Crack dealers, many of whom were black, got harsher sentences than those who dealt powder cocaine, many of whom were white. And Congressional Black Caucus members pushed Reagan to create the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Then came the massive 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which included longer sentences for first-time offenders. An influential group of black pastors wrote to the Congressional Black Caucus, "While we do not agree with every provision in the crime bill, we do believe and emphatically support the bill's goal to save our communities, and most importantly, our children."

The black mayor of Baltimore, Kurt Schmoke, said: "I believe the crime bill ... is part of the answer, and the crime bill should be supported by us. We do need to send a signal throughout our communities that certain types of activities will not be tolerated, that people will be held accountable and that if there is evil manifested by actions taken by individuals who choose to prey upon our residents that that evil will be responded to quickly and correctly." The majority of the Congressional Black Caucus supported Congress' final bill.

President Bill Clinton signed it. Hillary Clinton defended the crime bill a couple years later, saying that these laws were necessary to combat "superpredators" -- a comment that came back to haunt her during the 2016 presidential campaign.
If Tough Anti-Drug Laws Are 'Racist,' Blame Black Leaders

Now Biden is lying about those bills.
9. At blacks and whites treated differently with respect to drug arrests?

The 1986 law was originally pressed by black legislator from inner cities who were tired of watching crack cocaine destroy their communities. The reason that there is a sentencing disparity is that crack was more easily distributable and more effective in addicting than powder cocaine. It is also a fact that the people who were distributing crack cocaine were black. The vast majority of individuals distributing crystal meth are white: the penalties for distribution of an ounce of crystal meth and one ounce of crack cocaine are identical, because both are easily distributable and are distributed in similar forms. Hence, there is no racial bias in drug cases.

The vast majority of those in jail for drug crimes are in for distribution…..not for use.

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9. At blacks and whites treated differently with respect to drug arrests?

The 1986 law was originally pressed by black legislator from inner cities who were tired of watching crack cocaine destroy their communities. The reason that there is a sentencing disparity is that crack was more easily distributable and more effective in addicting than powder cocaine. It is also a fact that the people who were distributing crack cocaine were black. The vast majority of individuals distributing crystal meth: the penalties for distribution of an ounce of crystal meth and one ounce of crack cocaine are identical, because both are easily distributable and are distributed in similar forms. Hence, there is no racial bias in drug cases.

The vast majority of those in jail for drug crimes are in for distribution…..not for use.

Wow you dont mess around.
Awesome information.
9. At blacks and whites treated differently with respect to drug arrests?

The 1986 law was originally pressed by black legislator from inner cities who were tired of watching crack cocaine destroy their communities. The reason that there is a sentencing disparity is that crack was more easily distributable and more effective in addicting than powder cocaine. It is also a fact that the people who were distributing crack cocaine were black. The vast majority of individuals distributing crystal meth: the penalties for distribution of an ounce of crystal meth and one ounce of crack cocaine are identical, because both are easily distributable and are distributed in similar forms. Hence, there is no racial bias in drug cases.

The vast majority of those in jail for drug crimes are in for distribution…..not for use.

Wow you dont mess around.
Awesome information.

I always give 100%.....except when I'm donating blood.

Actually, I prepare my thesis before I post the OP, and support the premise in 4-5 further posts.

While you and I are conversant with the facts, most government school grads have been either lied to, or not given the entire story.
And that's my mission.

Thank you for the kind words.
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9. At blacks and whites treated differently with respect to drug arrests?

The 1986 law was originally pressed by black legislator from inner cities who were tired of watching crack cocaine destroy their communities. The reason that there is a sentencing disparity is that crack was more easily distributable and more effective in addicting than powder cocaine. It is also a fact that the people who were distributing crack cocaine were black. The vast majority of individuals distributing crystal meth: the penalties for distribution of an ounce of crystal meth and one ounce of crack cocaine are identical, because both are easily distributable and are distributed in similar forms. Hence, there is no racial bias in drug cases.

The vast majority of those in jail for drug crimes are in for distribution…..not for use.

Wow you dont mess around.
Awesome information.

I always give 100%.....except when I'm donating blood.

Actually, I prepare my thesis before I post the OP, and support the premise in 4-5 further posts.

While you and I are conversant with the fact, most government school grades have been either lied to, or not given the entire story.
And that's my mission.

Thank you for the kind words.

Are you involved in any other political affiliations, and if not, have you considered a career in it ?
If you dont want to answer this, I understand.
What the heck happened to the Democrat Party????

1.Easily demonstrable, and sadly so, this Democrat Party is the antithesis of the same party a generation of so back. Succinctly put, this one is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy. In fact, we just found out that the Democrat candidate for President is an employee of the Russians and the Communist Chinese governments.

