Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America

Go to Starbucks and jerk their chain. Start an incident. A few such incidents messing up the displays of breakable coffee cups and this asinine practice will stop.

That's actually a good idea. That would be hilarious.

You must feel like your losing again. You typically deflect when you cant offer a valid view on the topic.

On what topic? Its silly. A black person in 2015 America has every opportunity at their doorstep if they pursue it. And you're whining about it.

Spoiled brats haha.
The topic at hand. Your post had nothing to do with what we were discussing that the moment. It was a deflection from my statement.
The opportunity is not at their doorstep. Its in another city about a 20 mile walk in a snow storm but I agree its there. They just have to know about it.

Not a literal doorstep. You know...lots of white folks have also had to work their asses off and scratch and claw for every penny to achieve success?

Despite what folks like you think....we dont have a secret White Devils meeting in a deep cave where they hand out free gold and college degrees.
It wasnt meant as a literal walk in a snow storm either.

Whites dont have to work as hard as Blacks and other people of color to achieve the same level of success. Dont make me laugh.

So you're just gonna flat out say it. Whites just dont have to work as hard as blacks to succeed....thats your final answer huh?
Whats confusing you about my answer?
You're making my point. ALL you do is play the race card. Now...simply saying since whites are a majority that makes it racist.

So are blacks in Africa oppressing whites in Africa since blacks have a majority? Do African nations need affirmative action to ensure more whites get positions of influence there? Blacks are the majority. So....shouldnt the legislate some ways for whites to gain more power and influence in Africa?
Blacks in Africa did not enslave whites then use them to make them an economic power. Stay focused on the US instead of deflecting. philosophical logic has borders? your like minded buddy says...a simple racial majority means racial oppression. ..then logic would mean white folks in Africa need legislation to help them gain more power and influence in Africa?

What about American Jews? Shoud they get the same AA benefits and biased consideration? They were merely slaughtered throughout history...and kicked off of a few continents for the past 3, 000 years. And you bitch about a 400 year head start haha?
I just proved your logic was broken. No African nations enslaved whites and made themselves an economic power. Stay focused on apples.

What about the Jews? They got Israel and consistent help from the US government. Thats more than enough AA. BTW when did they lose their history and way of life due to the actions of the US?

And there were whites who marched with blacks in the Civil Rights marches. There were whites at all three of the Selma marches. My father was there. My mother was in the third march. To assume, by the color of my skin, that I need lessons in racism from some teenager writing catchy slogans on a coffee cup served to suburbanites and trendy urban types is beyond audacity.
Who said you were getting racism lessons? What did that have to do with my post you responded to?

The entire topic is about racism.
I'd order an extra hot coffee (black of course) and throw it back in their hipster faces and scald the living fuck out of them.

Well, I guess we have to write a check.

Hey, white liberals, how much will assuage your guilt so we can all get on with our lives?


Race relations talk is interfering with your life now? Do you need medical assistance?

No, it is not really interfering with my life. But is sermonized talk from a minimum wage worker at a coffeehouse aimed at suburbanites and hipsters really going to do anything? Is it an effort to help or just furthering the appalling assumption that every single white person is, by definition, a racist.

This is a perfect example of a few things. 1. It hasnt happened and you already assume that just because its about race you will be accosted and it will be a sermon. Because like I said earlier any talk of race angers whites or at least creates great discomfort

2. Any talk on race is always met with an opposite "all white people arent racist". Not one time can anyone bring up race without screaming that even when its not suggested, said, or alluded to.

My parents risked their lives to march in Selma and work with the Civil Rights movements in Tuscaloosa. My brothers marched in Birmingham. I have a crook in my nose from stopping two grown rednecks who were chasing an 8 or 9 year old boy down the street in Eutaw Alabama (one of the men had a 2x4 in his hand) yelling about the kkk. To have some teenager behind the counter of Starbucks try to lecture me on racism annoys me because it is pure public relations. It is making noise to avoid actually doing something.

I disagree....talking about something IS doing something. Do you know what doing nothing is? Doing nothing.

While you applaud the CEO of Starbucks for this decision, I wonder how many tens of thousands of dollars were spent on this PR move. Yeah, it sounds all sweet and enlightened. But the truth is, if the CEO had simply run a company that treated people fairly and then donated that money to the United Negro College Fund or spent it rehabbing an inner city playground, funding job training, or keeping the doors open on a daycare, he could have actually accomplished something. This does not accomplish anything except to encourage further division.

Look, anytime anyone does anything that someone doesnt like they go for the "other ways wouldve been better" maybe so but that doesnt have anything to do with what they are doing. Its still good even if its not "the best"
Blacks in Africa did not enslave whites then use them to make them an economic power. Stay focused on the US instead of deflecting. philosophical logic has borders? your like minded buddy says...a simple racial majority means racial oppression. ..then logic would mean white folks in Africa need legislation to help them gain more power and influence in Africa?

