Standing up to the racist, anti-American Democrats that promote BLM in the radical LGBT agenda…..return to the old school Democrats for the Workin


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Mine eh?

Well...Don't eat Ben and whatever's...don't drink cheap 'murican beer..don't shop with the Target trailer trash--and don't support RW grifters.
So...not seeing just what is about this I'm supposed to hate?

OH yeah..and they found rat feces at the local eating there.
Our economy is bad now brother . If you’re an older American, you got to grow in a country where the democrats stood for the working class. Now it’s nothing like that.

Americans all over the country are tired of this stuff against people like Trump, Mike Lindell. Even hearing about Hunter Biden and cocaine. It doesn’t put any money into the pocket of the workingman. The average American on the street doesn’t wanna hear that stuff. They want more money in their pockets. They want to be able to afford a Home. They want politicians to promote being proud of America. Not this anti-Americanism we see from Democrats neoconservatives and the main stream media.

So, as you type out your message, we have racist BLM supporters and the extreme LGBT people going around doing whatever they want getting naked in front of children. Americans all over the country, black and white are tired of this nonsense. We are tired of a bad economy and hyperinflation. The game that the Democrats and their establishment Allies play is over man… the Jig is up. That’s why we see the boycott of Bud Light and target.

When you look back at the Democratic Party we used to have Irish Americans, Americans like Jimmy “ six pack” , the former mayor of Buffalo. They stood up for the workingman. They had a lot of conservative beliefs, but they were Democrats. And this will be brought back to America. we’re gonna see these types of Democrats rise up all over the country. They’re gonna fix up the inner cities.
Our economy is bad now brother . If you’re an older American, you got to grow in a country where the democrats stood for the working class. Now it’s nothing like that.

Americans all over the country are tired of this stuff against people like Trump, Mike Lindell. Even hearing about Hunter Biden and cocaine. It doesn’t put any money into the pocket of the workingman. The average American on the street doesn’t wanna hear that stuff. They want more money in their pockets. They want to be able to afford a Home. They want politicians to promote being proud of America. Not this anti-Americanism we see from Democrats neoconservatives and the main stream media.

So, as you type out your message, we have racist BLM supporters and the extreme LGBT people going around doing whatever they want getting naked in front of children. Americans all over the country, black and white are tired of this nonsense. We are tired of a bad economy and hyperinflation. The game that the Democrats and their establishment Allies play is over man… the Jig is up. That’s why we see the boycott of Bud Light and target.

When you look back at the Democratic Party we used to have Irish Americans, Americans like Jimmy “ six pack” , the former mayor of Buffalo. They stood up for the workingman. They had a lot of conservative beliefs, but they were Democrats. And this will be brought back to America. we’re gonna see these types of Democrats rise up all over the country. They’re gonna fix up the inner cities.
The effects of a worldwide shutdown and trillions of stimulus don’t get fixed overnight. It takes time.

Inflation has been steadily decreasing for the past year. Every month getting lower and it’s now at normal levels. Unemployment which is the largest indicator of economic health is at best record lows. The stock market and investments and housing is all doing fine.

I don’t know who keeps feeding you this hyperbolic crap but it’s all part of the nonsense propaganda that makes money of getting people like you scared and pissed off. Don’t be a puppet
Our economy is bad now brother . If you’re an older American, you got to grow in a country where the democrats stood for the working class. Now it’s nothing like that.

Americans all over the country are tired of this stuff against people like Trump, Mike Lindell. Even hearing about Hunter Biden and cocaine. It doesn’t put any money into the pocket of the workingman. The average American on the street doesn’t wanna hear that stuff. They want more money in their pockets. They want to be able to afford a Home. They want politicians to promote being proud of America. Not this anti-Americanism we see from Democrats neoconservatives and the main stream media.

So, as you type out your message, we have racist BLM supporters and the extreme LGBT people going around doing whatever they want getting naked in front of children. Americans all over the country, black and white are tired of this nonsense. We are tired of a bad economy and hyperinflation. The game that the Democrats and their establishment Allies play is over man… the Jig is up. That’s why we see the boycott of Bud Light and target.

When you look back at the Democratic Party we used to have Irish Americans, Americans like Jimmy “ six pack” , the former mayor of Buffalo. They stood up for the workingman. They had a lot of conservative beliefs, but they were Democrats. And this will be brought back to America. we’re gonna see these types of Democrats rise up all over the country. They’re gonna fix up the inner cities.
That Democrat Party is long dead.

They are now globalists who will push their radical Marxist Agenda through government tyranny, or corporate tyranny, or any other form they can abuse.
That's a minor problem.

The bigger problem is we've forgotten what America is supposed to be about. Our best politicians served in the 50s. Our best policies were from the 50s or before.
America has always been about several different things that make it great.

Innovation, production and design was huge during the Industrial Revolution and made us the financial and world superpower that we are.

Freedom and liberty and inclusion brought us the best from all over the world and gave us our soul and identity.

We are at a critical point now where policies from the 50s are largely obsolete. Production is about to be automated and the good ol American small business has been gobbled up by corporations who now own almost everything.

I’m not a fan of it at all but I don’t see how we can avoid heading down a path towards socialism. The next large unemployment waive might be the straw that breaks the camels back
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That Democrat Party is long dead.

They are now globalists who will push their radical Marxist Agenda through government tyranny, or corporate tyranny, or any other form they can abuse.
Considering there has never been a Democrat Party in power in the US, you are not correct.
Our economy is bad now brother . If you’re an older American, you got to grow in a country where the democrats stood for the working class. Now it’s nothing like that.