2. But let’s focus on one domestic aspect of this party….Its stand on crime and the safety of the public: earlier Democrats were opposed to it…, they endorse it, lie to shield it (‘mostly peaceful’), release those arrested and claim the police are at fault, and demand the defunding of the thin blue line.

3. In the 80s and 90s there was a great deal of crime….no one called it ‘protests’ then, it was simply crime. The cause of much of that crime was drugs, particularly crack cocaine. Joe Biden, in Congress at the time, had a very different view of crime/drugs than he does now. Then, he voted to make consequences for drugs and drug crimes much tougher.

Not only was that popular with Democrats and Republicans, but it was especially popular with black communities who were being destroyed and victimized the most.

Now…..parroting the most ubiquitous term in the Democrat lexicon, it was a racist bill, just aimed at locking up black folks (this from the party that pays Planned Slaughterhood to murder 40% of the black population).

“‘No one should be going to jail because they have a drug problem,’ Joe Biden says during presidential debate” No jail time for drug crimes, Joe Biden says during presidential debate

4. Biden says his vote for the original 1987 drug bill was a mistake, it was racist. But it passed the Senate with 97 votes. It was co-sponsored by the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. And the House approved that bill by a 376 vote margin.

How about the 1997 Crime Bill, which he now deems also a racist mistake, but then it was passed by 95 to 4, and the House approved that bill by 40 votes. And the majority of the Congressional Black Caucus supported that very Crime Bill. Now it’s racist.

5. Even if you are not scholarly, intellectual, and do very little reading, you probably read Owell’s 1984. I hope you didn’t simply see it as fiction. It foretold everything our culture is going through today: the god called ‘government,’ the object of Democrat/Progressive/Liberal worship, treats the electorate as dopes, completely reversing its position on all sorts of things, and gets away with it because those ‘citizens’ are cowards, and because government controls media.

Just as today.

Sorry....nothing "happened" to the democrat party. The democrat party has been the source of the greatest evils in this country since it was founded by slave owners...that they support criminals over normal people should not be surprising...they will use any group to get power over the other groups......and then throw away the groups that have no more use for them.....
9. At blacks and whites treated differently with respect to drug arrests?

The 1986 law was originally pressed by black legislator from inner cities who were tired of watching crack cocaine destroy their communities. The reason that there is a sentencing disparity is that crack was more easily distributable and more effective in addicting than powder cocaine. It is also a fact that the people who were distributing crack cocaine were black. The vast majority of individuals distributing crystal meth: the penalties for distribution of an ounce of crystal meth and one ounce of crack cocaine are identical, because both are easily distributable and are distributed in similar forms. Hence, there is no racial bias in drug cases.

The vast majority of those in jail for drug crimes are in for distribution…..not for use.

Wow you dont mess around.
Awesome information.

I always give 100%.....except when I'm donating blood.

Actually, I prepare my thesis before I post the OP, and support the premise in 4-5 further posts.

While you and I are conversant with the fact, most government school grades have been either lied to, or not given the entire story.
And that's my mission.

Thank you for the kind words.

Are you involved in any other political affiliations, and if not, have you considered a career in it ?
If you dont want to answer this, I understand.

I rather let my posts speak for me.
9. At blacks and whites treated differently with respect to drug arrests?

The 1986 law was originally pressed by black legislator from inner cities who were tired of watching crack cocaine destroy their communities. The reason that there is a sentencing disparity is that crack was more easily distributable and more effective in addicting than powder cocaine. It is also a fact that the people who were distributing crack cocaine were black. The vast majority of individuals distributing crystal meth: the penalties for distribution of an ounce of crystal meth and one ounce of crack cocaine are identical, because both are easily distributable and are distributed in similar forms. Hence, there is no racial bias in drug cases.

The vast majority of those in jail for drug crimes are in for distribution…..not for use.

Wow you dont mess around.
Awesome information.

I always give 100%.....except when I'm donating blood.

Actually, I prepare my thesis before I post the OP, and support the premise in 4-5 further posts.

While you and I are conversant with the facts, most government school grads have been either lied to, or not given the entire story.
And that's my mission.

Thank you for the kind words.

To boil it down to its essence....? If I may?

You stir the S**t and force the left wingers to take it.....
What the heck happened to the Democrat Party????

1.Easily demonstrable, and sadly so, this Democrat Party is the antithesis of the same party a generation of so back. Succinctly put, this one is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy. In fact, we just found out that the Democrat candidate for President is an employee of the Russians and the Communist Chinese governments.

