Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America

Cool boycott Starbucks then cons. Add it to the list of hundreds of companies that support things you'll never understand.

In fact better yet, just stay home all day. Less risk of accidentally supporting some cause us lesser people support.

You don't support better race relations...if you did you'd stop fostering unemployment, welfare, abortions, and drugs in the projects. You don't want an end to want more of that to keep them voting for your racist pol hacks. Knock off the phony've got blacks right where you want them.
You're a kook :cuckoo:
I dont see the big deal. I never hear people talking about race in public anyway.
Exactly! You "hear" it on the internet. On messageboards, crybaby blogs, etc. IRL no one really ever discusses it or thinks about it unless it is in a concrete way, like protesting police brutality.

But there are scores of people that get upset because race is a frequent topic on messageboards they post on.
Seems to me that if a white person had something to say to me about racism/race etc why dont they just do that?

Because most white people dont care about race anymore. We are past it. Its people like YOU who are obsessed with it. You dont get that? Most white people have moved beyond race...and yet...some like you just cant let it evolve. You just have to keep the race card alive.

That why most whites dont talk to you about race. Because most of us dont care anymore. Race is fucking stupid. Its skin pigment. Nothing more. No different than a brown dog or white dog or black dog or polka dotted dog. All just dogd.
^says the guy that has started numerous threads about black people.
You're making my point. ALL you do is play the race card. Now...simply saying since whites are a majority that makes it racist.

So are blacks in Africa oppressing whites in Africa since blacks have a majority? Do African nations need affirmative action to ensure more whites get positions of influence there? Blacks are the majority. So....shouldnt the legislate some ways for whites to gain more power and influence in Africa?
Blacks in Africa did not enslave whites then use them to make them an economic power. Stay focused on the US instead of deflecting. philosophical logic has borders? your like minded buddy says...a simple racial majority means racial oppression. ..then logic would mean white folks in Africa need legislation to help them gain more power and influence in Africa?

What about American Jews? Shoud they get the same AA benefits and biased consideration? They were merely slaughtered throughout history...and kicked off of a few continents for the past 3, 000 years. And you bitch about a 400 year head start haha?
I just proved your logic was broken. No African nations enslaved whites and made themselves an economic power. Stay focused on apples.

What about the Jews? They got Israel and consistent help from the US government. Thats more than enough AA. BTW when did they lose their history and way of life due to the actions of the US?

You're right African nations didnt enslave whites. They enslaved BLACKS...and to this day still do. Why do blacks still enslave people?

No...the Jews had their culture and way of life destroyed by the Arab world and by the Nazis and the Asians and...well...3000 years of oppression basically.

And America fought a war to free the Jews.

OH WAIT...we fought a war to free blacks also.

Yay America!!
You must feel like your losing again. You typically deflect when you cant offer a valid view on the topic.

On what topic? Its silly. A black person in 2015 America has every opportunity at their doorstep if they pursue it. And you're whining about it.

Spoiled brats haha.
Youre evading the point I was making. Let me help you out.

"Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic."-MLK

In the 50s and 60s thats true.

Today? particular. holding any 12 year old black kid from achieving ANY dream in America? HIS future decisions could land him in the White House or leading the US Army or being CEO of Apple or living in a nice suburb with a wifeand kids and a dog and a nice job and peaceful life. OR...he could be dead or in jail.

HIS decisions determine all of that and all of us white devils cant stop him.

Your decisions come from your philosophy. Your philosophy comes from your reality or environment. If your environment is one without hope of opportunity chances are high that you wont make the right decisions. Since the reality has not changed that white racism is a problem what makes you think the results are going to change?

YES!!!! That 12 year old black kids future choices will very much be influenced by his surroundings and cultural upbringing.

THE BLACK COMMUNITY needs to change. Stop blaming whitey. Stop telling your future generation how hopeless it is being black and how everyone is trying to oppress them.

Because if you havent noticed...the 12 year old black kids from the last 20-25 years who ignored all that nonsense SOME in their community spew...have gone on to thrive in America.

YOUR philosophy is what holds back the next generation because you brainwash them into believing that shit.

It really isnt much different than Muslims in the ME who convince their kids how evil America is and their kids become terrorists. taught them that.

