Starting to EAT THEIR OWN?...BREAKING: Panicked Democrats ATTACK MUELLER

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Mulehead is supposed to be sacred to the ABNORMALS...until his report comes up empty, Then he’ll become the partisan REPUBLICAN all of a sudden....Funny how that works....the same shit when Comey Exhonorated the murderous Hildebeast...they LOVED HIM, until he brought up the INFAMOUS WEINER laptop....then he was a traitor, and working for the RNC..... You have to get out the ...

Sit back and watch as the low IQ left starts to go insane, much like the Faun has gone and done at the mere mention of TRUMP!


by Sheri Urban | 24News

Democrats in Congress, faced with a damning, bi-partisan Senate report, and stunning statements from President Trump's former lawyer, are starting to panic that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation will "reveal nothing."

So now Democrats are actually lashing out at their once-savior Mueller, worried that his investigation is "too limited" and won't satisfy their dreams of bringing down Trump.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) kicked off a torrent of criticism on Wednesday, according to the Washington Examiner, questioning whether "Mueller has adequately investigated President Trump’s financial dealings with a German bank," and suggesting that Mueller's investigation could be so "woefully incomplete" that the House has no choice but to resume investigating the president themselves.

That is shocking criticism against a Special Counsel they have portrayed as a #NeverTrump hero for the past two years.

“If the special counsel hasn’t subpoenaed Deutsche Bank, he can’t be doing much of a money laundering investigation,” Schiff said. “So that’s what concerns me, that that red line has been enforced, whether by the deputy attorney general or by some other party at the Justice Department. But that leaves the country exposed. That is totally unacceptable to us.”

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And just like that all the idiots turn on MUELLER....
Money laundering? Deutschebank?

Jesus Fucking Christ! Mueller is supposed to be investigating whether there was a conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and operatives of the Russian Federation.

When is somebody going to advise these corrupt fukkers that a criminal investigation STARTS with the existence of a crime, THEN investigates? It doesn't START with an INVESTIGATION, hoping to find a crime!
Mulehead is supposed to be sacred to the ABNORMALS...until his report comes up empty, Then he’ll become the partisan REPUBLICAN all of a sudden....Funny how that works....the same shit when Comey Exhonorated the murderous Hildebeast...they LOVED HIM, until he brought up the INFAMOUS WEINER laptop....then he was a traitor, and working for the RNC..... You have to get out the ...

Sit back and watch as the low IQ left starts to go insane, much like the Faun has gone and done at the mere mention of TRUMP!


by Sheri Urban | 24News

Democrats in Congress, faced with a damning, bi-partisan Senate report, and stunning statements from President Trump's former lawyer, are starting to panic that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation will "reveal nothing."

So now Democrats are actually lashing out at their once-savior Mueller, worried that his investigation is "too limited" and won't satisfy their dreams of bringing down Trump.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) kicked off a torrent of criticism on Wednesday, according to the Washington Examiner, questioning whether "Mueller has adequately investigated President Trump’s financial dealings with a German bank," and suggesting that Mueller's investigation could be so "woefully incomplete" that the House has no choice but to resume investigating the president themselves.

That is shocking criticism against a Special Counsel they have portrayed as a #NeverTrump hero for the past two years.

“If the special counsel hasn’t subpoenaed Deutsche Bank, he can’t be doing much of a money laundering investigation,” Schiff said. “So that’s what concerns me, that that red line has been enforced, whether by the deputy attorney general or by some other party at the Justice Department. But that leaves the country exposed. That is totally unacceptable to us.”

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Actually it's you who sounds quite nervous.

Mueller is gonna do what he needs to do.
Mulehead is supposed to be sacred to the ABNORMALS...until his report comes up empty, Then he’ll become the partisan REPUBLICAN all of a sudden....Funny how that works....the same shit when Comey Exhonorated the murderous Hildebeast...they LOVED HIM, until he brought up the INFAMOUS WEINER laptop....then he was a traitor, and working for the RNC..... You have to get out the ...

Sit back and watch as the low IQ left starts to go insane, much like the Faun has gone and done at the mere mention of TRUMP!


by Sheri Urban | 24News

Democrats in Congress, faced with a damning, bi-partisan Senate report, and stunning statements from President Trump's former lawyer, are starting to panic that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation will "reveal nothing."