2. But let’s focus on one domestic aspect of this party….Its stand on crime and the safety of the public: earlier Democrats were opposed to it…, they endorse it, lie to shield it (‘mostly peaceful’), release those arrested and claim the police are at fault, and demand the defunding of the thin blue line.

3. In the 80s and 90s there was a great deal of crime….no one called it ‘protests’ then, it was simply crime. The cause of much of that crime was drugs, particularly crack cocaine. Joe Biden, in Congress at the time, had a very different view of crime/drugs than he does now. Then, he voted to make consequences for drugs and drug crimes much tougher.

Not only was that popular with Democrats and Republicans, but it was especially popular with black communities who were being destroyed and victimized the most.

Now…..parroting the most ubiquitous term in the Democrat lexicon, it was a racist bill, just aimed at locking up black folks (this from the party that pays Planned Slaughterhood to murder 40% of the black population).

“‘No one should be going to jail because they have a drug problem,’ Joe Biden says during presidential debate” No jail time for drug crimes, Joe Biden says during presidential debate

4. Biden says his vote for the original 1987 drug bill was a mistake, it was racist. But it passed the Senate with 97 votes. It was co-sponsored by the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. And the House approved that bill by a 376 vote margin.

How about the 1997 Crime Bill, which he now deems also a racist mistake, but then it was passed by 95 to 4, and the House approved that bill by 40 votes. And the majority of the Congressional Black Caucus supported that very Crime Bill. Now it’s racist.

5. Even if you are not scholarly, intellectual, and do very little reading, you probably read Owell’s 1984. I hope you didn’t simply see it as fiction. It foretold everything our culture is going through today: the god called ‘government,’ the object of Democrat/Progressive/Liberal worship, treats the electorate as dopes, completely reversing its position on all sorts of things, and gets away with it because those ‘citizens’ are cowards, and because government controls media.

Just as today.

5. Even if you are not scholarly, intellectual, and do very little reading, you probably read Owell’s 1984. I hope you didn’t simply see it as fiction. It foretold everything our culture is going through today: the god called ‘government,’ the object of Democrat/Progressive/Liberal worship, treats the electorate as dopes, completely reversing its position on all sorts of things, and gets away with it because those ‘citizens’ are cowards, and because government controls media.

I'm sorry....that book needs a warning on it's the cigarette packages should read something like this....

"Left wingers, Socialists, democrat party members....this book is a warning...not a how to guide."
Modern Democrat policies are all over the place. Do elected democrat politicians who took an oath to uphold the Constitution, really think that the Flag is a symbol of racism ? The democrat party has drifted from JFK's "ask not what the country can do for you" to a convoluted quasi-socialist insanity in a little more than half a century.

"What the hell happened?"....Steve McQueen "The Sand Pebbles"
What the heck happened to the Democrat Party????

1.Easily demonstrable, and sadly so, this Democrat Party is the antithesis of the same party a generation of so back. Succinctly put, this one is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy. In fact, we just found out that the Democrat candidate for President is an employee of the Russians and the Communist Chinese governments.

2. But let’s focus on one domestic aspect of this party….Its stand on crime and the safety of the public: earlier Democrats were opposed to it…, they endorse it, lie to shield it (‘mostly peaceful’), release those arrested and claim the police are at fault, and demand the defunding of the thin blue line.

3. In the 80s and 90s there was a great deal of crime….no one called it ‘protests’ then, it was simply crime. The cause of much of that crime was drugs, particularly crack cocaine. Joe Biden, in Congress at the time, had a very different view of crime/drugs than he does now. Then, he voted to make consequences for drugs and drug crimes much tougher.

Not only was that popular with Democrats and Republicans, but it was especially popular with black communities who were being destroyed and victimized the most.

Now…..parroting the most ubiquitous term in the Democrat lexicon, it was a racist bill, just aimed at locking up black folks (this from the party that pays Planned Slaughterhood to murder 40% of the black population).

“‘No one should be going to jail because they have a drug problem,’ Joe Biden says during presidential debate” No jail time for drug crimes, Joe Biden says during presidential debate

4. Biden says his vote for the original 1987 drug bill was a mistake, it was racist. But it passed the Senate with 97 votes. It was co-sponsored by the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. And the House approved that bill by a 376 vote margin.

How about the 1997 Crime Bill, which he now deems also a racist mistake, but then it was passed by 95 to 4, and the House approved that bill by 40 votes. And the majority of the Congressional Black Caucus supported that very Crime Bill. Now it’s racist.

5. Even if you are not scholarly, intellectual, and do very little reading, you probably read Owell’s 1984. I hope you didn’t simply see it as fiction. It foretold everything our culture is going through today: the god called ‘government,’ the object of Democrat/Progressive/Liberal worship, treats the electorate as dopes, completely reversing its position on all sorts of things, and gets away with it because those ‘citizens’ are cowards, and because government controls media.