STOP corrupting the minds of young black kids with that victimhood mindset and they'll thrive.
I disagree. My view put me where I am at today al in one generation. Its also put my children on the path to exceed my gains. I will continue teaching children my view regardless of what whites do. Thats the only way they will get ahead is by knowing the truth. Once they have the understanding that whites cant stop them no matter how hard they attempt to, as long as you dont quit you can beat them at their own game. Sorry if you dont like that but you didnt really expect me to take the advice of someone that cant even properly articulate MLK's dream did you?

So you're raising your kids to see whites as the opponent who is trying to oppress them? What a great father.
Thanks but its sort of redundant to say that since I have the proof getting her doctorate paid for by the school she is currently attending.
Starbucks wants a national dialogue about race relations and the Conservatives hit the roof!
Starbucks oughta open dialogue stores and get out of the coffee business.

Look, when you go into a store to buy a cigar and the clerk makes you listen to a sermon on using a dildo safely do you hang out sinking gently into a nicotine fit? Or do you go to some other shop?
Starbucks wants a national dialogue about race relations and the Conservatives hit the roof!
Starbucks oughta open dialogue stores and get out of the coffee business.

Look, when you go into a store to buy a cigar and the clerk makes you listen to a sermon on using a dildo safely do you hang out sinking gently into a nicotine fit? Or do you go to some other shop?

I've never had anyone force me to listen to anything. Where do you guys shop? The Branch Davidian outlets?

Well, I guess we have to write a check.

Hey, white liberals, how much will assuage your guilt so we can all get on with our lives?


Race relations talk is interfering with your life now? Do you need medical assistance?

No, it is not really interfering with my life. But is sermonized talk from a minimum wage worker at a coffeehouse aimed at suburbanites and hipsters really going to do anything? Is it an effort to help or just furthering the appalling assumption that every single white person is, by definition, a racist.

My parents risked their lives to march in Selma and work with the Civil Rights movements in Tuscaloosa. My brothers marched in Birmingham. I have a crook in my nose from stopping two grown rednecks who were chasing an 8 or 9 year old boy down the street in Eutaw Alabama (one of the men had a 2x4 in his hand) yelling about the kkk. To have some teenager behind the counter of Starbucks try to lecture me on racism annoys me because it is pure public relations. It is making noise to avoid actually doing something. I was raised by people who bled for that cause.

While you applaud the CEO of Starbucks for this decision, I wonder how many tens of thousands of dollars were spent on this PR move. Yeah, it sounds all sweet and enlightened. But the truth is, if the CEO had simply run a company that treated people fairly and then donated that money to the United Negro College Fund or spent it rehabbing an inner city playground, funding job training, or keeping the doors open on a daycare, he could have actually accomplished something. This does not accomplish anything except to encourage further division.
Blacks in Africa did not enslave whites then use them to make them an economic power. Stay focused on the US instead of deflecting. philosophical logic has borders? your like minded buddy says...a simple racial majority means racial oppression. ..then logic would mean white folks in Africa need legislation to help them gain more power and influence in Africa?

What about American Jews? Shoud they get the same AA benefits and biased consideration? They were merely slaughtered throughout history...and kicked off of a few continents for the past 3, 000 years. And you bitch about a 400 year head start haha?
I just proved your logic was broken. No African nations enslaved whites and made themselves an economic power. Stay focused on apples.

What about the Jews? They got Israel and consistent help from the US government. Thats more than enough AA. BTW when did they lose their history and way of life due to the actions of the US?

You're right African nations didnt enslave whites. They enslaved BLACKS...and to this day still do. Why do blacks still enslave people?

No...the Jews had their culture and way of life destroyed by the Arab world and by the Nazis and the Asians and...well...3000 years of oppression basically.

And America fought a war to free the Jews.

OH WAIT...we fought a war to free blacks also.

Yay America!!
You must feel like your losing again. You typically deflect when you cant offer a valid view on the topic.

On what topic? Its silly. A black person in 2015 America has every opportunity at their doorstep if they pursue it. And you're whining about it.

