Start celebrating!

It's motivating.

We need to press hard until the end.

President Obama needs to quickly become former President Obama.
Then why bother asking the question?

Personally I feel with your overall attitude, you should probably not vote at all or vote for some no-name if you wish to feel like you contributed to the process.

Yeah. I won't be wasting my vote I will be voting for someone drastically different from Obamney. Gary Johnson gets my vote if by some chance Romney is able to steal the nomination.

They are damn near identical
You won't have to worry about a Romney Administration. Obama has this one in the bag.
You won't have to worry about a Romney Administration. Obama has this one in the bag.

I have images of counting chickens prior to hatching dancing before my eyes.

Maybe. The Governor has no chance of beating Obama. Obama can still lose the election with some mis-steps and some major gaffes on his part. We both know that isn't going to happen.

There will be no bump from the convention that sustains; people have been introduced to Romney and decided they don't like what they see. The refusal to release tax records; admitting to paying 13% helps to seal his fate as an aloof aristocrat.

Please tell me what it is about the Governor I'm missing outside of his not being named Barack Obama.
You won't have to worry about a Romney Administration. Obama has this one in the bag.

I have images of counting chickens prior to hatching dancing before my eyes.

Maybe. The Governor has no chance of beating Obama. Obama can still lose the election with some mis-steps and some major gaffes on his part. We both know that isn't going to happen.

There will be no bump from the convention that sustains; people have been introduced to Romney and decided they don't like what they see. The refusal to release tax records; admitting to paying 13% helps to seal his fate as an aloof aristocrat.

Please tell me what it is about the Governor I'm missing outside of his not being named Barack Obama.

Running a clean campaign with real ideas that are meant to reform the nation. Having real experience creating change around him.

You know, competency.
You won't have to worry about a Romney Administration. Obama has this one in the bag.

I have images of counting chickens prior to hatching dancing before my eyes.

Maybe. The Governor has no chance of beating Obama. Obama can still lose the election with some mis-steps and some major gaffes on his part. We both know that isn't going to happen.

There will be no bump from the convention that sustains; people have been introduced to Romney and decided they don't like what they see. The refusal to release tax records; admitting to paying 13% helps to seal his fate as an aloof aristocrat.

Please tell me what it is about the Governor I'm missing outside of his not being named Barack Obama.

Absolute polls are meaningless at this time. The current polls only provide trands based on who will respond.
You won't have to worry about a Romney Administration. Obama has this one in the bag.

I have images of counting chickens prior to hatching dancing before my eyes.

Maybe. The Governor has no chance of beating Obama. Obama can still lose the election with some mis-steps and some major gaffes on his part. We both know that isn't going to happen.

There will be no bump from the convention that sustains; people have been introduced to Romney and decided they don't like what they see. The refusal to release tax records; admitting to paying 13% helps to seal his fate as an aloof aristocrat.

Please tell me what it is about the Governor I'm missing outside of his not being named Barack Obama.

You do Romney is two states away from winning it, and both states are weak to Obama right now. Electorally its a dead heat.

Tipping-Point State

Keep an eye on that table. before it was 4-5 states deep into the blue, now its only 2 states into blue. THAT table is what is going to decide the election.
Great news but lets not lose sight of the Senate.. We need it all... Restoration and the demise of Liberalism.
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If obama releases his real out of country birth certificate,and release his records sealed from 2009..only then should Romney even consider the request.
transparancy works only when the accusing party is transparent himself,and not hiding or making up the majority of their existance.
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You won't have to worry about a Romney Administration. Obama has this one in the bag.

I have images of counting chickens prior to hatching dancing before my eyes.

Maybe. The Governor has no chance of beating Obama. Obama can still lose the election with some mis-steps and some major gaffes on his part. We both know that isn't going to happen.

There will be no bump from the convention that sustains; people have been introduced to Romney and decided they don't like what they see. The refusal to release tax records; admitting to paying 13% helps to seal his fate as an aloof aristocrat.

Please tell me what it is about the Governor I'm missing outside of his not being named Barack Obama.

Your melt is going to be enjoyable.

Release the college records.
then Romney should release the tax returns.
scumbama is trying to deflect everything illegal he has done,including his illegal existance of being in the WH to begin with.
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I have images of counting chickens prior to hatching dancing before my eyes.

Maybe. The Governor has no chance of beating Obama. Obama can still lose the election with some mis-steps and some major gaffes on his part. We both know that isn't going to happen.

There will be no bump from the convention that sustains; people have been introduced to Romney and decided they don't like what they see. The refusal to release tax records; admitting to paying 13% helps to seal his fate as an aloof aristocrat.

Please tell me what it is about the Governor I'm missing outside of his not being named Barack Obama.

You do Romney is two states away from winning it, and both states are weak to Obama right now. Electorally its a dead heat.

Tipping-Point State

Keep an eye on that table. before it was 4-5 states deep into the blue, now its only 2 states into blue. THAT table is what is going to decide the election.

Gee, using YOUR measurement, the two red states nearest to the blue states are also in play as well; right? As Ryan's plans to do away with Medicare as we know it become more embedded into the political dialogue, Florida will swing back to the Obama column. There are a lot of seniors down there who depend on their medicare checks and are happy with the system as it is. North Carolina and Missouri are even closer than Florida as well. Missouri now especially since Akin is not encouraging anyone with a vagina to go out and vote for him; women can turn off that instinct as well apparently. Those chickens you're counting may be your own.
If obama releases his real out of country birth certificate,and release his records sealed from 2009..only then should Romney even consider the request.
transparancy works only when the accusing party is transparent himself,and not hiding or making up the majority of their existance.

Oh great, look everybody a birther!
I have images of counting chickens prior to hatching dancing before my eyes.

Maybe. The Governor has no chance of beating Obama. Obama can still lose the election with some mis-steps and some major gaffes on his part. We both know that isn't going to happen.

There will be no bump from the convention that sustains; people have been introduced to Romney and decided they don't like what they see. The refusal to release tax records; admitting to paying 13% helps to seal his fate as an aloof aristocrat.

Please tell me what it is about the Governor I'm missing outside of his not being named Barack Obama.

Absolute polls are meaningless at this time. The current polls only provide trands based on who will respond.

I didn't reference polls.

Speaking of which though, almost all polls based on telephonic interaction under count the youth vote. The youths have rejected the landline in favor of cell-only in a great many instances. Most polling organizations don't call the cell phones.
Now if the electorate will just listen to CC, Obama has it in the bag. Nasty voters will screw things up every time.
If obama releases his real out of country birth certificate,and release his records sealed from 2009..only then should Romney even consider the request.
transparancy works only when the accusing party is transparent himself,and not hiding or making up the majority of their existance.

Oh great, look everybody a birther!

Your powers of deduction are exceptional. I simply cant allow you to waste them here while there are so many crimes going unsolved at this very moment. Go! Go! For the good of the nation!

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