Just as today.

Sorry....nothing "happened" to the democrat party. The democrat party has been the source of the greatest evils in this country since it was founded by slave owners...that they support criminals over normal people should not be surprising...they will use any group to get power over the other groups......and then throw away the groups that have no more use for them.....

I'm of two minds with respect to your post.
First.....there is a tremendous amount of evil associated the Party of Death.

But, second.....there have been normal, upstanding individuals who were Democrats, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Scoop Jackson, come to mind.
But the very latest Marxist, radical, demonic Democrats are a degree of magnitude beyond their run-of-the-mill evil. And the evil that they have nurtured in the media......covering up and hiding the Hunter Biden/Bobulinski/Joe Biden Scandal is beyond what any could have expected.

The have moved America beyond the point of no return.
We will all suffer from it.
What the heck happened to the Democrat Party????

1.Easily demonstrable, and sadly so, this Democrat Party is the antithesis of the same party a generation of so back. Succinctly put, this one is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy. In fact, we just found out that the Democrat candidate for President is an employee of the Russians and the Communist Chinese governments.

2. But let’s focus on one domestic aspect of this party….Its stand on crime and the safety of the public: earlier Democrats were opposed to it…, they endorse it, lie to shield it (‘mostly peaceful’), release those arrested and claim the police are at fault, and demand the defunding of the thin blue line.

3. In the 80s and 90s there was a great deal of crime….no one called it ‘protests’ then, it was simply crime. The cause of much of that crime was drugs, particularly crack cocaine. Joe Biden, in Congress at the time, had a very different view of crime/drugs than he does now. Then, he voted to make consequences for drugs and drug crimes much tougher.

Not only was that popular with Democrats and Republicans, but it was especially popular with black communities who were being destroyed and victimized the most.

Now…..parroting the most ubiquitous term in the Democrat lexicon, it was a racist bill, just aimed at locking up black folks (this from the party that pays Planned Slaughterhood to murder 40% of the black population).

“‘No one should be going to jail because they have a drug problem,’ Joe Biden says during presidential debate” No jail time for drug crimes, Joe Biden says during presidential debate

4. Biden says his vote for the original 1987 drug bill was a mistake, it was racist. But it passed the Senate with 97 votes. It was co-sponsored by the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. And the House approved that bill by a 376 vote margin.

How about the 1997 Crime Bill, which he now deems also a racist mistake, but then it was passed by 95 to 4, and the House approved that bill by 40 votes. And the majority of the Congressional Black Caucus supported that very Crime Bill. Now it’s racist.

5. Even if you are not scholarly, intellectual, and do very little reading, you probably read Owell’s 1984. I hope you didn’t simply see it as fiction. It foretold everything our culture is going through today: the god called ‘government,’ the object of Democrat/Progressive/Liberal worship, treats the electorate as dopes, completely reversing its position on all sorts of things, and gets away with it because those ‘citizens’ are cowards, and because government controls media.

Just as today.

Sorry....nothing "happened" to the democrat party. The democrat party has been the source of the greatest evils in this country since it was founded by slave owners...that they support criminals over normal people should not be surprising...they will use any group to get power over the other groups......and then throw away the groups that have no more use for them.....

I'm of two minds with respect to your post.
First.....there is a tremendous amount of evil associated the Party of Death.

But, second.....there have been normal, upstanding individuals who were Democrats, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Scoop Jackson, come to mind.
But the very latest Marxist, radical, demonic Democrats are a degree of magnitude beyond their run-of-the-mill evil. And the evil that they have nurtured in the media......covering up and hiding the Hunter Biden/Bobulinski/Joe Biden Scandal is beyond what any could have expected.

The have moved America beyond the point of no return.
We will all suffer from it.

And there were members of the nazi party who were normal people fact, during the Japanese Rape of Nanking, a member of the nazi party did his best to save Chinese citizens from the bayonets of Japanese doesn't take away from the basic evil of the nazi party...

Uninformed people have been party to a lot of evil institutions........

Now a recently unearthed diary reveals an unlikely rescuer of thousands of Chinese: a German businessman living in China who was the leader of the local Nazi organization.

The businessman, John Rabe, kept a 1,200-page diary that provides a rare third-party account of the atrocities. In it, he writes of digging foxholes in his backyard to shelter 650 Chinese and of repelling Japanese troops who tried to climb over the wall, of dashing through war-torn areas to deliver rice, and of stopping Japanese soldiers from raping Chinese women. He even wrote to Hitler to complain about the Japanese actions.


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