What about American Jews? Shoud they get the same AA benefits and biased consideration? They were merely slaughtered throughout history...and kicked off of a few continents for the past 3, 000 years. And you bitch about a 400 year head start haha?
I just proved your logic was broken. No African nations enslaved whites and made themselves an economic power. Stay focused on apples.

What about the Jews? They got Israel and consistent help from the US government. Thats more than enough AA. BTW when did they lose their history and way of life due to the actions of the US?

And there were whites who marched with blacks in the Civil Rights marches. There were whites at all three of the Selma marches. My father was there. My mother was in the third march. To assume, by the color of my skin, that I need lessons in racism from some teenager writing catchy slogans on a coffee cup served to suburbanites and trendy urban types is beyond audacity.
Who said you were getting racism lessons? What did that have to do with my post you responded to?

The entire topic is about racism.
No. Its about Starbucks policy of having a discussion about race. The post you responded to had nothing to do with your reply. it was a pretty whack reply since I know there were whites that assisted with civil rights but what did that have to do with my post?

I could see these Starbucks kids going completely mental.

This is sounding better and better.

I don't go to Starbucks, a non-issue with me, however if I was on my way to work and they wanted to talk about race, it would be irritating.

Who goes to a coffee house to discuss race, I go for coffee or to listen to a recovering drug addict play a guitar.
On what topic? Its silly. A black person in 2015 America has every opportunity at their doorstep if they pursue it. And you're whining about it.

Spoiled brats haha.
The topic at hand. Your post had nothing to do with what we were discussing that the moment. It was a deflection from my statement.
The opportunity is not at their doorstep. Its in another city about a 20 mile walk in a snow storm but I agree its there. They just have to know about it.

Not a literal doorstep. You know...lots of white folks have also had to work their asses off and scratch and claw for every penny to achieve success?

Despite what folks like you think....we dont have a secret White Devils meeting in a deep cave where they hand out free gold and college degrees.
It wasnt meant as a literal walk in a snow storm either.

Whites dont have to work as hard as Blacks and other people of color to achieve the same level of success. Dont make me laugh.

So you're just gonna flat out say it. Whites just dont have to work as hard as blacks to succeed....thats your final answer huh?
Whats confusing you about my answer?

Its not confusing its just inaccurate.

So...Barack Obama and Jay Z...their kids will have to work harder to succeed than the white kids in the dirt poor Appalachian trailor park?

What you are saying born to smart and more well off parents dont necessarily have to work as hard as poor kids.

And thats true. But it isnt about race.
Race always exists. I just never see white people discussing it where I live like they talk about mowing their lawns.
Isn't that what MLK's Civil Rights marches was all about ultimately? To bring us to a time when all races could gather tighter and the only disagreements would be no worse than how to manicure one's lawn. Blacks wanted equal treatment. That's equal treatment.
You have a warped concept of what MLK was about. Yes he wanted equal treatment. However, he understood that in order to be equal Blacks would need to have opportunity at the same level whites did. How does that happen in a society of whites whining about AA?
Explain again how special treatment is equates to equal?
Go to Starbucks and jerk their chain. Start an incident. A few such incidents messing up the displays of breakable coffee cups and this asinine practice will stop.

That's actually a good idea. That would be hilarious.


Didnt I say any talk of race always get whites angry? They are going to break cups lol
They love free speech, except when they don't. Then they laugh about vandalizing and assaulting people that are just trying to make a living.

I could see these Starbucks kids going completely mental.

This is sounding better and better.

Only if they are white kids. Race seems to make white people edgy and irritated.
Sure, White Guilt does that to many.


Why are white kids guilty over something they didnt do? The only reason a white person should feel any guilt is if he/she is happy about being a racist.
The topic at hand. Your post had nothing to do with what we were discussing that the moment. It was a deflection from my statement.
The opportunity is not at their doorstep. Its in another city about a 20 mile walk in a snow storm but I agree its there. They just have to know about it.

Not a literal doorstep. You know...lots of white folks have also had to work their asses off and scratch and claw for every penny to achieve success?

Despite what folks like you think....we dont have a secret White Devils meeting in a deep cave where they hand out free gold and college degrees.
It wasnt meant as a literal walk in a snow storm either.

Whites dont have to work as hard as Blacks and other people of color to achieve the same level of success. Dont make me laugh.

So you're just gonna flat out say it. Whites just dont have to work as hard as blacks to succeed....thats your final answer huh?
Whats confusing you about my answer?

Its not confusing its just inaccurate.

So...Barack Obama and Jay Z...their kids will have to work harder to succeed than the white kids in the dirt poor Appalachian trailor park?

What you are saying born to smart and more well off parents dont necessarily have to work as hard as poor kids.

And thats true. But it isnt about race.
Obama and Jay-Z are individuals. Again you default to stupid when you cant address and issue intelligently.
I don't go to Starbucks, a non-issue with me, however if I was on my way to work and they wanted to talk about race, it would be irritating.

Who goes to a coffee house to discuss race, I go for coffee or to listen to a recovering drug addict play a guitar.

Sheeit, In America where does race get discussed anywhere? (without whites being angry about it)
As always, the market will work this out.

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