Spoiled brats haha.
The topic at hand. Your post had nothing to do with what we were discussing that the moment. It was a deflection from my statement.
The opportunity is not at their doorstep. Its in another city about a 20 mile walk in a snow storm but I agree its there. They just have to know about it.
Billionaires like Shultz often lose their minds when there is no longer an empire to build and no more toys to buy. He might also be Jesse and Al's next target for a shakedown. His coffee is pure caffeine and tastes like motor oil. I might go in for a lecture by some pencil neck about my feelings about blacks. I'll regale them with a story about seeing over 2,000 buildings on fire when they burned down Detroit and shot at firemen on their ladders. We whites have done all we can for them and they play the "knockout game" with us.....then I'll show them the butt of the .357 in my waistband and suggest better "race relations" begin with them regaining their fear of whites.
In the 50s and 60s thats true.

Today? particular. holding any 12 year old black kid from achieving ANY dream in America? HIS future decisions could land him in the White House or leading the US Army or being CEO of Apple or living in a nice suburb with a wifeand kids and a dog and a nice job and peaceful life. OR...he could be dead or in jail.

HIS decisions determine all of that and all of us white devils cant stop him.

Your decisions come from your philosophy. Your philosophy comes from your reality or environment. If your environment is one without hope of opportunity chances are high that you wont make the right decisions. Since the reality has not changed that white racism is a problem what makes you think the results are going to change?

YES!!!! That 12 year old black kids future choices will very much be influenced by his surroundings and cultural upbringing.

THE BLACK COMMUNITY needs to change. Stop blaming whitey. Stop telling your future generation how hopeless it is being black and how everyone is trying to oppress them.

Because if you havent noticed...the 12 year old black kids from the last 20-25 years who ignored all that nonsense SOME in their community spew...have gone on to thrive in America.

YOUR philosophy is what holds back the next generation because you brainwash them into believing that shit.

It really isnt much different than Muslims in the ME who convince their kids how evil America is and their kids become terrorists. taught them that.

STOP corrupting the minds of young black kids with that victimhood mindset and they'll thrive.
I disagree. My view put me where I am at today al in one generation. Its also put my children on the path to exceed my gains. I will continue teaching children my view regardless of what whites do. Thats the only way they will get ahead is by knowing the truth. Once they have the understanding that whites cant stop them no matter how hard they attempt to, as long as you dont quit you can beat them at their own game. Sorry if you dont like that but you didnt really expect me to take the advice of someone that cant even properly articulate MLK's dream did you?

So you're raising your kids to see whites as the opponent who is trying to oppress them? What a great father.
Thanks but its sort of redundant to say that since I have the proof getting her doctorate paid for by the school she is currently attending.

Thats awesome for her! Im sure she has a wonderful future ahead of her as an adult female in America...who happens to be black.

But whitey was never out trying to stop her success. In America today...only her own decisions could stop her. And it sounds like she made all the right ones.

Anyone else in America of any color has the same opportunity. ..if they choose.
"Woe is me. I am a black man in America!

[insert gnashing of teeth here]

Woe is me! My people were once held as slaves here. Therefore, today is unfair!


End of typical brainless Assclap post.
Oh God...Asclepias is about to regale us all with another of his posts about what a "bad ass" he white men fear him and white women desire him!

All this from someone named Milkweed...

Gotta love the internet!

Black men only think white women want them and usually the white women they end up with no self respecting man would want anyway
Turned you down, eh?
Your decisions come from your philosophy. Your philosophy comes from your reality or environment. If your environment is one without hope of opportunity chances are high that you wont make the right decisions. Since the reality has not changed that white racism is a problem what makes you think the results are going to change?

YES!!!! That 12 year old black kids future choices will very much be influenced by his surroundings and cultural upbringing.

THE BLACK COMMUNITY needs to change. Stop blaming whitey. Stop telling your future generation how hopeless it is being black and how everyone is trying to oppress them.

Because if you havent noticed...the 12 year old black kids from the last 20-25 years who ignored all that nonsense SOME in their community spew...have gone on to thrive in America.

YOUR philosophy is what holds back the next generation because you brainwash them into believing that shit.

It really isnt much different than Muslims in the ME who convince their kids how evil America is and their kids become terrorists. taught them that.