So now Democrats are actually lashing out at their once-savior Mueller, worried that his investigation is "too limited" and won't satisfy their dreams of bringing down Trump.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) kicked off a torrent of criticism on Wednesday, according to the Washington Examiner, questioning whether "Mueller has adequately investigated President Trump’s financial dealings with a German bank," and suggesting that Mueller's investigation could be so "woefully incomplete" that the House has no choice but to resume investigating the president themselves.

That is shocking criticism against a Special Counsel they have portrayed as a #NeverTrump hero for the past two years.

“If the special counsel hasn’t subpoenaed Deutsche Bank, he can’t be doing much of a money laundering investigation,” Schiff said. “So that’s what concerns me, that that red line has been enforced, whether by the deputy attorney general or by some other party at the Justice Department. But that leaves the country exposed. That is totally unacceptable to us.”

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Actually it's you who sounds quite nervous.

Mueller is gonna do what he needs to do.
Well, I would expect you, who has nothing worthwhile to add to the discussion to say that! scared....ROTFLMFAO!!!
They were always trying Al Capone Trump. They knew damn well there isn't collusion.

Bodecea's favorite skinny faggot negro messiah even said it was impossible.

They went up Trump's digestive tract and looked for anything.

A loser like Bodecea would take anything. Would not matter what.

The left all of them are losers.
Trump can use executive authority to redline and hinder Mueller's investigation. He has no such aurhoriry over the House Committees.
Mulehead is supposed to be sacred to the ABNORMALS...until his report comes up empty, Then he’ll become the partisan REPUBLICAN all of a sudden....Funny how that works....the same shit when Comey Exhonorated the murderous Hildebeast...they LOVED HIM, until he brought up the INFAMOUS WEINER laptop....then he was a traitor, and working for the RNC..... You have to get out the ...

Sit back and watch as the low IQ left starts to go insane, much like the Faun has gone and done at the mere mention of TRUMP!


by Sheri Urban | 24News

Democrats in Congress, faced with a damning, bi-partisan Senate report, and stunning statements from President Trump's former lawyer, are starting to panic that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation will "reveal nothing."

So now Democrats are actually lashing out at their once-savior Mueller, worried that his investigation is "too limited" and won't satisfy their dreams of bringing down Trump.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) kicked off a torrent of criticism on Wednesday, according to the Washington Examiner, questioning whether "Mueller has adequately investigated President Trump’s financial dealings with a German bank," and suggesting that Mueller's investigation could be so "woefully incomplete" that the House has no choice but to resume investigating the president themselves.

That is shocking criticism against a Special Counsel they have portrayed as a #NeverTrump hero for the past two years.

“If the special counsel hasn’t subpoenaed Deutsche Bank, he can’t be doing much of a money laundering investigation,” Schiff said. “So that’s what concerns me, that that red line has been enforced, whether by the deputy attorney general or by some other party at the Justice Department. But that leaves the country exposed. That is totally unacceptable to us.”

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pretty despicable how you call out other members in a troll thread.

If this were in 'The Taunting Arena' it would be OK but to have this in the open forum in Current Events is just horse shit.

Carry on .........
It's amazing where liberal beliefs have led them. Openly scorning the lowest minority UR in history, demanding tax increases, allowing blackface/klan hood wearing leaders to remain in office, enacting laws that allow post-birth abortions, their ridiculous green new deal, anti-semitic rants from their leaders...this can't be what your average Joe Democrat believes in.
Money laundering? Deutschebank?

Jesus Fucking Christ! Mueller is supposed to be investigating whether there was a conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and operatives of the Russian Federation.

When is somebody going to advise these corrupt fukkers that a criminal investigation STARTS with the existence of a crime, THEN investigates? It doesn't START with an INVESTIGATION, hoping to find a crime!

What was Ken Starr looking for when he found Monica?

Now this is Republicans eating their own and throwing their own under the GOP short bus

Serves her right

'How Did All These Men Escape Justice?' Former Aide Lashes Out at Chris Christie as She’s Sentenced for Bridgegate

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