Americans all over the country are tired of this stuff against people like Trump, Mike Lindell. Even hearing about Hunter Biden and cocaine. It doesn’t put any money into the pocket of the workingman. The average American on the street doesn’t wanna hear that stuff. They want more money in their pockets. They want to be able to afford a Home. They want politicians to promote being proud of America. Not this anti-Americanism we see from Democrats neoconservatives and the main stream media.

So, as you type out your message, we have racist BLM supporters and the extreme LGBT people going around doing whatever they want getting naked in front of children. Americans all over the country, black and white are tired of this nonsense. We are tired of a bad economy and hyperinflation. The game that the Democrats and their establishment Allies play is over man… the Jig is up. That’s why we see the boycott of Bud Light and target.

When you look back at the Democratic Party we used to have Irish Americans, Americans like Jimmy “ six pack” , the former mayor of Buffalo. They stood up for the workingman. They had a lot of conservative beliefs, but they were Democrats. And this will be brought back to America. we’re gonna see these types of Democrats rise up all over the country. They’re gonna fix up the inner cities.
Take the city I was born in Lackawanna New York. Used to be home to tons of Italian Americans an Irish Americans. There’s plenty of Irish American still there and we’re gonna make a big difference.

Now it’s disgraceful. Potholes all over the place. There are many honorable Arabs there but they’re also Arabs and pro blm people who don’t want anything to do with American values. And they are a disgrace to the Arab nation. They go around with their strict conservative beliefs and of course the pro BLM people ironically don’t even understand that these types of Arabs hate them. So you got these strict Arabs and far left BLM people who are horrible for Lackawanna. They don’t wanna be a part of America.

And now they’re flying the flag of Ukraine at the Lackawanna City Hall. What a disgrace to the great men and women of the World War II era that is.

Lackawanna used to have upwards of 100,000 factory jobs that Black people Arabs and white people filled men and women as well. Now it’s a dump. That’s what left-wing hatred get you. That’s what the pro BLM message get you its nothing.

You know this is such a feel good message to be on the right side of history to be on the side of those who care about America, the hard workin Christians, Muslims and Jews of this country. We’re taking back this country from the far left and they’re neoconservative Allie’s who just like to laugh at everything …they’re on drugs all the time they don’t care about the working class. What a beautiful sight it is going to be when we clean up the neighborhoods in America and we fight the drug dealers.

We need another Irish American Catholic mayor of Buffalo. A proud person proud of their background. We have a horrible pro blm leader ship in Buffalo. They ruined the city a once great prosperous city. but we’re gonna bring in Buffalo back.
Take the city I was born in Lackawanna New York. Used to be home to tons of Italian Americans an Irish Americans.

There are many honorable Arabs there but they’re also Arabs and pro blm people who don’t want anything to do with American values.
There's the problem right there. The good immigrants have been replaced by bad immigrants.
They want to be able to afford a Home.
This was addressed in the national news this week. They were promoting renting homes instead of purchasing. They were trying to outline the benefits of rentals---no upkeep, taxes, interest rates, etc. I saw it as an attempt to excuse the government for their failures to advance their constituency. Much the same as the democrats have been doing with "leveling the playing field" They have been unable to raise the third world, so they've taken the opposite tack and they are trying to lower the first world to third world standards. You know, equity. Bullshit. I'm not buying.
That Democrat Party is long dead.

They are now globalists who will push their radical Marxist Agenda through government tyranny, or corporate tyranny, or any other form they can abuse.
I totally hear what you’re saying and I can’t believe how lousy Democrat party is today. I lack confidence in our electoral system, and our election system in general.

But even four years ago, it was not like this. The Democratic Party was not as bad 4 years ago as it is today. There’s been a radical change in such a short amount of time. A change that clearly the great majority of the American people utterly reject just look at the boycott of Bud Light and target.

I look at somebody like the former mayor of Buffalo, the late James Griffin. There’s an Irish American Democrat who cared about this country.

I’m confident though we will get people like James Griffin him back. Because honestly most Americans would never stand up for BLM or similar types of races organizations. You go back to the 1950s in Lackawanna New York they were masses of Black people and white people who had middle class jobs working together. The neighborhoods were so much more beautiful then.

honestly most Americans would never stand up for BLM or similar types of racist organizations. You go back to the 1950s in Lackawanna New York there were masses of Black people and white people who had middle class jobs working together. The neighborhoods were so much more beautiful than. I’m confident we will get back to those days.

Right now, Lackawanna is ugly as you can think of. We will get back to the glory days
Across-the-board, some percentage of men in America, whether they are white, Arab, Hispanic, or black are very weak. They are the ones who have an LGBT flag on their Facebook profile or who support BLM. And they don’t care how ugly our country is ….how it is a fact that you can’t safely walk down the streets of major cities today …while back in the 1950s you could leave your doors unlocked in the same cities.

And that’s it man there’s no denying this. It is so frustrating. Sometimes it makes your blood boil. Because Patriot like me , and all of the other Trump supporters in this thread know what I’m talking about.

But I’m confident we will get things back.
This was addressed in the national news this week. They were promoting renting homes instead of purchasing. They were trying to outline the benefits of rentals---no upkeep, taxes, interest rates, etc. I saw it as an attempt to excuse the government for their failures to advance their constituency. Much the same as the democrats have been doing with "leveling the playing field" They have been unable to raise the third world, so they've taken the opposite tack and they are trying to lower the first world to third world standards. You know, equity. Bullshit. I'm not buying.
That’s a great point right there. Because you know when you own a house, you own something you have a level of freedom. But when you’re forced to rent, you are at the be heist of the landlord. And many people in the US government want Americans to remain weak and subservient.

We’re not taking it anymore though.

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