STOP corrupting the minds of young black kids with that victimhood mindset and they'll thrive.
I disagree. My view put me where I am at today al in one generation. Its also put my children on the path to exceed my gains. I will continue teaching children my view regardless of what whites do. Thats the only way they will get ahead is by knowing the truth. Once they have the understanding that whites cant stop them no matter how hard they attempt to, as long as you dont quit you can beat them at their own game. Sorry if you dont like that but you didnt really expect me to take the advice of someone that cant even properly articulate MLK's dream did you?

So you're raising your kids to see whites as the opponent who is trying to oppress them? What a great father.
Thanks but its sort of redundant to say that since I have the proof getting her doctorate paid for by the school she is currently attending.

Thats awesome for her! Im sure she has a wonderful future ahead of her as an adult female in America...who happens to be black.

But whitey was never out trying to stop her success. In America today...only her own decisions could stop her. And it sounds like she made all the right ones.

Anyone else in America of any color has the same opportunity. ..if they choose.
Sorry but youre wrong. People of white people tried to stop her. She was taught to be strong and push through. There was a period in her life where she absolutely hated whites because of the racism she experienced. The only thing that kept her from labeling all whites was her association with some that were not intimidated and racist. philosophical logic has borders? your like minded buddy says...a simple racial majority means racial oppression. ..then logic would mean white folks in Africa need legislation to help them gain more power and influence in Africa?

What about American Jews? Shoud they get the same AA benefits and biased consideration? They were merely slaughtered throughout history...and kicked off of a few continents for the past 3, 000 years. And you bitch about a 400 year head start haha?
I just proved your logic was broken. No African nations enslaved whites and made themselves an economic power. Stay focused on apples.

What about the Jews? They got Israel and consistent help from the US government. Thats more than enough AA. BTW when did they lose their history and way of life due to the actions of the US?

You're right African nations didnt enslave whites. They enslaved BLACKS...and to this day still do. Why do blacks still enslave people?

No...the Jews had their culture and way of life destroyed by the Arab world and by the Nazis and the Asians and...well...3000 years of oppression basically.

And America fought a war to free the Jews.

OH WAIT...we fought a war to free blacks also.

Yay America!!
You must feel like your losing again. You typically deflect when you cant offer a valid view on the topic.

On what topic? Its silly. A black person in 2015 America has every opportunity at their doorstep if they pursue it. And you're whining about it.

Spoiled brats haha.
The topic at hand. Your post had nothing to do with what we were discussing that the moment. It was a deflection from my statement.
The opportunity is not at their doorstep. Its in another city about a 20 mile walk in a snow storm but I agree its there. They just have to know about it.

Not a literal doorstep. You know...lots of white folks have also had to work their asses off and scratch and claw for every penny to achieve success?

Despite what folks like you think....we dont have a secret White Devils meeting in a deep cave where they hand out free gold and college degrees.
Go to Starbucks and jerk their chain. Start an incident. A few such incidents messing up the displays of breakable coffee cups and this asinine practice will stop.
Starbucks wants a national dialogue about race relations and the Conservatives hit the roof! Why? What are they afraid of? If their stance on race relations is a healthy one, one that accepts all races as equal, they should have absolutely no problem exchanging a few words with a barista. But if the Conservative is also a racist (no real stretch of the imagination there), I can understand why they are so upset with a coffee shop.

I wonder what the folks working at Hobby Lobby or Chic-fil0a are thinking today?

No, this is not a dialogue and they know it. A dialogue, by definition, involves more than one person. This is a sermon delivered by people who have no clue who they are addressing.

I was not happy with either Hobby Lobby or Chikfilet. But there IS a difference. Those two businesses simply wanted to run their privately owned businesses as they believed. They did not add sermons to your purchases. they did not, to my knowledge, berate customers who did not believe as they do.

They did not assume to know the beliefs of every customer who looked a certain way.
I just proved your logic was broken. No African nations enslaved whites and made themselves an economic power. Stay focused on apples.

What about the Jews? They got Israel and consistent help from the US government. Thats more than enough AA. BTW when did they lose their history and way of life due to the actions of the US?

You're right African nations didnt enslave whites. They enslaved BLACKS...and to this day still do. Why do blacks still enslave people?

No...the Jews had their culture and way of life destroyed by the Arab world and by the Nazis and the Asians and...well...3000 years of oppression basically.

And America fought a war to free the Jews.

OH WAIT...we fought a war to free blacks also.

Yay America!!
You must feel like your losing again. You typically deflect when you cant offer a valid view on the topic.

On what topic? Its silly. A black person in 2015 America has every opportunity at their doorstep if they pursue it. And you're whining about it.

Spoiled brats haha.
The topic at hand. Your post had nothing to do with what we were discussing that the moment. It was a deflection from my statement.
The opportunity is not at their doorstep. Its in another city about a 20 mile walk in a snow storm but I agree its there. They just have to know about it.

Not a literal doorstep. You know...lots of white folks have also had to work their asses off and scratch and claw for every penny to achieve success?

Despite what folks like you think....we dont have a secret White Devils meeting in a deep cave where they hand out free gold and college degrees.
It wasnt meant as a literal walk in a snow storm either.

Whites dont have to work as hard as Blacks and other people of color to achieve the same level of success. Dont make me laugh.
YES!!!! That 12 year old black kids future choices will very much be influenced by his surroundings and cultural upbringing.

THE BLACK COMMUNITY needs to change. Stop blaming whitey. Stop telling your future generation how hopeless it is being black and how everyone is trying to oppress them.

Because if you havent noticed...the 12 year old black kids from the last 20-25 years who ignored all that nonsense SOME in their community spew...have gone on to thrive in America.

YOUR philosophy is what holds back the next generation because you brainwash them into believing that shit.

It really isnt much different than Muslims in the ME who convince their kids how evil America is and their kids become terrorists. taught them that.

STOP corrupting the minds of young black kids with that victimhood mindset and they'll thrive.
I disagree. My view put me where I am at today al in one generation. Its also put my children on the path to exceed my gains. I will continue teaching children my view regardless of what whites do. Thats the only way they will get ahead is by knowing the truth. Once they have the understanding that whites cant stop them no matter how hard they attempt to, as long as you dont quit you can beat them at their own game. Sorry if you dont like that but you didnt really expect me to take the advice of someone that cant even properly articulate MLK's dream did you?

So you're raising your kids to see whites as the opponent who is trying to oppress them? What a great father.
Thanks but its sort of redundant to say that since I have the proof getting her doctorate paid for by the school she is currently attending.

Thats awesome for her! Im sure she has a wonderful future ahead of her as an adult female in America...who happens to be black.

But whitey was never out trying to stop her success. In America today...only her own decisions could stop her. And it sounds like she made all the right ones.

Anyone else in America of any color has the same opportunity. ..if they choose.
Sorry but youre wrong. People of white people tried to stop her. She was taught to be strong and push through. There was a period in her life where she absolutely hated whites because of the racism she experienced. The only thing that kept her from labeling all whites was her association with some that were not intimidated and racist.

Oh wow. Were there armed men blocking the doors to her college? Did the college professor assess a 10% black penalty on her test grades?

Or...were some young college kids being ignorant assholes? Yeah. We experience that too. Next...
You're right African nations didnt enslave whites. They enslaved BLACKS...and to this day still do. Why do blacks still enslave people?

No...the Jews had their culture and way of life destroyed by the Arab world and by the Nazis and the Asians and...well...3000 years of oppression basically.

And America fought a war to free the Jews.

OH WAIT...we fought a war to free blacks also.

Yay America!!
You must feel like your losing again. You typically deflect when you cant offer a valid view on the topic.

On what topic? Its silly. A black person in 2015 America has every opportunity at their doorstep if they pursue it. And you're whining about it.

Spoiled brats haha.
The topic at hand. Your post had nothing to do with what we were discussing that the moment. It was a deflection from my statement.
The opportunity is not at their doorstep. Its in another city about a 20 mile walk in a snow storm but I agree its there. They just have to know about it.

Not a literal doorstep. You know...lots of white folks have also had to work their asses off and scratch and claw for every penny to achieve success?

Despite what folks like you think....we dont have a secret White Devils meeting in a deep cave where they hand out free gold and college degrees.
It wasnt meant as a literal walk in a snow storm either.

Whites dont have to work as hard as Blacks and other people of color to achieve the same level of success. Dont make me laugh.

So you're just gonna flat out say it. Whites just dont have to work as hard as blacks to succeed....thats your final answer huh?

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